Got bored, made stuff. The avatars are 120x120 cause I seem to have begun preferring that size for some reason. Tried a few new things and an expansion on some old things that I've not used much (such as Liquify). CnC and all that jazz.
You know the drill. It's Black & Decker. And so there's no confusion. There are no C4Ds.
Finally the UK gets it. I noticed this the other day but thought I'd post it. For those of you who didn't/can't import it this will be good news xD
Band Belcome to Brian Bedonde's tour of Baybaychbee
And I'm stabbing Earth element bird creatures with a water spear. Fun times.
I was told about this game the other day. It's an MMO game based on the Digimon Tamers series. Anywho, details. Firstly you get to pick a character being Takato, Jen, Rika and Juri (or whatever their English names are) and a partner Digimon being Gigimon (which becomes Guilmon), Gummymon (which becomes Terriermon) or Viximon (which becomes Renamon). After that you end up in the game and you can start fighting Digimon and taking quests. Once your Digimon reach level 11 it Digivolves into a Rookie and then using that Rookie you can capture In-Training Digimon (which there are plenty of) to start having multiple Digimon. Most Digimon can level up to Mega, some have more than one Digivolution option depending on cards or crests/digi-eggs. They seem to still be updating it though since a few Digimon are missing from evolution trees (like I don't think there's a SkullGreymon yet or a Data Squad version of Agumon). It is very fun though the battles, capturing and leveling can be VERY repetitive, long and tiring but it is VERY addictive. Currently I have a Guilmon, Gabumon and Kotemon. I've been trying to get a Choromon so I can eventually have a Hi-Andromon :lolface:. Website
And the first thing I think of is where are the assassins.
I've been working ever since my mamma was a baby.
Anyone else play this? You know the game where you pick up 9 dominoes from a set of 0-9 dominoes and have to get all the dominoes out of your hand by putting the same numbers on either side of the domino line. I've just finished a league today and received a trophy for winning it with my team (who are all like 50+ with me being the youngest player in the league xD). It's also my first league.
Title pretty much explains it all. Btw, this is my first time making a gif with a overlay in Photoshop. I attempted one before with GIMP a few years ago but gave up cause I got bored. Original sig: Spoiler Full length: Spoiler Without smoking fist: Spoiler Sig size version: Spoiler
Week 1: Goldar from the Power Rangers.
This is a weekly roleplay event where each week I will update this thread with a new monster threat (that can be from any media) and registered original character (OC) forms from any roleplay on this site past or present can join. Each member will be allowed 3 original characters where they can choose one to join the other players in battling this weeks monster(s). You can change one of your three character choices each week by swapping it with a different OC. You can also send me ideas for monsters you want to fight using the form below via PM. They will be chosen either by coin flip, dice roll or number generator depending on the amount of requests I gain (which carry over). I’ll keep a list of requested pending monsters and defeated monsters below which will be updated. The main aim is to defeat the monster before Sunday otherwise it will be free to return later on stronger than before. A new monster will be updated every Monday. There will be a list of monsters that have been fought. Prizes: The one(s) who bring down the monster(s) will get the choice of a graphic of the monster they defeated or a graphic of they're choice (made by me) as well as the opportunity to choose the next monster after filling out the form with a success rate of 100%. Here's the player pit for discussion for monsters, characters and the RP in general. Rules: 1. Follow the rules of the site and section. 2. 100% Emphasis on no god modding (over powering one’s self) or power playing (controlling other members characters, including the monster). 3. One of the three character of your own can be used but you cannot change it after you have stated which character you are using and role-played with it. 4. Every Monday you will be allowed to PM me to ask to change one of your character choices for another OC if you want to do so. This does not stack but will last all week as long as you haven’t roleplayed with a character. 5. If a monster is defeated too quickly and turned into a giant there is no turning yourself into a giant or summoning a humongous mecha to fight with. If enough of you are playing you should be able to win easily. 6. If you want to use an existing character from something such as Bleach or Superman then make an OC for them but it must be perfectly correct to them. 7. There is no base OC but you may ask for an OC template for a specific character. 8. PM me your OC Forms. 9. Anyone can join. Experienced or inexperienced. 10. After the monster of the week has been chosen and the battle starts you must post stating which character you will be using and then begin role-playing. 11. If anyone breaks a rule or causes mayhem I will suspend you from the thread for a week depending on the seriousness. 12. If you submit a character form during Monday-Friday you will have to wait until the next round to use it. Saturday and Sunday will be the open period where members can register new OC Forms freely, swap one OC per week for an unregistered one or choose they're prize from a list given to them. 13. Rules will be updated constantly. 14. I have the right to reject anyone from this thread for valid reasons, such as a member having a history of godmodding. Previous Monsters -Defeated 1. Goldar (will return) 2. Ice Titan 3. Darkside 4. Unagi 5. Phalanx -Escaped 1. Undergrowth 2. The Beast 3. Yamato no Orochi 4. Xigbar 5. Ryukotsusei Monster Suggestion Form: Monster’s name: Monster’s origin: Monster’s powers/abilities/elemental attribute: Monster’s weaknesses: Monster's appearance: Other: Registered members and OC’s: Name: ArchAwesomeman/Coyote Stark 1. Name: Coyote Starrk Spoiler Gender: Male Age: Unknown Appearance: Personality: Completely lazy, Starrk will hold back in a fight for as long as possible and is far from being a merciless killer. Even though he wishes to lay back,do nothing and let others do the fighting, he is an extremely analytical combatant and no detail escapes his grasp. He is somewhat anti-social because of a long amount of time he has spent alone but wishes he could have friends that won't die when around him. Powers: Sonido(basically like teleporting in Starrk's case) and summoning a pack of wolves that explode on contact. Weapons: Two identical pistols capable of firing a massive amount of Ceros(energy blasts 8D) at once or single shots of higher power. He can also summon up to two swords. Other: Normally he can't reach that form without "fusing" with his other half but for RP purposes I'd rather stick with this form. He's the Primera Espada in Bleach...but I'll tone his powers down for the Monster of the Week since he'd be overkill. 2.Name: Advent Spoiler Gender: Male Age: 23 Appearance: Personality: Acts very confident and tends to rush into things head first. He isn't hotheaded but deep down he has a hunger for action and violence when it's called for. He's not the best with a blade but his powers can make up for his lack of technical skill. Powers: Has control over the element of wind. Weapon: A longsword Other: The RP I used him in was pretty old...I don't even think I used a picture for his appearance. << 3.Name: James Carroway Spoiler Age: 20 Gender: Male Appearance: Personality: Dark, vengeful, selfish. He's someone who does not like being pushed around and is brutal in a fight. Powers: Mind reading and terrakinesis. Weapon: None. Other: Somewhat copied off my OC Form from an RP called Omens of the Past. --------- Name:Luna Lovegood 1.Name: Emmy Haines Spoiler Gender: Female Age: 20 Appearance: Personality: Mostly quite friendly, but her mood can turn on a dime. Sometimes tends to think she knows more than she really does. Stubborn. Powers: Can create and control lightning Weapon: Two double-bladed daggers Other: Close variation of my OC from the last RP I participated in on KHV (which was... a while ago. <<>>) 2. Name: Nora Bosko Spoiler Gender: Female Age: 18 Appearance: Bio: Considered a mutant by society, she agreed to be sent to a private school for young people “like her,” to learn to control her odd ability, and to keep her and her family safe. She had been at the school since she was 12. Personality: Exceedingly kind and thoughtful. Can’t stay mad at anyone. Brave. Can be easily distracted. Powers: Shapeshifting (limited to mammals) Weapons: None Other: Based on my OC from an X-Man RP. I’m going to disregard the whole deal about what happens to her clothes when she transforms. @_@ 3. --------- Name:9Kairi9hearts Genservant Spoiler Age: 18 Element: fire Appearence: Weapond: sword personality: reckless, brave, can't stop helping people. history: can't remember anything from more than two years ago, has been traveling around looking for clues to who he may realy be. 2.Name: Kouri Spoiler Age: 18 Gender: Female Element: Ice Side: neutral Weapond: ice sword Apearence: Other: is the third part of Genservant's sombody, Malum is his dark side, Kouri is his physical opposite(you know, male to female, fire to ice), if she, Genservant, and Malum combine their powers they will make their sombody. 3. Name: Malum Spoiler Age: 18 Gender: Male Element: Dark Fire Side: Kings Weapon: Blade of Shadows Appearence: (2, one for when he is wearing his jumpsuit, the other for when he isn't) Other: is the result of an experiment involving my other character, Genservant, he is like a shadow copy of him, but is completly loyal to the Kings. -------- Name: DPWolf 1. Name: Akane Kibachi Spoiler Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Weapon (main): Wrist claws Weapon (sub): Mid-sized katana Bio: A member of the Wolf Clan, Akane grew up in a world of fighting. She is quick to react and has a sharp mind, but is wary of others from outside of her clan. She was considered gifted as a warrior, and by the age of eighteen, two years after she was considered a true warrior, was a respected member of the clan. After her shapeshifting occurred, however, the clan members feared her tactical ability and were forced to make the decision to make her an outcast. Other: From my RP Shifting Soldiers. Transforms into a giant brown-and-white wolf with red eyes. 2. Name: Okami Amaterasu (Ammy for short) Spoiler Powers: Celestial Brush techniques, super speed, super jump, can walk on water History: Ammy is the incarnation of the goddess Amaterasu in wolf form. She fought darkness and many evils in the past, all while regaining her true powers. These powers were found in other animal gods, and are utilized wi th the Celestial Brush. Appearance: Weapons: Divine Instruments (Reflectors, Rosaries, Glaives), Celestial Brush techniques 3. -------- Name:Bushido in the Bedroom 1. Name:Xakota Spoiler Age (make it reasonable):15 Titan (honorary), villain, or "quack villain": Titan(honorary) Background: No one but Xakota knows what his original name was. Even he wishes he could forget it. His one and only power is to manipulate gravity, although this has many functions. He can use this power to reduce the gravity under him, allowing him to fly. He can push ceiling to the ground, causing them to fall on people. he can make one persons own weight so heavy that they can't move. His powers turned out to be so destructive they'd ruin his life. When Xakota, then under a different name, was 13 years old, he was pretty much a regular kid, aside from his powers that only him and his parents knew about. His family was very good at hiding it. Xakota never used his powers in a visible way. Sometimes he'd lighten the fall from the monkey-bars when he was a kid, or make a dodgeball go over his head in a way that could be a coincidence. But absolutely no one knew, no one even guessed. Like any other kid, he had bully troubles. He could stand it, like most kids. he brought extra lunch money, wore steel-toed boots, did everything he could to reduce the pain. It was only when his bully began to mess with the girl he loved that he couldn't handle it. Xakota had, of course, never talked to this girl, but he loved her. That, or his youth made him believe he loved her. One day, he saw his bully, kissing her in the hallway. The minute she left, Xakota pointed his hands at his bully, focusing his energy to the ground under him, and pulled him down as far as he could. He couldn't even scream, he was pushing so hard. After he finally suffocated, Xakota left, more confused than ever. No one knew it was him. The girl never saw him, no one else was in the hall, and Xakota looked far to weak to take that kid on anyway. He was never suspected. The FBI concluded it was some kind of asthma attack. Of course, his parents knew the truth. They knew that their son had killed a bully over a girl. They were incredibly ashamed, barely able to speak to him for a week. When that week was over, they disowned him. They demanded he leave and never come back. He did. He came back a week later, and when the wouldn't let him back in, or even look at him, he pulled the house to the ground. He did this to all the other houses around to make it look like an earthquake. He was never suspected. And since then, he's been away. He changed his name to Xakota after a week. He refused to go live in some orphanage. He figured his powers might land him a spot as some superhero or villain, he didn't really care which. Fate apparently wanted him to be an honorary Titan. Appearance (description or picture): minus the wings and the halo and the headband. 2. 3. -------- Name: Firekeyblade 1.Name: Xengla Spoiler Gender: Female Age: 18 Power: Fire Weapons: Two swords that she summons at will Appearance: Quiet, apathetic girl with long black hair tied in a ponytail. Always wears a jacket zipped all the way and jeans. Other: She always tries to do what's right, but is always hesitating as to whether she should do what's right. She is very lonely, but that does not mean she doesn't like being alone sometimes. She doesn't mind company, and likes to make dependable friends. However, she never trusts anyone completely. She also has a terrible memory. Her goal was to try and become a doctor, but adventure called. Due to this, she knows the mechanics of the body fairly well, and always tries not to wound a victim too much(i.e not cutting an artery with her sword). 2. 3. -------- Name: SpazticFantaztic :3 1. Name: Sasu Spoiler Gender: Male Age: 16 Appearance: Spoiler Personality: Sasu can act very friendly, but can sometimes also be detached and obstinate. He describes himself as a visionary and can be kind of idealistic. He has no care, at all, of what others say to him, and really doesn't take too much care in what he says to others, either. Powers: Can teleport distances within 10 feet of each other. Weapon:A black whip tipped with metal. Other: 2. 3. -------- Name: Daxma 1. Name: Kyle Spoiler Gender: Male Age: 17 Appearance: He has long dead blonde hair that reach to his shoulders. He has stubble on his face. He has Blue eye's. He wears a black trench coat with a black t-shirt underneath, black cargo pants and black boots. Personality: Very laid back even in the face of danger. He had faced death and fading away times and it has allowed him the frame of mind to not care about the death of himself even though he does seem to care about others and their existance. Powers: He has the power to produce and control Black lightning and Black fire that still produce light. Weapons: He has two Ornate Katana in there holsters. The Holsters and hilts are crimson. Both bare Different images of the War God Futsu-Nushi-No-Kami, the God of Lightning and Fire. In Battle Kyle rarely takes the blades out of the holsters and often fights with the holsters on. Other: This is an Arci-type of a character that has been swilling around in my brain. 2. Name: Akira Inugami Spoiler Gender: Male Age: 16 Appearance: Spoiler Personality: He Pities Humanity and protects human who are put in harms way. Powers: He can transform into a werewolf, meaning he has super strength, super speed and super Agility. Weapons: None Other: This OC is a character out of Wolf Guy-Ookami No Monshou which is here: If needs be i will tone him down a bit to not allow for too much overkill. 3. -------- Name: 1. 2. 3. --------
BEWARE! lolBoxGhost
:lolface: .
How did you end up there to begin with?