dmn ;-;
How do i do this since the Shop is closed (the one linked in the FAQ) O:
I know how to cheat with PCSX2, i have several cheats working :p i just had this one cheat, but someone helped me already solution: joker the code. btw: i saw your video already ^^
patch=1,EE,E002FDFF,extended,0034D45C patch=1,EE,21c954f4,extended,5F303031 patch=1,EE,21c954f8,extended,464C5442 like that ?[DOUBLEPOST=1409364411][/DOUBLEPOST]Ok it worked (beside i dont see animations like the explosionfinisher and i dont dualwield (i wanted the complete valorform as normal sora) and when i transform to anyform i dont have that ball of light arround me, but if i transform back i have a cool animation (seems like a antiformmove, how did you do that :D), have another problem with a thing i tried myself :3 patch=1,EE,11CE0B68,extended,00000955 //Sora to ChristmasSora patch=1,EE,11CE0B70,extended,00000956 //ValorSora to ValorChristmasSora using these i want to change the valor and normal sora form to the ones from christmastown, problem is they have no keyblade when i change it with the Universal Char Modifier so i did this patch=1,EE,200F9000,word,10400005 patch=1,EE,200F9004,word,944F004C patch=1,EE,200F9008,word,24010001 patch=1,EE,200F900C,word,142F0002 patch=1,EE,200F9010,word,240F0001 patch=1,EE,200F9014,word,A44F004E patch=1,EE,200F9018,word,03E00008 patch=1,EE,201D348C,word,0803E400 this changes the sora moveset to sora moveset, now when im in normalform i can see a keyblade now and can attack just fine, but when i switch to any other form, i miss the keyblade/s and only the Circleattacks work while specials like gliding (square) are not. Is there a way to change Sora moveset to sora, Valormoveset to valor etc so i can use them in christmasmodel ?
Hey, i try to use this code Sora Model modifier 21C954F4 5F303031 21C954F8 464C5442 to change sora into valorform the pnach file looks like his patch=1,EE,21C954F4,extended,5F303031 patch=1,EE,21C954F8,extended,464C5442 but all i get is a glitched map when i enter the game, any herpl ?
Oh ok O:
Yes thanks :3[DOUBLEPOST=1409354049][/DOUBLEPOST]Hey, i try to use this code Sora Model modifier 21C954F4 5F303031 21C954F8 464C5442 to change sora into valorform the pnach file looks like his patch=1,EE,21C954F4,extended,5F303031 patch=1,EE,21C954F8,extended,464C5442 but all i get is a glitched map when i enter the game, any herpl ?
so youre born here and traveled in your childhood ?
How do i know which "language" the codes are written (armax, joker etc)
Thanks, you are german or just can speak some ?
" Character | Ability Roxas - Hang on Wall " should tlel that its KH2/KH2FM but sorry :P thought this is a KH Only Section because above there is a "other" thing ;P
Thank you Railos, and thanks for the sushi :P
Antiform is risk/reward. You are extremly fragile and ur movepattern is strange, but the attacks hit hard and fast. I won 1-2 Bossbattles in Antiform. And after 5 Playtroughs i decided to cheat it into my Driveform.
Thank you ^-^
Hey, is there a list of abilities causing T-Stances on Character X like Character | Ability Roxas - Hang on Wall or is there a code which prevents T-Stance ?
FIRST: THANKS FOR A DARK-THEMED FORUM <3 Im really bad at introducing so here is a tl,dr version ^-^ Nick: Haru Age: 19 Country: Germany Language: German and English Hobbiys: Gaming, Drawing, Reading Manga, Going out with my Dogs, Livestreaming Favourite Colour: Black Favourite Food: Mhhhh, Sushi *-* I hope this answers the most questions, if not, DONT YOU DARE TO ASK ';-;'