Avatars and signatures for the grand price of FUCK ALL. Now making gif images. You'll need to supply your own sprite sheets though. A few important things to start with: 1. Please be polite, I will deny your request if you ask inappropriately. 2. Make sure you fill out all relevant details on the form. 3. Make sure you give good enough details on what you want, I don't want to have an entire page of me asking you what you want. 4. Try to get the highest quality image possible, I will not use certain images or file types because the end product would look naff. 5. No hentai or gory stuff, It's not allowed anyway. 6. The avi and sigs made by me are for use only on this site. 7. Always give me credit by putting "Made by Fayt-Harkwind" or something along those lines in your sig. 8. Any questions, VM or PM me them. 9. When I send it too you after its done, save it to your documents and upload it through your own photobucket or photoshack account or even use the KHV albums. 10. Also, don't quote this post, it stretches the page, I will automatically reject your request if you do. Forms: Avatar size restrictions will prevent me from letting normal members from having anything above 100x100 and premium members 150x150. Avatar Size: Image: (as high quality as possible) Text: (optional) Font: (optional) Details: (What you want your avatar to look like) Other: Signature Size: Image: (as high quality as possible) Text: (optional) Font: (optional) Details: (What you want your signature to look like) Other: Sprite Gif Size: (For the canvas, not the sprite) Sprite sheet: Text: (optional, probably won't want it) Font: (optional) Other: Video Footage Gif Size: Link to safe and high quality download: (do not link to a stream from somewhere like youtube) Text: (optional) Font: (optional) Other: In Progress: 1. Akua - sig 2. 3. Pending: 1.
I found out about this on Wednesday but only just remembered about it. Basically an expansion/sort of sequel to Dragon Age Origins. If you've not finished Dragon Age this'll contain spoilers unless you don't mind. http://dragonage.bioware.com/awakening I think it's more of a sequel that you just continue from (like .hack in a way) because it's about the same price as a full game instead of an expansion pack from what I can see and the price I heard it's meant to be.
Yeah, I didn't want to post this in the gaming section as I know the most help I'd get is "lol ur cumpootar iz siht". So yeah, title sort of explains it. In more detail, when I click on the create a sim button I see the create a sim screen and that mirror with a sim infront of it appear for a second before my computer suddenly restarts. I've already checked the internet via different search engines and EA troubleshooting (I already knew that would be useless) so I'm hoping one of you have had and overcome a similar problem. EDIT: Btw, my computer meets the system requirements.
Setting The Earth’s nations united into one federation due to the nuclear bombing of the central regions of the Middle East. The bombing that was brought forth by American missles forged a mass state of fear among many countries. After deciding that nuclear warfare should be avoided it was then extended further numerous times until a world-wide treaty was formed with any disagreeing countries being plunged into poverty via the import-export business. Now with only the Colonial Federation and terrorism being threats to the world a military of combined forces is created to protect the citizens of the united countries. Currently the Colonial Federation (C.F) have a military rivalling that of the Earth Joint Military (E.J.M) created by the United Countries (U.C). It is presumed that a war could start at any moment. Plot You are a new recruit for the Earth Joint Military. As a new recruit and having finished your simulation training you are given a mobile suit, a low class one at that. With your new mobile suit you are thrown head first into your debut battle along with a group of fellow newbie pilots. Mission Log Mission 1: All recruits -A battle where the commanders will observe the new recruits abilities while also conducting an assault on a small terrorist facility. The enemy use small tanks and a handful of low class Zaku I . Rules: 1. The sections rules. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=80885 2. 3 characters max. 3. Do not try to take over the story in any way, I will remove you instantly if you try. 4. Be literate and try posting a decent amount. 5. Try to progress the story and not stay in the same place for the whole RP without breaking rule 3. 6. The first mission that the RP will be is to see how much you know about Gundam, the mobile suit your using and your Rping abilities just so I can keep us all at a pace that won’t throw anyone off. 7. If you require information on Mobile Suits, a Gundam series or the RP PM/VM me. Mobile Suit unlocking & rank system (If you want a mobile suit not on the list, such as a Flag from Gundam 00, VM/PM me and I‘ll see which rank it fits with) Rank 1 (Officer) GM Ball (Space only) Zaku II Zaku Tank (Surface only) Rank 2 (Lieutenant) GM II GM Command HiZack Gaza C Gelgoog Nemo Gouf (Surface only) Rank 3 (Captain) Any currently usable mobile suit can now be equip with custom armaments. Sago (Surface only) (Can be used underwater) Dom Gyan Gouf Flight Type (Surface only) Marasai Barzam Gaza D Rank 4 (Major) Any standard mass produced mobile suit Rick Dias MP Qubeley MP Bawoo Jegan Geara Doga Rank 5 (Colonel) Any mass produced mobile suit commander type Guncannon Zeong (space use only) Hambrabi Bawoo Gottrlatan Rank 6 (Brigadier) Byalant Baund Doc Bolinoak Sammahn Palace Athene Re-GZ Jagd Doga Rank 7 (Licence Holder) Experimental mobile suits & new models. Custom models. Gundams. (Rare) OC Form Username: Name: Age: Appearance: Personality: History: Starting Mobile Suit: Other: (optional) Characters Username: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Nyle Kendal Age: 38 Appearance: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/c/c6/CrusherJoe_Talos.jpg/150px-CrusherJoe_Talos.jpg Personality: Very rough and stern History: Not much is known about Nyle other than that he had worked his way up through the ranks which is why he was chosen to command the new recruits. Starting Mobile Suit: Marasai Other: He is a Captain and the current commander of the recruits. Username: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Lyndon Carroll Age: 25 Appearance: http://api.ning.com/files/TrYtAv3h5...ISuEYYSnOOmQT*MQ-QjWngn6b21h2QNJu/1333315.jpg Personality: A very laid back guy. He tends to fight only when commanded too and tries to find a less violent solution to his problems than fighting in his mobile suit. History: Originally being a mobile suit designer the military decided to recruit him to the mobile suit factories but during the transport to the German facility his escorts where attacked by terrorist Maganacs. With his Zaku II escorts being overwhelmed Lyndon took the remaining Zaku II normally used by the driver of the transport and drove off the Maganacs with surprising levels of skill. Afterwards they decided to use him as a mobile suit pilot and weapon designer. Starting Mobile Suit: Zaku II Other: Lyndon is a passive smoker and although against regulations he sometimes smokes while piloting. Username: The Lone Wanderer Name: Thoroar Nyden Age: 25 Appearance: Shoulder length dark brown hair, with a goatee. Average height and a very slim but muscular build. Personality: Refuses to follow orders he doesn't agree with. Agressive in combat but rather laid back off the battlefield. Dislikes long range combat and most often forgoes it for his melee weapon or his fists. Very perceptive as well. History: Thoroar joined the EJM after his parents were killed by a small terrorist bombing while residing in London temprarily. He was bent on revenge and swore an oath to cut down every foe who challenged him. His only relative is his 20 year old sister who still lives in London however, they barely speak as she is a pacifist. As soon as he joined and was thrown into battle, he amazed his higher ranking officers by taking down a large squad of enemy suits with only his Zaku's Heat Hawk. His commanding officer has ordered a High Mobility Zaku for his specific use, as he knew it would only enhance Thoroar's effectiveness in battle. Starting Mobile Suit: MS-06R-1A High Mobility Type Zaku II with a Black/Grey color (http://gundam.wikia.com/wiki/MS-06R-...y_Type_Zaku_II) Other: Often disrespects authority by not saying sir, however he will use their rank when he addresses his commanding officers.
Gather more workers and you'll get an extra drop of coke.
This is an alternate plot of Kabuto that takes place in America. It’ll be a little more mature than the actual show this RP is based off. Plot Instead of a single meteor hitting Japan an entire swarm crash into many countries around the world. With three landing in America the states are put into mass alert as many Worms, alien life forms that can mimic others forms and memories, attack and replace the people. Although, in the other countries the meteorites have yet to spawn Worms and as such the countries with meteorites governments form a pact and create the group known as Zect to defeat the Worm threat in America before they can awaken the still dormant meteorites. As the armed forces of Zect, the Zect Troopers, slowly defeat the Worms with more casualties than kills a scheme is devised that more advanced forces are needed and Kamen Riders are born. Worm They are an alien life form that came from the meteors. Aggressive to humans, Worms attempt to blend into the human population by copying the faces of their victims along with their memories. They only need to look at the human to copy their image, but once done so, they attempt to kill the original. However, the Worms believe the person that was mimicked now exists as a part of them due the fact they also acquired their victims' personalities. Despite being able to copy both image and memory, they are unable to copy certain things such as scent. The pupa form is known as a Salis, taking on the shape of a chrysalis. A Salis normally has a green body, except for the albino one known as a Mutation Salis which has a white body. After a Worm is threatened or endangered, it has the ability to molt, revealing a stronger form that can move at blinding speeds which comes from their high metabolism. Worms do not need to naturally molt and their "cast" can be broken off or shattered. They also have the ability to revert back into a Salis form if necessary. When a Worm is destroyed, it explodes into its predominant colour. They largely resemble Arthropods, specifically insects. Zect Troopers Weapons: Machine Blade Gun (able to use machine gun mode and retractable knife mode), Grenade launcher, flash bombs (to prevent Worms from molting). Ranks/Armour:- -Black = Basic Troopers -Black with yellow stripes = Shadow Troopers (TheBee’s unit of soldiers) -White = Bright Troopers (trainees) Kamen Riders All Riders finishers, transformations and cast offs/put ons are voice activated. Henshin is to transform, Cast Off is to Cast Off into Rider Form (if needed), Put On is to return to Masked Form and the name of your finisher (except and bracketed things) is to use the finisher. Clock up which is a feature to move at the same speed as a molted Worm when they move at fully force. It is activated by tapping the clock up pannel on the right side of the belt that is either used to transform or appears when you transform. All Rider weapons: -Zect Mizer = A unique weapon specially developed by the ZECT organization for individual use among the Riders. This unique weapon loads tiny autonomous drones called ‘Mizer Bomber’ which are released from the four shoots ports. Unique to the Zecters design, these Mizer Bombers independently swarm and attack enemy targets from all directions. However, these drones only have a limited operating radius of 15m. Kabuto - The first Kamen Rider. Able to use the Clock Up function. -Weapon: Kabuto Kunai Gun -Kunai Mode = Activates when the gun barrel is detached, unsheathing a short-dagger weapon good for its swift and easy handling; AVALANCHE SLASH can be used in this mode. -Gun Mode = The default mode, fires high-intensity ion beam blasts and is equipped with tri- laser targeting; AVALANCHE SHOT can be performed in this mode. -Axe Mode = Becomes active when the gun barrel is held, and using the bladed butt of the weapon like a tomahawk; AVALANCHE BREAK can be performed in this mode. -Kabuto Zecter, once attached to the belt the Masked Form can be used via “Henshin“. When the Horn is pulled horizontally to the right the Rider Form can be accessed via “Cast Off” which is said verbally by the user and then repeated by the Zecter voice. -Finishing Move = Rider Kick = While being charged at by the enemy or the enemy is in range and your back is facing them while in Rider Form the user presses the 3 buttons ontop of the Zecter in order (with the Zecter voice counting “1, 2, 3”) and then return the horn switch back to the starting position before flipping it back again a current of electricity will be passed up to the horn on the helmet of Kabuto then back down into the right leg for a Counter Kick. -Motorbike = Kabuto Extender = Special bike designed for Kabuto, capable of switching between two performance modes: the high-speed Masked Mode and the offensive Ex Mode. Masked Mode is the Kabuto Extender’s first formation and is most suited for Kabuto’s Masked Form in every aspect, because of its highly-fortified defenses. After using “Cast-Off” (Kabuto cannot ride Ex Mode in Masked Form), the bike changes into Ex Mode. This form is used for frontal assaults and battering style attacks as the Ex Horn can easily destroy Pupa Worms. After the front fairing clears, the front wheel separates in two, allowing the front chassis to sink. The Clock Up system can further extend the abilities of this machine, allowing it to surpass basic gravitational laws. The Kabuto Extender is a Honda CBR1000RR. Henshin example Cast Off example Rider Kick Example TheBee - Able to use the Clock Up function. - Weapon: The Zecter used to transform becomes a weapon mounted onto the fist leaving TheBee to use unarmed combat for attacking until the use of it’s finisher. - TheBee Zecter, once attached to the bracer on the users left arm the Masked Form can be used via “Henshin“. When the a switch on the back of TheBee Zecter is flipped forward the Rider Form can be accessed via “Cast Off” which is said verbally by the user and then repeated by the Zecter voice. -Finishing Move = Rider Sting = When in Rider Form and the button on the back of the Zecter is pressed a charge of electricity covers the stinger of TheBee Zecter and the user punches into the target. - Motorbike = Machine Zectron: Standard-issue bikes for each Rider; mass produced by ZECT. Zectron Pinch is the standard weapon equipped to the bike. It launches a molecular shock forward, ridding any obstacles ahead. Each Rider has its respective symbol located on the windshield of the bike. Henshin example Cast Off example Rider Sting Example (00:26-00:42) Drake - Able to use the Clock Up function. - Weapon: The Drake Zecter gun. - The Drake Zecter, once attached to the gun mount Masked Form can be used via “Henshin“. When the pull-able switch is pulled on Rider Form can be accessed via “Cast Off” which is said verbally by the user and then repeated by the Zecter voice. -Finishing Move = Rider Shooting = When in Rider Form the user folds the wings of the Zecter gun back to form a scope and a charged shot is fired. - Motorbike = Machine Zectron: Standard-issue bikes for each Rider; mass produced by ZECT. Zectron Pinch is the standard weapon equipped to the bike. It launches a molecular shock forward, ridding any obstacles ahead. Each Rider has its respective symbol located on the windshield of the bike. Henshin/Cast Off example Rider Shooting Example (00:43-01:02)) Sasword - Able to use the Clock Up function. - Weapon: The Sasword Sword. - The Sasword Zecter, once attached to the hand guard of the sword mount the Masked Form can be used via “Henshin“. When the tail switch on the hand guard is pushed down Rider Form can be accessed via “Cast Off” which is said verbally by the user and then repeated by the Zecter voice. -Finishing Move = Rider Slash = When in Rider Form the user pulls the tail switch back up and then back down to charge the weapon and slash through the enemy any number of times before the charge is over. - Motorbike = Machine Zectron: Standard-issue bikes for each Rider; mass produced by ZECT. Zectron Pinch is the standard weapon equipped to the bike. It launches a molecular shock forward, ridding any obstacles ahead. Each Rider has its respective symbol located on the windshield of the bike. Henshin/Cast Off example Rider Slash Example (01:03-01:20) Gatack - Able to use the Clock Up function. -Weapon: Shoulder cannons (Masked Form only), Gatack Double Calibur (Two Pincer Swords) (Rider Form only). -Gatack Zecter, once attached to the belt the Masked Form can be used via “Henshin“. When the pincers are pulled back to the right the Rider Form can be accessed via “Cast Off” which is said verbally by the user and then repeated by the Zecter voice. -Finishing Move = Rider Kick = When in Rider Form the user presses the button on the back of the Zecter three times (with the Zecter voice counting “1, 2, 3”) and then return the pincer switch back to the starting position before flipping it back again a current of electricity will be passed to the right leg for jumping roundhouse kick. -Finishing Move = Rider Cutting = Using the two Pincer Swords and connecting them together to make pincer-like sheers the blades charge and the pincers can be closed causing anything within range to be sliced in two. -Motorbike = Gatack Extender = Special bike designed for Gatack; it has two modes: Masked Mode and Ex Mode. In the latter configuration, which Gatack cannot ride in Masked Form, the bike becomes a surfboard-like vehicle which can fly very quickly and destroy multiple Worms with its mandibles. Also, with the Kabuto Extender present, a team finisher named the Extend Rider Drop can be executed. Tossed into the air off the Kabuto Extender's EX Anchor, the Gatack Extender is then driven into the enemy from above by Gatack's kick. Henshin example Cast Off example Rider Kick and Rider Cutting Example (01:21-01:57) KickHopper - Unable to use the Clock Up function. - Weapon: None. - The KickHopper Zecter, once attached to the belt the Rider Form can be used via “Henshin”. -Finishing Move =Rider Jump - Rider Kick = When the legs of the Zecter are pressed down KickHopper is able to leap into the air (Rider Jump) then lead into an electrical charged flying kick (Rider Kick). - Motorbike = None. Henshin example Rider Jump Rider Kick Example PunchHopper - Unable to use the Clock Up function. - Weapon: None. - The PunchHopper Zecter, once attached to the belt the Rider Form can be used via “Henshin”. -Finishing Move =Rider Jump - Rider Punch = When the legs of the Zecter are pressed down PunchHopper is able to leap into the air (Rider Jump) then lead into an electrical charged punch from in mid-air (Rider Punch). - Motorbike = None. Henshin example Rider Jump Rider Punch Example (1:33-138) Dark Kabuto - The same as Kabuto just different colours. - Able to use the Clock Up function. -Weapon: Zect Kunai Gun -Kunai Mode = Activates when the gun barrel is detached, unsheathing a short-dagger weapon good for its swift and easy handling; AVALANCHE SLASH can be used in this mode. -Gun Mode = The default mode, fires high-intensity ion beam blasts and is equipped with tri- laser targeting; AVALANCHE SHOT can be performed in this mode. -Axe Mode = Becomes active when the gun barrel is held, and using the bladed butt of the weapon like a tomahawk; AVALANCHE BREAK can be performed in this mode. -Dark Kabuto Zecter, once attached to the belt the Masked Form can be used via “Henshin“. When the Horn is pulled horizontally to the right the Rider Form can be accessed via “Cast Off” which is said verbally by the user and then repeated by the Zecter voice. -Finishing Move = Rider Kick = While being charged at by the enemy or the enemy is in range and your back is facing them while in Rider Form the user presses the 3 buttons ontop of the Zecter in order (with the Zecter voice counting “1, 2, 3”) and then return the horn switch back to the starting position before flipping it back again a current of electricity will be passed up to the horn on the helmet of Dark Kabuto then back down into the right leg for a Counter Kick. Instead of the green electricity it is black. -Motorbike = None. Henshin example Cast Off example Rider Kick Example (2:00-2:17) Ketaros - The Bronze Rider - Able to use the Clock Up function. - Weapon: Zect Kunai - Ketaros Zecter, once attached to the brace on the right arm and twisted on the Rider Form can be accessed via “Henshin”. This is Ketaros’ only form. - Finishing Move = Rider Beat (Kunai) = The Kunai is charged with electricity and Ketaros slices through the enemy. - Motorbike = None. Henshin example Rider Beat Example (1:17-1:22) Hercus - The Silver Rider - Able to use the Clock Up function. - Weapon: Zect Axe Gun (can be used as a gun or axe) - Hercus Zecter, once attached to the brace on the right arm and twisted on the Rider Form can be accessed via “Henshin”. This is Hercus’ only form. - Finishing Move = Rider Beat (Axe) = The axe is charged with electricity and Hercus digs the axe into the enemy then slices through them. - Motorbike = None. Henshin example Rider Beat Example (1:39-1:46 Caucasus - The Gold Rider - Able to use the Clock Up function. - Weapon: None. - Caucasus Zecter, once attached to the brace on the right arm and twisted on the Rider Form can be accessed via “Henshin”. This is Caucasus’ only form. - Finishing Move = Rider Beat (Punch) = Uses an electrically charged punch on the enemy. - Finishing Move = Rider Beat (Kick) = Uses an electrically charged kick on the enemy. - Motorbike = None. Henshin example Rider Punch & Kick Example (1:47-2:00) In addition to Riders and Troopers there are also Zect Employees who wield a small gun, wear black suits and aid the Riders and Troopers with information and monitoring from a surveillance van. Rules 1. The sections rules. http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=80885 2. 3 characters max. 3. Do not try to take over the story in any way, I will remove you instantly if you try. 4. Be literate. 5. No singing. 6. Try to progress the story and not stay in the same place for the whole RP without breaking rule 3. 8. Give a preview post of how you would fight as a Rider/Trooper/etc, it doesn’t have to be long I just need to see if you understood. 9. If you have any problems or questions VM me. I’ll help in anyway I can. 10. No godmodding, it’ll get harder not to god mod with the whole super speed thing and eventually when Hyper Forms are unlocked and time control is used. 11. I’ll add more rules if needs be. OC FORM Username: Name: Age: Rider/Trooper/Other: (State which type of Trooper or which Rider you are, there can only be one of each Rider though) Appearance: Personality: History: Other: (optional) Preview Post: (Just so I can see if you understood the info I gave) (If you’re a Rider then show me your “Henshin/Cast Off”, fighting and finisher) Characters Username: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Theos Deus Age: 20 Rider/Trooper/Other: Kabuto Appearance: http://www.freewebs.com/anime17/[la...Hitman-Reborn_mela(0.88)__THISRES__148836.jpg Personality: Incredibly confident, repeats words of wisdom from his grandmother. History: His family was killed by the Worm when they first appeared from the meteor that landed near his home. After they took on his parents image he fled before they got him as well and sought refuge in a military safety zone. Later on in the week after the shock and fear had subsided he became very hateful towards the Worm and sought to avenge his parents. During an incident in a skirmish between soldiers and the Worm Theos spotted two Worm return into his parents forms after being heavily injured. After giving chase he caught up with them and killed them both by striking their weakened and motionless Worm forms for a large amount of time. After being moved from the safety zone he lived with his grandmother and cousin while he trained himself to be able to fight the Worms for years before he was selected by Zect to become Kabuto. He now lives with his younger cousin who he treats like a sister. Other: N/A. Preview Post: N/A
So, I've googled this and only found complex methods and stuff but all the names of where I need to go are different from my computer. I know I've got to format it to Fat32 and it's currently NTFS, I just want to try and get a few different methods before I try finding the different named folders and files with this guide I have. Thanks in advance for any help.
2:15-2:48 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBFd4uZcFEc&feature=related
Do you check out the bargin bins, best sellers (like Sold Out) or not? What do you think about the types of games you find in the bargin bin or rereleased games section in store?
Reposting this after a few mentions. I will also retrieve anyones OC's from the first time around if they want. Based mostly on the basis of Zoids: New Century Zero but Zoids from any series can be used. PLOT Zoid Battles, a popular competition on the world of Zi where teams combat each other for prize money and ranks using advanced mechanical combatants known as Zoids. As teams combat each other they learn skills, gain experiences and acquire new Zoids. Although battling isn’t always fair due to the Backdraft Group who fight by breaking the rules and stealing Zoids. Due to the judges of the Zoid Battling Federation fights Rarely escalate to danger levels and combat can be kept in order, even when the Backdrafts Dark Judge takes over. Many rules and different types of battles can be fought due to the different rules allowed by the judges. Will you fight fair as a member of a team or will you join the Backdraft Group and attack others? RULES: 1. Follow the rules of this site and section. 2. Do not go beyond the boundaries of the Zoids. 3. Don’t control others, don’t just finish each other off instantly either but make it so one of you wins otherwise we’ll be in the same fight forever. 4. Put “Van’s Stomach Shirt” in the other section of your OC form. 5. If you want to get a new Zoid after a while then just ask me via PM/VM. 6. Remember to be literate and keep things to the boundaries of the shows reality. 7. If you haven’t seen Zoids it doesn’t matter, you can ask me about it in VM/PM if needed. 8. I have a link to a list of Zoids with images, if you want to see just ask via VM/PM. 9. I’m only going to allow 3 teams of 3 at first then I’ll let others choose to join teams or make one of there own. First come first serve for making teams. 10. You can have the same Zoid as someone else, there is more than one of every Zoid. TEAMS: 1. Blitz Team (generation 2): -Leon Hunter/Fayt-Harkwind -Kyo/Exile0025 -Issac Monroe/Asterisk 2. [insert name] - - - 3. [insert name] - - - BACKDRAFT GROUP MEMBERS/TEAMS: 1. Ragnarok Team: -Ardronak Kraus/Fayt -Tony Black/DS44 -Vincent Vip/Dexnail 2. [Unnamed] Team: -Mons Auran/Fayt - - 3. - - - OC FORM Username: (you know what goes here) Name: (Full name) Age: (not too young) Appearance: (pic or description) History/Bio: (information about the character) Personality: (there usual status or traits) Zoid: (What Zoid you use but don‘t go for something insane) Zoid Image: (use an existing Zoid image that is the same as your Zoid) Zoid other: (anything else about your Zoid) Team: Other: (anything else you want to add) Preview Post: CHARACTERS Username: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Leon Hunter Age: 17 Appearance: http://api.ning.com/files/3bVm*KB78...e7A37OzzU2mThmLjsxY7am6QYJq9Q19/anime_boy.jpg History/Bio: A B class Zoid pilot with a reputation for chess like strategies. He was once a Command Wolf pilot but in a battle with the Backdraft group it was destroyed beyond repair. Shortly afterwards he found a worn down Shadow Fox in the dessert and after finding a way to repair it he began to use it slowly upgrading it to a fully rebuilt Shadow Fox. Personality: Outside of a battle he is very quiet except for the odd comment on things that can either be serious or a quip. In battle his tactics are considered chess like as he plots ahead with his experience with Zoids. Zoid: Shadow Fox. Zoid Image: http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff72/Jounin_Master/ZOIDS/l_3826e9411803afed3b3a03d5b23b9319.png Zoid other: It has no modifications to it. Default weaponry only. Team: Blitz Team Other: He drinks a lot of tea. Preview Post: n/a Username: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Ardronak Kraus Age: 32 Appearance: http://www.quizilla.com/user_images/D/DA/DAR/DarkAngelAlchemist13/1199186522_otAnimeGuy.jpg History/Bio: A bitter and cold man with a sense of honour. Not much is known about his past but it is known he became a high ranked member of the Backdraft Group through his skill in Zoid Battles. Personality: Always serious, bitter and cold at times yet always remains to have a sense of honour. Zoid: Geno Saurer Zoid Image: http://smilykid.com/Geno_Saurer1.jpg Zoid other: It is heavily customised for multi-combat purposes. It is stronger than a regular Geno Saurer but still holds its regualr weaponry. Team: Backdraft group - Ragnarok Team Other: He is basically one of the main villains. Preview Post: n/a Username: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Mons Auran Age: 27 Appearance: Black hair, wears black goggles over his eyes and a standard Backdraft Group uniform. History/Bio: He is one of Ardronak’s henchmen. Not much is known about him other than that he is considered a skilled pilot in underwater types as much as he is with land types. Personality: Imagine a team rocket grunt personality. Zoid: Saber Tiger/Zaberfang Zoid Image: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/zoids/images/4/40/Saga2_Zaberfang.png Zoid other: standard weaponry. Team: Backdraft Group - Ragnarok Team Other: n/a Preview Post: n/a
Or you'll go blind.
Regnum, a land in which monsters roam the wilderness and magic is used daily. The races of this land discovered a way to contract with these creatures and be able to defend against the more feral of creatures beyond the walls of their cities. The world being full of Contractors take up different roles and choose a path of good or evil as their life progresses. *I’ve got an actual plot point to aim for once the RP starts, so create your own characters goal and then it’ll be more interesting once the plot point I have starts (I hope). Contractor types Harmoniser - someone who merges with their contract monster to create a new form with the powers of the monster and skills of the contractor. Such as if you where partnered with a wolf monster you could fuse into a werewolf like creature. Equipper - someone who calls upon the contract monster to send them weapons, armour or other items that have the power of the monster but only of the part the item resembles. Such as if a fire dragon was your monster and you summoned a gauntlet that looked like it’s head it would be able to fire blasts of fire from it while if you summoned a sword that looked like it’s tail you’d have a tail as hard as the dragons tail. Co-operator - Someone who fights along side the monster instead of borrowing its power to use as weapons or merging. The contractor gains no extra powers but the monster will fight alongside you like a partner or pet. Rules 1. Follow the rules of site and section. 2. Do not god mod or power play. I cannot stress this enough. 3. Classes/jobs can be anything like a paladin, knight, sorcerer, cleric or even something not fully combat based like a blacksmith or bard. 4. Monsters can be anything but there will be no god modding, each monster has strengths and weaknesses so don’t have your monster and character be immortal. 5. No magic weapons or anything beyond your power. 6. One warning and your out. 7. I’ll add more rules later. OC Form Username: Name: Age: (Nothing too young or too old otherwise it’d be disadvantageous for you without god modding) Race: (no crossovers) Contract Monster: (1 max) Monster element: (can’t be something that doesn’t work with the monster) Contractor type: Class/job: Weapons: (3 max) Magic element: (only for magic using classes, if you’re a harmoniser or equipper then you have the monsters element and don’t need to state it) Appearance: History: (No overused crap, like orphans with a tragic past) Personality: (This has to be realistic) Other: Characters Username: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Lyr Tyone Age: 27 Race: Drow. Contract Monster: A baby black dragon named Genki. Monster element: Fire (although it’s colour is black) Contractor type: Harmoniser Class/job: Ranger Weapons: Two short eleven blades, a bow (with arrows) and a knife. Magic element: N/A Appearance: http://simplymenotu.com/files/characterimages/lone_drow_det01.jpg History: Being a typical Drow he lived in solitude but unlike his birthplace underground he lives in a part of the dark woods in the tree top settlement of Kern. He came across a black dragon egg on his daily scouting of the woodland where a wounded black dragon had been seen recently. The black dragon was later found dead leaving Lyr to look after the egg instead as it soon hatched. After a few years Lyr made a contract with the black dragon now known as Genki. Personality: Friendly to the extent of a Drow, believes in the circle of life. Other: N/A.
(Sorry about the lots of text, I went on a plot tangent. If your not really interested in where the monsters came from skip the first 3 paragraphs, if you can XD) Plot: Back in ancient Egyptian times, the gods walked the Earth and taught us many things. But when a battle between sorcerers occurred the gods where sealed and monsters where born due to the dark energy of the gods seal. The sorcerers eventually joined forces to rid the world of monsters and trapped them inside the same seals as the gods and formed a game where the powers of these gods and monsters would be borrowed to perform battles to set rules. The sorcerers knew that the seals would eventually break and decided upon a plan. One would be sealed along with the monsters while the other would carry on the legacy and prepare for the seals to break. In present day Egypt, archaeologists discovered the seals believing them to be regular hieroglyphs and began to excavate them in which they damaged the seal enough for them to break. Instantly a wave of monsters appeared and slaughtered the archaeologists. After the carnage the sorcerer appeared from the seal and saw the corpses and the monsters nearby. Quickly looking for an alternative seal he noticed a pack of cards on the floor from one of the men and decided to seal the monsters into a form like the cards. Using his power he trapped the monsters into a stasis and created the cards by exchanging nearby stone and sand for them. Once the monsters where sealed he then did the same to the ones inside the broken seal and created hundreds of cards each holding different monsters and the gods. Sitting down to look at the cards he came up with the idea to create magic to aid anyone who discovered the cards so they would not share the same fate as the archaeologists. He separated them into magic and traps. To keep them from being lost he kept them inside a golden box which was inside the pyramid he was located inside. With the last of his strength he sealed himself as well onto the box as a lock to hope that no one would open it. 22 years later. The locked box of cards was transported to many places after its discovery with the dead bodies and destroyed wall, the previous seal. Eventually, they where taken to Japan for a museum to hold onto them for a while in a display. When a rich games company CEO saw the box, he knew that he might be able to open it and offered his service to the museum in which they agreed for a hansom price. Back at his private home he had taken the box and began work on it. In secret the CEO was a descendant of the second sorcerer. After many hours of spell casting and ancient and modern methods of all kinds he eventually opened the box to find the cards. But as soon as he touched a single card the first sorcerer had entered his mind. Warning him of what these cards are he eventually faded away leaving the CEO as the guardian in charge of the box. Unfortunately, the CEO’s magic had triggered the card in his hand from shock after the warning vision faded away and unleashed them upon the world. But instead of them appearing exactly where they stood, they shot off out the window in lights and spread across the world. 7 months later. The CEO had created devices for capturing the monsters and sealing them into cards, after collecting quite a few himself with his self chosen team they soon ran into problems. The cards still emitted a power, a power to aid the user of the device that held them. It was as the CEO wanted. The devices he created, belts using Nan machines would create an armour and tools for them to use, also held a power to borrow the power of the cards. From the moment he realised that he couldn’t do it with himself and his three allies he created more belts and formed a organisation called “Guards of Humanity (G.O.H)” and hired people to hunt the monsters while keeping it all a secret. Each hunter was called a Kamen Rider and was given a deck of 40 cards of monsters already captured mixed in with spell and trap cards left by the sorcerer. Explanation of Kamen Riders and decks. Decks: Monster cards - these differ between people and the effect varies between Kamen Rider types. Spell cards - No matter what type of Kamen Rider you are you are able to use these cards to power up yourself, defend yourself, etc depending on the card itself. E.g. Heavy Storm would destroy an enemy Riders power ups that are spells or traps (yes there will be evil Kamen Riders) and Sparks would directly hit your opponent with fire be it a monster or a Rider. Traps - Pretty much the same as the normal meaning, the cards meaning is what it does to the opponent e.g. Crush Card Virus would force you to combo it with a dark monster with 1000 or less attack points (regardless of what it does in the Rps terms) and then prevents the opponent from using his cards with 1500 or more attack for power ups until they use the correct spell or trap to remove it. Rituals - Are where you fuse with the cards under the restrictions on the ritual to access a new Rider Form that reflects the ritual monster. Kamen Rider Types: Standard: A Kamen Rider that uses monsters for power ups and combinations or fusions for finishers and special attacks. They mostly fight by themselves with the monster, spell and trap cards as support. They are the most common type of Rider and considered the most effective for solo missions. Shifter: A Kamen Rider that uses monsters to shape shift their armor into colours based on the monsters for a short power up. Combinations and fusions are used as special attacks or finishers. They tend to continuously use cards to power themselves up for attacks but can fight by themselves but not as well as Standard Riders. Summoner: A Kamen Rider who summons monsters instead of using them for power ups and leaving them with Spells and Traps to defend themselves with their Rider weapon. They can only summon three monsters at a time and as a total. They can fight by themselves but without power ups they are almost as weak as a regular human against the monsters and must use the summons as a team with themselves while using spells to power themselves and the monsters while using traps as well. Dark: A Kamen Rider not with G.O.H but is a god free of its seal in a human form or possessing a human (something like how YGO characters have a dark side from their millennium items) and with Rider powers based on the G.O.H ones. They are virtually the same as Standard Riders but they transform and use cards differently (a swiping point instead of a slot on the weapon). (I will not allow a Dark Riders unless I think you can do it correctly and I will not have many of these). Rules: 1. Follow the rules of site and section. 2. No godmodding or power playing. 3. If you’ve read it then put Sock in your other section in the character form. 4. Riders fight the monsters themselves with the cards being power ups like in Kamen Rider Blade where the Riders would use monsters they sealed into cards in combinations to perform attacks. 5. Any questions just ask me via VM/PM. 6. Feel free to ask me about card combinations and if certain cards work. I didn’t really explain all the cards up there due to the fact it’d be rather big. 7. No monster cards that are level 7 or up from the start as they tend to be quite strong and would ensue godmodding. I’ll let them start to be sealed once I see that everyone gets the hang of the RP. 8. Ultimate forms will be allowed after a certain point. Shifter Riders forms are not classed as forms but as power ups since the cards they use give them the power and weaknesses of that monster e.g. Baron of the Fiend Sword gives the user a blood red body colour and lets them use the sword from the cards picture but attacks without the sword (except finishers) will become very weak. OC FORM Username: Name: (full believable name) Kamen Rider Name: (possibly based on the type of deck you use but doesn‘t have to be) (also cannot be an existing Kamen Riders name) Age: Nationality: Deck Type: Rider Type: Appearance: (be descriptive when writing, if using a picture leave it as a link) Masked Appearance: (When they transform into a Kamen Rider and can use cards) History: Personality: (their basic personal traits) Other: Preview Post: (show both non-combat and in combat previews) Username: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Kazuki Mikura Kamen Rider Name: Buster Age: 29 Nationality: Japanese Deck Type: A Dark Magician and dark type Swordsman based deck. Transforms using the Buster Blader card. Rider Type: Standard (but he’s had the longest time as a Kamen Rider and is able to change into stronger forms with certain combos) Appearance: He has large blue eyes. His silky, straight, yellow hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a flowing cape. He has a lithe build. His skin is white. He has long-fingered hands. His wardrobe is professional and unusual, with a completely red and gray colour scheme. Masked Appearance: His Rider Form is similar to that of the Buster Blader’s appearance combined with Kamen Rider Chalice from Kamen Rider Blade. History: He was the CEO of the company that found the cards and accidentally unleashed the monsters on this world. He was the one who designed and created the Rider Belts due to his obsession with Henshin Heroes and motorcycles. Using one of the first belts he became the strongest Kamen Rider as he fully understood the belts power, use and abilities. Because of his knowledge and skill with the belt he was able to capture over 700 cards which where given out to the other Riders as their decks while he kept some as cards for his deck. After the loss of his subordiantes being able to use the belts he created more and sent them off for others to use with a 40 card low level deck. He kept his own deck which was built around the strongest card in his possession with the cards that seemed to fit together. Personality: He is very obsessive when it comes to motorcycles, superheroes or the monster cards he hunts. Other: he is currently the stongest Rider and has two other forms: a boost form and an ultimate form. Preview Post: Kazuki viewed the other Riders fighting and sealing the monsters on his tracking computer in his office. He stood up to look out the window thinking about the data he received stating that no monsters have left Japan. This would make his job and the job of the other Riders easier. Currently no stronger monsters have threatened the lives of the Riders but he knew it would be only a matter of time until something they could not handle appeared. An alarm went off as the monitor showed a closed in marker on the map. A level 7? He thought as he grabbed his Rider Buckle off the table and let the retractable belt wrap itself around his waist. Feeling a rush of anticipation as he always does when he transforms. He slid the Buster Blader card into the slot on the belt and pulled a trigger-like part flipping it over as he said trying to sound cool saying “Henshin” like a Saturday morning hero. The slot flipped over revealing the symbol of the dark type as a wall of purple energy flew forwards as Kazuki walked through. On the other side Kazuki appeared in his Rider Form. Moving swiftly down the corridor outside his office he got in the elevator and arrived at the multi-story car park in minutes. Running over to his customised motorbike he started up the ignition and drove off into the city. After a short drive due to his bikes speed he arrived at the place of the level 7 monster. It was a perfect match for his base forms strength due to his form being formed from a level 7. The monster before him was Gaia the Fierce Knight, a powerful monster but just weaker than his base form. “At this rate I won’t even need my deck for you”, he mocked the creature as it charged towards him. Kazuki, known as Buster in this form, attacked with his Buster Sword Rider Weapon and knocked the monster back. “Actually, I will use cards”, he stated, “I feel like showing off today”. Swiftly, he pulled out his deck in the shape of a fan from his swords hand guard and plucked two cards from it and slotted them inside his blade with a recognisable word from the names of the monsters being said by an automated voice. “Ebon. Cerberus” The automated voice spoke before the attack was initialised “Direct Fang”. Buster punched forwards with his fist as a yellow flash from the combined powers of Ebon and Mythical Beast Cerberus along with his own strength pierced Gaia and left him in a sealable state with Buster instantly throwing a blank card into the wound on Gaia to seal him. Once sealed, the card flew back into Buster’s hand with a bit of a spin.
PLOT: Every 70 years demons, monsters, spirits and all other forms of evil leak from different realms into ours for a whole year. While in our realm they attack humans and animals for whatever purpose it serves. To protect our realm and people warriors step forward wielding magic weapons and powers to combat the evils that seek our destruction. The weapons where passed down through generations so that the mortal realm, Earth, would be safe. The warriors sometimes found good will from some invaders and fought along side them until they where returned to the worlds they came from. They called this bond a pact, where a human warrior would make a partnership with the monster and gain use of there powers. The year 2010, the worlds begin to connect as the demons gradually break through into our world. Only a few come through at first. The warriors then rise to fight the monsters either destroying them or returning them back to where they came from. NOTES: *Monsters can be anything from fantasy. *Pacts will have to make sense to the monster they are pact with but no one starts with a pact. *Magic weapons aren’t modern things like guns. *There are 3 levels of monster. Low class is minions that fight in groups like a basic enemy. Mid class is intelligent beings but not uber powerful sort of like a early boss strength if you think of it in game terms. High class are all powerful beings, the strongest of their kind and sometimes gods of worlds, they cannot be beat by one person. RULES: 1. Follow the rules of the site and section. 2. 3 characters max, when one dies you can make another to replace it. 3. Don’t power play or god mod, you can’t have insane power, this isn’t anime. 4. The preview post must be done but it doesn’t have to be huge, just a show off of what you can do. 5. To make sure I know you read the rules or at least scanned them add “hat dance†in the other section of your character form. 6. Any questions ask me. 7. Don’t type too much, seriously, that can kill the interest of others like me, some of you type so much I actually get bored. 8. I will add more rules if needed. OC FORM Username: Name: Age: Race: (human if a warrior, if not it can be almost anything but no higher than mid class monster) Weapon: (magic weapon for warriors) (If a monster it can either be a weapon that they use or if they don’t need a weapon put n/a) Weapon powers: (magic weapon only) Appearance: Bio/History: Personality/traits: Other: Preview Post: (doesn’t need to be mega huge) CHARACTERS Username: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Raven Maine Age: 19 Race: Human Weapon: A dark sword called Nexus Weapon powers: It can manipulate dark energy and fire it off in waves or shapes. Appearance: Bio/History: Raven was trained since he could stand how to fight monsters and demons by his grandfather. His grandfather was a former guardian. Being trained in the same fighting style by his grandfather and trained so he was able to use the dark sword his grandfather owned. By the age of 17 he was able to use the weapon fairly well, since then he has been training with it everyday to use its full potential. Personality/traits: he is always trying to improve himself in power and personality. He didn’t have many friends as a child due to his training. Other: n/a Preview Post: n/a
Very loosely based on the enemy in Kamen Rider W. So loosely based it actually is pretty much free range. A mysterious man in a black suit and a spot of blood on his tie appears. Inside his brief case is all different coloured and named USB pens called Gaia Memories. Upon the sight of these Memories his mouth opens and the words “Would you like to be Super Human?” Slither to your ears and a crooked smile stretches across his face as you reach out and choose… Dopants, a super human created when one inserts a USB drive called a Gaia Memory into themselves (not like stabbing but it magically slots into a mark on the body). They gain a single, yet powerful ability as well as an enhanced physical physic. ...As the eerie salesman disappears you gaze at the Gaia Memory in your hand in anticipation to try it. Instantly, you take to a isolated location and slot your Memory into the slot on your body. As you do your body begins to glow as you shape shift and become a Dopant. “This power is your own and it is yours to use however you desire”, you hear the salesman’s words echo. Rules (there’s only 5 simple rules so you should be able to read them) 1. No Kamen Riders. 2. No double Gaia Memories, which should be obvious from the first rule. 3. ONE power per Dopant. 4. Follow the normal rules. 5. Try not to use any of the existing ones from the show, doesn’t matter if you do but you won’t be able to use any of Double’s since they are special. OC FORM Username: (use your current one) Name: (realistic, k’ thanks) Age: (realistic, k’ thanks) Personality: (realistic and not overused, k’ thanks) History: (This needs some information as it’ll mostly likely be the reason the salesman appeared and the reason behind what you do as a Dopant) Gaia Memory: (It’s name and power have to be related, like if you have control over the element fire you’d be Heat) (and don’t be too over powered but you can have near enough any power you want and expand on it as much as possible but it can only be one power) Appearance: (Explain in detail or use a picture) Dopant Appearance: (Explain in detail or use a picture (can be any picture not just a Kamen Rider monster)) Other: (dump extras here) Characters Username: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Michael Smith Age: 20 Personality: Shifty and paranoid. History: He was held a prisoner as a teenager by terrorists and when rescued the terrorist shot down most of the other hostages leaving him in a state of shock. After being reunited with his parents he was taken back to France where he grew up, learned a trade in advertisement and then when he was fully over the shock terrorists attacked many times over the years and he became edgy. Soon afterwards he was greeted by the salesman. Gaia Memory: Ghost Knight, transforms the user into a ghostly knight able to charge his weapon or self with a ghostly red energy that can be discharged at close range. Appearance: http://halo237.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/hot-anime.jpg Dopant Appearance: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/finalfantasy/images/0/09/Agito_XIII_Odin.jpg (lol Odin) Other: n/a
Dunno if anyone else saw/posted about this yet. So, I saw someone was making an abridged series of this on youtube and it looked kinda cool so I took a look at it and Jesus Christ I love it. It's about a world of magic and the guilds of wizards that are across the lands, one in particular called Fairy Tail. It follows a wizard called Lucy who has befriended a wizard of Fairy Tail called Natsu and his cat-thing called Happy. Lucy is trying to get inside the Fairy Tail guild which is why she is with Natsu. Each wizard has different types and powers, such as how Lucy summons spirits with keys (and a hilarious doorbell sound effect). I recommend you try either the manga or the anime (there is only one episode since it started on the 12th) but it is quite good, and for some reason Plue from Rave is in there so if you liked Rave i'm sure you'll get a kick from this. You'll also enjoy it if you like fire, lots and lots of fire.
I wonder who will be the first to get this one. *coughHaseocough*
And everyone classifies me as "mad". But I can't help but feel bad about what I did. He was on his way to fight Superman.