Yes they will, i believe the Coder uses AR MAX Codes, am i right. Yes I am. :3
Whats Sup Erkz?
didn't you have a diffrent name before?
xD, im off of skool next week. I have that same talent to. :p :3 :)
Data Xemnas: 09CA Normal Xemnas: 646 Terra is Replaced By Xemnas or Data Xemnas: 11C556E0 0000???? There ya go.
so watcha doing???
ya i know that, mind if i advertise it on my Youtube acc? and sig??
Joined ya Magnus and Rulga thing, pretty cool story.
Name: Xane (Z-ane) Apperence: Dark Brown hair, Blu eyes, Black and white Nobody Symboles (KH) Armor Wepons: Kunai, White Blade of a thousand tears (White Katana), sheild shaped like Vexen's, morph into a Wolf Bio: Lives in NYC, Lives alone, is search of somthing from the past Ablities: Clones like Larxene, Can controll Lighting and Fire, veronable to Water and Ice. Screen Name: KHOmega COT: Hero My favorite and most fair rule: !!. no godmodding! There ya go PSS: Can't always win, if i did, i be a godmodder. :( xD
Which Xemnas? and that riku code: 1032ED10 0000002B
hey xata? are ya xatoku from youtube? how did you create that psp game box?
idk, but we can try to make codes like custom forms. :3
i got a rom for this game and when i play it on my no$gba, it comes up in japanese letters and i cant do a thing, any help??
Go to the user CP and click edit avatar and edit sig. Next time, report to the help section.
UGH I CAN NEVA FIND CODES I WANT!! anywayz, whas the Roxas can do RCs code, for DW and Normal
Thank You! Whats the code for 60 HP? (CB)
Whats the Full Party Code for codebreaker???
aw man, in order to get at least one of the crowns is to fight and beat all the datas, man you got this game before me and im father than you ._.