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  1. TheAstarion
    I hail from the land of Phantasy Star!

    I was press-ganged into joining by fellow New Freaks Bushy-Brow-1992 & DarkTraitor. In all honesty, I've not played much of Kingdom Hearts... just about enough to know Master Xehanort is a threat to the chastity of children universe-wide. (What? Just... look at him!)

    I used to be one of the modmins at Sonic Eternity, but that was getting on for ten years ago now, and it's been dead for nearly half that time. So, admittedly I'm pretty rusty at RPing and such, but I'm an amateur writer with my own little story series in a (mostly) original (yet troperrific) universe. Also an amateur doodler and voice actor, but there's not much call for that on a text board!
    Thread by: TheAstarion, May 23, 2011, 9 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures