1. DiZ Yes, yes, my good friend DiZ. He was awesome. 2.Cloudfinalfantasy 3.camel 4.attictus 5.mr.boom 6.??? I could care less about those losers up there, DiZzy is my homeboy!
Wall. Of. Text. Srsly. I wont bother to read it but from the looks of this, you write a lot, and that can be a good thing. So, uh, keep it up?
Umm, delux duh!
I know. All of the threads he has made, have made me lawl. I roffled, especially when I read the note from CFF! XD. Good stuff, but he can use a proxy, if he knows how, (doubt it), and come back with a completely random user name or something.
TBK? You're odd...*head asplodes*
Damn kids, especially ones named CFF or any thing spawning from CFF...>_>
Oh, um I forgot to tell you, I uh *dont say i did your wife, dont say i did your wife, i uh did your son?* Oh damn, *runs*
Sure Cin. I'd personally read them. The reason I havent read any of your others is because, frankly I didnt even know we had a creativity section. Ok, shoot me now. *blindsfold self*
Oh yea!? While you people are off loving Sara! Im off loving enchilladas! Top that Sara lovers!
gah! That hurts!! *dies for da rule breaking* *waits to get banned* haha nice pic!
haha you should post that in my thread! I was bad!
here here join this site kh-vids.net/forum oh crap am i banned?
Hey you live a few hours away from me. If you are ever in Fresno, make sure and drop by. And yea, Oakland is very dangerous. Thats where my friend was shot and killed. :(
Darky, man that took a lot of guts to do what you just did. I am glad to know that some people do not act differently on the internet, trying to hide things or trying to be different than they really are. Despite what anyone here tells you, I have just gained more respect for you because it must take so much inner strength to admit something like this. And I also want to thank you on behalf of all of your friends here at KH-Vids because you trust us enough to tell us of something this significant. Although, I do wonder why exactly Roxas wanted you to admit that but I guess its none of my business really.
Im sorry Claurice. *gives Ci...I mean Claurice a hug* Im gonna quote you! HA! You cant stop me! Haha...*goes on with maniacal scream* edit: never f***ing mind, I wont quote you cause my computer is being a *****
Man Crackdown is off the hook! Seriously, when I saw a few vids like 2 months ago, it didnt look all that great and then the demo comes out a few days before the full game and I download it. Not at this point I kind of want to get the full game for the Halo 3 beta (not that I am a big fan but you know it was just bugging me). Anyway, I play the demo and I am blown away. It was so freaking fun that I had to have the game. So, I played the demo for a few more days and then today me and my bro headed out to the store and picked it up! And as an added bonus for me, I got the red disk with the invitation to the Halo 3 beta! Woo! Its awesome fun. Im just maxing out stats now. If anybody ever wants to play this or something else (GoW, etc) then add me on XBL. Gamertag: deluxdotEXE
Cin, you cant say that...only I say "sup peeps". Geez....and where have you been, Francesca has been worried sick! *points finger* Go to your room young lady!
Element wins this thread.
Uh are you guys sure that he just left for bed or something? Maybe he really left...I remember his location and title from like 2 weeks ago saying "leaving" and "gone" or something like that. Hmm...what if he really did leave?
*or freakin gasms* I just cant believe it. Its the first game I have been truly excited about since KHII. Like someone said, its like waiting for KHII all over again. My god...I may have shed a tear or 2. This is how I was right before KHII was released.