s'ok! i listen to it when there is nothing on the radio! but i would listen to rox over rap anyday! :D
yea i agree! they sound like a bunch of old guys! at least aar sound decent live
ummmmmmmmm? yea i guess that ALOT of people use their songs for vids and it is getting a little played out!:(
Great job! i like it! evanescence roxs!
i think that it is gonna be hard to top the sucess of their other album! ;)
What Instrument Do You Play? i play the flute and i am in 2nd chair!! ;)
rox on! i think both band sre great but that fob is more heavier than aar!
linkin park rulez! yea! they rule! they can't be beat! god of rox rite there! :D
Rox Rulez yea! rox tells a story and relates to how a person feels! not some random song that degrades people and is bout sex,drugs or killing someone?!?!
Dirty Second Hands-Switchfoot & The Press Corpse-Anti-Flag
i think that their album isn't gonna be the "Biggest hit" bcuz of how big their other one made it and cuz i think that some of their other stuff is better! but i think they're a kewl band all and all
i probably would have to say +44 only cuz of their sound i like them Alot~
emoz! i think that it depends how other ppl c "emo" it may b more then what they are used to in a band !? but to me i think that stuff like linkin park is emo!?
i think that it depends how other ppl c "emo" it may b more then what they are used to in a band !? but to me i think that stuff like linkin park is emo!?
the first one is by "cascada" :P
heck yea! yea! HECK YEA! so does nickelback!!!!!
does everyone only kno the only difference these days? -.-
? shure! but thats not the kind of music that i listen to!:P
i think that tenacious d is okay but almost all their song have no meaning! and they r kinda degrading!