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  1. Invader Jack
    Yeah, North America seems to be getting more and more neglectful when it comes to Kingdom Hearts. First of all, they can't even finish the websites they started. Then, they leave the manga to die after releasing only two out of what, like five or six volumes of KHII. Finally, it takes them FOREVER to even announce THAT Birth By Sleep will be coming to North America, and the WHEN still isn't determined nearly two-and-a-half months after the release in Japan. Somebody else made the comment that maybe FFXIII got in the way, but remember that in Japan, BBS came out less than a month after FFXIII with no problems whatsoever. This is really sad... But hey, we're making progress, right? Recently I was getting prepared for Square Enix to say, "You know what, we're not going to have Birth By Sleep in North America. It's just too much!" Dead serious, I was beginning to think the worst. At least now we can rest assured that it's coming! :D Sorry to complain so much, but I just needed to vent about issues like the KH manga (or lack thereof) and the utter SLOWNESS of the Birth By Sleep status...
    Post by: Invader Jack, Mar 18, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Invader Jack
    Thanks for letting us know, Mike! I have to go and get it now! :o

    Oh yeah, I totally saw that! I bet December 31st is just the placeholder date. Since they know it'll come out some time this year, they're just putting it as the last day of this year. ^_^ It's so awesome that they're doing pre-orders though! We're finally making some progress here!!!
    Post by: Invader Jack, Mar 18, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Invader Jack
    Thank-you so much, WilliamTheWise, I really appreciate you filling me in! ^_^
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jan 31, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Invader Jack
    Okay, so first of all, I feel really dumb not knowing this, especially since I'm such a total KH fanatic, but what is Kingdom Hearts: Connected? I haven't heard of that yet. Is it another mobile phone game, or what? And when was it first announced? I feel so out of the loop right now! :(
    Next, does anyone know whether or not Coded is coming out in North America and Europe at all? I really hope so, because up until now, I thought it wasn't very crucial to the whole KH plot, so it wouldn't matter if I didn't get to play it. But now I really want to. Oh, I hope we get it! *crosses fingers* But I shouldn't be fretting over this or even the BBS release date right now, because I'm only on Day 149 in 358/2 Days! :P
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jan 31, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Invader Jack
    Man, I wish there was a set release date for North America! Well, I'm going to make a prediction: May 11, 2010. I would so laugh if I got that right!!! But anyway, I would totally just go ahead and get the Japanese version if I could speak and read Japanese...but I can't. Oh well. I'll just wait for about 4 more months until the North America release. LOL, I actually just barely started 358/2 Days, so I'll at least have to finish that game before I will let myself play Birth By Sleep anyway. ;)
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jan 6, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Invader Jack
    Dude, this is so great!!! Haha, it's funny, because just a couple of weeks ago, I was thinking, what if Zack was in one of the Kingdom Hearts games...nah, they would never do that. And lo and behold, he's in Birth By Sleep! Geez, the more I find out about this game, the better I know it's gonna be!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D
    And yes, that is Kairi. You can tell because when Sora has the flashback in the cave on Destiny Islands in the beginning of KH1, that's exactly what Kairi looks like. :)

    I doubt Angeal will be there, but that would be soooo cool! :)

    And I don't think anyone's sure how Kairi arrived on Destiny Islands yet. The manga just adds stuff and changes stuff up, which isn't a terrible thing. But you just need to remember that the manga isn't always true to the story, so that might not be how Kairi was found when she got there.
    Post by: Invader Jack, Dec 6, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Invader Jack
    Can you play U.S. games on a Japanese PSP? Because I seriously doubt they'll release this PSP edition in North America since they didn't do that with the 358/2 Days DSi, and I'm considering pre-ordering it from the Japanese But I don't want it unless it can play Asian and North American games. :/
    Post by: Invader Jack, Nov 22, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  8. Invader Jack
    I think that if this game does not top Kingdom Hearts I, it's going to come in a close second. I'm sooo excited!!!! :D
    Post by: Invader Jack, Sep 5, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Invader Jack
    Wow, that looks like an incredibly easy way to get yourself through Hollow Bastion! Hahaha!

    BTW, how do record yourself playing like that straight from the PS2? Isn't there a device you need for that? What is it called?
    Post by: Invader Jack, Sep 2, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  10. Invader Jack
    Whenever Ven says "erase me," it reminds me of Chain of Memories, when Sora tells Naminé to go ahead and erase him. Now, I know that Sora really didn't have much of a purpose in telling Naminé to do that, aside from the fact that Marluxia would hurt/kill her if she didn't. So with Sora, it was his memories. But Ven obviously has a purpose behind his request. It must have something to do with Xehanort. I wonder if Ven is talking about his memories? The definition of "erase" in this game could also have something to do with that of The World Ends With You, even though they're completely separate games. But I haven't played much of TWEWY, so I don't know for sure what "erase" means in that game either.

    I have a feeling that Ven is going to die or disappear or something in Birth By Sleep, but a part of him will go on living in Sora/Roxas.

    Naminé has the ability to manipulate memories because she had a special kind of birth. For a Nobody to be born, a Heartless must also be born. When Kairi lost her heart, she didn't become a Heartless because she had no darkness whatsoever in her heart, which is why her body was still intact. Since Kairi's heart was inside of Sora, he had to become a Heartless to release her heart. And because of this, two Nobodies were born at the same time. Naminé was born from Sora, but since it was through Kairi's heart, she was Kairi's Nobody. So, she was a special Nobody because she was born in a special way. And also, she was the Nobody of a Princess of Heart, which was supposed to be impossible. I think that's why she has her powers. So, when Mike said "witch" in relation to Aqua, it made me think that maybe that type of powers that Naminé possesses are at least partially from Aqua, but maybe the strength of that power isn't as great in Naminé as it is in Aqua.

    This might be irrelevent, but after thinking about it, what I want to know is this: since Kairi didn't become a Heartless, and Naminé was actually born from Sora, would it have meant that Kairi would still have been whole without fusing with Naminé? I know that Naminé would have disappeared if she hadn't fused with Kairi, but...would it have been possible for her to fuse with Sora since she was born from him? Maybe it's a plot hole, or maybe we'll be able to figure it out in BBS. Or maybe the explain some of it in Days as well, but I haven't played it yet, so...I don't know.
    Post by: Invader Jack, Aug 31, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. Invader Jack
    You're right, Ven does have clothes that are very similar to those of Roxas. But if you look carefully, you can see that they're sort of half Roxas and half Sora. One side of Ven's jacket is black and reminds me a lot of Sora's hoodie. Also, on just that one side, he has a shoulder protector, and Sora's hoodie has shoulder protectors in KHII. The other side is white and looks like Roxas' jacket. The pants have the squarish silver material on the front (don't know how to describe it better XD) like Roxas' pants, but they're the same shape as Sora's. If you look at the length, you will see that it is right in between the length of Sora's pants and Roxas' pants. The shoes are right in between the styles of Sora's shoes and Roxas' shoes. And the wrist band has white on the outside. This may just be solely for the purpose of making it opposite to Roxas' wrist band, which has black on the outside, but maybe it is supposed to be sort of like Sora's gloves in KHII, which, if you look closely, have white on the very edge. But also, Sora's gloves are white in KHI, so it could just be that as well! Here are pictures so you can compare between the three!

    I thought Roxas' first name was Sora, and then Xemnas just added the "X?" Remember the scene in KHII:FM?

    I still think Terra has a connection with Riku since "terra" is Latin and "riku" is Japanese for "land." However, it may be more distant than Aqua's connection with Kairi and Ven's connection with Roxas, since I can find almost no physical resemblance between Terra and Riku. Also, Mike, whenever you said that the word "witch" came into play in the translation, it made me think of Naminé. I wonder if this mean's we'll learn more about Naminé and her connection with Aqua?

    One last thing, Mike: This probably isn't significant or anything, and everybody else probably saw this already, but I just noticed for the first time that in the picture you posted, when you look at the background, it looks like Ven and Aqua (because of course you can see her shadow) are on the main island of Destiny Islands where the town is, rather than the island where the kids play... I wonder why they're there?

    Naminé's name actually has a double meaning. First, the obvious one, is that "nami" is the Japanese word for "ocean wave," which goes with Kairi's name, since "kai" means something along the lines of "sea" in Japanese. But also, her name comes from the Latin word "nomine," which means "by the name of." "Nomen" means "name" in Latin. Isn't that cool? :D
    Post by: Invader Jack, Aug 31, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Invader Jack
    In the article it says how KH3 needs to be more mature than the other Kingdom Hearts titles... Not to say that I disagree, but to me, it looks like Birth By Sleep is already going to be by far the darkest and most mature-themed game in the series. I can't imagine Square taking it much farther than that with a game that's supposed to be for ALL ages, but if they can pull it off, I've got no complaints! :D
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jul 30, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Invader Jack
    Aw, bummer, FFVII is only third. I thought it would be first for sure. :( Third isn't too bad though. ^.^ LOL, I haven't played FFVI or Chrono Trigger, so I guess I'll have to play them and see if I like them better than FFVII. :p And I'm kind of surprised that KH2 ranked higher than KH1. I personally thought that KH1 was a better game all around. But that's just my opinion. ;) Thanks for the update, Mike! :)
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jul 22, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. Invader Jack
    Why aren't they releasing more KH2 manga in America? It's so depressing... :(

    Anyway, thanks for the update, Mike!
    (First one to comment here! :p)
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jul 8, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Invader Jack
    You're welcome!
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jun 17, 2009 in forum: Community News & Projects
  16. Invader Jack
    FYI, the song is called Hide, and it's by Red. :)

    Totally! :D:D:D:D:D
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jun 17, 2009 in forum: Community News & Projects
  17. Invader Jack
    That poor lonely booth! All neglected... No Kingdom Hearts game deserves that kind of treatment! GET YOUR BUTTS OVER TO THAT BOOTH, PEOPLE!!!!!
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jun 3, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. Invader Jack
    Wait a sec... The first screenshot makes it look like you CAN play Xion. Am I wrong?
    Post by: Invader Jack, May 31, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  19. Invader Jack
    Okay, so first of all, when you're referring to the Nintendo screen, do you mean the thing that comes up before the game starts?

    Second, do you press A, B, X, and Y one after the other, and then press L and R together at the same time?

    I've tried these things, and they don't work, so I probably just misunderstood you.

    Thanks for helping me out! I appreciate it! :D :D

    EDIT: Oh, hey, you know what? Never mind, I got it. :p Thank-you so much!!!!! :D
    Post by: Invader Jack, May 2, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  20. Invader Jack
    Alright, so I have a used copy of Nintendogs: Chihuahua and Friends, and since it is used, somebody else's data is already on it. The problem is, I can't figure out how to erase that data and start my own game! If you know how to start a new game, please tell me!!! Thank-you in advance!! :)
    Thread by: Invader Jack, May 2, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Gaming