I want you to choose my next username. :'D Might make a poll later if I like several.
Anyone seen any ads for this game? It looks pretty cool actually, seems to be like Prince of Persia with mix of Tomb Raider and No More Heroes. Also seems to have a Kill Bill Quentin Tarintino-esque feel to it. Comes out this fall. Might check the reviews before buying though.
I feel ****** for doing this. But its one of those things that just need to be done... I'm sorry khv. I'm aiming this at those of you who saw my departure message/anyone I hurt...I was pissed off, annoyed, etc...I was suprised I didnt get a warning, really. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about thats cool too. To keep it short/simple: I'm back.
I'll make it quick: every time I come on here, I hate this place more and more, and although some may think I'm overreacting from the whole ctr mess, I realize now that everything I'm saying now I've wanted to say for months now. I'll miss some of you, and I'm happy we met, but with others, I'm sad this is the last time I'll see you or think about you. I must say that the site has become a major disappointment. Not only does it not live up to its name (we barely have videos of any cutscenes around here) but the bad management makes one feel sorry for it. We've got an admin with all sorts of power who doesn't care jack **** for the site, and a lot of the other staff in power are hot heads who easily lose control of ****. Goodbye guys. And I'm not sorry for any of the things I've said recently.
[My mom I mean. She went to the store to get some milk]
=p .
sometimes when I'm editting my posts, instead of the "save changes" button i get a "vote now" button. i've never clicked it, so I dont know what it does... so... what is it and what does it do?
You're still a member of undeniable 1337, lol.
Alright so the rules are sim- WTF WHERES KHV?
This game is more of a "Where's waldo" type of game, but it tests your intelligence TO ITS VERY ENDS. Now I altered a few things to make this game "work" so you'll be able to finish it now. Here's how it goes: somewhere, on my poster info (the info thats near my avvy that way <<<<) and other places about me, are the numbers 4 8 15 16 23 and 42. (Yes, I got them from lost). These numbers show up in different ways, and some are not easily seen. You can work with others, or you can work alone, but the first person to find them all and list them gets a present. btw I'll drop hints if khv starts to prove themselves too stupid. And you dont have to guess all of them in one go khv. if you see a number, post it. FINAL RULE: If you find the number 108 somewhere, you automatically win.
Alright break time, time to get something refreshing to drink. (Walks two blocks) Oh, a starbucks, hmm might get a drink and a giant cookie. (keeps walking 1 block) Is that another starbucks? Well I guess people really need their coffee haha(walks 2 blocks to the east) Another starbucks...well...what a coincidence. (goes back 2 blocks and walks 3 blocks west) starbucks, really? How much coffee and cookies do people ****ing need?(walks 3 blocks towards job) I see people holding coffee...oh but if I look on the cups I dont see the starbucks logo...I guess ill go check out that place...wait a sec is that a green lady...whats that say I can make it out, "star...."oh dammit. (pretty pissed looks behind to see another starbucks.) FFFUUUUUUUUUUU If i even see another starbucks...
why ?
Give me a word and I'll define it my way.
This place can get to you after awhile so I'll be leaving for sometime. Besides, its summer, so I should probably be outside more anyway. Won't be on msn. See ya guys. Friends know who they are, etc.
I mean no disrespect to the person who made the thread or the person who stuck it, but it sort of seems like a waste of space. People keep posting there but its not updated at all...a lot of people's old usernames from like 2006-2008 are still there. Do we really need it there? EDIT: Talking about this thread by the way: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=63494
Saw this great movie about soap and fighting at some club or whatever. About some guy's imagination attacking him. OH GOD Y2K
Just wondering here.
So today I woke up and decided to log on to my favorite site, khv. The first thing I did was check my user notes because you know, with all the things going on on the site, you never know when you'll get one. I was going to start posting but I almost forgot to check to see if my social groups had any updated photos. I preceded to check out some of the threads, making sure to rate them as I went by. I had a few ideas in my head and decided to make my own thread. It was a pretty good topic I thought, it got a lot of posts. I even clicked on the number of posts to see how many times certain people replied. They all put titles on their posts with a little smiley face showing their opinion of my thread. It was great.
Saw Terminator 4 today. And I must say after watching... Terminators can kick Transformer ass.
hell yeah?