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  1. Invader Jack
    Ah, yes... I saw all this wonderfulness at Hot Topic on Saturday. :) Except for the Nobody necklace... Hm... Maybe it was super popular and already sold out?
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jul 9, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Invader Jack
    I'm so happy to see Traverse Town again! :)
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jul 9, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Invader Jack
    I VERY RARELY cry while I'm reading, and I read a lot. I came close while reading Artemis Fowl: The Arctic Incident by Eoin Colfer.
    When Artemis finds out his dad is safe, and he breaks down and sobs. It was amazing to me that cold, emotionless Artemis had the ability. I get sensitive when a guy cries, but especially when said guy who never shows any emotion is crying for happiness that his father is safe.
    Then I did shed a few tears while reading Specials from the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld.
    When Zane died. That was just devastating to me, because I thought he was a great character, and was perfect for Tally. I hadn't realized how emotionally attached I had become to him until that moment.
    Those are the only two occasions I can remember that come close.
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jun 24, 2010 in forum: Literature
  4. Invader Jack
    East of Eden by John Steinbeck.

    The reason I'm reading it is kind of interesting... It's actually because this story inspired the song "Monster" by Meg and Dia. I was so incredibly intrigued by this song that I had to know its background fully. And I thought John Steinbeck was cool to begin with anyway, having already read some of his other works: Tortilla Flat, which I thought was very enchanting in its own way, and The Pearl, which was ultimately depressing, but still a worthy read.

    I'm not even halfway through East of Eden; it's a pretty long book. But I've really enjoyed it so far. It is a bit more of a mature read though, so if anyone decides to pick it up, just be aware of that.
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jun 23, 2010 in forum: The Playground
  5. Invader Jack
    Oh, please put The Incredibles and Monsters Inc. in! Please please please!!! *crosses fingers* Of course, if they put Toy Story in there that would just blow me away, but The Incredibles and Monsters Inc. are my other favorite Pixar movies! Oh, and A Bug's Life. Heck, just throw 'em all in!!! :D
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jun 23, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Invader Jack
    I hardly see how it could end up like Final Fantasy. Kingdom Hearts is a continual story; you have to play every game to have a clue of what's going on in the next one, otherwise you're lost. As for Final Fantasy, every installment is different, and has nothing to do with the other. That is, in the main series. The exceptions are the FFVII Compilation and FFX-2. I don't know about the Fables or Crystal Chronicles or Tactics, but maybe those are continual stories as well. Anyway, I really doubt that Kingdom Hearts would end up like the main Final Fantasy series where the storyline of one game has absolutely nothing to do with the other and takes place in a different universe. I can't say when or if it will stop, but I think it has to some time, because I don't know how much could be added to the story after KHIII comes out. It will go for as long as it goes.
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jun 23, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Invader Jack
    Okay, this might sound really dumb, and somebody else probably figured this out way before me, but I just have to share it... I was thinking about the ocean at Destiny Islands, and it's always bugged me that there's no real waves there. It just calmy creeps up to the shore a bit, recedes, and repeats the same process with no variables (when I say "no variables" I mean it never creeps up farther than it did before or goes back farther than it did before). Whenever I have gone to the beach I have just watched the waves and wondered, Why isn't it like that at Destiny Islands? Then just today I realized, Duh, because there's no moon there! There is no moon with the gravitational pull required to cause waves. Also, the wind doesn't blow very hard there, so I guess that's a factor too. Haha I felt kind of smart and pretty dumb at the same time. XD So, there you have it. Anybody want to add to this? Contradict me? Other?
    Thread by: Invader Jack, Jun 23, 2010, 19 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Invader Jack
    LOL I can't say that happened to me. That's really funny! XD But I am impressed with what you did, because I can guarantee I would never be able to make it as far as Hollow Bastion using the Kingdom Key the whole time. You've obviously got skills! :D

    EDIT: Wow, I didn't realize how many people all had that same problem until now. I'm not a hardcore gamer, very picky (I only play KH, FF, and a few other games), but I now feel like a natural at RPG's since I had no trouble with equipment, and KH was my first RPG... No offense to anyone else. I still say you guys got skill for making it as far as you did without switching Keyblades. :P
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jun 23, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. Invader Jack
    That is truly amazing. When you said high quality, I was expecting something good, but this is fantastic! When you blow it up to its real size (which is HUGE), it's still got phenomenal quality! Great find, Mike!
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jun 23, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. Invader Jack
    Dude that's awesome! It's a bummer that the security guard told her to put it away though, and he didn't even know what it was!

    I was at Disneyland a few months ago, and I wore my KH shirt there one day, but only three people said something to me about it and told me how much they love KH...and all three of them were ride operators. XD

    The guy at the "It's a Small World" ride shared his enthusiasm and anticipation with me for Birth By Sleep, and he said he was going to get a Keyblade tatooed on his arm, but he didn't know which one. I told him, "Oblivion!" And smiled he said, "Yeaaaah, Oblivion!" So if you see a ride operator at Disneyland with an Oblivion Keyblade tatoo, I totally helped him out with his decision!!! :P
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jun 18, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. Invader Jack
    I'm sure it'll be fine; Nomura knows exactly what he's doing, and I'm sure whatever is in this game will be crucial to understanding the plot of KH3, as with all the other side stories thus far. They all connect in some way. It's interesting though that we only needed one side story (which wasn't even a side story--it still followed Sora and Riku, and was in chronological order) before we got to KH2, and now we're up to...four side stories, and maybe even more to come for all we know, before hearing anything about KH3... But yeah, I see why you would wonder about where it could fit in to the overall story, because I'm wondering about that myself. It just looks like another KH Coded to me, what with it backtracking to KH1 again. Of course, in the first screenshot, we do see the Nobody that Roxas fights at the beginning of KH2... Quite intriguing... Well, we'll see where it goes, I guess. :\

    Hey, you know something I just realized? In the first screenshot, where Sora is in his fighting stance, he's holding his Keyblade upside down! It's not how he normally holds it. That's odd... Could there be some significance there? Also, no Disney characters appear in any of these screenshots. That's probably nothing, but I'm still kind of wondering why they're not being featured at this time.

    I agree. *shakes fist* Nintendo, I think you already have enough darn money to last you a thousand lifetimes! Would you mind NOT sucking the life out of us for a little while? Thanks!
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jun 15, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. Invader Jack
    Ahhhh this trailer is so awesome! I'm a little disappointed with Aqua's voiceover though. I mean, her voice sounds okay, but her acting seems a bit...watered down, for the most part. I like Kissy-Sensei better! :) I also think Hallstar makes a better Xehanort. I love the accent! Not something I would have expected in Xehanort, but it totally works!! And don't get me wrong, Leonard Nimoy can definitely act, but I don't really appreciate the constant growling. It wasn't what I imagined (or wanted) in Xehanort's English voice... The growling would fit better for some kind of animal character, like the Beast (although I'm sure he doesn't appear in this game). Besides that, I'm content with all the other voices, and I can't wait for the game!!! :D
    No way, Mark Hamill plays Fire Lord Ozai too!? AWESOME!!! :D MARK HAMILL RULES!!!!!

    Wait a sec, why does the end of the preview say "September 10, 2010?" I thought it was supposed to be September 7! Did they change the date on us? Hey, I'm all for a Friday release, but I hope they're not screwing with us, where they're going to postpone and postpone again, like they did with 358/2 Days... I mean, they did that to Japan, not North America, but still, you never know...
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jun 15, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Invader Jack
    Man, those are AWESOME! I especially love the Naminé and Riku ones! :D
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jun 11, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. Invader Jack
    Oh heck yes I'm so excited!!! Man, right before this was confirmed, I was very close to just giving up hope and watching all the cutscenes on YouTube, thereby spoiling the entire game for myself before being able to play it. That would have sucked. Although, I do already know what happens in the ending...
    How we find out what the letter from the ending of KH2 says. Luckily I don't know what it says yet, but I know that you're supposed to find out.
    Oh well. I'm also really happy about it coming out on the DS!! Now I'll just have to cross my fingers for it to be released before Birth By Sleep! *already knows it won't happen...*
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jun 9, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  15. Invader Jack
    Wait a ReCoded = a remake of Coded? Just like Re:CoM? That would be so freaking AWESOME!!!!!!! I hope that it comes out on DS or PSP, and NOT mobile phone, because I'm not a fan of cell phone games. Ah, geez, I'm so excited now! Hopefully it'll come out BEFORE Birth By Sleep, like it did in Japan. I have a feeling that Nomura creates the pieces of the puzzle in the order we're supposed to see them, if you know what I mean.
    Post by: Invader Jack, Jun 8, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. Invader Jack
    His one and only romantic interest is Kairi. This is proven many times throughout the series. In the first KH, it's easy to tell that he wants to protect Kairi more than anything. Also, he draws himself giving a paopu fruit to Kairi in the cave. If he were romantically interested in Riku instead, he probably would have scribbled Kairi out of the picture and drawn Riku, so that he was sharing the fruit with Riku instead of Kairi. In CoM, Naminé talks about how creating memories of her and Sora together will only make Sora's "feelings for Kairi" stronger. Obviously, the "feelings" she refers to go a little beyond simple friendship. I believe that the biggest indicator of romance between Sora and Kairi thus far is this:
    In 358/2 Days, Sora is unable to be restored until Xion joins with him because she holds his "most important memories," which are memories of Kairi. If those memories, and not memories of Riku, are the most important ones, why would Sora be feeling anything romantic for Riku instead of Kairi?
    Alright, many people use the argument that in KHII, when Sora is reunited with his friends, he cries when he sees Riku, but not when he sees Kairi, so that MUST mean there's something there. Riku is Sora's best friend. It's okay for best friends to cry for each other and not have any romantic relations, even if they're guys. I believe that Sora cries for Riku because first of all, he knew that Riku had been just about to leave the Castle That Never Was and not tell Sora that he was okay or go back home to Destiny Islands or anything. He would have slipped out, and Sora never would have figured out who he was. He had been following Sora around the whole time, but refused to make himself known. That probably really hurt Sora. Also, I would think that Sora was really shocked at Riku's appearance. From this he knew that Riku had been going through a long, hard struggle with darkness, and he felt sad that he hadn't been there to help his friend this whole time. And maybe in his heart he sort of knew that Riku let his outward appearance change so that he could save Sora, and Sora felt ashamed that Riku had to make such a huge sacrifice for him. Yes, as a best friend, Sora was justified in shedding tears over this stuff. As for not crying for Kairi, she was not going through any inner turmoil, so there was no need to feel bad for her in that sense. And he knew that aside from being held hostage by the Organization, Sora knew that she was safe, because he was aware that he was being set up, and Kairi was just the bait, so the Organization wasn't going to harm her. But before that, when Sora asks Saïx where Kairi is, he gets down on his knees and begs to know, which is a pretty big deal for Sora, because he would never humble himself before anyone in the Organization if Kairi was not everything to him. So, this all proves that he is in love with Kairi, and not Riku.

    As for Naminé, yes, Sora does have romantic feelings for her in CoM, but it's only because Naminé is Kairi. People talk as if Naminé is completely separate from Kairi, but that's not true, if you know the basic story behind the KH series. Sora's love for Naminé is just love for Kairi.

    And finally, a romance between Sora and Roxas? Seriously? No. Roxas is Sora. They end up in the same body--Sora's body--at the end of KHII. That would mean Sora is in love with...himself? I don't think so. Romance between Sora and Roxas would simply be impossible.

    I really don't mean to ruin anyone's fun or anything. If you like the other pairings, that's fine, I respect your opinions. I'm just saying that they're not present in the games. But imagination is a wonderful thing... LOL I still fantasize about the Zuko/Katara pairing in Avatar: The Last Airbender... They had their "moments," but there was never really anything more than friendship between them. Wow, that was REALLY long. I apologize for that. I'm off the soapbox.
    Post by: Invader Jack, May 30, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  17. Invader Jack
    I was so dang thrilled when I saw that there was finally an official release date!! I go crazy when I don't know exact dates, and especially with BBS, which I've been highly anticipating ever since I first saw the secret ending of KHIIFM (about three years ago), it has been a long, difficult wait. I'm so happy to finally know when it will be here! Also, for the record, I nearly jumped out of my chair and screamed when I read that Mark Hamill would be in this one! I'm a HUGE Star Wars fan!! :D

    LOL so I assume you don't follow Star Trek or Star Wars? :p Well, I don't really follow the former either, but the latter I'm obsessed with. Leonard Nimoy is the guy who plays Spock in Star Trek, and Luke Skywalker is the main character of the original Star Wars trilogy, played by Mark Hamill.
    Post by: Invader Jack, May 19, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  18. Invader Jack
    I just have a request for the cutscene archive. As I'm sure you're aware, there are a couple of "bottom screen" cutscenes during the Deep Dive scenes of 358/2 Days: one where we see Axel, Roxas, and Xion on the clock tower together eating ice cream and talking (although we can't hear their dialogue, since we're only supposed to hear Roxas and Riku's dialogue), and another where it shows the same thing, except in this one Xion slowly fades out of the scene, leaving only Axel and Roxas. Could those scenes be made available for download? I know it would sound weird hearing Roxas and Riku/DiZ and "Ansem" talking to each other while these clock tower scenes are going on, but I also wouldn't mind if they were uploaded with no sound at all. These scenes would just be really useful to me in making AMV's, so I would greatly appreciate your consideration of this matter. And yes, I will always be sure to give credit to KH-Vids when showing my AMV's to other people! Thank-you very much! ^_^

    Oh, and also, I hope no one else has already asked about this. If they have, I apologize. I don't mean to bug anyone! :)

    EDIT: If I'm supposed to have this posted somewhere else, could somebody let me know? Maybe there's a different section for cutscene requests where I can talk directly to the person (or people) who adds videos to the cutscene archive? Thanks! ^-^
    Thread by: Invader Jack, May 11, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  19. Invader Jack
    Hey, I got a used copy of Chain of Memories on Gameboy Advance for a friend of mine. My friend is just experiencing the Kingdom Hearts series for the first time. He just finished KH and is ready to move on to CoM (I recommended he play the games in the exact order they came out--you appreciate Re:CoM a lot better when you play CoM on GBA first). So, you know how when you get CoM brand new, you only have the option of playing as Sora? Then once you beat that part of the game, you can go to Reverse/Rebirth mode? My concern is, since the game is used, it's already been beaten, so anyone new to the game can already see that you get to play as Riku. Well, I don't want that part of the game to be spoiled for my friend--I want him to be surprised by it. :) So, I want to delete all the data from the game and make it like it was when it was brand new, so that you can only play as Sora, and the Riku option isn't available yet. Does anybody know how to do that? Is it even possible?

    Wow, sorry for the long explanation...sometimes it just takes me forever to get to the point. :/
    Thread by: Invader Jack, Apr 6, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  20. Invader Jack
    Well, since I'm not able to vote on this poll, I'll just post my response: I think that it will come out in July. I hope for a June release, but I think it's more likely to come out in July than it is in June or August or whatever. Please, Square Enix, give us an exact date soon! I'm anxious to find out! :O
    Post by: Invader Jack, Mar 21, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates