I will test is it for fm or american if not try switchng digits for luxord with sora or something for kh2 american
couldn't we make one
have yall tried the movelist swap code yet
are we gonna be able to play as bosses
i think we should bring this tournement back on because imagine how many people will login to see that and that is everyones dream like seeing lexeaus vs hooded riku
so they makin a tournament of out of bosses
can someone give a camera man code for sora
thanks man thanks
codes in codebreaker please and ntsc could i have allies dw roxas or normal roxas axel riku mickey any other oraganation members that are allies cloud enimes demyx battle 2 final xezamas axel battle 2 xigbar xalden
well we all know if cloud wanted to do it it is possible
dang man ohhhh what is that sight seeing code then from that multi code video
can someone tell me what is the code to look at bosses fighting from a distance iwantedtoexplode
please can somebody get me some bleach blade of fate for ds for action replay.
i can't wait:yelling:
hey was gone for a while any new codes
yeah thats who i am talking about
is doortolight on this site
has anyone made a use boss weapons code yet not axel xigbar or saix
what do you do i talk to my girlfreind and thats about it
yeah one of them have 2 guns like xigbar