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  1. Doukuro
    Land of Shadows, Light, Fire, Water, Wind, Earth each has their own guardins. The six Dragons. One of each element for each lands. Land of Fire has the Fire dragon etc. They have lived on their own all of this time without needing the others' help nor offering their help. Then the Dragon Wars began. The Dragon of the Land of Shadows was young at the time due to just being reborn and wondered out of The Land of Shadows. It ended up in the Land of Light and the Light Dragon did not like this. Thus a fight begn, the first fight of the war. After 100 years of fighting a plan was formed to bring peace to the lands once again. The Dragons were turned into spirits and then someone from each land was chosen to hold the spirits in them. They were honored to have the spirits in them and were called Heros in their land. But as the years rolled on the war was soon forgotten and most hide the fact the spirits were in them so they wouldn't be called outcasts or freaks. As soon as one of them died the Dragon was free to roam around to find a new host or until a Preist trapped it into another body if it was out too long, no matter if the next host was young or old or ready or not... And new a new Dragon is born. The Dragon of time. Will this cause another war?

    Note-The Dragons do have their own thoughts as well, being their own entity and all. So it would be two spirits sharing the same body and the host will be able to do things she or he could never do before

    You should know the normal rules...I'll add them in as needed

    Land of Fire- Is a wasteland with volcanoes.
    Land of Water- Is an island of off the coast of the mainland.
    Land of Wind- Is in the Mountian range
    Land of Shadows- Is a normally dark place due the storms that happen daily, mostly of them last days or even weeks. When there is no storm some say it's a bad omen.
    Land of Light- Is a place where it's normally sunny and is on plains.
    Land of Earth- Is a mix of forests and cayons

    One dragon per person

    Shadow Dragon-Taken
    Light Dragon-
    Fire Dragon-Taken
    Water Dragon- Taken
    Wind Dragon-Taken
    Earth Dragon-Taken
    Time Dragon- Taken


    Power? (few have them)-
    Species- (mostly human unless you have my premission then use your creativity)
    Played By-

    Name- Terri
    Age- 17
    Gender- Female
    Power?- To trap spirits within a host (hosts can be anything)
    Weapon(s)- None
    Homeland- Land of Shadows
    Species- Human
    History- She comes from a long line of Preistesses and is to carry on the family name which displeases her greatly but her family must make sure that the Shadow Drgaon has ahost all of the time.
    Appearance- Amine/Dragonslave_by_toounit.jpg
    Dragon?- No
    Other- Is mistaken as the Dragon's slave at times
    Played By- Random Angel

    Name- Kyra
    Age- 14
    Gender- Female
    Power?- Unknown
    Weapon(s)- None at the moment
    Homeland- Land of Water
    Species- (mostly human unless you have my premission then use your creativity)
    History- Her family were killed and her home burned down as a way saying she was banished due to the fact the Time Dragon possed her. Now she wonders around looking for a new home
    Dragon?- Time Dragon
    Other- Not many know of her dragon yet
    Played By- Random Angel

    Name- Nox
    Age- 19
    Gender- male
    Power? (few have them)- unknown
    Weapon(s)- has a sword
    Homeland- land of shadows
    Species- (mostly human unless you have my premission then use your creativity) humans
    History- he wanders around the land of shadows
    Appearance- Black hair and green eyes with a sad face, He were's a black coat and black shirt
    Dragon?- shadow dragon
    Other- he;s very sad
    Played By- Xert

    Name- Rik Echo
    Age- 19
    Gender- Male
    Power? (few have them)- Expert Swordsmanship and the wind dragons powers but only a fraction (if this isn't aloud can u change it to unknown)
    Weapon(s)- Nodachi
    Homeland- Land of Shadows
    Species- Human
    History- After his fathers death he escaped the land of shadows at the age of 11 he then lived with a hermit in the mountains in the land of wind he was trained in two forms of sword fighting: the one his father had taught him and the one the hermit had taught him. At the age of 17 he became possessed by the wind dragon when it sought a vessel. Months later the hermit died and Rik began to wonder the lands alone.
    Dragon?- Wind Dragon
    Other- he is a very arrogant person
    Played By- Fayt-Harkwind

    Name: Laxene
    Age: 14
    Gender: Female
    Power?(few have them) :Unknown
    Weapon(s): 2 Long Katanas
    Homeland: Land of Earth
    Species: Human and a little Tree Elf
    History: Was born and raised by her Tree Elf mom and Human dad. When little she would run into the forests and climb trees. She was only 5 when they put the Dragon of Earth spirt into her. Her parents died in a fire when she was out playing in the forest.
    Apearence: Long blond hair, pale skin, green eyes, elf like ears, and is around 5'4.
    Dragon?: Dragon of Earth
    Other: She always carries a emerald in her pocket.
    Played By: ~Larxene_43

    Name- Morik
    Age- 14
    Gender- male
    Power? (few have them)- unknown (if you guys gonna have them unknown, then I'll hide mine as well!)
    Weapon(s)- Clawed gauntlets
    Homeland- land of fire
    Species- human
    History- A real rebel some might refer to him as. He ran away from home at the age of 12, and has been travling around for some time. He has no real history to him. Average family, normal life. Only thing that really got into the way of things was when the fire dragon had suddenly inhabitted his body. But only thing the fire dragon ever ended up doing was encouraging such rebeliousness, as he began to become a bit of a prankster through his travles, going from town to town, causing problems, such as fights, encouraging criminal activities from others, and such. He even mostly went to towns challanging others, being taught by the dragon itself of different fighting forms and techniques that were taught within the fire lands, due to its own fascination with the human styles of martial arts. Everywhere he goes, he brings nothing but bad luck to the people, and is always the first one to start up trouble, or head into a fight basicly
    Appearance-[​IMG] (ignore the wings)
    Dragon?- fire
    Played By- Deathsight44

    Name- Akua
    Age- 16
    Gender- Male
    Power? (few have them)-Water
    Weapon(s)- Neptune's Rage
    Homeland- Land of Water
    Species- human
    History- Hes parents died of a unknown disease.Eversince hes been wandering around the world.
    Appearance-(Brown Spiked hair with Dark Blue eyes wears a white cloak)
    Dragon?- Water Dragon (duh)
    Played By-Akua WaterDragonKing

    Name- Serj
    Age- 18
    Gender- male
    Power? (few have them)- able to seal dragons.
    Weapon(s)- Leech chrystals (shall be explained later, but they are placed in the gloves which he wears), as well as the weapon in his pic (it is a mechanicle weapon. shall be explained once used)
    Homeland- Light lands
    Species- human
    History- He belongs to a family which had some what drifted from the long line of preists. They are not really mentioned in history books, so nothing can really be said of them. As for Serj himself, all that is really know is that he has travled the worlds, looking for these hosts which contains dragons within themselves. It is even believed that he has killed former hosts of the dragon of Water, Fire, and Light. Though the water and fire dragons escaped from being captured, he was in fact, able to capture the light one, and was even able to harness for its powers, due to not only his own goals, but for the dragons goals as well.
    Played By- Deathsight44

    Name- Eden
    Age- 13
    Gender- Female
    Power? (few have them)- She can conjure Light to fight enemies, or to light up dark places.
    Weapon(s)- She usually carries around a spear, but she keeps a dagger just in case.
    Homeland- The Light Plains (I'm not sure if I got that wrong)
    Species- (mostly human unless you have my premission then use your creativity) Human
    History- She's been born odd, and soon enough, when she learned her powers, her family rejected her as well as her friends. She wanders the Light's lands, but she usually sneaks though town to take some supplies. The Light Dragon nags her not to do it, but she needs it to be done to stay alive. She always wanted to have the Dragon with her, so she would never have to be alone.
    Appearance- She has dark brown eyes, almost black brown hair, a loose white shirt, and loose pants that are snug against her waist and ankles.
    Dragon?- Dragon of Light
    Other- She usually gets along with the wildlife of the world, except those of the Shadow Dragon's land.

    Thread by: Doukuro, Aug 16, 2008, 393 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Doukuro
    I searched the forum for any thread like this but did not see any, however, if I simply missed it then this can be removed.

    All of the members of Orginaztion XII died sooner or later and when they did they faded into darkness. But when Demyx did there was a lot of light. I thought maybe it was just cuz of his element but if that was so then wouldn't the other members die in their own elements also? Like Axel diying in a flame or such? So anyone else notice this or have any comments?
    Thread by: Doukuro, Aug 16, 2008, 63 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Doukuro
    Date- September 10th-Noon​

    Recap made by Demi.
    Starts a hour later where the last one left off. Feel free to join and if you got any question just ask away

    NOTE: All I did was copy and paste

    Kira tracked to Disney World
    Near collapses/Lana shot

    Lana is told of Near’s impending death

    The Two Kiras meet
    1/3 SPK killed in a Kira attack

    Surren leaves for her death as well

    Laya etc leave for Hawaii

    SPK gets wind and leaves for it too
    Kyo captured

    Matt arrives in Hawaii
    Lana and Matt meet
    Matt arranges something with Lana present
    Lana returns to HQ for Kyo’s interrogation

    Plane Attacks
    Kyo escapes in the confusion
    Matt meets Blondie in the carnage and makes her deliver something for him
    Blondie takes what turns out to be a DEATH NOTE to a man named Joker whom she flirts with after handing most of it over.
    Matt meets up with Joker and is surprised to see Blondie still there.
    Blondie Joins the Kira side
    Terri trades for the eyes

    SPK relocate
    Matt is picked up by the SPK
    Matt is questioned and he causes Lana to loose her cool and same for Near
    Matt makes a deal to save the lives of thousands of people with an antidote for a virus he planted in the plane fuel for his freedom. Which Near reluctantly accepts.

    Near and Lana return to hotel HQ
    They chat for a while and the conversation turns to Near’s health. And Lana makes him eat.
    Lana being the clumsy person she is knocks down the cake and falls over as well.
    Turns out that the fall moved the bullet and collapses into a coma a short time later

    Lana in hospital
    Lana’s feelings for Near come to surface in a coma dream only she is aware of.
    Mellody appears as Lana’s replacement of sorts and begins to question Near of his feelings about Lana before trying to force him to eat too.
    After her operation Lana awakens feeling very confused about everything. Especially concerning Near and the investigation.

    Blondie and Matt move in with Terri
    Blondie “helps Matt relieve some stress” and they return to ‘work’ the next day as though nothing happened apart from a few lowbrow jokes.
    Blondie follows Matt’s plan and manages to infiltrate the SPK.

    Matt issues a demand for the names of all the SPK agents within three days on live TV
    Once he gets back Blondie swears to do everything he says and demands.
    Akito gets captured

    Rules-Please Read
    *NO GOD-MOLDING (I have put Demi in charge of that when I am offline)
    *Nothing more then kissing and hugging please
    *Post apples in your first post
    *No more Death Notes for now
    *No killing without talking to the person first (doesn't have to be me)
    *Terri has the eyes already but if your person wants them also, again, talk to me
    *Remember this is not a fanasty rp so no powers or weapons appearing magiclly​

    I will also post the dead people just case so everyone will know who are we talking about when they are mentioned (I am only posting my people for now though and if you were in the last one and one of your people died pot them also but I don't think anyone did...)

    Additional Inforamtion:
    Played By:

    People Birthdays

    Near-August 24
    Terri-September 5
    Akito-November 19
    Laya-Decemember 12
    Angel-December 25
    Lana-September 11
    Blondie-January 28

    ~SPK Members~

    Name: Nate River
    Alias: N, Near
    Race: Human
    Age: 21
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Leader of the SPK
    Biography: After leaving his school, the one Watrai founded, he sets off to find Kira trying to fill L’s shoes. He forms the SPK and starts out in America. Without even going to Japan he finds out who is Kira and what he is planning and even what he is doing when he is doing it. He and the three other remaining members of the SPK fly to Japan where Light lives and sets up a meeting with Light and his friends only to come out on top.
    Additional information: Always could be found with some sort of toy.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By:Random Angel

    Name: Lana Lawliet
    Alias: L, Luna (Old name, now used for undercover work)
    Race: Human
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: SPK agent/Oxford University Student
    Biography: Lana grew up in Kent, England in a slightly run down and under funded children's home where she was bullied badly by the other children for her intelligence. That situation was worsened when she was placed two years higher then she was ment to be within the school system. By the age of 16 she was a Oxford University student studying Psycology and Drama, then at 17 she was aked into MI6. Soon transfering to the SPK after hearing rumours of the Original L being named 'Lawliet'
    Additional Infomation: She is very clumsy and can cause a lot of carnage for someone so small, only weighing around 77lbs and being just over 5 feet tall and is usually found with Near as she's his unoffical "Babysitter"
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Demitryx

    Name: Benedict de Naplouse
    Alias: B
    Race: Human
    Age: 30
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: SPK Agent
    Biography: Benedict is a SPK agent that originally came from France. Not very much is know about him, he keeps to him self mostly but he is a very skilled marksmen and is often very cocky.
    Additional Inforamtion: Has two heavily-customized chrome AMT Hardballers hidden in his coat, he also like pizza
    Played By: burnitup

    Name: Monique Jones
    Alias: Mellody
    Race: Human
    Age: 19
    Gender: female
    Occupation: SPK member/Mafia leader
    Biography: She grew up on her own, and left high school to get a job at 14, so that her brother could stay in school. She eventually had a run-in with Mello and his gang and decided to stick around for a bit. Luckily for her she was able to get her education from the gang, as well as protection, and she eventually fell for Mello, reveailng her feelings 2 years before he died. She joined the SPK, in order to attempt revenge for her brother and her beloved.
    Additional Inforamtion: Has developed a small friendship with Lana, and has attempted to feed Near claiming "i need you alive to catch kira"
    Played By: Dmaster

    Name: Kyra Raimyu (Also Known As J.A.V.A)
    Alias: Neutral
    Race: Human
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Underground Detective by night - University Student By Day
    Recently signed up for the SPK, got a scholarship to attend a Famous University, Has ran away from home about two years ago when her carers were uncovered as serial killers by a group of special police forces. She has no idea why they haven't killed her at the time she has lived with them. Has a weird way of doing everything...
    Additional Inforamtion:
    Lives alone in a colorful apartment.
    Does not know anything about her real biological family.
    Is always seen with goggles attached to the head. Has a spunky attitude.
    Secretly owns a bazooka as a heirloom.
    Played By: Cherry

    Name: Unknown by everyone expect Near
    Alias: Jen
    Race: Human
    Age: 21
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: SPK agent
    Biography: She grew up in a rich family who paid for her education so she always got the best they could afford. Soon she became involded with the cops and worked her way in the SPK after Kira returned. However, she does hate being spoiled dispite her spoiled bahivor.
    Additional Inforamtion: More book smart then street smart.
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Caitriona McCarbe
    Alias: Theory
    Age: 21
    Gender: female
    Occupation: SPK agent
    Biography: Joined the SPK immeadiatley after the Kira case ended.
    Additional Inforamtion: Is normally easy to get along with and is an odd ball in the SPK for being so cheerful all the time
    Played By: Demitryx

    Name: Halle Bullook
    Alias: Halle Lidner
    Race: Human
    Age: 32
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: SPK agent
    Biography: Was the only female in the group of the agents involved in the first Kira case. One of the Yotsuba Kira's victims was an acquaintace of hers, which was one of the reasond that lead her to the SPK. Unlike the other members she'd been in the odd situation of helping Near and passing the infomation onto Mello.
    Additional Inforamtion: Lidner is an excellent officer who once worked in the Secret Service protecting the president of the United States. And individual thinker, she assisted both Mello and Near in the Kira case. Her Skills as a body guard are also first rate.
    Played By: Demitryx

    ~Kira related people/Kira followers/Death Gods~

    Name: Laya
    Alias: Kira
    Race: Human
    Age: Seventeen
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Does random and odd jobs for extra money (mostly takes care of the elderly)/Helps with Terri’s job
    Biography: She and her sister were born in another country and went through some hardships that they do not like talking about. Soon she went to the place where L grew up at. After he left she and her sister left also and on the way to the airport her sister was kidnapped and now she searches for her with all of her intelligence and information which led her to Kentucky, for now.
    Additional information: Loves chocolate and is part of the Candy Trio (named after her sister) that she joined when she arrived in KY. She keeps to herself. Is the organial Kira
    Appearance: the girl on the couch in this pic Amine/Sisters/FutureRaiandNami.jpg
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Ryuk
    Race: Death God
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Male
    Biography: Bored one day he dropped a spare DEATH NOTE into the human world hoping to waste some time. He met Light, the person who found his DEATH NOTE, and began their journey to change the world. He only really cared about having something to do though.
    Additional information: Loves apples
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By:RA

    Name: Desire
    Race: Death God
    Age: Unknown
    Gender: Female
    Biography: Fascinated in the human’s world and the human she dropped a DEATH NOTE into their world that belong to a Death God who died by saving someone’s live. She is now following that person, who is the new Kira, trying to find out what is it about humans that could ever make a Death God fall in love with them.
    Additional information: Only has one wing for she lost the other one for an unknown reason/Loves human food
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Debbie Tsugami-Harry
    Alias: Blondie
    Race: Human
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Kira spy within the SPK
    Biography: Blondie is a flirtaious and pyschotic beauty who'll do anything, and anyone, in the name of justice.
    Additional Infomation: Has a large birthmark style scar over her right eye, though it's usually covered in make-up to make it less distinctive.
    Played By: Demitryx

    Name: First Friday
    Alias: n/a
    Race: Human
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: student / Kira supporter
    Biography: First Friday was always an enigma to people. Both a bully and a victim at the same time during childhood. Though, due to an accident at the age of sixteen he forgot everything prior to that day. Including the name of the girl he used to torment as a child. Though, she has far from forgotten him. Even as far as she’s come now.
    Additional Information: He believes in the classical Kira ethos and is proud to of been given the opportunity to help it‘s cause.
    Played By: Demitryx

    Name: Ross Boulevard
    Alias: Kira Supporter
    Race: Human
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Journalist/ University Student/ Spy
    Biography: Ross grew up in a poor, sad world... His mother was beaten to death by his fater in front of him at the age of 5, and although he tried to run away from home countless times in his life, his father would always find a new way of disciplining him. He one day became successful, and went on a one way ticket out of Florida, to Japan, so that he could get better prospects in life... At school he is always adored by people.
    Additional Inforamtion: He has a non identical brother... He goes to the same university as Kyra but they hardly know each other... He was adopted by a old rich man... He's pretty violent like his father when he's reminded of his past
    Played By:GenesisRebirth

    Name: Shane
    Alias: Kira (not the real, but none the less, a kira)
    Race: Human
    Age: 14
    Gender: male
    Occupation: student
    Biography: A 14 year old student, who lives in california. he lives a poor life, and his family is barely able to keep up the rent, until recently, when they mysteriously began gaining loads of money, and soon were able to move into a new home. Coincidentally, there have been many bank robberies in the area, where every resident within the robbed bank appears to die from a heart attack, though just before, the camera's are always cut off line.
    Additional Inforamtion:
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: deathsight44


    Name: Terri
    Alias: Sugar
    Race: Human
    Age: Sixteen
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Singer/Performer/Actress
    Biography: She was born in California but got bored with the same old same old so when she was found by a talent scout and was given the chance to leave the state and soon the country she took it without hesitation! She then met Laya and Akito and they banded together and formed a very well known and liked group, The Candy Trio.
    Additional information: Leader of the candy trio/rebel/does as she likes/hyper but very smart
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Akito
    Race: Human
    Age: Eighteen
    Gender: Male
    Occupation: Terri’s manger
    Biography: Little is known about him because he doesn’t talk much. He is super smart, so smart that he has already went through college with flying colors! He is super cool and liked by the girls.
    Additional information: Last addition of the Candy Trio/Born in Japan
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Angel
    Alias: Candy
    Race: Human
    Age: Ten
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: None
    Biography: She is Laya’s little sister and her current location is unknown right now.
    Additional information: She loves cute clothes, ribbons, and stuffed animals or real animals/sweet and kind but timid
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Matt Marlay
    Alias: Chess (he loves chess)
    Race: human
    Age: 18
    Gender: male
    Occupation: student, kira supporter
    Biography: He is a collage student, though barely known by his fellow students. He originally got into school after being released from a psych ward, and winning a bet against the school's head master, though ever since he has gotten there, no one seems to have taken a liking to him, due to his strange behavior. He stays in his room 24/7 when not going to class, playing chess by himself, or on his computer, while eating a bag of chips. Though he does have anouther hobby of going onto kira sites to look up current situations, due to his large respect for kira's intellect.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: deathsight44

    Name: Kain
    Alias: Gamemaster997
    Race: human
    Age: 16
    Gender: male
    Occupation: nothing. He is a gamer who gets payed to play. You might say that game designers pay him to help come up with their idea's
    Biography: To his close friends, his name is kain, but to the rest of the world, he is Gamemaster997, a highly respected gamer, known many times for entering city wide gaming tournaments, usually winning cash prizes. He is highly respected amongst gamers as one who is able to handle situations with ease, while at the same time, able to stratagize, and take in a big picture of everything. Besides that though, most is a mystery about him. SInce he is almost always on some sort of a computer, he has had a tendancy to pick up a few hacking materials off of the black market. Just to make things even better, he has a high IQ. He is not a kira supporter, due to the fact that he does not believe that kira acts like he should, until just recently, when he got a call from a childhood friend he used to know before that freind got sent off for commiting a crime..........I wonder who it could be?
    Additional Inforamtion: Game freak, expert hacker, though not insane hacker in which he can do anything the hell he wants like a certain noob that we all know...
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Deathsight

    Name: Jake
    Alias: Joker
    Race: human
    Age: 17
    Gender: male
    Occupation: None. He lives in a rich family, due to his fathers successful buissness. He dropped out of school, and also, is now a big time gambler, famous for his unexpliset wins. He has a knack for poker
    Biography: He is a rich boy, always spoiled in the greatest of fashions. When he was younger, he took up lessons in poker, learning from what some might refer to as 'a dirty rotten no good low down son of a gun', who taught him many 'slight of hand' moves that could be used. Jake grew bored of these old ways, and so he decided to invent new ones, soon having his father cast this teacher of his out of his house. As a small child, his interests were in poker, and they remain exsactly the same. he has been on tv 3 times in poker tournaments, and has grown quite famous. He once even tried to play in a chess tournament once to face off against someone who was said to be extremely good at chess, as they both ended up making it to the finals, and there, they had a chess match, begining as enemies, but then ending up as friends. He lost track of that friend for quite some while until only a little while ago, finding out that this friend of his was going to a collage. The topic of kira came up, and the both of them soon quickly agreed on most things, making their ideals on how kira should act the exsact same. He has not heard from this friend of his lately though...
    Additional Inforamtion: An excellent trickster, doing whatever it takes to keep others from knowing his own buissness, and can lie to anyone with a straight face. He does not care for others lives either, believing that they are like cards, as in, easily tradable in a game.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Deathsight

    Name:Ken Ryok
    Biography:Newly became a journalist, he's been working on revealing info about kira to the public. even though he dosen't take he's work seriously he is really skilled in tracking people down, as well as keeping his identity hidden.
    Additional Inforamtion: master of disguise
    Played By:varnor

    Name:Rokuro Kichiro
    Alias: Rock
    Occupation:Private detective, former assassin
    Biography:Born in Japan and was raised by a secret order of assassins. but the org was taken down when someone leaked the names of the order to the first kira. Rokuro was lucky and was able to survive. He's quite the gunner as well as strategist. He now lives in New York as a private detective and has solved several big cases. he has a love for music and is often seen playing a guitar.
    Additional Inforamtion: Can play almost any instrument he picks up.
    Played By:Varnor

    Name: Helena
    Alias: None at the moment
    Race: Human
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: A maid for a hotel and other random jobs. Gotta pay the bills
    Biography: She has been own her own since her parents left her when she turned ten. She doesn't mind though. (Dun wanna make big bio so yall learn teh rest later! Dx)
    Additional Inforamtion: She always acts hyper and can be a bit annoying but she means well. Oh and she lives near First Friday
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Meh! RA...

    Name: Teepo Raimyu (Kyra's little brother)
    Alias: Tweet
    Race: Human

    Gender: Male
    Occupation: California.

    Never knowing about his parents or the fact that he has an older sister, he is determined to find out where he once was from, and who was his family. Only being 7, he wants to at least know if he has a relative to talk to whenever he is down, as his step-parents are cold and vicious.

    Additional Information:
    He's got a necklace which he cannot open that contains a photo of both his parents and his older sis Kyra around 5 when the photo was taken. (The parents abandoned Kyra at 5 years old
    He's really friendly, but has the temper of a bull when he sees perverts trying it on with other girls who doesn't want anything to do with him.
    He's really mature, however he's still only 7, giving him a little more freedom into talking freely in the way he feels. He lives about two roads away from Shane.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Cherry ♫

    Name: Nola Lockheart
    Alias: Roxanne
    Race: Human
    Age: 19
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Gang leader
    Biography: Roxanne met Mello not long after he left Wammy’s house, and in many ways she is responsible for Mello’s behaviour as she was the one who introduced him to the world of organized crime. She enjoys nothing more then rebelling against society simply because she can. There isn’t any real depth to her position on crime, other then that was simply how she was brought up to be as she was the daughter of the leader before Mello took over.
    She was one of the only four of the gang to survive the events of Death Note. Now she's taken control of her own gang, though they tend to follow a more 'Kira' style path in that they don't cause crime they sort out the people who commit them by taking the law into their own hands.
    Additional Information: She has her reasons for taking such a harsh stance on criminals, despite the fact that she herself has commited many. During the time she spent with Mello she was physically and mentally abused by another member of the gang named 'Daemon'. However once Mello had gotten wind of it it was soon sorted out, but not before Daemon had gotten exactly what he wanted from her.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Demitryx

    Name: Amanda Trinian
    Alias: Anybody's
    Race: Human
    Age: 16
    Gender: Female
    Occupation: Gang member
    Biography: Orphaned at a young age and brought up in a children's home where she was routinlely abused by her socialworker, eventually it became too much for her and she ran away. Only to be picked up by Daemon and his gang a month or so later. She has been with them ever since, much against her will.
    Additional Infomation: Was "chosen" by Daemon to fill in for Roxanne after Mello kicked him out.
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    Played By: Demitryx

    ~Dead Peope~

    Name: Surren Ruki
    Alias: S/ Nebrrus(yay backwards....though it does sound funny...)
    Race: Human
    Age: 26
    Death Date: Day of Near's brithday

    What happened so far....
    Terri haven't heard from the other two in a while so she went to a party with Matt to clear or mind but as it turns out while she is gone her friend's house is invaded by SPK members after Angel calls Akito, who is in SPK HQ so Near got the call instead.
    Blondie is now in the SPK.
    A reporter somehow found himself in the SPK HQ and ran into Near and Lana. He asked some questions that neither of them would answer and to get away he sat off a bomb with sleeping gas and ran for it.
    Meanwhile Mellody is planning something with Lana before she came back to the HQ that is...
    When Lana arrived at the HQ she saw that a reporter had somehow found his way in the HQ and now the hunt to find him with some of the SPK info has started.
    Yuu, the reporter, took over the channel 4 TV station claiming there was bombs placed on every floor and if anyone would to interfer they would go off. Bendict, being the only abilvable member, went to the station. Kyra went off on her on and is still a newbie so Near order B to bring her back 'in one piece'. As it turnedout the bombs were only fake and a way to prove to Kira that Yuu was ready to serve under her.
    The SPK has moved to Kent, England where Laya is currently located and they have people at her place.
    Kira conected Yuu through the radio with a sercet messege.
    The SPK tracked Laya to the place where she was staying and captured her but only after she gave up her memory.
    The Death Note was then passed on to First Friday, old friend of Laya, student, and Kira supporter and he is also somewhat twisted.

    Thread by: Doukuro, Aug 16, 2008, 1,012 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Doukuro

    Me Thinks...

    That the staff should go on vacation for say...I dunno... A week or so
    Thread by: Doukuro, Aug 14, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Doukuro
    I got bored a week ago and yesterday so I made doddles. There's nothing special and mostly head shots cuz it was late at night and I get lazier at night time...Like midnight and such (Lazy me xD) And is it too much to ask for cnc on each one? There's only six.

    Oh and if anyone wants the reference just ask. (I would post them now but they're still uploading and I'll forget later)

    PS-My scanner made some lines lighter then they are to the point where you won't be able to see some. And click to make bigger

    Near: I drew this one for Demi cuz she wuv Near and she drew stuff for me by me/Picture-2.jpg

    Matt: Not much to say >< by me/Picture005-2.jpg

    Kimmy (No reference used) : An oc for a story that I'm working on... Chibi style. The bat/angel thing is what I normally draw under my username as a signature and I hate all of the empty space so I randomly drew stuff about her. She's based off of my sissy cuz I <3 her by me/Picture004-1.jpg

    Naruto Chibis: I plan on drawing a lot more chibis... I dislike the Itachi but I failed misberly at Shino by me/Picture002-1.jpg

    Cluminess: I drew a bambo border for this one but for some reason it won't show... Pandas are cute! (Sis fav animals is panda so yeah...I'm her slave ><) by me/Picture001-2-1.jpg
    Thread by: Doukuro, Aug 11, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Doukuro
    In a town where everyone is perfect and above agvenge it is hard being normal. The town was perfect until a 'normal human' tired to become like the rest, super smart and special. This normal one was a scientist so he had access to things people only dreamed of. That's when he did it. He created a cross bred. Animal and human. At first the creations were mindless beasts that went on rampages, making it hard for the scientist to keep them a secret. Soon enough they started to look more human then animal. Then their abilities were doubled, the fast became faster, the strong became stronger etc. The scientist wanted the power for himself and this made his mind curport and his intentions dark and seeing how his heart was also made dark he gain dark powers. But like always there was an accident that soon was called 'an outbreak'. In the outbreak a virus spread giving people powers based on their minds, hearts, and abilities. But none of them knew what was happening to them, no one did. They were considered outcasts. And then his creations got loose and went to explore. Some of them discovered what made them and now want to live freely while others couldn't care less but can't resist the blood lust inside them...Now our story must go on.


    *No taking over other people's characters without their permission
    *No power-playing
    *No cussing
    *No 'OOC' flaming
    *Nothing above pg-13

    (they get shorter as I grow even more bored and please ingore the made up/misspelled words)

    Dark Powers-People whose intentions and/or heart is dark they gain power to control shadows and stuff alike, even if they are a good person but their intentions are bad they get this kind of power. The darkness in them might cupport them if their will and heart are weak or if they desire power too much. Ones wit this power must always keep their emotions in check because if they give up to hate and anger even for a second the darkness will take over.

    Light powers- This power contains the ability to control light, the brighter the better but in dark places the powers are useless. They can heal as well but only to a certain degree. This kind of power can only be given to people with good and strong hearts, normally people who don't give up easily.

    Fire- People who are furious and sometimes stubborn. They can multiplate heat waves to the point when they can create fire and of course they can control fire. But if it is too cold or humid the powers are helpless.

    Wind-Is given to free spirited people. They control the air around them up to a mile around (But that kind of range is hard to control).

    Earth-To people who have strong mind and body. They control the ground and if they are kind enough they control nature (animals plats etc)

    Water-Is given to people with a lot of things on their mind, bad memories, but they don't have much to live for. They just go with the flow pretty much. They control any type of water, even in the air and can take the water out of plants etc.

    Transformation-People who have multi egos/personalties. This normally comes with ONE other power

    Speed, strength, smartness, etc are also increased


    Humans-Plain old humans. Scientists, cops, military, etc

    'Infected Humans'- Humans that have been infected with the 'power virus' and gained powers or just became sick. (Side effects come with the virus of course. Like coughing up blood, headaches, passing out, and stuff alike but they are rare or only happen in cretian times)

    Creations- Half human/animal. Most of them were never born, just created. Only the newest ones have powers and stuff but there are only a few new ones.

    Sign up form:

    Power/Ability: (two powers only)
    Anything else:
    Played By:

    Name: Kane
    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Power/Ability: Dark powers and became faster and smarter
    Species: Infected human
    Job?: Scientist
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    History: He's the one who started the 'creations' and 'virus'
    Anything else: No one expect his creations knows that he started the whole thing
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Yuri
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Power/Ability: Transformation and light plus she's stronger now
    Species: Infected human
    Job?: None
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    History: Was created by Kane so she never lived a life but she finds out later that she was a normal human once but at the moment she serves Kane and thinks him as a father figure
    Anything else: N/A
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Shira
    Age: 20
    Gender: Female
    Power/Ability: None
    Species: Human
    Job?: Bounty Hunter/Spy
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    History: She has always been an assassin but left that line of work when her eyes were open up to the reality. Now she hunts the wild creations
    Anything else: Nope
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: Advent
    Age: 23
    Gender: Male
    Power/Ability: Wind and enhanced physical abilities
    Species: Infected Human
    Job?: SOLDIER(kidding!) Thief.
    Appearance: (I got lazy...)
    History: He kept himself alive just by living on his own and stealing for a living. Eventually he got in trouble several times over and had to fight to keep from dying at every corner he turned.
    Anything else: He's very athletic and acrobatic.
    Played By: Arch.

    Power/Ability: Fire enhanced speed
    Species:Infected Human
    Job?: Hitman
    History:He was brought into the world of contract killing by his father. He now follows his brother who is the new head of the business when he got his power to him it just made his job easier.
    Anything else:He is a very agressive person and will almost never sit still
    Played By:Barakon-King

    Power/Ability: Fire stronger
    Species:Infected Human
    Job?:Leader of Contract Killing business
    History:When his father died he was brought as head of his business. He will always get on his brother's case but will help him out from time to time.
    Anything else:He's more friendly than his brother but can get irritable
    Played By:Barakon-King

    Name: Terri
    Age: 18
    Gender: Female
    Power/Ability: Nature and encahed speed
    Species: Infected Human
    Job?: Tracker (locates stuff/people) and assassin
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    History: She's carring on the family businness but she wants out. But at the moment she just does it without showing anything but she can be very bipolar
    Anything else:
    Played By: Random Angel

    Name: rexejon
    Age: 16
    Gender: male
    Power/Ability: fire/darkness
    Species: Creations
    Job?: samurai/ninja/assassin
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    History: when he was created his creator was killed before his eyes, he was raised by beasts and by humans who knew his secret, once he lost controll when he saw a student killed a friend of his and destroyed the half of the dojo, then he knew that there was something deep inside of him, after some things people started to call him the blood predator
    Anything else: when his inner comes out only blood can still his hunger
    Played By: overload

    Name: geist
    Age: 20
    Gender: male
    Power/Ability: fire/earth
    Species: human
    Job?: ninja/assassin
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    History: a kid who became a ninja and assassin on a young age, after a mission together with rexejon they became best friends, he knowsalmost every secret of him so he helps him
    Anything else: they call him the blood ninja cause he helps rexejon
    Played By: overload

    Name: Marin
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Power/Ability: (two powers only): Wind and Speed
    Species: Infected Human
    Job?: N/A
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    History: Where she lived she was the only one of her kind, afraid of being an outcast, she hid her powers in hope of leading a normal life, doing this however she never managed to control them. Soon she left her town to do some exploring....
    Anything else: Seeing as she never controlled her powers, they come out in wierd ways, particually if she is confused
    Played By: The sexy ANF

    Name: rozardo
    Age: 15
    Gender: male
    Power/Ability: earth,darkness
    Species: infected human
    Job?: assasin/ predator prince
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    History: when he got infected his appearence changed and turned against most humans and started to live with all the predators, he became their prince and also a good friend to rexejon cause he wasn't a human
    Anything else: he hates the most humans
    Played By: overload

    Name: Rik Echo
    Age: 19
    Gender: male
    Power/Ability: darkness and became faster.
    Species: Infected human
    Job?: Assassin
    History: As a child his father was killed and Rik raised himself for 10 years also learning Bushindo and developing a arrogant and hateful personality. He now works as an assassin for who ever pays better.
    Anything else: always carries a Nodachi regardless of any laws.
    Played By: Fayt-Harkwind

    Name: Norah
    Age: 16 1/2
    Gender: Female
    Power/Ability: Air & Earth
    Species: Infected Human
    Job?: Double-agent/spy
    History: She was taken in by a retired spy after her parents disappeared. She never really enjoyed being a spy, but she is very at it talented.
    Anything else: She has twin daggers as weapons, but favors her powers over them.
    Played By: Vertigo Haven

    Name: Kyra
    Age: Looks 15ish
    Gender: Female
    Power/Ability: Can turn into a full fox/human fire
    Species: Creation
    Job?: Kills anyone who the sciencist wants dead
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    History: She is one of the lasest creations and has no past
    Anything else: Fox form --->
    Played By: Random Andom

    Name: Nova
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male
    Power/Ability: (two powers only): Light and has more endurence
    Species: Infected Human
    Job?: N/A
    Appearance: [​IMG] (Not noted in pic but has a blue & yellow eye)
    History: As a young person, his whole family was infected and all but Nova died. He learened that he had powers after he was infected and ran away from the town he lived in. For the rest of his life, he lived alone.
    Anything else: Quiet and dislikes crowded places. He's also a person who lokes to help out a lot.
    Played By: Prince_of_Hearts

    Name: Rey
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Power/Ability: transformation and illetengnce(sp I know but give me a break. I'm tired
    Species: Creation/Human
    Job?: None
    Appearance: [​IMG]
    History: Memory wiped. Remembers along the way. She works for Kane and can't be trusted.
    Anything else:
    Played By: Random Angel

    Thread by: Doukuro, Aug 9, 2008, 303 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Doukuro
    -Random Angel- says:
    people are boring today
    [Crazy Angel] 愛|Roses Are Sweet|愛|Blood is Bitter|愛|The Death Stains Stay|愛|The Petals Fly Free| [Self Loving Carnage] says:
    -Random Angel- says:
    Why are people boring? I know! Let's kill all of the boring people!
    [Crazy Angel] 愛|Roses Are Sweet|愛|Blood is Bitter|愛|The Death Stains Stay|愛|The Petals Fly Free| [Self Loving Carnage] says:
    Thread by: Doukuro, Aug 7, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Doukuro
    Oooo pie



    *Spits at cloest person*

    It taste like lies!

    First the cake and now the pie!!!

    Who the hell did that? Why you evil people?! Why?!?!?!

    *Throws pies at everyone who is bored enough to read this far*
    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 28, 2008, 22 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Doukuro

    The Mimics

    I couldn't sleep....I plan on writting a story matter if this is bad or good...Boredom

    Read everything cloesly please.

    Everything was fine and going perfectly. The Phoenixs and Hunters signed a treaty to avoid war. The Hunters used to hunt and kill everything magically before they met the Phoenixs who they were evenly matched, reason why the made the treaty. The treaty made it so that the Hunter could only hunt threats to the world, evils and such, and in return they could make sure only five Phoenixs are active at a time. And seeing how Phoenixs really couldn't die the Hunters had to freeze or burn them into ashes and place the ashes into special jar that stopped them from coming back to life. And the humans thrived on their friendship. That's when strange beings appeared. They soon became known as Mimics due their abilties. They weren't veiwed as a threat until one of them lost control and went on a killing rampage and killed a whole village. Thus the Hunters were set on their mission to kill every Mimic, good or evil. And the result could be war when the Mimics learn of the Hunters' orders.

    Phoenix- They heal very well but they can only self heal. They can nver age enough to look older then a teen and when they die and are reborn they have to relearn a lot of stuff. Masters of fire and protectors of peace with the abilty to turn into Phoenixs (They bird form). Are confused as Gods or Spirits sometimes by humans.

    Hunters- This species have traits like very many other species due to the fact they drain energy from their victims. They're super strong and fast. Only a few can transform and all have power over elements. But it takes a while to master more then one element so either they master one first then move on the next element or learn the basics of all. (It's rare to met a young Hunter with the ability to master even one element.) Their lifespan is only a little longer then that of a human but they look younger longer.

    Mimics- Ever since they are born they naturally mimic anything and everything they can. First it starts out small like their likes and dislikes and personalities then emtions (some of them turn into emtional train wrecks). Later on they can copy things like dance moves and fighting styles, etc. The next step is appearances of animals or humans, etc. At first they have to see the person for a while then only for a few seconds before they can just look at a picture. After they master that they can copy powers but only if someone who can use them is close by. They start out human but after they learn how to control their beast form in them (they have spirits within them that when seen they look like beasts) they can become immortal (Immortal as in live for ever but they can still be killed of course). But there is a risk. If they fail they could get a bad case of amnesia or even worse the beast form could control them instead.

    Time setting-The places can be very medevil or acient Japan. Richer towns/cities normally have some sort of Royality or a Phoenix/Hunter living in them. And there are also towns filled with bandits, theives, bounty hunters, etc only.

    Classes (so some people might become humans)
    Feel free to add another (I just too random ones from games, movies, etc)

    They're pretty self explantionty but some are different then where I got them from...I got lazy at this point(obilvouisly)

    Bounty Hunters- People who capture crimnals for a profit
    Thevies-Known for their sealth(sp?) All steal for their own reasons
    Rouge- Outcast/banished from their home
    Warroir/Knight- Fight for royalty or someone for no money
    Mernaries(so totally spelt wrong...)- Same as warriors but fight for money
    Heavy Swords- People who uses swords known to use strength
    Ranger/Archer- Bowsmen
    Healer/White Mage- People who specialize in healing magic
    Black Mage- People who specialize in black magics (pision fire etc)
    Summoner- Like Yuna and such. Able to summon fiends, monsters, Aeon type creatures to a point


    No god-molding
    Nothing more then kissing and hugging
    All Mimics/Hunters/Phoenixs must follow the guidlines (expect that there may be more then five Phoenixs active but they will be hunted down and only seven really....the extra two will be outlaws)
    No killing without permission

    Oc Form

    Power(s)/Abilities- (All expect for mimics...they mimic yeah)
    Class- (Only for humans)
    Inactive or active- (only for Phoenixs. If they're one they may become the other later on)
    Beast form/spirit- (Mimics only)
    Additonal information-
    Played By-

    Name- Sam
    Age- 18
    Gender- Female
    Species- Mimic
    Personality- Used to be very outgoing and happy but now she's dark
    Beast form/spirit- [​IMG]
    History- She was the mimic who went on the killing spree. When she learned of her powers her parents disowned her which cuased confusion to her.
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- N/A
    Played By- Random Angel

    Name- Lynn
    Age- 16
    Gender- Female
    Species- Mimic
    Personality- Can be a bit shy most of the time but very curious and acts like a little kid
    Beast form/spirit- [​IMG]
    History- She only just learning of her powers. She lived in a bandit town she she trusts no one and picked up a lot of tricks while there. She never knew her family either. Can't remember much thanks to the fact she couldn't control her best form and got amnesia
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- N/A
    Played By- Random Angel

    Name- Lora
    Age- About 1,000
    Gender- Female
    Species- Phoenix
    Personality- Doesn't talk much but has a sense of responablity
    Power(s)- Fire of course
    Inactive or active- Inactive right now but become active soon
    History- Mostly unknown at this point
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- N/A
    Played By- Random Angel

    Name- Zen
    Age- Unknown
    Gender- Male
    Species- Phoenix
    Personality- Bossy and always have to be in charge. Cocky but childish
    Inactive or active- Active
    History- Is one of the higher ranking Phoenixs due he's been around longer. Parents and kid sister are inactive at the moment
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- None
    Played By- Random Angel

    Name- Sojiro
    Age- looks 20
    Gender- Male
    Species- Hunter
    Personality- Very nice/outgowing. doesnt really have a temper
    Power(s)/Abilities- Weapon specialist/little fire
    History- Has no past..just wonders around
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- N/A
    Played By- Xiegin

    Name- Domon
    Age- Unknown
    Gender- Male
    Species- Mimic
    Personality- Shy..does not like to fight/bad sometime
    Beast form/spirit- [​IMG]
    History- has a brother who is Unkown
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- N/A
    Played By- Xiegin

    Name- Kyo
    Age- 439
    Gender- male
    Species- pheonix
    Personality- Always looking out for his kind, no matter what it takes. He will do anything, simply for the sake of the well being of all good hearted for people, even give up his life, or completely eradicate evil that stands infront of him. He always tries to be up lifting, no matter what.
    Power(s)/Abilities- Known as the 'crimson lightning', due to his ability to create and control lightning. The lightning is the color of blood, and is as hot as molten hot magma. He can only control it to a certain point, until it ends up going bolistic. He can use it in the form of a whip, or send lightning bolts at people. His abilities come from a strange relationship of his parents, since, though he does have fire related powers, it does most revolve into lightning
    Inactive or active- active
    History- He has a most interesting of histories, due to his relations with the hunters. His mother was indeed a pheonix, who was the mate of anouther pheonix, but, fell in love with a hunter. His mother cheated on her mate, and ended up giving birth to the child of both her, and the hunter who she had fallen in love, committing what was a type of taboo. In doing so, both her mate (once he discovered the babies exsistance), and the hunters (who had been informed by the pheonix male who was the mothers mate), killed both the mother, and the hunter. After that, the hunters wanted to kill the child, but the mate of the mother prevented them from doing so, since, technicly, it was the mother and the hunter who had done wrong, but the child had not done such a thing. And so, he was raised by the father, and was, indeed loved by him, even though he was not his actual son. In doing though, he learned from his father about the certain aspects of life, and the evils of hunters (this had been occuring during the time before the treaty. More detail of it can be explained during the story, in order to fill in some of the gaps), and as kyo learned, he also learned of the pain that the hunters were causing everyone. He had some what began to despise hunters, but he even despised more that the world dealt with so many troubles. And then, not soon after he turned 18, his father informed him of the truth of his birth, and what had happend. Hearing the story, he ran from the house, but only to end up returning hours later to find a hunter standing over his fathers body. He had almost killed the hunter, but, let him go instead, out of mercy. Ever since then, he packed up, and left his home, not really knowing where to go. Now though, he simply travles from place to place
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- If you were to lazy to read the history, then here is a little catch-you-up. His mother was a pheonix, his father a hunter. He gets the natural born pheonix's ability over fire, but due to the hunter part of him (which doesn't show that much, since he is mostly pheonix), he controls lightning. Not only that, but, he is unable to turn into a pheonix bird because of his human side.
    Played By- Deathsight44

    Name- Lulu
    Age- 17
    Gender- Female
    Species- Human
    Personality- She don't really trust anyone, sarcastic, has an attitude problem, and protective of Vivi.
    Power(s)/Abilities- Black magic
    Class- (Only for humans) Black Mage
    History- Her and Vivi escaped from the village being attacked by the Mimics.
    Additonal information- Vivi's twin sister. She's the older twin.
    Played By- *Polka Dot*

    Name- Vivi
    Age- 17
    Gender- Female
    Species- Human
    Personality- Optimistic, curious,
    Power(s)/Abilities- White magic
    Class- (Only for humans) White Mage
    History- (read Lulu's)
    Additonal information- Lulu's twin. She's the younger twin.
    Played By- *Polka Dot*

    Name- rexejon
    Age- 15
    Gender- male
    Species- hunter
    Personality- relaxed but as his eyes change then he acts insane
    Power(s)/Abilities- earth,fire, darkness, weapon making
    Class- rouge
    History- when he was born his family where slayed and was found by wolves and raised by them but he and his wolf family where banned cause he started to act like the predators them self trough that he gained nicknames as, the blood predator, the wolf warrior and the angel of the predators, after they where banned he trained and learned more and used his insane predator side against enemies.
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- if he get's insane the onl thing he got is the bloodlust and to still that hunger he need victims
    Played By- overload

    Name- klarinette
    Age- 18
    Gender- female
    Species- mimic
    Personality- a nice one but can have a ego
    Beast form/spirit- [​IMG]
    History- she was already part of the wolf family but almost never returned to her normall form, she was also one of the who found rexejon when he was young she was the one who teached him everything
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- likes to be around others
    Played By- overload

    Name- geist
    Age- 18
    Gender- male
    Species- mimic
    Personality- a relaxed one
    Beast form/spirit- [​IMG]
    History- when rexejon came in the wolf family he was against it cause it was a hunter but trough the years he thinks it was a good idea that rexejon joined their family and sees the leader as a father
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Additonal information- likes to play around and the brother of klarinette, but when he fights he can get insane
    Played By- overload

    Name- Rik Echo
    Age- 24
    Gender- Male
    Species- Human
    Personality- crude and arrogant
    Power(s)/Abilities- can summon dragon spirits in a long range slash like attack
    Class- Heavy sword
    Inactive or active- N/A
    Beast form/spirit- N/A
    History- After the death of his father Rik was treated by the people from his hometown like a complete faliure due to the fact that he couldn't do anything at the time of the incident where his father was killed.
    Additonal information- he uses a weapon called a Nodachi, a large katana that can cut a horse in half with force. This Nodachi he uses belonged to his father.
    Played By- Fayt-Harkwind

    Name: Kiko Wood
    Gender: Female
    Species: Mimic
    Personality: Lazy but can be Hyper when happy. Can be evil at times 2.
    Beast Form/Spirt:[​IMG]
    History: Kiko roamed the world not having a real plan or goal. She met Laxene later ans sticked with her.
    Aditional Info: Her eyes change color from yellow to red alot.
    Played By: ~Larxene_43

    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 24, 2008, 219 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Doukuro


    I was gone exactly for a week.


    That's the first time like eva for me.

    Normally it's like a week and a day or six days.

    I'm so proud of my crazy-sleep drprived self ^-^

    I need to be talked to.

    I have been islocated for a week....

    Talk now or die!
    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 21, 2008, 48 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Doukuro

    2:16 am

    I slept a lot today...I have nothing better to do....I am bored.

    Someone dance!
    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 12, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Doukuro
    Blame my brother for singing this song too much ><

    Weird part is that I do not believe in god really...kinda sort of

    The year is 4012. The era of space. Space travel is as easy as going to your neighbor’s house now. Hovercrafts, androids, cyborgs. You name it.
    But on some worlds the old ways are still followed and beliefs are valued most.
    On religion still had the belief of ‘God’.
    An almighty figure that almost no one believes in these days.
    But only a few people know about ‘the secret’.
    The secret that could change the world forever.
    The secret of God.
    It says that every million years that God takes the form of a human, alien, animal, etc. And can only use limited amount of power.
    If god is killed then the killer gets God’s power and title.

    No god-molding
    Noting more than kissing and hugging
    Censore when cussing majorly
    Try to use good gammar
    I shall post new rules as needed

    Note: In the start I am planning on putting my people in space

    OC form-

    World they're from- (Make up one or use Earth)
    Job if any-
    Played By-

    Name- Ren
    Age- 17
    Gender- Female
    Weapon- Guns
    Powers?- Lighting and bends light/Minor transformation
    World they're from- Unknown but it is a world of the old ways
    Histroy- She got sick of the old ways and when a ship came to her home world and she sneaked on (her part starts from here)
    Job if any- None anymore
    Other- None
    Played By- Random Angel

    Name- Angel
    Age- 10
    Gender- Female
    Weapon- None
    Powers?- Elemental magic
    World they're from- (Make up one or use Earth)
    Histroy- She has lived with a rich family but a sheltered life. At the moment her family is traveling by space for unknown reasons to her
    Job if any- Nope
    Other- N/A
    Played By- Random Angel

    Name- Ty
    Age- 17
    Gender- Male
    Weapon- Anything and everything he can get his hands on
    Powers?- Dark abilties
    World they're from- An unknown and no longer existing one (It blew up)
    Histroy- Learn along the way (I am now offically lazy)
    Job if any- He is a smuggler
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    Other- His ship happens to be the one Ren sunk on
    Played By- Random Angel

    Name- Rik Echo
    Age- 23
    Gender- male
    Weapon- two katanas
    Powers?- can use dark energy like chi
    World they're from- Ekon
    Histroy- As agent of his planet, his ship and crew was destroyed by an unknown force and he was imprisioned in a space prison (a prison that moves in outer space), he is apparently still there, waiting
    Job if any- Assassin/ agent
    Other- he's rather arrogant and kind of evil on first impressions
    Played By- Fayt-Harkwind

    Name- Hikaru & Kohaku
    Age- 17
    Gender- male
    Weapon- both carry two 9mm guns
    Powers?- Hikaru controls water and Kohaku controls fire
    World they're from- Kiyoshii
    History- The twins have lived on Kiyoshii for their whole lives and took a space shuttle on their 16th birthday to earth and have been living their since then.
    Job if any- Both of them are bus boys at the local restaurant
    Appearance- [​IMG]
    (gray long sleeved shirts, semi dark blue jeans and low top converse sneakers for both of them)
    Other- nothing for now
    Played By- The Fifth Element
    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 11, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Doukuro


    That's it.

    Too many members post in red Dx

    I'm going
    this color now.

    Haha. It looks more angel-like anyway and I am VERY angel-like. Just ask anyone
    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 10, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Doukuro
    If there is a thread about this I am sorry. A staff member may deal with it then.

    I just think it is stupid. Who would get mad if someone show someone else their middle finger? I was just wondering about how they made this up and well here I am making a thread about it.

    Add to it if you want. I can't be bother to at the moment ><

    EDIT somehow it posted by itself so I had to edit in all of that so sorry if you all read it before I could edit it
    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 9, 2008, 18 replies, in forum: Discussion
  15. Doukuro

    khv be warned

    I'm stealing all of your smilies.

    >Interst evil laugh here<

    That's right. Ima bored and hyper Random Angel



    *Hugs next person to post.*
    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 7, 2008, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Doukuro


    I was talkin to some people on msn and it got me thinking....

    How many people here would miss me if I were to leave the site? (Forever/for a week/doesn't matter. If I just left for any amount of time)
    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 7, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Doukuro



    You are now one year old
    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 7, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Doukuro


    Doesn't it suck?
    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 7, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Doukuro
    Okay so while I was bored I talked to Dmaster and got this great idea....Well the first chapter is not that great and the second chapter should be posted soon but I wanna hear some comments. Good or bad.

    PS The first chapter is the narrtor speaking only but she speaks only a little afterwards and the second chapter is like story mood

    -Crimson Angel-

    ~Chapter One~

    As we all should know is that everything has a meaning. Like for the title of this story or the title of this chapter. And if you don’t I, your narrator, shall explain this along the way. Most of the time you will not hear my voice but in this first chapter it is all that you hear, if you do not like it I am sorry. Now the meaning of the title of this chapter explains itself really. It introduces the story. The first important thing that I must explain is the main point of this story. But seeing how it does not have a point other then to amuse you I guess I will start with the plot instead. During the year of 2010 a terrible war broke out and took lives of many and destroyed families and governments all over the planet Earth. The start of the war will not be explained till later on. During this war the technology of this planet went years ahead of what it could of without the war, a little up side. The humans of Earth could soon travel through space as they traveled through their own world. Thus many left the planet for safety but the armed forces, poor, and loyal people stayed on the world. Near the end of the war all seemed hopeless until a strange force, or being, destroyed the planet and killing the people on it. The sad part is that fewer people died in the destruction of Earth then the course of the war. The closet planet and the planet where most of the humans were now living was the planet named Glacia. Glacia was a beautiful and peaceful planet that was home to many species other then humans and their animals. It also had technology beyond belief but seemed so simple and like a picture in a history books in some places. But then again in other places the cities looked like something from an Earth futuristic movie. This world was only peaceful because of its government but it is also in danger because of them. I would like to explain more but that’ll ruin everything. The species on Glacia also contain magical powers because their planet awakens their powers, also the powers of the humans. Most of the people on Glacia have learned to live with the beings from Earth easily while others hate them for taking up too much room on their home world. This could cause more problems down the road.
    Now I have explained... The new world which this story takes place, the lesson of this story, which is that everything has a meaning, even what people say, and the background of the story. What should I...Oh yes. The rules of our starting point, which is a city that divides up the poor and the rich and the trusted and the un-trustable. Where most of the humans are currently living with a few other species mixed in. The rules are simple and even a few are alike Earth’s but I need only to tell a few right now. Most of them explains themselves so don’t overstrain your brain, yet.
    Species must treat all other species equally and blood drinkers may only drink blood of those who are no longer moving about or that of animals.
    The city borders are all around the city creating a circle around it, about a mile out. Past it without permission or passport you will not be able to come back unless the city leader or a court of law says otherwise. If you do come back you will become a fugitive.
    All are guilty until proven innocent
    No one is allowed to abuse their powers and if one do so they will go through court without question. Use them as needed or when the time calls for it, such as in self-defensive.
    None are allowed in restricted areas.
    All under the age of ten have to have an adult with them at all times outside of the household. Their curfew is ten pm. People up to the age of eighteen have a curfew of eleven pm and are not allowed out until seven am.

    I suggest you think about these at least a little.
    Oh how could I forget? I introduced so much without introduction myself. I am the storyteller of the royal city on this world. I never use my name and thus no one knows it which causes most to see me ‘un-trustable Seriously, these people have some trust issues. Well anyway, I am a seer and for those who have no idea what is that it just means I can see through time. Of course I have other powers but they are unimportant in this time and place.
    And while we are talking about the characters in this story I shall now talk about two of them. I will explain the rest later.
    The first one I will talk about will be...Krystal. This young, bright and beautiful girl was born on my home world, Glacia. I will tell of her past along the way but I will tell of her current story. She lives with her family, mother and younger sister. She never knew of her father and her mother might not as well exist but she lives for her younger sister. Thus she does anything to make money to take care of her sister so she doesn’t have to worry about anything. Her younger sister is named Rose and is seven years younger then her sister and Krystal is sixteen, almost seventeen. You can do the math right? She attends high school so she may get better jobs but she is only a teenager and skips sometimes. Her personality varies on her mood but most of the time she is hyper and out going.
    Next up is someone who was born on Earth. He has lived a normal live until he turned six when he gained powers from another world. After that his past is a blur. He came to our world when the Earth was blown up but he has yet to fit in but nothing here suspires him. He is an outcast who has never went to school here and has no files about him. He is a laid back and easy going sixteen year old. Of course as an outsider he is homeless. He has a fetish for swords and fire which worries the people he gets to know.
    Now it is time to explain the groups of this world and city.
    The most important group is the governments.
    We should all know the one from Earth. But after they came here some people discovered secrets about them that only a few ever knew, even people in the government themselves had no idea about these secrets.
    The government on Glacia pitied the Earth people and thought it would be best to work with their government, mostly to avoid any further war.
    Then we have outcasts, criminals, and fugitives.
    This is all that I can say for now. I do hope you listen to the rest of my story.
    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 7, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Archives
  20. Doukuro


    My friend is tryin to make a username for here but he can't think of a really good halloween name.

    Suggestions would be helpful. Please?
    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 7, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone