The Skull sig is just something simple and the avi isn't anything new. The Extreme avi is just me messing about, it's really just a boosted colour with curves. The Extreme sig took a while since my original plans went out the window and I had to try new things to make it look even a little good. I'm kinda pleased with the outcome even if it was mostly trial and error xD Good knews though, I figured out how to make the metalic bits on their armour look as if it's shining more than usual :lolface:
Prologue With the rise in technological advances the foremost computing company HardSoft becomes a worldwide operation. Knocking away all other companies and then taking over them HardSoft becomes 97% of the worlds electronics producer. While on the front they seem to be a gigantic monopoly of business they have a darker secret, an underground operation involving specially crafted USB Pens called Memories. With a rise in business for Hard Soft a rise in worldwide crime also went up. The news was kept quiet by HardSoft’s payments preventing Memories from becoming public. As the years progressed street thugs where able to mug even the most well known Blackbelts with ease, bank robbers could burn the locks off of vault doors without any equipment and soon all criminals became larger threats. With the police powerless the streets became no mans land for civilians under constant danger if they left their homes. It remained like this for 5 months. When 5 months passed people who where afraid of leaving their homes suddenly began walking the streets again. Usually, the streets where constantly noisy with thugs fighting amongst themselves but all of a sudden the noise stopped and the crime disappeared. It was known as the Doomsday Mystery. People had given up hope, believing that it was the end of the world when it all suddenly stopped. The streets where safe again and the population returned to the way it was. Although, the news constantly had reports of zombies, monsters and creatures of myth appearing alongside a vastly increasing missing peoples list. Some soon realised that the criminals had completely disappeared without a trace. Theories began to tie the strange news stories together, the police constantly telling civilians that it was not true. Of course, all the theories where wrong, but they where pointing at a forgotten truth. Different people, for whatever reason be it: curiosity, searching for someone who's missing or simply to calm the millions began investigating. When one day, they return home and find an unmarked envelope containing a strangely decorated USB Pen… You are someone who is investigating the mysterious and short lived rise in crime that led to thousands of people disappearing and rumours of monsters appearing. You received a strange USB Pen in the mail along with a watch size device that the USB Pen can clearly be inserted into. Upon wearing the watch and inserting the USB Pen you feel a strange surge of static run through your body and come to realise you have a supernatural power, but only when wearing the watch with the USB inserted. With this new device you return to your investigation soon discovering the name of the USB is a Memory. Rules 1. Forums and section rules apply. Go read them if you haven’t yet. 2. 3 characters max so far. I will be accepting anyone who wishes to be a villain, though PM me before you join so I can make sure it works with the way I plan for this RP to go. 3. Do not try to take over the story in any way, I will remove you instantly if you try. 4. Try to progress the story and not stay in the same place for the whole RP without breaking rule 3. 5. Do not go beyond your power. 6. Do not control other people’s characters. 7. I will take no bullshit this time around. I will remove you if I feel like you have damaged the RP’s direction or if you break the forum, section or my rules once. There will be no second chances. 8. I will not be accepting everyone’s OC as I know that certain members are very easily able to ruin RP’s. 9. I will add more rules later. OC Form Username: Name: (First name and surname) Age: (nothing too young and nothing too old) Day Job: History: (Has to work with the plot, they could be curious to solve the mystery, are seeking someone who's disappeared (either killed by a monster or was a criminal who disappeared after secretly using a Memory themselves) or they could be a police officer sent to investigate, anything you can think of will do as along as it works with the plot) Appearance: (No emo anime pictures if your character is a detective, have the image match your character) Memory Name: (The name of your memory like if it gives you electric powers call it something like Electric) Memory Power: (Explain your powers limits, strengths and weaknesses so you’ll have less change of god modding) Other: Characters ~Fayt-Harkwind~ Username: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Leon Marcel Age: 24 Day Job: Bank Vice-Manager History: His father was a member of the Mafia family housed in Chicago. Having been brought up by his mother he didn't care for joining the Mafia his father was apart of. When he was visiting his father one day he realised he had disappeared. Going to the Mafia boss his father worked for he asked if he had seen him or done anything to him and was informed that even the Mafia was looking for him. Leon decided to search for his father calling into his job at the bank and arranging to use his holiday time to get some time. Appearance: Memory Name: Arms Memory Power: Using a wrist based driver he can insert his USB to give him the ability to summon any man-made weapon he can think of from the hand the driver is on (left hand). Other: Username: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Terrance Son Age: 53 Day Job: HardSoft Main Branch CEO History: Not much is known about Terrance's past other than his genius with machinery, being able to create a computer better than any other at the age of 12. This marked his way through history as he created many inventions and outdated all other machinery and computers by upgrading them with his own schematics. He was named a modern Leonardo Da Vinci. Over the years he created, managed and expanded his own company HardSoft into a world wide business. He created the first 15 Memories by hand and manufactured the rest with machinery. Giving 9 of the 15 to his children and most trusted executives he told them not to use them until ordered. Before he released the creation he created a prototype by hand which he got a homeless man to test by inserting it into his body, literally. The test was a success as the man gained super powers, but from observation they discovered his mental state plummet. Thus, he created watch like devices named Watch-Drivers for safe use and being able to turn on and off the powers at will by ejecting the USB. He only used the Watch-Drivers for the first 15 though. After the release of the Memories for criminals he used them as test subjects and observed a hideous side effect that took 5 months to take effect. Appearance: Memory Name: Genesis Memory Power: As the first Memory it was too strong, after tweaking it over and over he managed to mould it into the most powerful Memory with control, although, he would never dare to use it without a driver fearing that it’s power would accelerate the side effects. It's powers are unknown, yet numerous under it's expansion. (I ain't gonna give the main villains power away xD) Other: Currently the main villain, though he's one of those guys who sits in an office scheming so he probably won't be someone the main characters meet until later on. ~~~~~~~~
For all future footage that people are looking for, post what it is you want here by following this form and hopefully another member will know where to find it. Media: (What is the show, game or anything else you want footage of) Footage: (What is the footage you require, state by episodes if it is a TV program or specific names or numbers of cutscenes if it's games. If you want all or as much as possible of the footage from something ask for all episodes or all cutscenes) List of footage links: Bluelaguna - great resource for cutscenes and all other types of RPG media. Devil's Lair - Devil May Cry 1-4 cutscenes. Kamen Rider Episode Download - just in case anyone wants to use Kamen Rider episodes or films like myself.
I'm sure someone must of had this at some point. The bloody thing suddenly appeared and I couldn't get rid of it by uninstalling it. I badly need help getting rid of this as it's constantly spamming my machine with fake virus warnings and slowing my computer down. Any help, preferably a way of getting rid of it would be great.
Due to my recent obsession with Pokemon I’ve decided to make an RP. Introduction Professor Oak calls to his contacts in every city in Kanto and Johto asking for any youthful trainers that would do research for him using the latest Pokedex. Most of the cities and towns reply by sending their latest trainer to Pallet Town with their first Pokemon. Upon meeting each new trainer Professor Oak has his assistants help him hand out a Pokedex to each recruit followed by a lecture to all of them that they must collect data on Pokemon while they should also challenge gyms to battles. With final parting gifts of PokeBalls, a town map and a PokeGear to any who don’t already have one Professor Oak sets the young trainers off on their first adventure in small travelling groups. Rules 1. Forums and section rules apply. Go read them if you haven’t yet. 2. 1 character max so far. 3. Do not try to take over the story in any way, I will remove you instantly if you try. 4. Try to progress the story and not stay in the same place for the whole RP without breaking rule 3. 5. Do not use moves that your Pokemon can’t and doesn’t know or over power your Pokemon. 6. No instantly finding Pokemon, we have a system for wild Pokemon depending on location and a random number generator with an attached Pokemon to that number. 7. 1 starter per character and it’s first come, first serve. 8. Read everything, if you make a mistake especially when it comes to wild encounters I will either tell you to change your post or remove you from the RP depending on the seriousness of it. 9. I will be using this random number generator to decide which Pokemon you battle in the grass/water/caves/etc depending on your location. Such as if you where on route 1 you would say in your post something like “Suddenly a wild Pokemon popped out of the grass”, I would run the number generator and viola, which ever number the pokemon is (in order from the list on bulbapedia) that is what you will battle. 10. DPWolf is willing to make trainer sprites using Pokemon sprites for people if they want to. 11. Also, no main character sprites unless they are edited versions. 12. 3 encounters per person per day, each encounter must be separated by 3 hours. This rule might change depending on the flow. Character Information From the beginning each character will have: A starter Pokemon A PokeDex 5 Poke Balls A backpack with different containment pockets A PokeGear with map feature already installed, Professor Oak’s number and the character’s mother‘s number. 5 Potions Starter Pokemon Your starter will depend on your town. There is only one of each starter per town. First come, first serve. Every starter is level 5 from the beginning. Spoiler Kanto Pallet Town Bulbasaur Charmander Squirtle Viridian City Rattata Nidoran♀ Nidoran♂ Pewter City Geodude Sandshrew Zubat Cerulean City Poliwag Horsea Goldeen Vermilion City Pikachu Diglett Drowsee Lavender Town Gastly Cubone Vulpix Celadon City Oddish Jigglypuff Paras Fuchsia City Venonat Koffing Doduo Saffron City Tyrogue Meowth Growlithe Cinnabar Island Seel Voltorb Ponyta Spoiler Johto New Bark Town Chikorita Cyndaquil Totodile Cherrygrove City Sentret Pidgey Hoppip Violet City Bellsprout Hoothoot Spearow Azalea Town Spinarak Ledyba Slowpoke Goldenrod City Snubbull Houndour Ekans Ecruteak City Gastly Koffing Eevee Olivine City Magnemite Krabby Shellder Cianwood City Machop Manky Chinchou Mahogany Town Swinub Magikarp Mareep Blackthorn City Dratini Phanpy Teddiursa OC Form Username: Name: Age: 10 (Everyone is 10) Appearance: (Preferably something that you’d expect in Pokemon so no ridiculous anime pictures of some emo character). Hometown: Starter: Other: Groups Group 1: Fayt-Harkwind DPWolf Rayku Group 2: Ego Imperium Guardian_Soul Alex856 Group 3: Protecter212 Sora is cute TerryNirv Cloud of Darkness Group 4: Akua WaterDragonKing Twilight Blader AnimeGirl104 TheDeadGuy Trainers: Username: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Leon Age: 10 Appearance: (As a 10 year old) Hometown: Blackthorn City Starter: Dratini Other: None Username: DPWolf Name: Akane Age: 10 Appearance: Hometown: Goldenrod Starter: Houndour Other: N/A Username: Ego Imperium Name: Coltin (Colt) Dutreau Age: 10 Appearance: Hometown: Lavender Town Starter: Ghastly Other: N/A Username: Protecter212 Name: Dean Age: 10 Appearance: *Pending* Hometown: Pallet Town Starter: Charmander Other: N/A Username: sora is cute Name: Mage Age: 10 Appearance: Hometown:New Bark Town Starter: Chikorita(which she named Strawberry) Other: She's paranoid about a lot of things. And she doesn't like to talk about herself. Username: Guardian_Soul Name: Etrian Age: 10 Appearance: *pending* Hometown: Ecruteak City Starter: Eevee Other: N/A Username: TerryNirv Name:Terry Nirv Age: 10 Appearance: Hometown: New Bark Town Starter: Cyndaquil Other: N/A Username: Cloud of darkness Name: Miyoko Age: 10 Appearance: Hometown:Saffron City Starter: Growlithe Other: thinks nothing of no one is quite shy around others dues not like to talk often and ultimate goal to reach indego platue Username: Rayku Name: Rayku Age: 10 Appearance: Hometown: New Bark Town Starter: Totodile Other: N/A Username: Akua WaterDragonKing Name: Jordan Rain Age: 10 Appearance: Pending I'll PM Wolfie :D Hometown: Cerulean City Starter: Horsea Other: Outgoing Username: Alex856 Name: Komaeno Age: 10 Appearance: Hometown: Lavender Town Starter: Vulpix Other: Shy Person, Really Friendly If You Get To Know Him Username: Twilightblader Name: Drake Age: 10 (Everyone is 10) Appearance: Hometown: Viridian City Starter: Nidoran♂ Other: Username: AnimeGirl104 Name: Valerie Age: 10 Appearance: Hometown: Vermilion City Starter: Pikachu Other: Username: TheDeadGuy Name:Natsu Age: 10 Appearance: I'll get it from DPwolf after this is Approved Hometown: Olivine City Starter:Magnemite
[And you thought I was about to speak German, lol.]
Alright, so I finished watching Kamen Rider 555 a while back now and I hated it (it's my least favourite series) but loved the finishing moves so I tried to recreate a few with these sigs, the only one that actually worked was the Kaixa one (the yellow guy) although you can totally tell I used a C4D, though if the effect blended in it wouldn't look like a Rider Kick so it's kinda a vicious circle. This next one is me trying to get something like Faiz's Blaster Finisher but since I forgot what it looked like and the videos of it on youtube didn't look cool enough (IMO) I thought I'd try and make a different ribbon like beam. Didn't quite work, I really don't like this one but it shows I'm learning new things xD And this last one is of Kamen Rider Delta. Tried to recreate the part where he shoots before he kicks them. It didn't look right so I fiddled with the idea of fear which is kinda how his initial appearance worked, everyone would **** themselves and Delta was always in the darkest shadow so his eyes stood out while his body was darkened, which I tried to use. Didn't quite work again but it's better than what it normally looked like. Btw, these where also practices with the whole ripple swirly background thing. I think I've got the hang of that now and I'll probably move onto the next thing... which I've forgotten what that is xD
Alright, so I got bored and made this. It's nothing fancy but just to stop me from loosing my ability to use Vegas and to keep my youtube channel from collecting dust. It's suppose to be a character related thing so if you've not seen Kamen Rider Kabuto you probably won't get it. Since I have the subtitled episodes I decided to make it so the subtitles that aren't "Henshin" or some sort of attack like "Rider Slash" actually fit in. So er, enjoy, I don't really care about anyone's thoughts or feelings towards it but if you want to get a post on that there count at least comment correctly.
Okie dokie
In another time, a parallel world to our own exists. In this world the weather had become predictable in different parts of the world: the north became cold and snow ridden in a blizzard, the south became hotter from an expanding equator and jungle-like plants and trees sprouted, the east became a vast savannah and the west turned into a heated desert. Though, most of this now belongs to the Dark Lands. As well as the changed landscapes in the north, south, east, and west, the lands are plagued from the appearance of an uncharted island that expanded and attached to the shores of America and Europe. With it being named the Dark Land masses of evil creatures seeped from its borders and plagued the locations they touched, making it the same as the Dark Land from which they came. With most of the world now turned into Dark Land, humans sought refuge inside large cities protected by barriers, The Nine Shield Cities. Although the human population was not heavily reduced the animal populations were almost completely extinct. Due to this, the spirit of the last animal from each species chooses a human to make a pact with and lends them their powers in order to destroy the Dark Land and the Dark Creatures that are spawned from it. The Dark Creatures are a reptilian-like race, although nothing like Earth reptiles. They are more humanoid in appearance with a midnight blue colour to their scale-like skin. Although these creatures aid the spread of the Dark Land they are not the ones who infect others to become one, instead the Dark Land infests the dead bodies killed by the Dark Creatures and mutates them into these creatures. The Dark Creatures are much faster and stronger than humans; they have both human and reptile features and abilities making them highly formidable but not un-killable. According to reports in the battle of the tenth Shield City one man killed a Dark Creature alone but died from his injuries shortly after. Rumours then spread that when the tenth Shield City fell, he became a higher strength Dark Creature, but no one can be certain any one Dark Creature is different. The Dark Land that appeared and infected the world is a complete mystery, nothing is known about it other than what it does to the land and creatures it touches – mutation. It is known that dead humans become Plagued, that animals become more animal-like Plagued, plants become tendrils of the Dark Land itself but the land becomes barren and black. Venturing into these lands is surely death unless you’re prepared, especially with the rumours of a dragon-like Dark Creature called the Dark Lord scouring it‘s interior. Though the lands have become black the weather and climates have not changed. The north is still a snow land, the south is still a tropical jungle and so on and so forth. The only difference is the twisted appearances they have adopted, but not all the world is Dark Land. What is left of the original lands remain as they should be. About 20% of the original world still remains with the majority being Dark Lands. The spirit of each animal species that pacted with a human lend their enhanced abilities to them, the abilities of the spirit depends on the animal, in other words the abilities are the aspects of the animal but greater and given to the human pact holder. Due to the pacts being formed with the last of a species, there is only one spirit of a given species in existence, and is bound to only one human. In addition to abilities granted to the human, the spirit also gives the human a weapon; indestructible, as it’s forged from the strength of the animal. This is what grants a human the ability to destroy the Dark Creatures. Each Shield City is connected by an underground railway system. This is used as the primary transport and each tunnel is rigged with multiple explosives in case a Shield City falls. The trains themselves move at the speed of bullet trains and are stocked with emergency rations in case of a breakdown, although a breakdown has never happened. *The RP will begin in the New York Shield City. Rules 1. The sections rules. 2. 1 character max so far. 3. Do not try to take over the story in any way, I will remove you instantly if you try. 4. Try to progress the story and not stay in the same place for the whole RP without breaking rule 3. 5. There can only be one of each animal spirit, if someone already has the animal you wanted then pick another. Arguing or forcing someone to leave and give you that animal will result in an immediate denial of your character. 6. Do not go beyond the abilities your animal spirit gives you, so if you have the power of the Pelican you can’t pull a Kamehameha wave out your ass. 7. If your spirit is a cat, your character will have the abilities like a cat such as cat-like flexibility but you won’t take on any cat features. 8. Weapons must be normal, no giant swords or anything outside of what you’d find on Earth. Weapons are also relative to your animal; for example, if your spirit is a rabbit you can’t have a battle axe, but you can have a small sword or dagger. 9. Both Wolfie and I are in charge of this RP as it was her idea and I just wrote the thing out xD 10. No guns, but ranged weapons like bows are okay as long as your not shooting miles. OC Form Username: Name: Age: Appearance: Personality traits: History: Animal Spirit: Weapon: Other: Characters: Spoiler Username: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Lawrence Blane Age: 17 Appearance: Personality traits: He is a very laid back person, yet he has a great amount of honour although he doesn’t look it. History: Originally from England he was raised in the north. After the Dark Lands plague began he and his family went to the evacuation point where the British Shield City was soon created. He wanders the city almost every day and sometimes goes out onto the snowy plains that used to be his country. After seeing images of a lion he followed a trail which led him to an underground train system developed by the governments to keep the shield cities connected and headed towards the New York Shield City barely knowing he had been chose by the Lion Spirit. Animal Spirit: Lion. Weapon: A broadsword that’s assembled into three parts (easier for travelling) Other: N/A Username: DPWolf Name: Rei Verd Age: 16 Appearance: Personality traits: Has a sharp mind, but is quick to anger and mistrusting of other people. She holds loyalty very highly. History: She was born and raised in the New Jersey Shield City in the north. However, the city was on the verge of collapse because of constant violence among the survivors. One day a riot broke out, which escalated into bloodshed. Her family was killed, and she barely escaped the city with her life, though her escape was the outside of the city. She spent a night there; during that time she was visited by the Wolf Spirit in a dream. When she awoke, she found that the spirit had given her a means to fight the Dark Creatures, and returned to the NJ Shield City. The city was abandoned for the most part because of the riot, but the spirit had told her where to find an underground train to the New York Shield City. Animal Spirit: Wolf Weapon: Metal long claws (like this: Other: N/A Username: Cherry Name: Carrie Riya Conley Age: 19 Appearance: Personality traits: Talented at drawing, loves listening/attempting to make up a music piece from an acoustic guitar she carries around everywhere... She may be clumsy, may even lose her temper quite easily, but overall she's quite a nice person. She is very honest, and likes to voice out her opinions, even if they sound completely ridiculous to everyone. She can be lazy at certain tasks, unless she knows she'll get a reward from doing the deed. Then she'll get very competitive and work extremely hard to get what she wants. Loves to read and play games. History: Born and bred in New Zealand, Carrie lived the everyday life; waking up, going to school and so on.. However, everything changed when the Dark Land started plaguing the earth with its malevolence... Carrie and her family planned to evacuate to the Sydney Shield City in Australia to be with the rest of their family, but somehow amongst the midst of screaming, confusion and a huge crowd running like mad, they were separated. She woke up and found that she was on a boat, alone... On a one way trip to no-where... She knew from that moment onwards, she'd never see her family again. She spent months on the boat, barely surviving on the fish and remaining food left... After months of toil and despair, she finally found the shore in which she began seeing images of a cat waiting for her on the other side.. Not knowing what kind of place she had just stepped into, she followed the ghostly trail of a cat, which led her to New York Shield City. Her story begins with her breaking into an unused property so she can find a place to sleep. Animal Spirit: Cat Weapon: Shuriken Other: N/A Username: Midnight Star Name: Anya Moonshine Age: 16 Appearance: Personality traits: Fairly quiet due to always being an outsider, quick, likes to have a laugh. She's a nice person and it takes a lot to make her mad. She always wants to help and has good intentions although it doesn't always look like that. Likes to pull a joke on people, but never hurt them. She loves to be around other people and loves all kinds of animals. History: Origionally from England, she never really fit in at school and was often on her own, but craved to fit in. When the dark land started to plague the Earth, she fled to the shielded city but felt so sorry for all the poor animals. She even tried to go out on a resue mission to see if she could save any animals but was stopped. Hating being trapped in that city she left to go to New York. Animal Spirit: Lemur Weapon: 2 small daggers Other: N/A
COME HITHER MY CHILDREN, but not in a weird way, AND LET US BEGIN OUR FIRST HYMN OF THE EVENING, but we don't actually have any so... DO STUFF.
My sort of joke entry in SotW. I was mucking around with some stuff. I might come back and improve this later since I feel that I could improve it. This is a type of sig I haven't done for a while, well before I stopped making sigs for a bit anyway xD This is me messing with the C4Ds I was given recently (you know who you are xD). I might try making the text look a bit more fancy later on.