que? I heard from a source, that you have a foot fetish...yea you...
*thread asplode* i cant believe how badly im spamming....*spam asplode* *rules asplode* *farts* coughcoughcough *runs*
*The_Burger_King asplode* sorry man...:)
*longest word in the english language asplode*
oh darn....*pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis asplode*
*foot asplode*
I love you....
crap, omg, oh my god, oh my, no, no, no, omg, OMG!!!!
.................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................. FOOT ODOR........................................................................................................................ batman symbol
Haha *laughs with you* hahaha *laughs so hard head asplode*
*head asplode* only us 2 get that joke...
Haha haha haha, you are funny! Is Darky a newbie? No he is not! Are you one? Yes you are! Did I not state in my first post in this thread that I would look like a hypocrite? Yes I did, oh and another thing, he asked if he had respect, not if we liked him. Do you got that? Yea, I thought so.
Oh come on Darky! You are gonna make me seem like a hypocrite because I posted in that other thread by Naruto! Ah, well, you rule! I respect to the fullest because I love your sigs and you are an awesome mod and member but I also like picklez, really, really badly...oh yea thanks for the quote.
You are cool man. And a good member. Thats how you got my respects.
I voted that I hated him. The poll said vote how we feel about him and I said the truth. The reason why I hate him? Ok, I dislike any one who makes one of these threads to get attention or for whatever reason they make it. Can you earn some respect by being an all around good member instead of having to make a thread when you are a little newbie, asking if the other members like you. Thats my 2 and a half cents.
Because maybe thats how they felt?
Nah man, nah.
Yes, DiZ left the very first time because he was ashamed because he tried to be a doctor in the forum family thing and he spammed or something. I dont even remember but yea. Yea, he isnt on anywhere anymore, maybe hes got a lot of stuff to worry about, like uh, life...haha jk.
Dont forget Billy. Ah good times. He pmed me and told me to adopt him into the Omegas again because he didnt want to be known as DiZ anymore. Ah good times.
Go. To. Thread. NAO!