what??? i took the signature from khinsider.com in the signature section and edited a little with my name. if you dont believe me check...
did you replace the whole model or did you unpack it and replaced the meshes? coz if you did the first thing it wont work. the second version should get you a mushball xehanort
use ggs(game graphic studio) for converting stuff
truth tried already and even with iso-hacks it crashes the game so dont even bother reinserting models^^ its not possible . i saw and tried it myself too and it crashes everytime no matter what.
same here lol just thought id post a visitor message ^^
hi wazzup? ;)
awesome will this work on ps2?
and if i use terra/sephiroth? can i use them everywhere??? coz u said except them
thx it works
ok it almost works now the only thing thats missing are the effects of his attacks coz he doesnt do much damage^^
still freezes when the battle starts...
so do i have to go to betwixt and between or not?^^ i read that it gives him roxas voice
ill try .... as for the jokering . im a total noob at this so i have no clue how to do that ^^ EDIT: it crashed while trying to go to betwixt and between
so i have to remove the 2 effect lines and put those lines there???
yes but it didnt do anything
what are the codes for that and what do they exactly do???
hey guys is there a code for replacing soras valor form with dw roxas? i want to drive into dw roxas without having to play as normal roxas instead of normal sora
ok next problem ^^ it doesnt freeze anymore but i still got soras moves^^ and i got the kingdom key instead of oblivion and i appear as mushball roxas(hooded) the whole time ...
thank you for your time ;)
oh thats the problem . thank you ;)