first of all : hi. my signature keeps getting removed with the accusation of ripping . wtf ??? i didnt rip anything . i got the signature from on the signature section so what did i do wrong??? also ive read every single section of the rules but as i said my signature isnt ripped from anywhere or at least wasnt done by me it was already on
i dont know what the lines are can you post the code how you mean it?
same here.... even though i did everything right this time...
i thought hold it until you press the skip button ^^ well ill try again thx if it works ;)
alright i activated the code , went to betwixt and between , then to roxas data battle ,pressed R2 at cutscene , skipped it , battle started and i pressed L2 = freeze
no the battle starts and i appear as sora but when i press L2 it freezes (i play on ps2)
is the code one single code or many small codes???? i used it as one code but it freezes when i press L2 when the battle starts
no. but why dont you just upgrade? there is already a video showing sephiroth (KH gears) on the usa version or european with english language ^^ : also: i didnt rip the dlc or anything else . some other guy over at did it i just wanted to show that its possible.
you can use any dlc for every version of the game you just have to change the folder name to your game version( ULES01505 for EUR, ULUS10566 for USA etc.) . just follow those instructions and itll work . ive tested it myself and it works :) heres the proof: try it its awesome!!!
oh sry i dont know about the poligon partition palace
because square removed useless stuff from international and final mix versions
he has the soul eater because in that scene in kh2 he does indeed wiel soul eater ( its before the fight with him in land of dragons)
well you should know that the unversed wont appear ever again except if vanitas somehow manages to come back which i think would be impossible ;) also that tower with the clock from the trailer is from the hunchback of notredame. also nomura stated that he wants to let sora and riku start off with their preteen clothes but give them new ones later on in the game . he didnt say if he meant the KH2 clothes or completely new ones though...
wow thats great!!! it would actually work!!! thx :) i hope someone can provide the same stuff with aerith cloud leon and tifa
oh^^ yeah right they removed it because of lagging issues.
what do you want to say??? ^^
no where can i find the bosswarpcodes?
hmm... it loads just fine but riku isnt there^^ still donald and goofy and noone else :P anyway thx and could someone tell me which coddes do work on a ps2?
thats the one i used^^ > it says theres already a game with that m-code "airblade" EDIT: now i checked the whole thread and found out that the game id on the first page is wrong (01ff) the right one is 1fff. everything works now ;) also can anyone tell me if the riku code below is ONE code or MANY SEPARATE codes and how to use it exactly? Play as Riku (and have 2 other Rikus) in First District 20e0f086 30363531 20e0f0a6 30363531 20e0f0c6 39383531 20e0f0e6 30383531 20e0f0ea 65736d2e 20e0f0ee 00000074 20e0f106 30363131 20e0f126 30363131 20e0f12a 65736d2e 20e0f12e 00000074 210dba78 01150100 210dba7C 01111880 210dba8c 01115750 210dbaa0 01111880 20e0fcc6 30353131 20e0fce6 30353131 102bc134 00000003 EDIT 2 : guys problem ... i tried the inf hp code and inf mp code and my game loadds the save but i cant see anything only the music play sin the background. also tried the above code (separately) and i got the same thing. why is that ???