In this alternate reality anything can happen. It starts the night of the festival before Saya's horrible death. Who knows? She could live, Black Cat could stay with Chronos, and anything else. Let's see what happens. (Yay for boredom) Rules- -No god-molding -No killing other people's characters without their premission -Keep everyone in character People (Not naming all of them) Chronos Sephiria Arks - I - Belze Rochefort - II - Emilio Lowe - III - Kranz Maduke - IV - Nizer Bruckheimer - V - Anubis - VI - Jenos Hazard - VII - Baldorias S. Fanghini - VIII - David Papper - IX - Ash - X - (The one that dies and got replaced by Lin later on for those who don't know) Beluga J. Heard - XI - Mason Ordrosso - XII - Train Heartnet - XII - Random Angel Willzark - 0 - Creed - Sweepers Sven Vollfied (Spen) - Saya Minatsuki - Other Eve - Rinslet Walker - Feel free to ask for anyone that wasn't inculded and OCs are alloed. Sign up form below... Orginal Characters Name: Age: Gender: Personality: History: Appearance: Weapon: Job?: Anything else you want to add: Played By: Name: Slyth Age: 16 Gender: Male Personality: Nice and Hyper can be serious if needed. History: a sweeper that is looking for the killer of his parents. Appearance: Weapon: Stardust Saber and Stardust Blaster Job?: Sweeper Anything else you want to add: Played By: Labomba
Ever played? It's what I now do in class while it's free time. So pretty and addicting.
Some drawings done within the last...week. They're just sketchs but they turned out okay :3 I know I made a lot of mistakes though :sweat: Anyway, I want you all thoughts and ideas on how I can make it all better :3 Or in simpler words, cnc betches xD (I have the comments in the artist comments and I can't think of anything to add. CnC on each?) Drawing number one: Random Elf Girl Drawing number two: Gokudera from Hitman Reborn ~ Chibi style! (So small xD) Drawing number three: Random Neko Girl
Was going to be a story but like hell I can write... Plus it's good for this month. Painting the world red, one place at a time. 50 years ago, a massacre was commited, many innocent people died. It took place in the town square in the middle of the afternoon on a normal Thursday. The killer was never caught, but later found dead in a manor on the outskirts of the town a month later. Over time the small town grew into a city but the manor remained untouched with woods growing around it, still remaining in the outskirts. One day a cop chased a crinmal on the run into the woods, they went into the manor next, neither came out. It's been a week since and people has been disappearing. The curse of the town... Will it ever be broken? The rp starts in the summer Rules: *No killing without permission *If hurt, stay hurt, no magically healing. *If your character dies feel free to make another one, and if you make a plan on how your character should die pm anyone you would need help from but it would be more...surisping the less everyone else knows about it. *This rp mostly falls under Sci-fi not fantasy, just keep that in mind. Sign in sheet: Name: Age: Gender: History: Appearance: Other: Played By: Name: Terri Age: 17 Gender: Female History: She grew up in one of the wealthiest families in the city but didn't let the money go to her head, and is very shy. Appearance: Other: Played By: Random Angel Name: Tira aka Uri (Uri is her nickname from close friends) Age: 23 Gender: Female History: She never thought of being a cop until her parents were killed by blugers. When she finally did become a cop her and her partern become close friends when he disappeared in the manor while chasing a crinmal. Appearance: Other: Played By: Random Angel Name: Dylan Age: 18 Gender: Male History: Normal student who just got out of high school (My creativity is lacking today ><) Appearance: Other: Played By: Random Angel Name: Samatha Age: 19 Gender: Female History: Unknown at the moment (Yep lacking...and now I'm lazy) Appearance: Other: Played By: Random Angel Name:Lily Porter age:18 gender:female apperence: history:just out of high school other: Played by:SORA! Name: Ebony "Ebs" Shubaku Age: 13 Gender: Female History: Was recently expelled from her bording school and has returned home for a while as her parents search for a new school to ship her off to Appearance: Other: There seems to be more to her then meets the eye. What exactly is going on behind her unnaturally dark eyes? Played By: Demitryx Name: Shawn White(got inspiration from two of my Age: 20 Gender: Male(I dun want to be a female!) History: He lives alone, his house being one of the closest to the mansion. When he turned 18 he joined the armed forces for a time before deciding it "was not for him" and getting another job(too lazy to decide right now). He's always been curious about the manor... Appearance: Ehhh....>>; I'm gonna be lazy and describe it as I RP...>>;;; Other: Keeps plenty of assorted weapons in his pockets at all times, usually just to show off. Played By: Arch/Starkiller
It's bad when I think D: Anyway this is just a thought... Profile messege and usernotes are pretty much the same thing... So is there really a need to have both? And maybe we could get rid of one? Again just a thought...
I WILL NOT BE SEDUCE BY YOUR CANDY! (I just yelled that at my sis because she offered my icky candy)
A thousand posts. Now before I start changing colors due to the deadly diease... *Writes will*
Anyone seen it? It started out kind of stupid but I was detrimed to find out who was this one guy who I kept seeing all over photobucket (which turned out to be Bel) and later on it got intersting. Always funny xD And now Bel is my newest obession. I am on eposide 65 (at the ending of it) and I end up getting to watch a lot of eps per day lately... o.o I've only started to watch it last week... Like Friday I think.
I need a sig to match my avi. Render Words: Belphegor (wavy and mabye fancy like and it I want it faded out) The colors should match my avi but maybe a little different in the desgin... Plz and thank you in advance if anyone makes it.
Saint made me go emo then went emo himself and now we're a emo couple =/
Artist comments. CnC wanted, please? Click to enlargen of course.
Yesterday we got a free xbox 360 =D
I've been drawing more. =/ There are artist comments below the pictures~ Something random to get things started: Kid Ariel: There shall be more later on.
My last rp that I will be creating on this site for a while expect for all rps that are in my 'Return of Kira' seirs unless I get bored enough but that won't happen any time soon cuz I'll refuse to post any Many years into the furture, the worlds are in choas. The War between many different kinds of aliens raged on for many years as innocents died daily. The main reason WHY the war started is unknown to everyone expect those who fight and those who comand the fighting ones. There is an ultimate power somewhere hidden in the universe and almost everyone wants it. But only a few actually have an idea where the exactly loation of it might be. A Sanctuary was formed on one of the few remaining planets that was still in one piece. A barrier was created around the planet thanks to all of the different species' tech. In the Sanctuary peace is the highest propity and if anyone tries to destory that peace they could go to jail, get the death pently, or worse, they could get kcked out of the Sanctuary and into the war zone, which is everywhere and anywhere. Due to the strict rules rebels and free birds are bond to cause trouble. And people soon forget there is a war going on outside of their protictive barrier. And it's very diffcult to get in the Sanctuary seeing how anyone could be an enemy. (This starts a year after the Sanctuary was made.) Rules- (You should know them by now but they change every now and then and I think it's best to put them down to prevent choas.) *No god-molding (Naturally) It pisses me off and I've had enough of it. So as soon as I say you're out, byebye. I will be strict on this rule most of the time unless I can't be bother with it :sweatdrop: *Cuss all you want but censor on some of the more 'graphic' (you call it) words. Damn, piss, crap, doesn't bother me. I say them a lot actually... *I really don't give a damn on the romance as long as people skip the more... detailed parts. Please! This IS a PG-13 rated site after all... *This is in the furture so there is major tech on most planets (some planets can still be old fashined if you wish) but there can't be a super hacker thing... People would also update their firewalls you know... But if your person knows what they are doing then go ahead but it will be impossible to hack something in seconds unless it's a simple computer. There will also be a lot of different alien types so be creative there. (I try to be but when I'm making my people today don't expect much :sweatdrop:) Worlds - (Feel free to make up your own) Name: The Sanctuary Despriction: A very high tech and one of the few, maybe the only, planet where species mix. Although it is high tech it is still new so there is not many buildings, but there is no disverity and people can live in expensive looking house even if they are poor. Seeing how it is new the city is still on only one side while the other side still is being inveagted and such. Picture it as an old looking city like in a desert, baazars and such. (If you ever played Final Fantasy 12 that'll help) But instead of being surrounded by desert on all side there's a mix. A massive desert to one side and a mountain with forests to the other. (The city was built within the forest which the more natural people hate.) And of course there will be many different militaries but I can't think of a good way to describe them at the moment... I'll edit this when I can. Sign in form- Feel free to remove everything in ()'s Name- Age- Gender- Species- Personality- Weapons- (opintional) Abilities- (Non magical ones. Like their specilites or what they can do thanks to what species they are. Like if they are some kind of lizard man then they'll have the abilities of a lizard and stuff) Powers- (This is the magical kind xD Only some species have them) Home Planet- (opintional) Current Location- History- Appearance- Anything else- Username- People- Name- Lynn Age- 17 Gender- Female Species- 'Angel'. They got their name because humans saw them back before science really was devloped and thought that they were the biblical angels. But instead they're far from it. The early angels were actually evil beings, most like vampires but feeding off of souls instead. But then a law was made that they could only feed off of dead people and some of them became 'good'. They got in their own little war which resulted in neither side winning gso they went their sperate ways. Personality- Hyper activge but shy of new people Weapons- Abilities- Her species are able to grow wings at will and fly through space without the need of air. Also they do not need to eat or drink as long as they had eaten a soul recently. A soul can last them for a month or more, depending on how strong it was. If they don't eat any souls (their kind of vegrtain) they eat and drink a LOT. Always are hungry and thristy. Powers- The wings, sucking souls out of people, crossing between the living and dead relams, and bending light and shadows to an exent. Her OWN powers that are not common in her species is that she can bend in with the envirment, in other words turn invisable. Home Planet- Was born in space. Current Location- The Sanctuary History- Her mother was trying to get to safety while flying through space. When then she was about to have Lynn so she had to stop but there was no near by planets. Thankfully a junk ship was near by who stopped to help. Lynn was born at the cost of her mother's life. The people who were on the ship picked up junk from war zones after fighting to sell to help pay off debts and they raised her. She saw many aliens and such and one boy who was on there was special but she can't remember much about him due to an accident cuased when they went into a metor belt. The ship was destoired and she has no idea if any of the others made it out of there alive or not. To this point she still knows nothing about her kind expect for the rumors she heard in her travels. Appearance- Anything else- She got into The Sanctuary six months after it was created. And no one knows what her wings look like at this point with the expectation of a few. Username- Random Angel Name- Ty Age- 16 Gender- Male Species- Angel (just like Lynn) Personality- Very childish Weapons- Doesn't use any Abilities- His species are able to grow wings at will and fly through space without the need of air. Also they do not need to eat or drink as long as they had eaten a soul recently. A soul can last them for a month or more, depending on how strong it was. If they don't eat any souls (their kind of vegrtain) they eat and drink a LOT. Always are hungry and thristy. Powers- The wings, sucking souls out of people, crossing between the living and dead relams, and bending light and shadows to an exent. Home Planet- His birthplace is unknown at the moment Current Location- In space on his ship History- He is my character that has a lot of unknown facts about him but everything will be explained in due time. All is known about him now is that his family name has power over his species so he can get away with bossing almost anyone around. He's on the comand ship in a fleet that is looking for the ulitame power. The fleet contains many ships, all power, some large and some small. He doesn't want to be there but his father told him to so that he can get a taste of the front lines but he couldn't care less for any kind of power. He only like fun things. Appearance- Anything else- Is high ranked thanks to his family name Username- Random Angel Name- Norah Age- 16 Gender- Female Species- Shapeshifter. Takes the form of a dog (German Shepperd). Personality- Kind to people she trusts, but does not often trust people easily. Weapons- Dagger Abilities- Has a long jumping range, and is good at hand-to-hand combat. Powers- Heals quickly, and can sometimes heal others, but she is still trying to master that ability. Home Planet- unknown Current Location- The Sanctuary History- Her parents were sent to fight in The War, and had to leave Norah when she was very young. close friends of theirs had promised to take care of her. They thought of her as their own daughter. But soon The War had taken over their own planet, and were forced to find The Sanctuary. She is not even sure of this story, as she was still only about 2 years old. Appearance- Anything else- Username- Vertigo Haven
My sugar rush is wearing off! I need more sugar! *looks around* Damn. I see none... Wait...We have soda! Anywho... Anyone want to create a massacre with me?
Is not a democracy. It's a dictatorship. That is all.
Note: This is based off of the anime seris 'Ghost Hunt'. You don't have to watch the anime to understand this since everything will be explained along the way but it would be best if you seen it. Shibuya Psychic Research (SPR) is an organization headed by Shibuya "Naru" Kazuya that studies psychic phenomena. They undertake the thorough scientific investigation of any and all psychic phenomena as requested by their clients. One day, Taniyama Mai, a high school student, accidentally injures Rin, an assistant to Naru. She begins as a substitute for Lin, and from then continues to work part-time at the SPR. Ghosts, spirits, curses… Follow the adventures of the members of the SPR as they team up with psychics such as the monk Takigawa Hoshi, John Brown the exorcist, Hara Masako the medium, and Matsuzaki Ayako the shrine maiden, to solve numerous horror mysteries. After the anime ended the people who helped Naru out started to be seen less and less and then new people asked to join the SPR and Naru got the help of some other paranormal reachers, etc. Files: Current- The Stranger - Details was yet to be heard Sloved- Name: Born: Height: (opintional) History: Abilities: Personality: Job: Appearance: Played By: Existing characters are listed below. I would perfer if someone how watched the anime would take them but they are open to use. Once we have a Lin-san and Naru-chan we'll start (It was hard to find the pics so just deal with what I got. Information on these characters can be found on wiki. Naru, Mai, Lin and maybe Osamu will be the only ones to appear frenqtly through out this rp) Name: Mai Taniyama Age: 16 Born: 3 July Height: 155 CM History: A orphan and first year high school student who temporarily fills in as an assistant for SPR to repay her debt when she accidentally injurs Naru's regular assistant, Lin, and breaks a camera that was being used in an investigation of an old building at Mai's school (It is later revealed that the camera was covered by insurance, and the reason for her employment is unknown). After the conclusion of the first case, she is offered a regular part-time position for SPR and acts as an office and on-case assistant for SPR after developing an interest in the handsome boss of SPR, Shibuya Kazuya who she nicknames Naru for his narcissism. She openly dislikes Naru for his egotistical attitude and often argues with him, but harbors romantic feelings for him as well. She believes that her attraction to him manifests in her dreams as he often appears in them smiling and supporting her. It should be noted that both her parents have died: her father when she was little, and her mother when she was in middle school. Mai was taken in by a teacher who helped her through those years, yet when she reveals this late in the series, she is living alone and supporting herself through her wages at SPR. Abilities: Naru determines that she has ESP abilities through a test (although she does the complete opposite of what she is told to do: instead of predicting which light would light up, she predicts which wouldn't, and has a miss rate of 1000/1000). Naru refers to her abilities as "latent sensitivity", which include her dreams acting as a form of precognition and her seeming clairvoyance, akin to an animal's ability to instinctively detect danger. In recent episodes, Mai has also experienced "out of body" movement, when she gives the key to her old home to Masako while she is dreaming. Whenever she is having these dreams, it seems that Naru was always there to guide her. Personality: She is very caring towards others and her facial expression shows how she is feeling or in other words she's easy to read Job: Part time work for SPR Appearance: Played By: Random Angel Name: Kazuya Shibuya Age: 17 Born: 19 September Height: 175 CM History: A paranormal researcher and the handsome 17 year-old president of the SPR, Shibuya Psychic Research. His nickname "Naru" is short for "narcissist", given to him by Mai. Contrary to the other characters, he does not appear to possess any kind of spiritual power, and must count on his companions' abilities and his own intellect and knowledge to solve the cases they investigate. He and Mai apparently share a close relationship as she is the only girl he addresses by given name, unlike Ayako (Matsuzaki-san) and Masako (Hara-san), resulting in the latter becoming jealous of Mai. When Mai notices that Naru treats her differently from their friends, she becomes angry and confronts him; Naru only smiles to indicate she is special to him. It is uncertain if he likes Mai romantically. Abilities: Naru is an extremely powerful psychic, but using it takes a toll on his body because it is difficult to control and can only be used as raw power. Personality: He is sharp and extremely intelligent, but very much a he has been nicknamed "Naru" (Short for narcissist). He acts cold and bossy around the others but the truth is he cares about them. Job: President of SPR Appearance: Played By: robert the yogurt Name: Lin Koujo Age: I have no idea...sorry Born: 11 January Blood Type: A Height: 194 CM History: Originally from Hong Kong. He seems to get most of the unpleasant jobs, and works through the night. He acts as Naru's guardian to help him find his brother. It is revealed that the three are childhood friends. Lin says he dislikes Japanese people because of the past conflicts Japan has had with China. At one time, he told this to Mai and she told him that he should forget the past to move on and if he should hate her, it should be because he hates her as an individual. At this, he stated that a long time ago, someone told him the exact same words. In the novel, it is revealed that this person was Gene. Abilities: He appears to be an onmyoji and has a wide range of paranormal skills from exorcism to summoning spirit familiars. Personality: calm and taciturn assistant who rarely speaks more than he needs to Job: Naru's assistant Appearance: Played By: Name: Houshou Takigawa Age: 25 Born: 22 February Blood Type: 0 Height: 185 CM History: A 25 year old hakkaisou, a Buddhist monk who has left his position, who studied in Mt. Koya. He claims that he left Mt. Koya because they did not allow music CDs. His full-time profession is a bass musician in a popular band. He usually acts as a brotherly figure to Mai, but does ask Mai out on a date when she becomes jealous of Naru going on a date with Masako at the end of episode 11. He is one of the more powerful and effective members of the group and acts as leader in Naru's absence, as seen in the Cursed House File. The other members of SPR refer to him casually as "Bou-san" (Monk-san). It is revealed in the novels that he actually has a diver's licence but has never used it, not even once. Abilities: Exorrism and denfensive spells Personality: Funny at times, caring Job: Bass player in a popular band and part time monk Appearance: Played By: Name: Ayako Matsuzaki Age: 23 Born: 7 June Blood Type: B Height: 167 CM History: An old outspoken, self-styled Shinto miko, or priestess, because she was not raised in a shrine and is actually the daughter of a wealthy doctor who owns a community hospital. She is confident and proud of her abilities, though her attempts to demonstrate them have almost always fallen short. To her credit, she did teach Mai some defensive sutras, particularly the Shinto Kuji exorcism incantation, "Rin pyou tou sha kai jin retsu sai zen". It is later revealed that she is actually just as strong as Bou-san, but apparently only works well under certain conditions and is capable of hearing the spirits of trees. A running joke is that at the beginning of a new case, Ayako usually claims the incident is caused by an elemental earth spirit. She has also shown an interest in Naru, though he frequently rebuffs her with dry remarks concerning her age. Later in the story, she develops somewhat of an 'older sister' relationship to Mai. Abilities: Exorcism and hears spirits in trees Personality: Tries to be serious but fails at times. A know it all sometimes as well but is kind Job: Shinto miko Appearance: Played By: Name: John Brown Born: 5 January Age: 19 Height: 162 CM History: A caucasian Catholic priest from Australia who learned to speak Japanese with a Kansai accent, thus giving his sentences a rather odd, humorous structure. Abilities: His means of exorcism is spraying holy water while reciting the first passage of John from the New Testament of the Bible. Personality: Good-natured and helpful, he helps Mai and Naru however he can. Job: Catholic priest Appearance: Played By: Name: Masako Hara Born: 24 July Age: 16 Height: 152 CM History: A spirit medium with a popular television show and the ability to speak to the dead, Masako is a 16 year old girl who resembles a Japanese doll because she is always wearing a kimono, even while sleeping. She has romantic feelings towards Naru and is jealous of how casual and free Naru is when dealing with Mai. This initially causes friction between Masako and Mai, as she views Mai as a rival; however, after Mai saves her in the Blood-stained Labyrinth File, they reach a shaky truce. In the novels, it is revealed that Masako knows of Naru's true identity and his psychic powers and has used that secret to extract favors out of Naru himself, despite his reticence to participate in social events. Abilities: medium, senses spirits Personality: clam and jealous of Mai Job: Famous TV medium Appearance: Played By: Larxene_43 Name:Osamu Yasuhara Born: 1 March Age: Around Mai's and Naru's age....Sorry Height: 177 CM History: A 3rd year top-ranked high school student and president of his school's student council. Yasuhara first appears as a client of SPR as a result of unexplainable phenomena occuring at his school during "File 6". After the case is solved, he continues to help out SPR in what ever ways he can, such as impersonating Kazuya Shibuya at the request of Naru and performing background research off-site while the others are on a case. He has no psychic powers of his own, but his sharp mind and work efficiency make him a good support to the team. He has a wry sense of humor and is unafraid to poke fun at the different members of the team, often making homosexual remarks to Bou-san. He is planning to attend university and has been accepted to Tokyo University after passing his entrance exams. Abilities: None Personality: sharp mind and work efficiency, wry sense of humor and is unafraid to poke fun at the different members of the team, often making homosexual remarks to Bou-san Job: None (If someone plays at him you can make him part time worker for SPR) Appearance: Played By:
I <3 this anime. Anyone else seen it? Or ven heard of it? If you've seen it are the rumors true that season two is coming out next year in the summer?
I'll be back this weekend or next weekend. But if I get bored and allowed on I'll stop by to watch anime and will be on MSN Today I'll be on as long as possible though. Peace ~ Random Angel Editz: I'm back but I might disappear randomly through out the next couple of months. So his now may be closed by staff PS. I just needed time away from the site
Anyone here knows how to hack the internet? I mean the teacher has the websites blocked >< This site isn't blocked though cuz it's too cool to be