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  1. Doukuro


    December 10th; Arriving in New Haven

    "Congratulations! You have passed the Rites Exam!
    You and your cell did a wonderful job in the test, given by your cell leader Roxy Belmont and observed by a group of Cleaners. Didn't see them? Well of course you didn't! That is their job after all. Just as it now is your job to guard the city of New Haven. We hope you become as good at your job as those Cleaners are at theirs.
    But you must be tired after your Rites Exam, right? Not to mention you have to get acquainted with your new surroundings. So before getting to work you have the week off. Use it wisely!"

    This is the letter that was awaiting you and your cell when you arrived to your comfortable three story safehouse. Quite a nice place might I add, with a small library on the first floor stocked with book about all kinds of supernatural beings, an office with a computer directly linked to Royal's network (though that means all normal sites are blocked on it), and rooms on the top two floors open to be decorated however the owner wishes.

    That was sent six days ago. Now, on your final day of resting, you're told about the Message Board. It's Royal's simple system set up for new Reapers to find and complete jobs with, these jobs being posted by the teachers, other Royal members, or people affiliated with them without actually being a part of Royal. (Feel free to have your character post on the message board in a rp post, though it must be done on the computer in the safehouse, or suggest new jobs in the OOC.) Normally rewards are Points, which are used in Royal Academy and the various stores it owns. However normal money can also be given out along with items, weapons, armour, and pretty much anything else.

    These jobs are optional opposed to the missions Royal sends to each cell's leader for the cell to complete every so often. In the end there is always something to do.

    The cell is free to do as they please on their final day off, but once it is wrapped up they will be assigned their first official mission.


    • Title: Ingredients​
      Info: Supplies are running low and there's no shipments coming in any time soon. At this rate I'll be out of business so please help me out. I need some Fairy Tears, Hemlock, and Youthful Apples.​
      Reward: 10 points per item, 50 bonus points if brought in by tonight.​
      Deadline: N/A, the sooner the better though.​

    • Title: Factory Haunting​
      Info: A ghost is giving me trouble at my factory, and Naturals work there so you can see the trouble there can't you? I can afford one day off so I closed it for today, but past that and I'll start losing money so you better hurry.​
      Reward: Any weapon of your choosing.​
      Deadline: Tomorrow​

    • Title: Lost Pet​
      Info: Ember ran away! She's my fire kitty. Please save her.​
      Reward: 5 Fire Gems​
      Deadline: I want her back now​



    What an awful season. Even so...despite her loathing for it, Kyle found herself outside once more. Perhaps it was due to her time at the academy, where time outside was always spent training. It had even been worse for her, joining the school later than most. Why, she only had a year to prepare for the Rites Exam when some had their whole lives. Least her Cell were a decent lot, how lucky for her, and their leader nicer than most. Scary though, and perhaps a bit lazy.

    Because really, only an hour has passed since they heard about the message board from her and already she vanishes.

    How lucky indeed.

    Sigh. any rate today had been a rather slow one. Was it really noon already? What a wasted day.

    Trying to mend that awful feeling the girl stood from her spot on the walkway and entered the warm embrace of their safe house, feeling her body go numb from the sudden change. The numbness was better than the bitter cold though so she persevered.

    This office...where was it? First floor...end of the hall? Oh, yes here it was. Well, might as well check out that message board. If she was lucky perhaps there was an easy job with a good reward. Otherwise she would be forced to interact with the others once more. Even though, after all their time together, she wished she could be solo. Whatever. It wasn't that hard to tolerate them.

    "Please, just give me something to do..."
    Thread by: Doukuro, Nov 25, 2012, 5 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Doukuro

    Royal OOC

    Keeping order in the supernatural community there is Royal, an organization above all forms of law thanks to the seats of power in the government they hold. Not many oppose them though, besides the occasional person, as they find and defeat all threats to the living.
    To do this they built schools around the world that house and teach gifted beings of all ages. There they learn what they need to combat demons, evil spirits, and whatever else may plague the world while also learning how to keep the world of the supernatural a secret.
    So far they have succeeded in their quest, winning every major war they've been in thus far. But now some of their own, high ranking ones no less, have turned against them.
    Will they find out who the traitors are in time? Or will the distrust tear them apart?

    The agents of Royal. Taken in off of the street or from orphanages their life styles drastically change as Royal provide only the best for them.

    They start off known as Fledglings, working in school and preparing for the Rites Exam. Once passed they become full fledged reapers and leave the school to work out in the world with Royal's support. And they live off of their infamous reputation of never losing a fight, though the organization also has their hands on keeping that rumor afloat.
    Masters are the top ranked Reapers. The best of the best, and only a handful of people pass the Master Exam per year.
    Once a Master Reapers have the choice of going solo and exploring the world while doing various missions for Royal. Another option is doing this while in charge of a cell of younger Reapers, though that normally starts off with them staying in one city. The last option is to become a teacher of Royal, raising the next generation.
    A group from Royal that is rarely seen. They clean up all messes left from the Reaper's battles and keeping any failures out of public's ears while also keep all Reapers in check, even the Masters.
    New Haven
    The city in which our story will take place. It's plagued with crime of both natural and supernatural origins, making it the perfect place for any Reaper to get a good amount of training in. However, as a stark contrast to the modern city the outskirts hold a more traditional theme to them.

    There's a mountain range near by where a Royal Academy is located. Some images of it can be found here; may be updated later.
    Magic Types

    Elemental: Pretty self-explanatory. Water, earth, fire, and wind.

    Supporting: They can make themselves and others stronger by increasing their strength which can allow them to jump higher and hit harder than the average person. Or they can even harden the skin to the point where they cannot be cut.
    Offensive: The opposite of supporting. Their magic focuses on weakening the enemy by causing them to go blind, poisoning them, and stuff of the like. Some people are immune to their spells though.

    Healing: These people can heal any and all wounds and reverse the effects of offensive spells. Whether or not the pain lasts even after healing depends on how strong the Reaper is.
    They have a resistance to offensive type magic but they are not immune to it.

    Summoning: People can make contracts with spiritual beings, normally in the realm of dreams but it can be elsewhere too. And through these contracts the summonings will come to the summoners' aid.
    Common Terms
    Cell: Instead of various classes Fledgling Reapers are assigned to a Cell, which normally consists of one Master and ten or fewer students. They take the Rites Exam together and live together until they pass the Master Exam.

    Safe House: Each Cell is given a Safe House in whatever city they are assigned to after passing the Rites Exam. Here they live until they are reassigned or pass the Master Exam.

    A Red Rose: Certain bars and clubs will have a red rose painted on their sign or on a wall. This signals for any supernatural being in the area that it is a friendly place for their kind to gather.

    A Black Rose: A symbol saying that only a certain type is allowed there and violence will be used to get any uninvited people out.

    A Blue Rose: A symbol telling people that the place is a gathering spot for bounty hunters. Bounty hunters are typically humans who hunt dangerous supernatural beings. Some are inhuman. Sometimes Reapers will come here for aid and information.

    A Wolf: A symbol saying that Reapers are not welcomed.

    Naturals: What supernatural beings call humans.

    The Arena: A network of people and places where supernatural beings fight. This is illegal and Royal works to shut it down but are so far unsuccessful.

    1.) No God-Molding. No taking over someone's character without their permission, no auto-hitting, killing off others without their say so.
    2.) I will like to see some deaths as this RP progresses... And have the people form relationships, romantic and friendship wise. But still, let's say it'd be PG 16.
    3.) Use your best grammar please.
    4.) Try to be active. I understand if something happens, things happen to me often, but try not to vanish. Especially don't join but then never post. It makes me sad when people do that.
    5.) All other forum rules apply.

    Magic Type: (not all reapers are magic users, so this is optional)​
    Position: (Reaper/Master/Cleaner/Or something that's not apart of Royal.)​
    Accepted Characters​
    Username: Doukuro
    Name: Kyle Matthews
    Gender: Female
    Age: 18
    Magic Type: Summoner
    Appearance: This
    Personality: Given her name she's well adjusted to ill views of her and does well with being insulted, normally playing along with a smile. She's also outspoken, blunt, and to the point. Rarely does she hold back, expect in the chance it could cause trouble for her.
    Weapon: Has a dagger, though relies on magic still. Has a contract with a pixie nicknamed Pixel who's a healer type, and a little flame elemental named Neo. Both are lesser spirits but been working fine enough for her.

    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Name: Ren Yuuki
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Magic Type: Elemental
    Appearance: Ren
    Personality: Most of the time he's kind-hearted and easy to get along with provided you don't annoy him first. Ren can also be described as having the 'heart of a lion' since his courage never seems to falther, no matter the situation.
    Weapon: Katana

    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Seiren "Sei" Yanase
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Magic Type:
    Appearance: solo standing wallpaper white_hair.jpg
    Personality: Sei is nearly emotionless, choosing to separate himself from feelings of anger, joy or sorrow. He is easy to frighten and difficult to get to smile. He holds a certain degree of resentment towards his older half brother.
    Weapon: A sword with a white handle
    Other: Sei dislikes sweets

    Name: Kite Soru
    Gender: Male
    Age: 18
    Magic Type: Summoning
    Appearance: Kite
    Personality: As a man of few words, he prefers to let his actions do the talking for him. That doesn't mean he won’t speak if you ask him something, just don’t count on him to strike up a conversation most of the time.
    Weapon: Two gloves that lets him channel his familiar flame. Kite’s contract take the form of a small lion he calls Natsu. Whenever it’s not fighting, it’s as playful as a cat. In combat however it lends its flames to Kite’s gloves to give him an extra boost.

    Username: Machina
    Name: Ivan White
    Gender: Male
    Age: 23
    Magic Type: Supporting
    Personality: Somewhat charismatic, speaks little about his personal life, and is extremely confident. He's a strong believer in the words "speak softly but carry a big stick".
    Weapon: None.
    Position: Reaper
    Other: Could have been one of the youngest Reapers to have ever passed the Master Exam but was refused the opportunity to take the test. He now spends most of his time at the Arena.
    Username: Doukuro
    Name: Roxy Belmont
    Gender: Female
    Age: Thanks to her magic she's able to remain young looking and refuses to give out her age
    Magic Type: Healing
    Appearance: Here
    Personality: Is a strict mother type, strongly believing that tough love is the best course for her students to go through. Though she tends to take this too far sometimes on either side, being too tough on the kids or even killing anything that threatens them.
    Weapon: This sword

    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Ikuto Tsukoyomi
    Gender: Male
    Age: 25
    Magic Type: Summoning
    Appearance: byz %285%29.jpg
    Personality: Calm, reserved, not above making the occasional perverted comment. Ikuto talks to almost anybody with an almost indifferent tone but he has a warm heart. The word sympathy is lost on him. When angered he becomes much more destructive. Ikuto has a younger brother complex.
    Weapon: Scythe. His contracts include a small cat-like pixie (using the word pixie loosely) named Yoru that is a Support type. The rest of his contracts are with elemental spirits.
    Other: Ikuto isn't entirely human and thus the cat ears and a tail are permamently stuck on him. It takes a small amount of magic and concentration to make them disappear but he enjoys the discomfort people have at the sight of them. His younger half brother, Sei, is the source of his adoring love...even if it does become a bit odd at times. Ikuto recently passed his Master Exams and has chosen to travel solo, checking in every now and then on his younger brother.


    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Name: Gwin
    Gender: Female
    Age: 29
    Magic Type: Summoning
    Appearance: swords kunieda ao_www.wallpaperfo.com_45.jpg
    Personality: In a word, Gwin is a lunatic. Due to a pact with her first demon, Gwin developed a bloodlust that made her very good at her job but antisocial. Stern and serious half the time, Gwin is a workaholic.
    Weapon: sword in picture. Gwin's summons consist of three demons: a humanoid demon with blades for hands and unblinking red eyes that only knows the word "cut", a Wall demon named the King of Hell that devours anything she throws into it's gaping mouth, and a tracking crow that can use wind Elemental magic.
    Other: Gwin is a member of the Cleaners used by Royal to keep their Reapers in check. She's been leading a group of Cleaners since she was taken in by Royal. Her number is on most of the Masters' speed dials.

    Username: Doukuro
    Name: Riley Cross
    Gender: Male
    Age: 30
    Magic Type:
    Appearance: Here
    Personality: When off the job he seems kind and caring, easily understanding anyone's problems and being able to help with them. However once he goes to work he changes, calling the operation a musical one and the cleaners are the conductors. He's more energic, expressive, and will happily chop away at bodies.
    Weapon: A medical kit and knives

    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Name: Fang Hearten
    Gender: Male
    Age: 20
    Magic Type: Elemental
    Appearance: Fang
    Personality: Someone who always get the jon done, he always makes sure that there never any evidence left behind. While he may seem to be laid back, that's just long as you don't get him angry.
    Weapon: Gun
    Position: Cleaner
    Thread by: Doukuro, Nov 24, 2012, 7 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Doukuro
    So I got approval and plan on remaking this thread but with some changes, like there would be no Magic, as in the second school, and the starting point would be after the Rites Exam. So instead of partners it would be a cell, or a group, of so many people.

    I also hope to have a message board thing for it, a small and simple thing for jobs they can take on with some side stories one or a few characters can have or the entire group.

    There's also images of the school, nothing fancy though.

    Before I do anything I wanted to see some interest though.
    Thread by: Doukuro, Nov 22, 2012, 2 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Doukuro
    Hospitals filled to the brim, the patients all having some sickness never seen before. Some question if it's even an infection rather than a curse as those who should be dead rose once more. These people - or rather- these things spread their disease and ate the living. In an attempt to save everyone refugee camps were set up and evacuation orders were given.​
    Portland, Oregon was no different. The streets and highways became cramped with cars, all trying to leave the city. Some scared for their lives, others thinking that the threat would pass soon. All having no real idea just what waited for them in the future.​
    Soon after the city had been mostly cleared helicopters flew in. 'Bomb the streets.' That was the gist of their orders. Even if some had lingered behind, unable or unwilling to leave their homes they were to bomb the streets. Though with the army so thinned out they had to wonder if even this would be enough as it seemed hell had been unleashed on the world. Or worse - the gods had done this, leaving no one to save them.​
    The starting location for this rp is Portland, Oregon. It is expected for most to be on the highway leading away from the city, though as it is so filled no one can even drive through it most have exited their cars to talk to others. If you've watched the show this is very similar to how Lori and Shane were in the beginning of the outbreak. On the radios there's a broadcast on every channel that repeats the same thing over and over, to remain calm and head to a refuge camp which is near the city. However it will soon cut off. If you can see the city still you can witness the bombings.​
    Another choice for a starting point is to be someone who refused or was unable to leave the city or a solider trying to save said people or fighting off walkers. By morning the troops there would have fallen and will lose radio commutations right after being given orders of retreat. It's your choice to stay in the city though it would be highly unsafe here.​
    You could form a group, join an already existing one, or brave the world on your own.​
    Thread by: Doukuro, Oct 14, 2012, 33 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Doukuro
    I know I just created a rp but I have a really strong urge to make another for Alphas. It doesn't seem to be very popular so it'd probably be AU to let more people join. It's basically one of those shows with advanced human beings that have special gifts. Having a co-creator would be cool too but really needed to check first if anyone would even join.

    Also my signature is from Alphas so there's a hint of what the powers can be like.

    If there's a lack of interest for that I would love one for The Walking Dead as well. Just need to see which one more people are interested in first.
    Thread by: Doukuro, Oct 12, 2012, 8 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Doukuro
    [Only currently available floors will be shown.]
    Floor One
    • Town of Beginnings - The starting town. It can house six thousand people, seemingly small compared to the ten thousand who arrived. It has a medieval feel to it and the majority of the NPCs are located here. Neighboring it is the town of Torubana and the village of Horunka.
    • Black Iron Castle - Located in the center of the Town of Beginnings with a dungeon underground which houses surprisingly strong monsters and currently few actually know about it. Now The Army's HQ
    • Monument of Life - On this large stone tablet lists the names of all players trapped in SAO. The names of the dead players are crossed out, with the cause of death, the time, day and month written beside it.
    Floor Three
    • Misty Forest - Star's home is located here.
    Floor Seven
    • Monster Arena
    Floor Fifty-Five
    [This isn't open yet, but for future reference I decided to put it here since it's going to be unlocked before the next time skip. Probably.]
    • Grandum - This is where the Knights of Blood's, the largest guild, headquarters is located.
    • Western Mountain
    • Safe Zone - Every town is a safe zone and as the name suggests there are no dangers within them and players can only fight in duels. Even when they do their HP cannot drop as long as they are in one of these zones.
    • Teleport Gate - After defeating the floor's final boss and moving on to the next floor the teleport gate on the new floor will be unlocked, allowing players to transfer from one floor to another safely.
    • Beater - A player who was also in the Beta Test. Typically non-Beaters see them as cheats as they got to go through the game before them, thus giving them an upper hand. And with this outlook on them the term Beater is used distastefully.
    • Cursor - Each player has a cursor above their head which starts out as green. Performing a crime such as stealing, hurting and killing green players would turn it orange, though killers are often called red players by others. However, if a person attacks anyone who already had a orange cursor, its own won't change, since the game interprets it as defending someone or protecting itself. By completing a certain tedious quest, one is able to remove their orange status. Alternately, orange status would eventually revert to green providing the player in question did not commit any more criminal acts.
    • Player Killer (PK) - Considering the fact that if you die in-game you die for real PKs are murderers, though some who do not accept their reality see killing other characters as simply playing the game without actually killing a human being. Though in the start there is little to no cases of this surprisingly enough.
    • Crystals - Items in SAO. Known kinds are Antidote Crystals (Green), Health Crystals (Red), Mirage Crystals, Teleport Crystals (Blue): transport the user to a chosen city's teleport gate, Corridor Crystals: open a teleport gate to any location that the player marked, and Record Crystals.
    • Clearer - Fighters on the front lines. Many admire and love their bravery as they present the hope of returning to normal life. Though this term is just starting out as not many exist yet. Later on there will be hundreds of them.
    • Last Attack (LA) - Provides bonus EXP and sometimes rare item drops from bosses.
    • Potions - They are one of the recovery item types in Sword Art Online. Unlike Crystals, they take time to manifest the effect. Potions can not be inhibited by traps and certain areas. High level potions are described as being sweet.
    • Cardinal - This serves as the primary driving and management force of SAO. The system was originally developed by Kayaba Akihiko to manage all resources, processes and events within Sword Art Online.
    Laughing Coffin​
    • New yet already infamous. This is due to the fact that they are Player Killers. On top of that they torture their victims before delivering the killing blow.
    Known Name:
    Special Skill:

    Username: heartless_angel
    Known Name: Mya KIshigi (Goes by Fellangel for an unknown reason)
    Age: 17
    Appearance: This pic :3
    Personality: In real life, she's socially rejected due to her love for MMORPGs and not being a "normal" girl. This led her to be socially awkward, having a fear of people in general, and wanting to be alone except being with her sister. After being trapped in SAO, she somewhat felt confident for an unknown reason. Maybe because she felt more confident being in a video game world. Uncertain of the death factor, she decided to use the game to what's best to her and confidently strived to beat all 100 floors. She also want to get back to her sister so she can reunite with her.
    Bio: As a young child, her parents were divorced, living only with her mother and her younger sister. Her sister was found out to have a serious disease that blinded her. For this cause, Mya always took care of her sister when not playing an MMO. At her school gaming club, she heard about SAO and decided to guy it herself the day it came out, hoping she can experience life within a game.
    Job: None for now
    Guild: None at the moment
    Weapon: A single sword (liek in that pic)
    Special Skill: Piercing Strike (Sword skill that increases the damage of the wielder by 200% and ignore 50% of armor for one strike. Has a 2 minute cooldown. Higher ranks makes Piercing Strike activated twice in a single session for 300% increased damage with 70% ignored armor for each strike. Cooldown is still the same. Discovered later on.)

    Username: i_like_curry<3 (dont ask... completely random and based off the original character)
    Known Name: Ittoki (or Ikki to friends)
    Age: 17
    Appearance: The guy on the left☆prince-sama♪.600.1230257.jpg
    Personality: A cheerful and friendly boy. Very loyal to his friends and allies. Always wanting to make friends with pretty much anyone.
    Bio: An idol in the real world, in the male group STARISH. Their group is taking a break and he decided to play SAO, but now he's stuck in the game... He misses his friends a lot, especially the other group members of STARISH. He is an orphan, who grew up in an orphanage before going to Saotome Gakuen, a music school. His mother died in an airplane crash and he never knew his father. This issue doesn't bother him much, but occassionally, he remembers this and breaks down for a while.
    Job: Freeter
    Guild: None yet
    Weapon: Throwing knives (like in reference)
    Special Skill: Kind of like a rage skill. When activated, his stats spike momentarily by up to 50%. Lasts about 5 minutes. Can only be activated if he is on the emotional extremes, like really pissed off or sad.

    Username: Korosu
    Known Name: Emi
    Age: 15
    Appearance: Here. Child like in a sense.

    Personality: Irritable and cold towards others, Emi doesn't like to socialize much, labeling social interaction as "unneeded." She is is abnormally stubborn and tenacious which helps her exceed within School and with her various hobbies which include; painting and online gaming. She doesn't like to talk much.

    Bio: From a young age, Emi was expected to succeed above all else. Her parents though loving somewhat, were tough on her. She retreated to the safety net of friends but was soon hurt afterwards, making her realize you only get hurt. You only ever get hurt by people, that was something she did not need. As a defensive mechanism she 'shut off' from others, never allowing them to interact properly with her. Emi first discovered SAO when talking past an ad on her way home from School and thought the idea of MMO gaming sounded 'fun'. She was quick to buy the game, abandoning all else to play it.

    Job: N/A at the moment
    Guild: (Optional) N/A at the moment.
    Weapon: Falchion sword
    Special Skill: Acrobatics.
    Other: N/A.

    Username: Eli_C2O4
    Known Name: Elise
    Age: 15
    Appearance: this
    Elise comes from a wealthy family and was raised quiet, obedient and polite. Because of this she finds it difficult make friends. She loves her family very much, especially her younger sister, Alice, and would do anything to please them. Her hobbies outside of SAO were photography and sketching scenery. She is extremely intelligent and has quick reflexes allowing her to be skilled in close combat and creating battle strategies.
    A few weeks before SAO was launched, Elise was walking from her room to the family study, when she heard her younger sister screaming. Worried she ran to help and stopped in front of Alice's bedroom door. She quietly opened it to peek inside and saw two butlers holding her sister back while her father beat her. Beside him was her mother, who was saying things like, "Why can't you be more like Elise?" and ""We never had these problems with your sister." No matter how much Elise wanted to stop them from hurting her sister, she couldn't bring herself to do it. She was scared and ran to her room in tears. She never realised how much she hurt her sister. Elise couldn't believe how weak she was. She didn't want to live any more, but she couldn't bring herself to suicide. She did some research about how to escape reality and ended up finding SAO...
    Job: none at the moment
    Guild: none at the moment
    Weapon: Cutlass
    Special Skill: Radiant Cyclone - Rapid flurry of slashes in all directions that temporarily prevents any attacks from reaching the character. Uses up a lot of energy, so it can only be used a few times

    Username: Master of Keyblades
    Known Name: Kaito
    Age: 16
    Personality: Generally Kaito speaks about an average amount but he does tend to remain silent whenever he’s thinking of something.
    Bio: Before SAO Online he already had found an interest in online gaming and was splaying others ones. While compared to his online friends he does more thinking in his head than attacking, he still is a trusted ally to have.
    Job: None at the moment
    Guild: N/A
    Weapon: Katana (one in picture)
    Special Skill: Shadow Strike – Allows the user to attack twice, the first being an illusion and the second dealing up to double the damage.

    Username: What?

    Known Name: Fulmine

    Age: 15

    Appearance: Dark and worn greyish-black hair, fox-like features - his eyes are almost perpetually closed and he almost always has a smile on his face.

    Personality: Very expressive and extroverted, if not a tad bit florid, energetic, and flamboyant. Fulmine is the type to dance around, prank, trick, and only take things completely seriously when necessary - which sometimes leads to his slip-ups. He is the embodiment of the word boisterous. A very large presence - he walks with a wave-like and sneaky movement, and seems very carefree. He gestures when speaking and is extremely careful yet elegant with his motions. He laughs commonly and tries to find enjoyment in life, along with sharing enjoyment with others. However, this hides a sharp, sly, and clever mind that is trying to fight the dire realities he has found himself in through defense after defense. Very rarely does he lose his temper, but when it occurs, it is like lightning - noticeable for a split second and intense in its power in that small time frame. He is also quite lazy at times, and has trouble expressing his emotions, typically using his perpetual grin as a default expression.

    Bio: Fulmine was actually far less energetic and expressive in real life. Taking more of a loner approach, he continued to keep his perpetual smile and closed eyes, but wanted to stay away from people. He preferred viewing the interactions of those close to him from afar, and was a very impersonal person. His smile was more melancholy. In the real world, he did much to hide the fact that various events in his childhood that continued to haunt him to this day - some of them, he felt, being his own fault and mistakes - left him a relatively sad person who has had trouble with emotions. He preferred the company of people through the internet and video games, and through this he discovered SAO. It was around this time that those he met through the internet had been beginning his slow recovery, but it was his entrapment in SAO that allowed him to don the energetic persona in order to make the best of his time and his relationships - and to see if he could change, contrary to his own beliefs.

    Job: None yet.

    Guild: None yet.

    Weapon: Rapier

    Special Skill: Coriolis Warp - Three minute activation period. When attacked, an auto counter-strike is dealt that successfully deflects any attack back at the enemy or a group of enemies, thus dealing extra damage (anywhere from 30% to 70% of the enemy attack damage + the normal attack of a rapier strike). In the activation period, Fulmine can warp short distances around the field. Uses a large amount of stamina and has a fairly long recharge period. If the enemy is a good deal weaker than Fulmine, the skill also costs five to ten hit points.

    Other: Fulmine has a few verbal and facial tics. He usually ends a question with "hm?" and cocks his head to the side. Under stress, Fulmine's closed-mouth smile grows to a wide teeth-baring grin.

    Username: Shadow
    Known Name: Kuroi
    Age: 17
    Personality: Basically a megane tsun-sama. He is really cold to pretty much anyone. Kuroi is very calculative and a pretty good strategist.
    Bio: Even though he's pretty good-looking, smart and athletic, a basic bishounen, his downside is his attitude. He likes to be a loner, preferring to be left alone at school. He has a best friend, who was able to get through to Kuroi and actually get him to converse. Kuroi isn't pretty into videogames, but his best friend persuaded him to play. Unfortunately, his friend was one of the first few victims to perish in SAO. After that, he had closed himself even more. He wants to clear the game and get revenge on his friend.
    Job: None
    Guild: None
    Weapon: Katana
    Special Skill: Aoi Honoo - When activated, his sword becomes engulfed in blue flames (this is just something to make it look cool, NOT MAGIC) and he slashes the monster in a star-shape, then a last stab. During this combo, his strength and speed stats increase. This skill can be performed up to 2 times in a row
    Other: Text will be purple to indicate change in character

    Username: FuzzyBlueLights
    Known Name: Yugure
    Age: 16
    Appearance: Here
    Personality: Cheerful, Uplifting, Stubborn, Caring
    Bio: Yugure's life was normal compared with most people. A happy mother, kept the house clean and made sure his grades were up to the standard his father set. His father made enough to keep them all comfortable. Yugure's time was spent gaming, hanging out with the friends he'd made, and other standard activities. Until Yugure stumbled upon a website. Announcing the arrival of SAO. Immediately he purchased the new game and waited for the most anticipated login day ever.
    Job: Tutor
    Guild: None yet.
    Weapon: Plain Longsword
    Special Skill: Not yet developed. But will be added when he discovers it ingame.
    Other: He loves to teach.

    sername: StardustXtreme
    Known Name: Masaru Tokura
    Age: 15
    Appearance:Personality: A friendly individual who looks out for others and relaxed for his age, but internally, all he seeks is to become stronger to protect those he cares or meets, despite their differences.
    Bio: A young man who was born into a reasonably wealthy family to live out in the countryside with a mother, and a younger sister by 2 years, he wanted to become strong to protect her but he doesn’t become so overprotective but rather gives space to her, he does love games, epsiecally RPG’s and saw SAO as a way to experience it completely, but little did he know, he’ll be fighting for his life.
    Job: N/A
    Guild: N/A
    Weapon: One-Handed Sword

    Special Skill: Absorption Slash (He takes the brunt of the attack and absorbs half the power to strike with, however, it has a cooldown of 5 minutes
    Other: N/A

    Known Name: IGN: Star
    Age: 16
    Appearance: Personality: A smart girl. She uses her intelligence from being in the Beta to help her get further in the game. She dislikes staying in a party for longer than need to be. There is a sweet side to her where her girlishness just blossoms when she becomes close enough to a cute boy.
    Bio: She grew up in Tokyo with her mother. Her family was rich and were in the main manufacturers of the currently used computers. Nothing other than her father betraying her has left damage. Her father leaving the family forced her to hate staying with with someone who she didn't trust at all.
    Job: Blacksmith: She tends to smith lots of daggers with her. She uses these as projectile weapons.
    Guild: Apposes guilds
    Weapon: A steel sword crafted from some of the beasts in the first floor. She mainly uses the daggers she crafts.
    Special Skill: Sword Archer: Eventually she will gain the ability to increase her swords hilts length turning it into a bow almost. A strange flexible metal sits on it allowing the user to shoot a shard projectile. In her case her daggers.

    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Known Name: Masamune (Kin-Slayer)
    Age: 19
    Personality: Masamune is a quiet boy with a bad streak of ignoring people he claims to find uninteresting. With a hard exterior to crack and an even harder center, he's often viewed as a cold-hearted person.
    Bio: Masamune's parents divorced when he was eight and as a result was bought everything he asked for. Seeking companionship, he entered the MMO world and taking it by storm, using the codename: Kin-Slayer as a title....albit forced upon him. He holds a fascination for NerveGear and SAO since it was released. Once he turned eighteen, he moved out of his father's house and lives alone. Within SAO since the start an accident occurred involving him and a party member. The accident ended with a PK.
    Job: N/A
    Guild: (Optional) N/A
    Weapon: One-handed sword
    Special Skill: 3-Hit Combo Each strike is stronger than the last with the first dealing the same amount of damage as the user has sustained and has a cool down rate of thirty minutes.
    Other: Is it alright if I make him a Player-Killer?

    Username: Soap
    Known Name: Chuuya Saito - Game Name: Dosan Saito
    Age: 22
    Appearance: Character
    Personality: Kinda anti-social, quite, cold,
    Bio: Chuuya is a 22 year old going no where college drop out. He has never been the biggest people pleaser, and has always wanted to do what he wanted to do, not what others want and expect of him, and the reason for this is because is a gifted genius, but wastes it away. He has always enjoyed playing games where he can be the best over everybody else until the game becomes boring. When the new game, SAO came out, he was determined to become the best, but when he became trapped in the game by the GM, he became pissed off, because somebody thought they could tell him what to do, and they succeeded in it. Now Chuuya is determined to free himself from the game and get him some deserved revenge.
    Job: N/a
    Guild: anti-social, so not at the moment.
    Weapon: Katana
    Special Skill: Demon Kings Rage: Strength, speed, attack speed increase 100%. One minute activation, with a 10 minute cooldown.

    Username: Twilight_Nobody13
    Known Name: Shiina
    Age: 17
    Appearance: 1200x1000 wallpaper_www.wall321.com_66.jpg
    Personality: timid, warm hearted, strong sense of right and wrong
    Bio: Shiina lives with her parents and was a straight A student. Joining the world of SAO with her older brother, she thought it would be a good way to make friends.
    Job: Beast Tamer (wolf)
    Guild: N/A
    Weapon: Spear
    Special Skill: Will add later
    Thread by: Doukuro, Oct 3, 2012, 311 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Doukuro
    "In the year 2022, the Virtual reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VRMMORPG) Sword Art Online (SAO) is released. With the Nerve Gear, a virtual reality Helmet that stimulates the user's five senses via their brain, players can experience and control their in-game characters with their minds."
    [Additional details and profiles will be located in the OOC Thread.]
    Thousands rush into stores everywhere, fighting for the new game. It was promised to be the best, something new entirely. All craved it. Stocks ran empty quickly, forcing some to go home empty-handed and filled with disappointment.​
    They had no idea just how lucky they were.​
    Ten thousand log into Sword Art Online, celebrating blissfully. This joy would be short lived though as the creator of the game, Kayaba Akihiko himself, comes into view with some fatal news; no one would be able to log out. Just removing the Nerve Gear would cause them to die as 213 people would soon find out. Only through making it to the 100th floor and defeating the final boss, thus winning the game, can they be freed.​
    And so panic fills the heart of every player as they wonder if they'll ever see the real world again.​
    With a week now gone people are beginning to adjust to this new world, some better than others. A few guilds have formed and a few take to the front lines. However not all can accept what is happening and refuse to leave the first town or even take their own lives.
    It is a difficult time but alas you still live. You're on Floor One, levels no higher than level three at this point. Odds are against you but stay strong! It is far from over.
    • Don't powerplay, godmod, etc. The only time this would be okay if it's to jump start an event with given permission from me or by me.
    • Hopefully I've added enough where people who only know a little of the anime/light novels or never seen/read them can join. Though knowing the basics would be a big help.
    • No one-liners. I don't expect super long paragraphs with vivid details from everyone and/or all the time but I would love seeing at least some effort applied to your posts. With the best spelling and grammar you can do, though naturally nothing is perfect and mistakes are made so some would be fine.
    • Romance would be fun and cussing is allowed. Consider things PG-16.
    • NPCs are free to control as long as someone else was not controlling them before. If you'd like a reoccurring NPC (like your character's favorite shop keeper or something) please fill out a small form that has their name, appearance, and small description of them and post it in the ooc thread.
    • Feel free to suggest events, whether they be official or otherwise, at any given time. Or ask about anything that may confuse you.
    • SAO is a MMO without any magic or mage like characters. It's all sword based so keep this in mind while rping.
    • And please don't just drop out without a word. I totally understand losing interest or becoming too busy to keep up with a rp. So drop a message or something if you're quitting the rp or taking an extended break so I'll know.
    Thread by: Doukuro, Oct 3, 2012, 605 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Doukuro

    SAO Rp

    it's been a while since i've been on and active here and well i think i'll return now and in doing so i simply must get back into the rp ring here


    I think there should be a sword art online rp and so i shall make one i think but first i wanted to see the amount of interest there was in one, which still seems allowed to do in this section so yeah

    who would be up to it
    Thread by: Doukuro, Oct 1, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Doukuro
    Tumblr is/was derping so I am making some random things. Plus old icons. Nothing good though, just random things produced from boredom.


    Thread by: Doukuro, Dec 29, 2011, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Doukuro

    Pointless thread is pointless.
    Thread by: Doukuro, Nov 3, 2011, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Doukuro
    I'm still not very good but I do rather like this one. Might as well post them at least.





    Thread by: Doukuro, Sep 29, 2011, 6 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  12. Doukuro


    Tumblr has arrow. Y u no has arrow?
    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 28, 2011, 30 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Doukuro
    But I am also very easily amused so...

    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 28, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Doukuro
    This seems pointless as the rp is a dead one but maybe it will change some people's minds or at least I can use it for future reference. PM me with any questions or suggestions. Okay, to be honest I am still hopeful someone might join.

    I fixed the typo. Envoker should of been Evoker. Removed restrictions on Persona. The only disallowed ones are Thantos and Alice. [Alice will be used as an event character.] Everything will learn all of the skills which are on their lists and maybe even more, four only being the starting limit. When they can learn a new skill I will either pm them or make a post like the following:

    > [Character/Persona's name here] can now use Bufula!

    And then the next time they go to use Bufu it will be stronger.

    And now I will explain how the skills will be applied in the rp.

    Slash, strike and pierce are pretty much basic attacks. They just get stronger further down the list with New Moon/Full Moon bonuses as stated.

    Agi, Bufu, Zio, and Garu skills are there respective elements. The ones that hit only one enemy are a concentration of the element. The stronger the skill the more power it has. The ones that hit more enemies are like a blast of sorts. Per example Garu skills will have a huge blast of wind or even a small tornado.

    And like I said in the rp thread Hama and Mudo skills are basically simple light and dark attacks. Beyond that the rules for Agi, Bufu, Zio and Garu skills applies to them too.

    Healing is also the same.

    Enhance skills will simply make someone stronger in a way which matches the skill. Such like superhuman strength, resilience, and speed. [Nothing too extreme though.] Tetrakarn and Makarakarn will give the user a shield which will repel the next attack. With physical hits it can be explained as absorbing the blow and sending a blast back at the attack with equal strength. With magical attacks it's simply tosses the attack back.

    The bad skills shouldn't be too hard to explain. Fear will make the target unreasonably scared, Charm will make them unable to attack whoever used it and under their control for a little while. Poison will weaken them and with each movement they make will damage them. With the exception of poison, which will need magic or an item to heal everything can be snapped out of. Meaning the targeted can come to their senses and over time even become resilient to such. When that happens I will do the same as for the new attack thing.

    > [Character's name] can now resist Charm!

    Or is immune to it.

    The special skills are unneeded here as anyone can rp running away and once your character dies there is little chance of them coming back to life. [I say little chance though. So... -hint hint-]

    And now I am just going to list the almighty skills and their effects...

    Foul Breath: Nullifies immunities to Charm, Panic, and such for a brief time, making them only resistant to such. And lowers resistants.
    Stagnant Air: Resistants become immune, and everyone else becomes resistant to kills such as Fear, Charm, etc.
    Life Drain and Spirit Drain: They both feed off of someone's energy to held the user.
    Megido and the like: An non-elemental attack. Same rules as the elemental attacks though, just no one is resistant to it.

    Passive skills will have their effect without having the person needing to summon their Persona for it. Forced users can have one effect through out the day while natural users will only have this effect during the Dark Hour.

    Another list for the tactical skills.

    Analysis and Full Analysis: Used to detect an enemy weak points. Basically senses Shadows during the Dark Hour, full having a further range.
    Third Eye: Like Analysis but can be used throughout the day. Better range.
    Healing Wave: Slightly heals everyone [friend or foe] around the Persona.
    Oracle: Can see slightly into the future. Shadow's future are easier to read. Like a sixth sense more than anything when it comes to humans.
    Escape Route: Teleports people to the user. Hard to teleport the unwilling and/or moving. Only usable in the Dark Hour. Not a very wide range.

    And like I said, no fusion spells. But if you ask I may allow your Persona to learn one or two of them later on in the rp.

    And lastly, I am thinking about adding rankings for Academics, Charm, and Courage. But am unsure about this.... So if you do join vote on it?
    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 27, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Doukuro
    Yep, but these aren't.

    Persona Sigs: [Addicted? No. Nevah]





    I abuse space stocks in sigs. e.o

    And then same Avis. The Miku one randomly turned upside down when I uploaded it to photobucket. @_@ I do like it but it was like wha....


    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 27, 2011, 4 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  16. Doukuro
    I know there are a few Persona rps around already but I am REALLY obsessed with it atm. *Points to name and profile.* Hopefully this idea is new at least.

    On a slightly different time line and plot than Persona 3, but focuses on the same idea. So long as you've played any Persona joining this will be easy. And I am trying to stay away from most of the characters there was in the game, but they can be mentioned/show up as NPCs throughout the RP.

    Setting is nine years before the events in the game. The school has just recently opened. It's near the end of the first month of the school year. Starts on 4/29 with the characters off of school.

    A man who seeks power meets his demise, and leaves others to suffer in his place. This is what happened to the leader of the Kirijo group. ​
    His quest for power lead him to the Shadows, beings which were thought to have the power to control time and space. He and a team of scientists studied them in hopes of using their power for themselves.​
    While that was their main objective they did also study Shadows inside the human mind, or Personas, as they were later named.​
    It appeared as if everyone had a Persona lying dormant within their minds but most are too weak to awaken or the person simply does not have the ability to call upon the power. However... They thought it would be possible to force one's 'awakening.'​
    They were able to do so. It didn't work with everyone they tested this on, but they found ten individuals who they were able to force an awakening on before the incident...​
    They lab in which these experiments took place blew up and the Shadows they were testing on fled into the night. As a result of this not only did many die that night but the Dark Hour and Tartarus were made.​
    A year has passed since then without much incident, but it would appear that much is about to happen...​

    The Dark Hour

    This is the result of a foolish man's desire for power. It is a time between each day, a 25th hour which starts at the stroke of midnight. Normal humans are transformed into coffins where they will sleep until the hour is over. And once the hour is up they will have no memory of The Dark Hour. Only those with the potential to use a Persona are able to function freely in the Dark Hour, but until they have summoned their Persona they are very likely to forget everything which happens in the hour. There are a few exceptions though; people who cannot use a Persona yet are still able to function normally within the Dark Hour. They are normally adults as it takes years for a non-persona user to get used to the Dark Hour. Also, another side effect of being active in The Dark Hour is that one will grow tired much faster than normal. People can get used to this effect after a while, but it does take some time to do so. Another important note to take about The Dark Hour is that this is when Shadows are active. They can lure out humans from their coffins and feed off of their psyches. The victims will not die, however they will become what Persona-users and the like know as “The Lost,” which is explained as Apathy Syndrome to normal people. They basically become mindless people with very little energy to do anything, even speak correctly.

    How the Dark Hour looks like. Red being water.


    On Tatsumi Port Island, or simply Port Island for short, was the lab where all of the experiments took place. After it was destroyed a school was made in its place, however many of the students soon vanished. These cases are still new and the reason is most likely connected to Tartarus. It is a tower which the school transforms into during The Dark Hour. It appears to be a nest to Shadows, one which they rarely leave expect when the moon is full. Exactly how it is the cause of the students' disappearance is unknown as it is unlikely they will stay at the school till midnight. Also, the tower never looks the same on the inside as it grows from the ground each day, causing a random pattern for the floors.

    What Tartarus looks like.


    There are two types of Persona-users; natural users and forced users. And while which type they are will effect a lot it will not restrict them to one side, meaning they can join whatever group you want them to regardless of what type of user they are.​
    Natural Users: These are those who awoke to their power naturally, normally in stressful situations. Most of them are on their own unless they have ran into other Persona-users during the Dark Hour. Maybe one of these can be in the Kirkjo Group as either a new or old member. As this rp focuses more so on the forced users I will only allow a few of these, five being my limit. But even that is kind of pushing it. Three is perfectly okay though. [If I do make a character who is a natural user it will not count here, so I will not be taking up a spot so 3-5 others will be able to make one. And only one Natural-user per person.]
    • Pros: They will have full control over their Persona and will be more powerful than forced-users.
    • Cons: They have to use an Evoker to summon their Persona and have no power from their Persona outside of The Dark Hour. Evokers were made by the Kirijo Group but it is possible that some other group started making them. Just get my permission on this if that is something you're interested in using for your character. An easier way to explain how they got their Evoker is that they found one during the Dark hour, as they sudden appeared a few days after their power awoken.
    Forced-Users: These are the ten who were tested on in the labs before it was destroyed. All of them were young at the time as the tests failed on adults. Some disagreed with the Kirijo's group's ways and took the destruction of the lab as a distraction to get away while others stayed because they either didn't care, believed that the leader was right or the new leader would be better, or for their own reason.
    • Pros: They do not need an Evoker to summon their Persona during the Dark Hour and may even be able to use it during normal time, though doing so is much harder and puts a lot of strain on the body. However they have access to their Persona's powers during the normal hours of the day whether they be passive or non-passive abilities.
    • Cons: Since their power was forced their Persona will try to kill them. It wasn't meant to be. To prevent being killed by their Persona they must take pills which suppresses their powers and going off of these pills can be fatal. Also, they are weaker than natural-users.


    They are normally in the shape of a gun which one must shot themselves with to summon their Persona. It's possible to summon one's Persona without one, as it is unlikely they had one when they first discovered their power, but by doing so after their Persona is dismissed they will pass out, even for days. And unlike in the game where they summon their Persona to use one move and then it vanishes until summoned again in this their Persona stays out and fights alongside them. However, prolonged use will tire the user out.​

    Types of Persona

    Personas are classified by the major arcana. Also, there's support Persona, ones who are poor with attacks but can sense Shadows and tell their weaknesses, Persona with no elemental weaknesses, but then no resistances, ones specializing in a certain element, with its respective weakness, and ones with several resistances but with poor attacks.

    Here is a list of Persona. Stay away from the overpowered ones if you do take one from this list. I will allow some to use Personas such like Alice, etc, but only with my permission. You also have the choice of making your own Persona. Your Persona's arcana must reflect the user as Persona are the personification of someone's psyche. Ignore the fusion spells. Enhance and 'bad spells' count as a support type. Every type is allowed one passive skill no matter what it is if they wish too.​

    Port Island
    Warning with the below links. Some are pictures but it was hard location decent pictures and I didn't want to spam you with many links to get a good image of what each place looks like. So instead some are links to a webpage. They are there for images and details of the area and nothing more. So long as you only read that stuff you will have no spoilers. Do not read past them if you wish to avoid spoilers for Persona 3.
    Places on the island are as followed:

    Gekkoukan High School: The building stands where the lab once did. Uniforms look like this. [It's black. Can go without jackets for summer and change it up slightly if you wish.] The school store contains some food along with book covers. The clubs which the school offers are the Archery, Music, Art, Photography, Home Economics, Fencing, Volleyball, Tennis, and Cooking clubs. The sports teams are the Boxing, Kendo, Swim, and Track teams. And there is also the student council.
    Paulownia Mall: Game Panic, an arcade, Power Records, music store, Aohige Pharmacy, Mandragora, a karaoke bar, the police station, Be Blue V, an accessories store, Chagall Cafe, and Club Escapade can all be found here. It is open 24/7.
    Iwatodai Station: Octopia, a place that sells Takoyaki made with a mystery meat, Wild-Duck Burger, a fast food joint, Bookworms, a book store ran by a couple and their son who is in his twenties-thirties, Sweet Shop, Hakagure, a ramen shop, Wakatsu Restaurant, a shushi bar, Beef Bowl Shop, and Book-On, a manga store, can be food at the strip mall near by. All are closed during the night.
    Port Island Station: Screen Shot, a movie theater, and Rafflesia, a flower shop can be found here along with a decent sized outdoors cafe. However, the back alleys are known to be gang-spots and can get pretty dangerous. Though so long as you don't go looking for trouble and avoid annoying anyone is should be fine, but they hate outsiders and think it to be weird to go there in a school uniform.
    Naganaki Shrine: Offer money, pray, or draw a fortune for a small fee.
    The Dorm: A dorm for students at the school. It is currently open for anyone to move in to. The command room is currently a normal meeting room and the chairman officer is currently used by the dorm owner, a NPC. [First two rows are enough. I will be looking for something better in the mean time.]​

    Moon Phases

    Shadows become very strong on nights of the full moon and even dare to venture out of Tartarus. And New Moons effect Persona's attacks. [You can either rp the attacks changing or I may drop in randomly and be like "lolnope. that attack is now this. >some other random attack<" It will only last for the night. Will be an interesting touch I hope.]​

    Days to next full moon: One
    "Did you know the moon grows full...?"

    No god-mods,
    Cussing is allowed, just no going overboard,
    Fade out to black if you must, just don't go too far with romance. Though it is encourage,
    Only one natural/forced persona-user per person. Only someone can have one of each though. Should try and focus getting the forced users first though,
    Thoughts, "talking" and try to post at least three sentences per post,
    Common sense should fill up the rest of the rules.

    Profile Templates

    You do not have to be a Persona-user. You can also be one able to function during the Dark Hour, a normal human being, and there's even some anti-shadow weapons still around... Androids. Though I will only allow one of them to be a playable character. They can summon a Persona with a built in Envoker and are fully functional in The Dark Hour. I would hope one who takes this role has played the game before, otherwise it my just be left empty. Here is a list of skills. It must fit in with what type of Persona they have. Only the first skill on each chart is allowed but their skills can change over time as they get stronger. Four is the max atm. Unlikely I will allow more but that is still a possibility. Keep this in mind as well; ice users will not have fire skills. [Least not in this rp.] It is possible for people will no resistances/weaknesses to have skills in opposites elements but they are likely to focus more on attack. And those one hit kills will not do such. One hit kills attacks are simply really strong. Hama and Mudo are light beam/shadow blast instead, respectively. Some of the other skills will be applied differently as well. Lastly, you can use one of the Persona from the game so long it isn't a special one. Nothing from fusions, it has to be one found through shuffles. If you have not played any Shin Megami Tenshi games it may be best just to stick with making up your own Persona. And in case I forgot to mention this, Personas can look like anything. From humans to animals, and anything in-between.​

    [B]Username: [/B]
    [B]Name: [/B]
    [B]Age: [/B]
    [B]Gender: [/B]
    [B]Persona-User?: [/B]Yes/No
    [B]If yes, which type: [/B]Natural/Forced
    [B]Bio: [/B]
    [B]Personality: [/B]
    [B]Appearance: [/B]You can also use this part to describe how they wear their uniform, if they go to school that is.
    [B]Weapon: [/B] Can use whatever they wish. Would be unlike someone who does not know of Persona to have one but that will be allowed still, like if they're in a club, etc. 
    [B]Any after school activities?: [/B] Optional. Can have none starting out but may join some later. Can be in more than one as clubs meet on several days and do not require attendance every day, just don't go overboard. 
    [B]Skills: [/B]Unrelated to having a Persona or not. Cooking, fencing, etc.
    [B]Anything Else: [/B]
    Fill out one of the following and remove the other:
    If a natural user;
    [B]Persona's Name: [/B]
    [B]Persona's Type: [/B] Support, attack, magic [and which element], healer.
    [B]Persona's Arcana: [/B]
    [B]Persona's Skills: [/B]
    [B]Resistance(s) : [/B]If Any.
    [B]Weakness(es) : [/B]If any.
    [B]Persona's Appearance: [/B]
    If a forced-user;
    [B]Persona's Name: [/B]
    [B]Persona's Type: [/B] Support, attack, magic [and which element], healer.
    [B]Persona's Arcana: [/B]
    [B]Persona's Skills: [/B]
    [B]Resistance(s) : [/B]If Any.
    [B]Weakness(es) : [/B]If any.
    [B]Skill the user can use during normal hours: [/B]Only one and the Persona must know it. Rather than having them able to do attacks I'd prefer it to be something like healing, sensing Persona, etc [like if they have a skill that increases attack the user will be rather strong, and it'd be a passive type thing.] Unless you give them minor, and I mean minor, control over their element.
    [B]Persona's Appearance: [/B]
    [B]Compendium Info: [/B]For both types of users. If an existing Persona than the site I linked will have the info you need. If you made this one up then put something about the Persona. Some are based off of myths or poems, and the like. Like a short bio for the Persona.
    Accepted Characters​

    Username: Fuuka Yamagishi
    Name: Ishimaru, Aya
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female.
    Persona-User?: Yes.
    If yes, which type: Forced
    Bio: Since she was an orphan it was easy for the Kirijo group to take her without having to deal with the police. She then had to undergo several experiments so they could awaken her Persona. Aya rarely complained as she thought it better than having no one pay any mind to her, but she couldn't help but to feel as if everything about the group was wrong. Her feelings were proven true when she found out the real intention of the group. Afraid that Aya would tell the world of what they were doing the group had her locked away. Only when the lab started to be destroyed could she escape. Since then she has been living on the streets, lost as to the meaning of life until recently. She sees The Lost all around her and wishes to help them, but do not feel as if she can alone. But it is unlike her to ask for help so instead she roams the Dark Hour, looking for Persona-Users. Once she sees one awaken she gets an Envoker, stolen from the lab as she made her escape, and leaves it for them the next time she sees them in the Dark Hour with a note on how to use it and the note also explains what a Persona is and that it is the only weapon against the monsters, Shadows. Currently has a job and found her own apartment. Is finding it hard having club and a job and the Dark Hour but tries to do them all nonetheless.
    Personality: Before she was at conflict with herself, questioning what was right and what was wrong. When she got away from the lab she slowly began to realize that she must decide such for herself, and her resolve transformed her Persona into what it is currently. [Lovers=a symbol of finding agreement with an ordinary friend or even two conflicting elements within.] She tries to be kind to everyone who needs help, though she is more likely to help from the shadows than in person. Isn't much of a fighter as she will normally try and find a peaceful way to solve everything.
    Appearance: Wears the uniform normally.
    Weapon: Bow in the picture.
    Any after school activities?: Archery and photography club.
    Skills: Pretty handy with a bow but still kind of new at it. Amateur photographer. And thanks to the Dark Hour she was good endurance. First aid.
    Anything Else:

    Persona's Name: Freya
    Persona's Type: Healer.
    Persona's Arcana: Lovers.
    Persona's Skills: Dia, Marin Karin, Garu, and Divine Grace.
    Resistance(s) : Wind.
    Weakness(es) : Electricity.
    Skill the user can use during normal hours: Heals faster than normal. A cut will be gone within a day, leaving behind no scar. Broken bones can only take up to a week (at least) to heal fully.
    Persona's Appearance: This.
    Compendium Info: Based on the belief that some pixies/faries are demoted angels were weren't righteous enough for Heaven but weren't wicked even for Hell, and thus was stuck in-between. "She fell from the Heavens, stopping short of the abyss. Trapped in the world between she was cursed to wander the plains forever in a hideous form until she could find peace within herself. Once that goal was reached she ceased being herself, and transformed into a human like form. Many mistook her as a goddess, so she took on a new name and in return for their offerings she brought them good health."

    Username: Fuuka Yamaghishi
    Name: Kawazoe, Junichiro
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male.
    Persona-User?: Yes.
    If yes, which type: Natural.
    Bio: He had his awakening when a Shadow lured his mother away. He followed after her only to be attacked by said Shadow, after it had feed off of his mother that is. He thought she was dead, and was sent into his first violent rage, summoning his Persona. He was able to kill the Shadow but the rage did not stop there. He remembers nothing after that until waking up in the hospitable a week later. He was told his mother died in a strange, unexplained incident which he blamed on the Shadows. He didn't have any way of using his Persona and since the Shadows rarely come out he hasn't had any reason to even try. However, he recently was told about the Lost and realized that it wasn't the Shadow that killed her, he did. He attacked the person who told him and ran off. This was during the last full moon so the Shadows were out. He ran into a group of them and summoned his Persona once more, venting his rage on them. When he awoke a few days later he found a gun next to his bed with a note explaining that it was an Envoker, a means to summon his Persona easier and at will.
    Personality: Doesn't seem to care about anything and is normally calm. However he often has violent urges which he cannot control. Only the sight of blood stops him, normally.
    Appearance: Instead of the normal school jacket he wears his own plain black one. No one normally says anything about it as he is rarely there anyway.
    This with black eyes instead.

    Weapon: The black one only.
    Any after school activities?: N/A
    Skills: Close-ranged combat. He doesn't know how to do much other than fighting. Hand-to-hand mostly, rarely uses his weapon.
    Anything Else: Lives in the dorm.

    Persona's Name: Vladimir
    Persona's Type: Magic, dark.
    Persona's Arcana: Devil.
    Persona's Skills: Mudo, Life Drain, Evil Smile, and Null Dark.
    Resistance(s) : Dark.
    Weakness(es) : Light.
    Persona's Appearance: Click. Always appears covered in darkness with blood floating around him. He also floats himself. Some assume he may be just a torso as in the fight with the warrior of light or while in the abyss his lower half was cut off. None know for sure though.
    Compendium Info: "As one who tainted his hands in the forbidden arts he was cursed to wander the abyss. Unknown to most, however, he clawed his way back to the surface where he brought forth chaos with his blood magic. Only when a warrior of the light came to seal him away did the blood soaked soil became cleansed."
    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 21, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Doukuro
    Is going to be late. Been addicted to Persona 3... I have written some of it though so hopefully it is up by at least Friday.
    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 20, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  18. Doukuro
    From now on whenever I finish a chapter I'm going to work on the picture for it and post it on here. [each chapter is going to have its own pic]
    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 9, 2011, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  19. Doukuro
    What do you want your character to do? Any ideas for events? Places, friends, plot twists. Just to help me out a little bit.
    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 7, 2011, 5 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  20. Doukuro
    Who else noticed her in two parts? What are your theories on her? Anything? c:
    Thread by: Doukuro, Jul 7, 2011, 8 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)