What is this, I don't even... Oh hey. I disappeared and then came back as a lurker and boredom brings me to post... Sup?
Not many people seem to notice it says that in the scan xP Old work, more info in the artist's comments on the DA page. Graveyard
I used reference @-@ Still good, in my opinion. Can't find orginal reference though, however, will link it later. As you can see I am still in the process of shading in her hair http://angelic-tofu.deviantart.com/art/Random-Girl-WIP-155947008
I believe I'm improving, but it is still hard to do poses without reference. This was on a volume cover since I was checking out the manga for my sister and I just love her character design <3 Wasn't copied all the way, but most of it was .-. I still like it though. Link - Cold Hearted Stalker
Haha, first post~
Well, not totally about rps themsleves, but more about the rpers. And this may be a total bust, but I thought I'd post it anyway. Well, we have a workshop, and that's good and all, but newbies may not read that. And seeing how there's a lot of them...well, the rp section isn't all that impressive. So I thought of a simple solution. (Well, more like stole the idea...but yeah... Details. Who needs them?) RP Teachers. RPers who are decent at rping can be assigned to help out newbies. Course, can't force teach people (without getting in trouble that is...) so someone can make a thread where people can ask for help and get it. Course this can be doomed to fail, but I wanted to know what other people thought of it.
I haven't posted in here in so long. D: So here I am~ So many choices to choose from...trying not to flood the section... I'll just stick with two for now. Still make a lot of mistakes but been told I've gotten better... Read the comments for more details on the art~ http://hitna.deviantart.com/art/Black-Friday-135909234 http://hitna.deviantart.com/art/Naruto-134269770 For more work you can just check out my gallery~
I hate those black dots on the scanner >> And blah blah blah blaaaaaaah Spoiler
This is an experiment I need to help with a story thingy that's been stuck in my head for quite some time now, so ideas and such would help. And I'm kinda dazed while typing this... ~Story~ "One of the most amazing images of love that I know is Persian – a mystical Persian representation as Satan as the most loyal lover of God. You will have heard the old legend of how, when God created the angels, he commanded them to pay worship to no one but himself; but then, creating man, he commanded them to bow in reverence to this most noble of his works, and Lucifer refused – because, we are told, of his pride. However, according to this Muslim reading of his case, it was rather because he loved and adored God so deeply and intensely that he could not bring himself to bow before anything else, and because he refused to bow down to something that was of less superiority than him. (Since he was made of fire, and man from clay.) And it was for that that he was flung into Hell, condemned to exist there forever, apart from his love." Lucifer's love turned to hate and jealously of the humans, blaming them for everything. While trapped in the pits of hell, his power grew from feeding off of the souls of the dead. Even the other demons fed off of the power of the souls of the once powerful. As he grew stronger he thought of returning to the heavens only after turning the humanly plane into the hell he was confided to. Before he was able to do that, some of the other demons found their way to Earth, causing a riot there. One of the more powerful demons, Gluttony, representing one of the deadly sins, created a portal for Lucifer to get free from Hell. By this time Earth was already in ruin with both angel and human kind fighting off the demons who claimed Earth as their new home. Some of the humans turned into demons and blood painted the Earth. ~Setting~ The demons came to a modern day Earth when some humans were finding out of their unnatural powers. Most of the fighting takes place in the ruins of New York (first place came to mind that's a large city >>),which was also the place where Lucifer arrived at. Most of the buildings are either ruble or only have the metal frame left, but some houses/buildings are in good shape thanks to people who protect them. Subways are hideouts for humans which led to a makeshift underground house like areas. (Large room where the people can hide with metal doors that are hidden as entrances) ~Species~ Humans: Everyone knows this part... Humans are either powerless or have one to three powers and the elemental power(s) should fit in with their personality(This applies only to humans). Like fire means the person is strong hearted, stubborn ever, 'fiery' personality, and as a fire would eat anything, the people who control fire would believe anything. Water(including ice/mist or steam) means calm, free/flows with whatever is happening, maybe even he or she doesn't follow rules, but isn't exactly called rebellious. Earth/nature means strong, independent, loving, kind, open minded, normally aren't shaken up easily and stand their ground. Wind = bit like water but they like to speak their mind and some are loud-mouthed, don't like listening, do as they wish, but they can be wise. Light = Kind, caring, motivational, never gives up, sometimes shy, but friendly and all that. Dark = Sometimes are psychotic, sadistic, not always evil, but may have a dark sense of humor, the anti hero even. With other powers, be creative or use other powers, like telepathic, transformation, spiritual things, *too tired to think of any others, but you get the idea, right?* Demons: I would like demons representing the seven deadly sins, expect for pride since that's me, and make sure they match the sin, like greed has to be greedy. D: Other then that, demons either have to take possession of a human or other being to stay on Earth, take a form of a monster type being, looks like a human with some inhuman features. They can have four or five powers (or less of course) and the more human they can look, the more powerful they are and the more control they have over their actions. (The most powerful ones are the ones who represent the sins.) Angels: Some angel names for inspiration. Angels are usually viewed as emanations of a supreme divine being, sent to do the tasks of that being. Traditions vary as to whether angels have free will or are merely extensions of the supreme being's will. While the appearance of angels also varies, many views of angels give them a human shape. They can have the same amount of powers as the demons. Other: Feel free to create your own species, but I must approve. ~Rules~ *No god molding (I'll make sure not to go power crazy D: Though that's going to be tough...xD) *You're restricted to five characters. *Be sure to follow the species list. *First post has to be blue *Use good grammar, please. *Blood and gore are allowed, just keep romance pg-13 ~People~ Name: Age: Gender: Species: Species Description: (Only if they are in the other section) Weapon: Power: Personality: History: Appearance: Anything else: Played By: Name: Lucifer Age: ? Gender: Male Species: Fallen archangel/Demon Weapon: Uses none Power: Fire, darkness, telekinetic, illusionary magic, transformation Personality: Prideful History: I don't feel like typing it all again. Appearance: Anything else: Played By: Random Angel Name: Archangel Ariel Age: ? Gender: Appears in a female form Species: Angel Weapon: in pic Power: Earth and air Personality: Ariel is an Archangel closely related to nature. She is particularly helpful for teachers and healers and assists with psychic development. She works with Raphael when healing the physical body. History: Appearance: Normally appears as a loin or Anything else: Virtues are courage, focus, healing, awakening and has a 'third eye' Played By: Random Angel Name: Laya Age: 18 Gender: Female Species: Human Weapon: None Power: Shields herself whenever danger threatens her or when she's touched by evil, lighting and earth Personality: Her nature related powers make her calm and steady but the lighting in her makes her up beat and always waiting to strike History: She's a run away that has lived on the streets of NY for years before the demons came, making life harder. She'd fight anyone who messes with her but is uninterested in the war going on upside. Appearance: Without wings Anything else: Played By: Random Angel Name: Azrael Age: ??? Gender: Male Species: Angel Species Description: Wings of fire Power: DEATH AND FIRE Personality: cold, passion for vengeance, silent History: Angel of Death, and Angel of God's Will. An ususpecting twist lies hidden under his past. Appearance: regular= killer mode/angelic mode= Played By: D.M.R Name: ArchAngel Michael Age: Unknown Gender: Male Species: Seraphim/ArchAngel Weapon: Flaming sword Power: Fire(as in...HOLY SH*T THAT'S A LOT OF FIRE!!! D8), teleportation, light, being awesome. B| Personality: Calm, cool minded, helps those in need, and is very noble. History: The angel who originaly cast Lucifer out of heaven(I know my angels. >8D), he's been sent back to Earth to do it once more. Appearance: http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/v.../angel1hjy.jpg Anything else: Played By: Just call me Arch. Name: Ame Mitsukai Age: ???? Gender: female Species:Angel Species Description: Wings of life and sadness (I had to think) Weapon: Katana Power:Water and the songs she sings have effects on people and the area around her. Personality: Nice,Confident,Couragous,and Sad at ttimes History: Whenever she is seen in the rain she looks like a rabbit half the time and is usually seen crying in the rain (her name means rain and her last name means angel).She's happy most of the time but when she remembers something from her past her head starts to hurt and it takes a while for her to forget. Appearance: http://i338.photobucket.com/albums/n...nime-angel.png Anything else: Nicknamed "The Rabbit who cries in the Rain" Played By: Shadow_Rocks Name: Arch-Angel Marie Age: ??????? Gender: Female Species: Demon/ Arch-Angel Weapon: None Power: Mind Control, Probability manipulation, Power mimicry, Empathy and Sound Manipulation. Personality: Extremely lazy, prefers not to do anything and to enjoy just simply lying down and soak into the sun. Loves the 21st Century as it is filled with so many lazy people trying to make life easier for themselves. The best thing about having her job is that she doesn't have to do it herself. Humans are already progressing onto that level themselves. History: Back in the days when she was an Angel, she would help God with the documentation of who went into heaven, and also organize special events for God and the Saints. She became a demon, mainly because one of those days, when she was by the gateway to heaven, waiting for the next batch of people accepted, she met this human guy, and had a long talk with him. She found out that he had died trying to save his little sister, getting burnt alive as a consequence, and now she had no family to take care of her. Out of pity, without anyone looking, she personally sent him down to earth, so he could have one more chance in life. Exhausted as she was from coming to earth after dealing with so many people coming to heaven that week, once the guy came back to life, she fell asleep on the chair next to him for about 3 hours. When she came back, she found out that she left the gates unattended, and the interior of heaven was being teared down by demons. She was summoned to God once the demons were sent to wherever they came from. He then had a chat with her, mentioning that she had broken a rule, that once a human was either in heaven or hell, there was no escape for them, no matter how sad their life stories are and so on. He then mentioned that he was going to remove her ability to stay dilligent and organized. She yelled back, right before falling down from heaven, ''This isn't right. I did what I thought was right, you had given me a conscience after all!! You can't turn me into one of them!! You need me!! You know that!!'' She then drooped her head down in silence, muttering, ''Enlighten me. Whoever replaces my job will taste the likes of hell from me. You make these humans work to the bone, so they can die? They need a rest man. And so do us Angels. I don't get it with you. You love these humans, yet allow them to die? How can you live with yourself? They're not all 'Adam' or 'Eve' you know? They're all individuals that require love and care, and you just let them all go off to fend for themselves. What if angel Gabriel suddenly decided that he wanted a vacation? What would you do? Eh? EHH?'' That very instant, her dignity was taken away, and thus she fell from heaven. Whilst she fell, her wings grew darker from the dark clouds, painting her wings as black as the night. The bottom parts of her wings withered away, and her wings ended up looking more like bat-wings. Appearance: Anything else: Her deadly sin is ''Sloth.'' Her nickname Played By: Cherry Name: Arc Angel Kyle Age: ??? Gender: Male Species: Arch-angel/Demon Weapon: Black raven Blade Power: the dark elements(dark lightning,dark ice,dark fire,dark water dark wind) can summon a giant black raven that have the same powers as him. He can fly. Personality: He has a dark personality and his ideologies and philosophies are some of the reasons that he has such a dark personality. History: His history is riddled with questions that he doesn't want answered.he got his memories Erased for a reason he doesn't understand, he just know's that he's better off without knowing his past. Appearance: Anything else: His Sin is "Wrath". Name: Misty Age: 19 Gender: Female Species: Demon Weapon: She usually uses her fist, but if she has to she will bring out a red sword with demon aura which is very sharp. Power: Can eat anything but she can still get stomach aches and stuff if she eats bad stuff. Has powerful strength, can control some earth element Personality: Always hungry hardly ever full,happy,outgoing History: She grew up as a human but she was very mean human, she would lay tricks on people. And one day she killed a man and then killed another then another. Until finally she was turned into a deadly sin which was Gluttony, cause she ate a lot but was able to keep a figure. Appearance: She has short orange hair,a short sleeved black shirt with red lines down the shoulders to the end of the sleeves and down the middle front and back. With long baggy shirts. Anything else: Is Gluttony Name: Hela Age: 15 Gender: Female Species: Demon (Goddess of Death in Teutonic reilgion) Weapon: uses none Power: Controls the human soul, wind, water, and changes form Personality: She's envious of course. Cold towards others, distrusting, distant. History: She's live on Earth her whole life, undetected. Even though she grew with a rich family, she never was happy with what she had. Everyone always had something better than her. Toys... pets... loving parents. She wanted it all. And one day when she was talking to her 'parents' she became angery without reason. Without warning those who were her family started to bleed from their eyes. The blood black. Shortly afterwards they fell, never to get up. At first she had no idea what happened but she learned of what she was over time. She wondered the streets before metting other demons. Now she's on her own after those demons betrayed her. She believes she'll never be happy and no one will ever be her friend. Appearance: Anything else: She repersents envy and is unable to mentally grow up past the day her so called parents died.
Stock: http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x155/hitna3510/KingdomHearts/Demyx/0a5ff2b6-2.jpg Words: Drenched In Tears Size: Whatever works best for you. Everything else is up to the person who makes it.
I was inspired while making 'Second Chance' because of the ocs Dx (Btw, don't expect it to be awesome, I'm very tired at the moment. But with help it might get better Dx *Thinks ahead for rp*) Story ---- In the time that this rp takes place, anything is possible and almost everyone lives in space. And everything was peaceful until a group of raiders went from planet to planet, killing all who wouldn't join them. Soon they grew powerful and were about to rule, until they just vanished. Centuries passed and technology grew, along with weaponry just in case the raiders ever came back. And all of the preparation turned to fear, and then into paranoia. The Galactic control started to watch every planet, very carefully, and even removed most of their freedom. And when the Raiders finally came back, they fought against the Galactic Control and were kind of heroes, until they started to attack the planets again. Basically... everything is in chaos. ---- Starting point: Planet - Surraine (Industrial city for Galactic control) Your reason for being there is your own. ---- ~Rules~ -Stay ON TOPIC! (Sure asking questions is fine, but only as needed) -Romance is okay just keep it PG-13. -PLEASE use good grammar, it throws me off at times. -Please try to post often but give others a chance to post also -No Txt Tlk. I can't read most of it Dx -No God-Mod or I'll kill you. -Have fun. -Warnings will be made as needed, three to get out for minor offensives, but for major offensives...well you better have a good defense. ~People~ Name: Age: Gender: Species: Species description: (Unless human) Power: Weapon: History: Appearance: Other: Personality: Played By: Name: Kyra Age: 25 Gender: Female Species: Human Power: Fire Weapon: Shown in pic. (One thing sword and one buster blade.) History: She was born on a wasteland of a world and to live she became a bounty hunter. She lost her family in a fight when their home was attacked by raiders. After her family died she had no reason to stay on her world and became a bounty hunter of the universe, never looking back. In her travels she's become famous and teamed up with Sierra Appearance: Other: N/A Personality: Hate losing, is short tempered, but wise, even though she acts ignorant. Played By: Random Angel Name: Sierra Age: 20 Gender: Female Species: Human Power: Lighting Weapon: Needles History: She comes from a world filled with forests. Her mission is her own and she met up with Kyra while traveling different worlds. Appearance: Other: Personality: Cool and collects, she doesn't talk much. Played By: Random Angel Name: Ty Age: 17 Gender: Male Species: Human Power: Darkness Weapon: Knifes and wires History: His past is unknown to all, but he's lived a pretty normal live, for a prince. He turned wicked at a young age and left his home after killing his family. What he does now is whatever pleases him, and what pleases him most is killing. Appearance: Other: Is part of the raiders, seems to be one of the higher ups. Personality: Childish and cruel Played By: Random Angel Name: ??? "Ruby" Age: Unknown Gender: female Species: Unknown Species description: Has no eyes, can transform a little, has no insides. Power: Fire and darkness Weapon: Her metal claws History: She was found without memory on a planet and made into Ty's 'pet' Appearance: Other: N/A Personality: Quiet and quick to follow orders and protect her masters Played By: Random Angel Name:Haru Francis Age:13 Gender:Male Species:Elf Species description: ( You guys should know what that is.) Power: Ki. Weapon: Large bronze gauntlets. History: Haru was born in the open wild where his mother died. Ever since that happened, He has been taking care of himself for a while. Appearance: Other: N/A Personality: Haru is quiet and mysterious. At times Haru seems cold, but he is actually a very happy person. Played By: Haru66 Name: Rik Echo Age: 24 Gender: male Species: Ekon Species description: a race from a planet of eternal night, the race are much like the samurai yet they have strange connections to the spirits, which is not fully understood by any. Power: able to use the power of spirits to make a ghostly fire. Weapon: two katanas History: Rik was a member of a elite fighting group until his planet was attacked and he was separated from his people. He was held on a space prison until certain events allowed him to escape and after a while he arrived on Surraine. Appearance: Other: n/a Personality: crude and sadistic at times Played By: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Nox Age: 24 Gender: Male Species: Witch Species description: Witchs look like a regular human but geneticly they are as differnt as tomatos and frogs. Witchs have can draw power from Ley lines that can be found almost every where. There is a danger though Witches are conected to a plan of existance called the Ever After and more on that in the RP Power: Ley line magic and Darkness Weapon: He has a wand straped to his leg an d a sword on his side History: He left home years ago because of his father Appearance: Black hair with green eyes. He wears a black coat over a white shirt, blue jeans and a black shoes Other: Personality: find out Played By: Xert Name: Nixia Age: body of a 17 year old but age is unknown Gender: female Species: Demon - vampyr Species description: Vampyr are demons of the dead. They had no past life but are known as the demon of the dead because they take over the bodies of the dead, finding one to feed on at first but to take advantage of and use after. They are only given that life time, they cannot live forever. The name vampyr was derived from vampire, so yes. The vampyr may sometimes have an unusual craving for blood, have senses superior to humans and prefer the night to day. Vampyr don't die because of sunlight. Power: Earth - usually having thorns in them Weapon: Kunais/Knives History: Explained in the 'species description' but the body Nixia took over died of a car accident and she usually just roams around the place and hunts at night when she can. Appearance: Other: gothic and likes wearing Victorian clothing [gothic lolita] Personality: Gore/macabre-lover, enjoys chaos and troubles [most especially to her victims], one who wouldn't care less Played By: Death Twister Name: Blade Age: Unknown Gender: Male Species: Malkion ( I made the name up) Species description: a species that had been thought to have been killed off a long time ago. Their skills with weapons are really amazing and their powers are to be feared.They say that they were wiped out when a war struck out. A lot of thing are unclear about them Power: Energy manipulation Weapon: Mostly the two swords in the pic but he will use other swords also History: After Blade's birth and during the so call war Blade's people had, Blade's family had already fled the planet fearing the safety of their new born son and decided to live in a different planet. After a few years Blade's parent decided to go back to their planet and try to stop the war and left Blade saying that they would return for him but unfortunately never did. Blade lived his life alone and faced many hardships like the attack of the Raiders and decided to devote his life to the way of the sword and changed his name to Blade and hide the fact that he isn't human Appearance: Other: Personality: He is a calm guy that never really shows any fear. He sometimes can be emotionless Played By: Twilightblader Name: Murakima Age: 24 Gender: male Species: Elemental Species description: A species which many say are on a high level of spirituality, their main selves consisted of mere energy, though they live off of the dead by possesing their bodies. some what like parasites. They are able to sense the life energy around them, as well as conceal their own Power: the ability to drain life, or increase life (in other words healing). Or some what a mixture of both at some points to create explosions (a natural ability amongst most elementals. it all revolves around the ability of draining and healing though, so it is mostly the same power) Weapon: dual swords History: One of the last of his kind, after a massive wipe out took place when the Galatic Control began, elliminating most of their race in a fear that if there were to be a revolt, the elementalists, due to their parasitic qualities would be able to sneak in unnoticed into their own ranks. Murakima merely wishes to put an end to such orginizations all together, whom ever they may be, since he is highly against any governments with galatic power, or anything similure to a government of that sort Appearance: Other: Wanted as a terrorist. also the mask in the pic should completely cover his face, not revealing any parts of it Personality: DOes whatever it takes to succeed in his goals, though he does have his morals. Can be very spiteful towards most, but is much kinder once u get to know him in person Played By: Deathsight44
The organization wished for hearts; they got destroyed instead. But they are granted a second chance. Only this time, they return as humans with hearts instead of nobodies. And strangely, they got to keep their powers. And they were brought back on Density Islands for some reason. Now what will they make of their second chance? And how did they even get their second chance? ---- Boredom. The plot will grow along the way. ---- ~Rules~ -Stay ON TOPIC! (Sure asking questions is fine, but only as needed) -Romance is okay just keep it PG-13. -PLEASE use good grammar, it throws me off at times. -Please try to post often but give others a chance to post also -No Txt Tlk. I can't read most of it Dx -No God-Mod or I'll kill you. -Have fun. -Warnings will be made as needed, three to get out for minor offensives, but for major offensives...well you better have a good defense. ---- ~People~ Xemnas - TwilightBlader Xigbar - Xaldin - Sorax13_Roxas13_92 Vexen - Lexaeus - Zexion - Saïx - Axel - Demyx - Random Angel Luxord - Marluxia - Sorax13_Roxas13_92 Larxene - Roxas - Crimson Sora - Riku - The road to Darkness Kairi - Sephiroth - King of Darkness Cloud - King Of Darkness Everybody else from the game is allowed; just ask. ~OCs~ Name: Age: Gender: Power: Weapon: History: Appearance: Other: Personality: Played By: Name: Drewxan Age: 16 Gender: Male Power: Wind Weapon: Drewxan has a long, skinny sword that uses the power of wind. History: Drewxan grew up in the world on his own. His dad died when he was 7 because some villains attacked him while he was with his dad. His mom died when he was 11 because she caught a serious disease with no cure. Drewxan wonders why he grew up in the world on his own. He vowed to seek revenge on the villains. Appearance: Drewxan has short, dirty-blonde hair and sky, blue eyes. He wears a red shirt, blue skinny jeans, and black sneakers with white laces. Personality: Drewxan is the kind of guy who is always in a crappy mood on the inside except he acts like a happy, no worries kind of guy when he is with his friends. Played by: AndrewTemari101 Name: Braxen human name: Brad Age: 19 Gender: Male Power: Darkness Weapon: http://i31.tinypic.com/350s0sk.jpg Rapture of souls http://i29.tinypic.com/etzk0n.jpg Last Judgement History: He was the XV member of Organization and Appearance: http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i5...arkWarrior.jpg Personality: he is still getting used to being a human again and feeling emotion Played By: The road to Darkness
Scanner kills all colors so I had to darken the pages Dx DAMN YOU SCANNER Gray Love - Art exercise on Friday 2-06-09 was to draw something off of our collage so I drew the monkey in the ink bottle w/brush, the fish, and the spine. Art exercise on 1-??-09 - Pattern Something random I did in my free time:
~Story~ Little by little, people have been disappearing from our school. A teacher told me that it's because the students have been graduating. There's a secret infirmary in the lower levels of the school... ... Where students are enrolled in a special class-A class that takes place in a dream world. Each student in the dream must struggle to complete the task given to them while fighting against the other students. If one completes one's task, he or she can finally graduate. In the dream world, everyone appears on the outside as they are on the inside...in almost every case, this form is very different from their real body...so it's makes figuring out who they are in real life almost impossible. ~Other~ Confused and never even read volume one of After School Nightmare? Then no problem. I'll make a teacher that will work with your oc student and you'll learn along the way. If you have read, then feel free to make your own teacher. (Anyone who has read it might notice how the intro is copied from volume two...) (If you have no idea what to do, I'll do my best so that everyone on role play and make your oc new to the special class, ex: new student by foreign exchange, moved, skipped a grade, or just been to the school but never was enrolled in the class.) ~Pictures~ *Will add more when I find them* The Classroom = http://www.publishersweekly.com/articles/images/PWK/20060829/1.jpg The Key = http://ichigonogenki.deviantart.com/art/happy-birthday-daifuku-usagi-66671333 ~Need to knows~ -PM me with any questions. -It's high school; Japanese style. -The 'dream form' is the 'true form' of the student, meaning it's what they are on the inside. In the dream world they can be ANYTHING. Some examples are a paper giraffe, a knight in black amour, a kid who appeared like himself and used two swords, a girl whose face and heart was replaced with holes, etc. Try to be creative, but the OCs get stronger during their stay meaning they are weak at the start due to the fact they'll have no idea what's going on. -Each student is met by their private teacher and taken down to the infirmary for the first day after school on a Thursday (which is the only time to find the room) and they can choose to show up or not the rest of the time. -In the dream, there is a necklace with three glass beads on them which shall break when the heart receives pain, physically or emotionally. When all three break the student wakes up and fails the class for the day. -My people will explain things as they go if no one here ever read the manga... and if no one has read it I will also control all teachers that are needed. (If you want me to rp as your oc's teacher then at least fill out the form for me Dx) -School days will be skipped unless someone has plans for that day and ask me through PM. We'll rarely role play outside of the special class unless something in the story is devopling (like them meeting someone from the dream or someone important to them, etc) -I will add to this list when I remember stuff or when questions come up. ~RULES~ No power playing. (Three strikes on minor offensives and you're out and one strike on a serious offensive without a good defense then bye-bee.) Post... Ha-ha-haaa in your first post. Relationships are fine, straight or not, but they must follow site rules. Rules will only be added as needed from this point. ~Students~ Name: Age: Gender: Normal Appearance: True Form: Dream Ability: Teacher: History: Personality: Anything Else: Played By: Name: Kyra Marie Age: 17 Gender: Female Normal Appearance: True Form: Dream ability: Controls 'spirits' Teacher: Surren History: Half American and Japanese, family moved the Japan to stay with mom's side of family some years ago and loved it so they stayed. Personality: Can be cruel in the dream world but nice and hyper in real life Anything else: N/A Played By: Random Angel Name: Terri Lynn Age: 16 Gender: Female Normal Appearance: True Form: Dream Ability: That of a wolf's and bird Teacher: Violet History: Recently came to Japan while her father is on a business trip before he got fired. And since he got fired they could not go back home and he takes his anger out on her. Personality: Sweet and shy, but a real beast in the dream world. Anything Else: N/A Played By: Random Angel Name: Belphegor "Bel" Age: 17 Gender: Male Normal Appearance: True Form: Dream Ability: Physic and various spells Teacher: Zen History: His twin brother 'mysteriously' died and ever since his family hated him and treated him like he didn't exist. He comes from a royal blood line. Personality: Childish and cruel Anything Else: Oldest in the class and doesn't seem inserted in graduating even though he's a genius and been held back one year. Played By: Random Angel Name: Aiden Grey Age: 18 Gender: Male Normal Appearance: http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/i...seiKiyoshi.jpg True Form: http://i265.photobucket.com/albums/i...6a3905fe5d.jpg Dream Ability: Fire Teacher: Zen History: Aiden's always having to deal with other people's comments and criticisms, mainly his brother's. He's somewhat new to the school and hasn't been entered in the special class yet. Personality: Likes helping people but is usually impatient and has a dark sense of humor. Anything Else: HAHAHAHAHA D8<<<<< THERE. D<<<< Played By: Crimson Name: Max Rose Age: 18 Gender: Male Normal Appearance: http://nina1255.deviantart.com/art/G...scarf-28149372 True Form: http://wildspiritwolf.deviantart.com...mmish-47427530 Dream Ability: he can create and controll fog,fox senses Teacher: Violet History: He was accepted to the class surprissingly. For some reason he always had the worst luck. In his old school he was known as romeo from a lot of girls but he had to move. He is still trying to get adjusted to his new school. Personality: laid back,,likes to make friends,nice, and flirty. Anything Else: he likes to flirt Played By: Dexnail Name: Nick Age: 15 Gender: male Normal Appearance: True Form: Dream Ability: illusions Teacher: Violet History: has just recently been brought into this special class. The only people who really acknowledge him is his friends, and by others he usually isn't even noticed Personality: the only time he acts like his true self is around his friends. Whenever he is not around his friends though, he does not talk a lot. His natural personality though is usually that of a pervert. Fun, sometimes a jerk, and takes things too far sometimes. At the same time though, he can be a really nice guy. He's a bit odd like that Anything Else: Played By: deathsight44 Name: Amew Poker (An unlikely name, I know.) Age:16 Gender:Male Normal Appearance: True Form: Dream Ability: The bullets from his revolver seem to ricoche off of stuff. Teacher: (Not sure. ^^') History: Moved to Japan, fluent in Japenese, Amew moved into the school district. Personality: He seems absolutely obsessed wit Poker and Metal Gear Solid. Anything Else: Uh..... Played By:Amew2 ~Teachers~ Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: Other: Played By: Name: Surren Age: 27 Gender: Female Appearance: Other: Short tempered Played By: Random Angel Name: Violet Age: 25 Gender: Female Appearance: Other: Hates wasting time Played By: Random Angel Name: Zen Age: 26 Gender: Male Appearance: Other: Seems to zone out a lot Played By: Random Angel Name: Michelle Age: 30 Gender: Male Appearance: Other: Lazy Played By: Random Angel
When I see someone whose better then me it stirs up my rival side, but it also shows my envious side as well. It's a hate/love relationship to all of those who are better then me... (Sorry, rambling from the girl whose laughing for no reason at the moment. o.O Ima weird...I know.) Did this in art class then tried to sleep in said art class. *Wishes there was more color choices at the time.*
Latest; for art class. (First at class ever besides the one in sixth grade with the drunken teacher. Love it cause I can doodle without being yelled at.) Camera: Spoiler Scanned: Spoiler
:.Sweetest Elixir.: This story mixes current beliefs of vampires with my new made up ideas of them that I think are awesome. (Key words: I THINK.) Though there are two problems. One: I have yet to make a name for it and Two: I have no will to finish it let alone continue writing, (and help/suggestions through pms would be nice.) Ever seen Blade? Well the rating of this story MIGHT end up the same of that. So here's what I got so far...(Written while distracted... but Ima always distracted so meh xD) :.Sweetest Elixir.: Introduction Everyone wishes that they could go back in time and change every little detail that they don't like in their life, but we have to learn that time travel isn't possible for our kind. We can't change something just because we don't like it. We can't change the past nor can we change ourselves. But as time moves forward we can change how we act, behave and what we do. For better or for worse. And maybe the small changes that we do make can make our futures better. Maybe... This thought is the only thing that keeps me going. Living through every horrid day after day. I always think how lame I am afterwards though... Maybe I should just end my miserable existence. No more pain that way. The easy way out... It's not like I'll leave anything behind. Family's gone. Never had any real friends. I don't even have any hope left, a meaningless life. Waste of skin and air... “You're in my spot.†The nervous voice brought me back to reality. A nervous looking person was staring at her fidgeting hands. She was dressed in rags and dirt and was afraid to make eye contact with anyone. “Sorry.†I murmured and stood, making sure my dark green messenger bag didn't fall from my shoulders before walking out of the back alley where homeless people, like myself, hanged out. Maybe that's how I would look like within a few days... I looked down at my clothes. Though they still looked new they were starting to get dirty and I had no way to wash them. I let out a deep sigh, watching my breath whirl in the air. Seeing that reminded my body of how cold it was. So I zipped up my jacket with shivering hands that went into my pockets afterwards before carrying on down the sidewalk. In a city like this no one really paid you any attention and there wasn't many people around this area so early in the morning. Later it'd be crowded with people, bumping into each other and maybe give a sorry before going on and forgetting about whoever they bump into. Rather not be stuck in crowds... guess I should go back around home. It took a few hours to reach the smaller parts of the city where cars zoomed by and only a bike or two passed me by. The sun was overhead when I crossed a small bridge and the church close by. Not too far away was the graveyard. I thought about entering for while I stood at the entrance. I gave up on excuses on why shouldn't I go in and ended up looking for the graves of my family, which were placed side by side, all four of them. I got on my knees in front of my mother's grave and fought back tears. “I'm so sorry that I couldn't help...†“It's sad when parents die and leave their kid behind...†My head turn so quick that I felt lightheaded. An average looking man was crouched down two graves over. Being as paranoid and antisocial as I was I got to my feet and turned away, only to bump into something as hard as a wall which knocked me down. “Ow...†I said under my breath while rubbing my head. I then looked up to see what I had hit and was gazing up on a tall man. I moved backwards a little before remembering about the other guy. When I turned my head to look back he was right there, only a few inches away, still crouching down. How? I didn't hear him move. “You want to be able to help people? Be strong enough to protect everyone and yourself?†He said with a grin. I looked away and struggled to stand only to be pulled back down by my hair. “I shall bless you give power. The only price you must pay is loyalty.†When he opened his mouth two of his teeth sharpened into fangs. Was I in a movie or something? I couldn't get free from him before those fangs punctured into my neck. Before I could let out a scream the other man cover my mouth. I snapped my eyes shut and prayed for it to end quickly. Was this the answer for me wishing for my own death? The teeth was removed from my neck and warm blood started to flow down. “Looks like you made a good choice on this one. Her blood is the sweetest blood that I've drank in a long time.†The man said as he fingered the holes in my neck, making them hurt even more. The other man laughed.“Told you I had good taste. “That you did... Well about time she went to sleep.†A sharp, stinging pain stabbed me in the bite marks, making me go limp. After that everything faded away quickly until darkness overcame me. Stage One :.Morbid.: So... cold. I pulled the sheets up and tried to go back to sleep. Wait... I jumped up into a sitting position and looked around. This isn't my room... “Her blood wasn't quite like the others...†“How so?†“I can't explain... It was just... different. Bittersweet... We've got to keep an eye on this one.†The voices in my head were blurred out and distant, but at the same time they were yelling. “Owie...†I rubbed my head as it started to ring. What to do, what to do... I looked around with my hand still on my head and saw that the room was bare expect for the bed on which I lay, black curtains blocking out the morning sun, a dresser across from the bed, and the door diagonally from me. I got up and walked towards it and upon reaching it I turned the knob. Locked. Damn it... I knocked on the door. “Hello!? Someone has to be there! Let me out of here, now!†My demands were ignored and I gave up trying after a while. With my back to the door I slid down to the ground and hugged my knees. I wanted to cry, it was the perfect time to, but no tears came. They all were dried up. - It seemed like hours before I finally heard footsteps on the other side of the door. With a gasp I quickly got to my feet and backed away from the door, observing it like something dangerous and bracing myself for whatever might come from it. But nothing came. I sighed with relief and as soon as I did the door swung open with a slam. Standing in the doorway was the same man who covered my mouth. He had to tilt his head a little to enter and with every step of his I stepped back. “You're a vampire, right?†He grinned. “Of course.†“Well, what do you want with me? If you wanted just my blood... then I would be dead by now, correct?†He laughed. “A vampire lover, am I right? What's amusing is that you hide your fear so well expect for the fact you're afraid to get close to me.†“That's not an answer.†He laughed once again. “Sassy as well. Well you're alive because we are recruiting vampires and it's hard to find a loyal already existing vampire- “So you're making your own.†I finished for him. “And is the whole getting bit on ceremonial ground bonds me and the bitter for entirety real or just bogus.†“Oh, it's a hundred percent real.†The third voice came from right beside me and caused me to jump, nearly stumbling sideways. It was the one who bit me. I tried to recollect myself quickly, after all I was already in the belly of the beast. “Well, I don't feel bonded to you.†“Is that so... Well just try to leave this building.†He held out his hand towards the door and I followed the gesture with my eyes, tempted, but knew that there had to be strings attached. “Well? Too afraid to even try?†With a smirk he walked towards me and I backed up without thought until hitting the wall. “Just like a scared dog...†He placed his hand on my neck and found the bite wounds which he made. “Tell me... Do you want to live... Or die like a dog?†“I'm not a dog.†I muttered, barely audible. I seem to be losing my voice from fear. He grinned before looking back at the tall man and nodded at him. “Then you must be hungry, right?†“Not really...†That was a lie. I've been starving for the whole week since my food supply ran dry. He backed away with a chuckle. “Bring it in.†The tall man said and moved out of the way. Now standing in the door way was a female, must have been another vampire. Her short red hair was tucked behind her ears and her skin was pale as mine. And in her hand was a chain, linked to handcuffs. And bonded by the cuffs was a man, shaking in fear, but not daring to speak. He was covered in blood and dirt and his presence made the room stink. The female pushed the man forward, and thus making him fall to his knees. “One rat as the master asked.†“Thank you.†The shorter of the two males said before the female vampire left with the tall man. “Now your first act as a vampire is the most natural one of any vampire.†He walked to the dirt and blood stained man, pulling him to his feet by the collar of his shirt. “Drink his blood.†I shook my head without thought. I didn't want to be one of them, calling human beings rats. “Of course that's your reply. Haven't been a newbie vampire who hasn't given that reply yet... unless they were totally morbid that is...†The vampire dragged the man towards me and exposed his neck and with a quick movement, that I didn't catch, the man's neck was now cut, perfectly so the man was dead like that, but the blood was spraying everywhere. He released the collar of the dead man who fell to the ground then headed out with grace that vampires were infamous for. “Have a nice lunch.†He said as the door closed behind him. What happened next was unreal. I was there, but unable to control my body as I got to my knees to suck the blood from the dead man's neck before it was all on the ground and wasted. I really was a dog.
It's sad how my 'quick drawings' normally end up better then the stuff I really try on... most of the time anyway. Pictures are still huge btw. COLOUR CODE CNC =D Mikami - For art class, we're making a calnder. And it's my very first art class EVER. And she haven't taught use anything yet really... but I did miss two days already and the class only started for me last week.... Any here's Mikami. *Tiltes head* ??? - I cannot remember which manga cover I got this guy from... I think it was from faries' landings, but I can't remember for sure...Old drawing that is on the back of a newer one =D ...I never gave him hands xD Tis a cruel joke for me...(scanner made it dotty again D=) Random People - Just for the hell of it. I may even use them in a story me is working on. xD The mask thingy eyes spin =D Random Girl #Whatever - I was copying off of a reference then La Mirch (think I missplet her name....) came into mind... I had to make it dark so it would show up and this happened Playing with choroal in physical science class - And now I am in biologly ;_; Anywho... the title thingy says it all x3 And now I feel like drawing KHR people....
I noticed a little while ago that a teddy bear that my brother had gotten from Sea World has a defect. It's legs are on backwards... And I got stuck with it. Dx
I was bored. And you don't have to give cnc on these, they were for fun and boredom. But it'll be liked. (While tracing over the second one with pen I totally ruined it =/ So please ignore the obivious mistake on her face? I'll fix it with paint or gimp later. And yes, recently I got some chorcal pencils, and for free! Lastly, sorry for them being large.)