Following the model of eRYmRYo... #3 - Song is "Final Hour" by X-Ray Dog Great AMV's, BTW! :)
Aaahhhhh that would be so cool! LOL I can't decide whether BBS or KH1 is my favorite in the series. In other words, I can't get enough of Birth By Sleep, and I think it would be fantastic to have a Volume 2!!! I hope it happens! :D
Dream Drop Distance...? LOL that is the weirdest title I've ever heard! Then again, I used to think Birth By Sleep was kind of odd... But Dream Drop Distance? Seriously? I wonder how they're gonna justify that one. Oh well, I'll probably get used to it, just like I did with BBS. :P Oh man, a Hunchback of Notre Dame world would be SICK!!! I hope they really do put that one in there. You know what else I think they need? An Emperor's New Groove world. Anybody agree with me? I think it would fit perfectly into a Kingdom Hearts game. ^_^ Anyway, I'm excited for this game, but I actually hope that it's not coming out too soon. I'd rather wait until they release the next version (or two) of the Nintendo 3DS (because you know they will do that), and until I can get more money, since the system costs more than a freaking PSP!!
Wait, there's a going to be a Birth By Sleep Volume 2? When was that announced?
I don't mind that the secret ending isn't on YouTube, because I intend to make this game the first Final Mix that I ever play all the way through! I'm gonna unlock the secret ending myself and everything! I'm so excited!!! :D
I found this on The article was translated by krexia of Kingdom Hearts Insider. Nothing too interesting, but here you go. ^_^ Oh, and spoiler warning if you haven't played BBS yet. I think the images pretty much give it away already, but if you still don't understand it and you want to remain unspoiled, I don't recommend reading this.
Oh, really? I've never had to try that yet. Well, bummer. :( Thanks for the warning!
Yup, I'm definitely gonna have to get this one AND play it, since I'm now able to read katakana, hiragana, and *some* kanji. Even though I was able to unlock the Final Episode and the Reconnect video, I was still left with a ton of questions. Hopefully Final Mix will provide a little more closure, though it'll probably bring up more mysteries as well. Either way, even though I just finished BBS last week, I'd play it all over again from start to finish in a heartbeat, so I might as well play the Final Mix version as soon as I can get my hands on it! I can't wait!!! ^_^
I just started playing it a few hours ago, and I like it a lot so far! I love the level-up/ability system, which is something like a cross between that of 358/2 Days and Final Fantasy XIII (with its own little twist, of course ;)). The different fighting modes/levels give the game a bit of variety. The command system is VERY similar to that of Birth By Sleep, but a little simplified and not quite as fun, IMO. The graphics are as good as, if not slightly better than the graphics of 358/2 Days. I am very pleased to say that there are plenty full-on, voiced cutscenes, unlike in 358/2 Days, where such cutscenes were few and far between. The one downer is that there are only two save slots for this game, whereas 358/2 Days had three. I assume this is due to Re:coded having more cutscenes than Days. They gave up a save slot in order to make more room for cutscenes. I like to use two data slots for my DS games, just so that I always have a back-up. So this means that unless I'm ready to get rid of my own data, I won't be able to share the game card with friends. It doesn't break my heart, I can get past it, but...there you go. Oh, and this is probably the most linear game in the whole series. This doesn't bother me, but I know that some people don't like linear games, so I'm just putting that out there as a warning. While none of the clips I've seen so far (except maybe a few in the introduction) are directly from the first KH, some of them are extremely similar. Take the ones in Destiny Islands and Traverse Town, for example. They do look almost the same, but if you've seen the ones from the first KH enough times, you'll see some slight differences, other than just the re-dubbing. I assume that part of this is because they've changed Sora's design since the first Kingdom Hearts and Chain of Memories (his hair is now lighter than it was in those first two games of the series), so they completely re-did the cutscenes while trying to make them look almost exactly like the originals. Oh, and if you're really committed to the KH series and don't care for spoilers, I HIGHLY recommend that you play Birth By Sleep before you play this one, even though coded came out in Japan before BBS. This is because THE INTRODUCTION CONTAINS BIRTH BY SLEEP SPOILERS. Or at least they're what I consider to be spoilers. Yes, you only see each clip (there are only about three or four, if I remember correctly) for a second or less, so you may not have time to fully process what you see, but if it were me, it wouldn't be worth the risk. If/when you decide to play BBS, you have to unlock the secret ending, which is easy to do on Proud Mode. It will take a while to finish the game this way, but believe me, IT'S WORTH IT. I think the only requirement to unlock the secret ending on Proud Mode is to find all of Xehanort's Reports. If you have trouble finding those, just find a walkthrough online. SO ANYWAY, I'm done with my BBS tangent. Overall, I had my doubts about this game, because I thought it would just boil down to a simplified version of the first Kingdom Hearts, especially at the beginning, with a little bit more of Riku's side of the story added in. Yes, I already knew when the game takes place in the storyline and all that, but still... My doubts quickly subsided, however, when I found how much more to it there was, and I'm eager to see how it ultimately unfolds, and exactly which direction the story will point towards by the end of Re:coded.
Hahaha, that's pretty cool-looking, but as Spunk Ransom said, probably not something I would want to spend that much money on. Ah, I can't believe Re:Coded is almost here! I'm still trying to finish Birth By Sleep! I'm on Aqua's story (the final one for me), but she's such a physically weak character (meaning I've died just fighting common Unversed while playing as her way more than I died [which was rarely] in the same situations playing as Terra and Ven) that it seems like it's gonna take me forever to finish her story. Anybody else had the same problem? Anyway, my point is that I hope I can finish BBS soon so that I can start on Re:Coded right away. Gosh, it's just over a week until it comes out...
Aahhh I love how Lightning appears in the avatar menu!! :D I agree. It really took some getting used to in Re:CoM, because Haley still had his "kid voice" in the original CoM, but then in the remake his voice was matured. It was kind of disconcerting. :/
Oh my gosh, thank-you so much!!! :D
Could you possibly post the interview about Kingdom Hearts 3D? That would be wonderful. :) Thanks for the update!
HECK YES!!!! I LOVE the music from 358/2 Days (particularly Xion's Theme) and Birth By Sleep (even though I haven't finished that game yet)! Can't really tell my opinion on the music from Re:Coded, since I haven't played that yet, but I'm sure it's great!! Yoko Shimomura is a genius!!!!!
Ah, I want to play Epic Mickey, but I don't want to buy a Wii just for that. :/ Well, he's pretty epic in Kingdom Hearts anyway!!
Yup, I agree. Should be the artwork that appears on Birth By Sleep Ultimania. Thanks for the update, Mike!
I don't want to watch this without trying to unlock it myself when the game comes out here and I get to play it, so...anyone know what the specific requirements are to unlock this?
YYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!! It's awesome that they actually announced the North America/Europe release date BEFORE the Japan release this time! :D I'm excited! Umm...what about 358/2 Days...? EDIT: Oh, sorry, I guess I didn't look closely enough at the "at the time" part. Nevermind. :P
It's almost as good as having the limited edition PSP from Japan! :D Glad I chose not to buy that one for $400.00! I guess you could say that there is, but it's only the "mystic silver" version. It's not specifically a Kingdom Hearts edition. It comes in a limited edition bundle that includes the BBS game. The game is the only thing that makes it a "limited edition Kingdom Hearts" bundle.
Ahhhh I'm so freakin' excited all over again for Birth By Sleep!!!! :D