Do you realy think that the absent silhoute of marluxia is in com or re:com
Can i be marluxia
Can somebody give me some codebreaker codes? Donald replaced by AS lexaeus Goofy replaced by AS lexaeus Power bar appear music alltime 13th reflection
Marluxia ported to saix and say: a jerk? How dare you have some respect for your new superior
Lexaeus of course i dont think you want him death.
O no? Lets take a look through the situation. First i killed Xemnas. And i have captured a friend of you his name starts with a L.
Dindnt you hear me Zexion go slay heartless for me
Can somebody please post a battle guide to beat AS Marluxia?
Maruxia ported to Zexion and say: Zexion what are you doing here go hunt hearts.
OOC No i give answer you say vexen is where? And than i repeated it
OOc: sigh for the last time i ported to you and say that vexen was by the twilight manision. Please read just back it now a very strange story
Thank you very much now i know that this topic can be closed
no mean the FINAL MIX 1:begin 2:begin 3:begin 4:barbossa 5:hostile progam 6: AS Marluxia 7: Sephiroth 8: Final Xemnas 9:????? Do somebody know the 9 drive bonus?
why isnt this battle on khvids?
Yes by the twilight mansion.
The max drive bonus
Where can get all the drive ups?
OOC: i teleported to you and say that vexen was in the twilight mansion
Marluxia teleported to Roxas and say: Vexen loves the twilight mansion a lot. And then i mean outside not inside
Marluxia please