Hmm.. this sounds interesting? offender?.....:/ hehe
I totally agree. Resident Evil is by far, one of my favorite game series ever. But the voice acting always makes me want to barf, well not that bad but you get my point. " of...unlocking...take...this...lockpick." I have and always love that line. XD
Huh namine, you can spell name out of that username! Woo im so proud of myself! Haha jk, but seriously if someone says something like that and is serious, than they are no friend.
Oh damn it rat! You made me lawl all over myself. XD
We have so many members and yet it seems that I am the only one who plays it? Come on, I want a Veemon and Omnimon! :)
Hurry someone nominate delux. Hurry! He rox everyone's sox!
Hey guys. I havent posted in a while. Lets discuss DWDS here and post our friend codes. Ill post mine in a sec but I gotta get to the restroom, (beans). So Ill be back in a minute and post my friend code. Oh if you dont know what you can do with the FCs: you "match" which is like mating or breeding your digimon with someone elses so that you can get a new Digimon that you couldnt get anywhere else. I dont really know how it works but I am sure some of us can figure it out. EDIT: FRIEND CODE 077405103405
Yes please follow the damn template. Sorry TBK, I had forgotten about this shop since I hadent seen anyone post in it for so long. Ill take sig requests to but follow the format and link us to your render. I will only work with renders. I think TBK does stock sigs but thats him.
I lawled at this thread!!!!
XD! riiiiiiiight...
Im sexy? XD I think so...and so do a lot of other people.
Woo it was awesome! We also got to see Finger Eleven and Chevelle which were both awesome as well! So many people were getting thrown around haha.
Going to watch Evanescence. Leaving in like half an hour. Just wanted to share that.
It feels weird here at Kh-vids. I feel kind of naked...really.
I think you misunderstood me, I guess I did kind of make it sound weird. Ok, basically, we are causing global warming, with all the pollution and such.
Man, Cin why do you gotta leave? I havent slept with your wife yet...:P Well, I can honestly say ill miss you around good bye and farewell. Hope we can keep in touch.
Yea, I guess, you know at this point in time, I dont feel bad for the human race because of this, I feel bad for the other animals and creatures that didnt have anything to do with this. They dont deserve to die because of our stupid mistakes.
Its just wrong, look how badly the earth is being treated. Man, I feel bad for our kids and grandkids. By 2080... just read
NRA, im hungry....*hopes he understands referance*