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  1. Fayt-Harkwind
    In Soul Silver Brock offers a trade of a Bonsly for a Rhyhorn that knows Thunder Fang but after speaking to him I went to get a Bonsly and he's never reappeared in Diglett's Cave again. I was told that I had to beat him in a rematch again but I did so yesterday and he's not reappeared between noon and 3PM like Bulbapedia said. I've spoken to him before but after he offered to trade he's disappeared. Any one know what's happened and if Brock will appear again or if there's a different day/time that I find him for the trade which no one's told me?
    Thanks in advance.
    Thread by: Fayt-Harkwind, Jul 25, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Game Help
  2. Fayt-Harkwind
    A mad combination of Megaman EXE, Kamen Rider W, VR Troopers, various Super Sentai/Power Rangers and Digimon. But under the name of Power Rangers in total xD


    Plot in a nutshell: When a dangerous, computer destroying virus appears on the internet a group of teenagers are selected to fight the virus and all it’s variants by a mysterious hacker known only as S.O.U.R.C.E.

    Plot in detail:

    The Real World
    Everyone in Angel Grove received a strange e-mail at the same time on the same day. Regardless of when it was opened, the computer became infected with a virus. That virus took over the machines and made them hostile causing them to trigger unusual functions before ultimately bursting into flame, taking buildings down with it.

    The local authorities had no idea where the source of the virus came from or how to stop it. People where warned to avoid the use of computer-based machinery, but in this age that was difficult.

    That’s when a package arrived to a select handful of teenagers…

    The Computer World
    Inside the world of computers, linked by the internet the virus proved to be deadly. The programs who came in contact with them where slaughtered and erased. Not a single pixel remained in albums and not a single byte remained in programs. Then the worst always came. They would overload the machinery and force it to explode.

    That’s when the Power Rangers first appeared…

    The Rangers View
    Knowing of the current problems of the computer virus, seven teenagers received a small package containing a USB Pen and a wrist watch with a USB Drive on it. Trying it on out of curiosity or not, each teenager discovered it did nothing. But when they passed by their computer, the USB seemed to light up from the inside. Inserting the Pen into the wrist mounted Drive a flash of light took over the senses. Once those senses returned something felt odd. A strange uniform was now where their clothes once where, a helmet over the face with information appearing on the visor. Information on how to use the powers that came with the costume and how to find a nearby virus.

    For the first time, each teenager noticed they’re location. It wasn’t home and it wasn’t anything they’ve seen before.
    For whatever reason, each teenager decided to follow the indicator on their visor leading them to a virus. The information informed the teenagers that they are now “Power Rangers†and that they must fight the virus that would of soon caused their computers harm.


    The Power Rangers are the heroes of the internet, chosen to rid the world of the dangerous virus named Spartan. Using wrist mounted morphers the Rangers insert their USB Pen into the drive on the morpher, transform, enter the internet and fight the Spartan virus and all it’s variants. Each Ranger is armed with a side-arm called a Pixel Shooter which can transform into a unique weapon for each Ranger by inserting the USB Pen. They also have a Zord, a giant robot that has unique powers of it’s own and can combine with other Zords into a Megazord. As well as this, each Ranger is given a special function ability, based directly on a computer or internet function.

    Powers: Hyperlink. Allows Red to use his weapon as the base for the combination of the weapons for the combination attack as well as combine the Megazords. Also allows short range teleportation but no where as far as Blue’s powers. Think of it as a high speed side-step like dash like movement.
    Weapon: A digital laser sword
    Zord: A red Ape.
    Zord Powers: It has the power of strength in it’s limbs which can destroy a normal sized virus with a single hit. It is also given this power to be able to maintain the structure of the megazord as the torso, shoulders and pelvis.

    Powers: Copy, Cut and Paste. Copy allows Blue to make a duplicate of him/herself or others while Cut allows him to teleport, both are activated with Paste which sets the location of where the copy will stand or the teleportation happens. Copy can only make a single duplicate at a time and cannot be used while it is already active. Cut takes time for the teleportation to take effect and leaves Blue vulnerable before teleporting to the Paste location. Copy and Cut cannot be used at the same time and the duplicate from Copy cannot use Cut.
    Weapon: A digital laser bo staff
    Zord: A blue Turtle.
    Zord Powers: It has the power of defence and can withstand almost any attack with it’s hard shell. It combines onto the Megazord as the left arm and works with it’s shell as a shield.

    Powers: Refresh. Allows Black to refresh himself like a internet page and recover all injuries and stamina. Can only be used once per entry into the internet.
    Weapon: A digital laser axe
    Zord: A black Elephant.
    Zord Powers: It has the power of pressure. It can unleash a pressurised steam that can push back and even destroy a normal sized virus. As the right arm in the combination of the Megazord it improves attacking power by using it’s steam as a rocket-like boost for attacks.

    Powers: Undo. Allows Yellow to redo the last move they had taken by reversing time slightly. Similar to Prince of Persia but with a cool down of time between each use.
    Weapon: Twin digital laser daggers
    Zord: A yellow Horse.
    Zord Powers: It has the power of acceleration. Using it’s faster running speed it can out manoeuvre a virus and trap it. As the right leg of the Megazord it allows for a quicker starting movement being the first leg forward. It works well with Pink for their similar abilities and works as the push Pink needs to keep up with Yellow’s quicker starting speed when in Megazord form.

    Powers: Search. Allows Pink to search through the Data Squad databases no matter the location to look up information on enemies, locations or objects.
    Weapon: A digital laser bow
    Zord: A pink Fox
    Zord Powers: It has the power of constant movement. Unlike Yellow’s Zord the Fox is able to move quickly while already in speed. It is able to dodge any attacks of a virus and after it has started to run it is able to keep up with Yellow’s Horses quickly accelerated speed. It works well together with Yellow’s Horse as the left leg of the Megazord and can be used for easy dodging maneuverse as well as making sure Yellow‘s Horse can run at full speed by starting first with Pink being able to keep up after Yellow starts off with a push.

    Powers: Save. Allows Green to memorise any attack or movement used against him/herself so it can’t be used against him again. As in if he/she was hit by an enemy roundhouse kick and the enemy tried to kick him/her again with another roundhouse kick, Green would be able to simply block or counter it.
    Weapon: A digital laser Dual-Sword
    Zord: A green Godzilla-like Dragon.
    Zord Powers: It’s power is digestion. At full capacity it is able to be on par with the Five Part Megazord but because of it’s quickly depleting energy source it burns out of strength quickly, so it devours viruses to keep up it’s power but only the most powerful of viruses give it the real boost it needs to reach full power. It can combine with the Megazord as additional armour for protection and a new weapon for the finisher but because of it‘s energy depletion it can only be used for extremely short periods in combination. It works as the 6th part in the Megazord.

    Powers: Zoom. Allows White to see greater distances than the human eye in a scope-like fashion. This also gives White great accuracy when focused which may cause White to not realise incoming attacks from out of his/her vision line.
    Weapon: A digital laser scimitar
    Zord: A white Falcon.
    Zord Powers: It’s power is flight, being the only one of the main zords with flight capabilities. When combined into the Megazord it allows it to fly. It combines onto the back of the megazord as wings. It is optional for the Megazord combination though. It works as the 6th or 7th part depending on whether Green combines as well.

    Powers: Shift. Bronze is able to upgrade the other Rangers powers who correspond with the Shift key. He/she is able to use different abilities by “combining†it with another “key†such as the attack “Shift-Delete†which destroys a virus (as a finisher). Bronze’s upgrade gives each Ranger effected by it a single double strength attack and is marked with a capital letter or symbol activated by the shift key.
    Weapon: A digital laser spear
    Zord: A bronze Armadillo.
    Zord Powers: It is able to roll up and crush enemies as a cannon ball or bowling ball type of object. Able to form into a roman shield to connect to the main Megazord’s Turtle Shield Arm as a boost in defence. It is one third of the Medal Zord and acts as armoured legs and waist.

    Powers: Alt. Silver is able to upgrade the other Rangers powers who correspond with the Alt key. He/she is able to use different abilities by “combining†it with another “key†such as the attack “Alt-F4†will destroy a virus (as a finisher). Silver’s upgrade gives each Ranger effected by it a faster execution time for their abilities as well as powering up finishing moves.
    Weapon: Twin digital laser claws
    Zord: A silver Wolf.
    Zord Powers: Fast and with razor sharp blades all over it’s body it is able to cut through enemies as it runs by them. It is able to change into a pair of swords or a lance for the Megazord to wield. As a third of the Medal Zord it acts as the torso, weapons (twin swords or lance) and shoulders.

    Powers: Ctrl. Gold is able to upgrade other Rangers powers who correspond with the Ctrl key. He/she is also able to use different abilities by “combining†it with another “key†such as the attack “Ctrl-A†is able to lock on to any targets in sight or range. Gold’s upgrade gives each Ranger effected a longer range for their weapons by extending the digital energy that makes up the laser part (e.g. the blades or arrows) and also makes the attacks from it stronger by it’s element.
    Weapon: A digital laser halberd
    Zord: A gold Lion.
    Zord Powers: Strong and durable, it is able to strike any foe out of it’s path with it’s body. It can also fire a golden ray from it’s main while roaring. It transforms into a cannon weapon for the Megazord to use. As the last part of the Medal Zord it is acts as the arms, head and additional armour. It also initiates a part of the finisher by spinning it’s mane (located on the chest) to charge the weapons of the wolf swords/lance.


    Combination: Ape, Turtle, Elephant, Horse, Fox.
    Megazord combined powers: Combined powers of the first 5 Zords and has them all work in harmony with each other.
    Megazord weapon: A giant multi-coloured digital laser great sword
    Megazord finisher: Slash Delete, slashes after charging up the multi-coloured sword.
    Twin Wolf Slasher, cuts the enemy twice with charged up Wolf swords.
    Silver Dive, throws the charged up Wolf lance to pierce through the enemy and after breaking through have the lance reconnect with the rest of the Wolf.
    Leo Buster, fires the Lion’s Mane Cannon by using the energy of the Megazord.

    Combination: Ape, Turtle, Elephant, Horse, Fox, Dragon.
    Megazord combined powers: Combined powers of the first 5 Zords and has them all work in harmony with each other while receiving a boost of power from the Dragon’s viruses drained energy.
    Megazord weapon: The dragon’s tail as a drill sword.
    Megazord finisher: Replace Delete, drives the drill sword into the enemy then spins it and churns the enemy to dust. Then absorbs the viruses energy to maintain the form.
    Twin Wolf Slasher, cuts the enemy twice with charged up Wolf swords.
    Silver Dive, throws the charged up Wolf lance to pierce through the enemy and after breaking through have the lance reconnect with the rest of the Wolf.
    Leo Buster, fires the Lion’s Mane Cannon by using the energy of the Megazord.

    Combination: Ape, Turtle, Elephant, Horse, Fox, Falcon.
    Megazord combined powers: Combined powers of the first 5 Zords and the Falcon and has them all work in harmony with each other.
    Megazord weapon: A giant multi-coloured digital laser great sword
    Megazord finisher: Slash Dash Delete, same as Slash Delete but from the air, faster and by dashing passed the enemy while doing it.
    Twin Wolf Slasher, cuts the enemy twice with charged up Wolf swords.
    Silver Dive, throws the charged up Wolf lance to pierce through the enemy and after breaking through have the lance reconnect with the rest of the Wolf.
    Leo Buster, fires the Lion’s Mane Cannon by using the energy of the Megazord.

    Combination: Dragon, Falcon
    Megazord Combined powers: The combined powers of the Falcon and Dragon Zords. This is essentially where the Dragon Zord has the Falcon Zord attach to it’s back enabling flight and a special attack.
    Megazord Weapon: The dragons tail as a drill sword.
    Megazord Finisher: Dash Replace Delete, same as Replace Delete but lifts the enemy into the air and flies upwards while spinning the drill.

    Combination: Ape, Turtle, Elephant, Horse, Fox, Dragon, Falcon.
    Megazord combined powers: Combined powers of the first 7 Zords and has them all work in harmony with each other. A combination of the DataDragZord and DataSkyZord.
    Megazord weapon: The dragon’s tail as a drill sword.
    Megazord finisher: Dash Replace Delete, same as Replace Delete but lifts the enemy into the air and flies upwards while spinning the drill. Stronger than the SkyDragZord version.
    Twin Wolf Slasher, cuts the enemy twice with charged up Wolf swords.
    Silver Dive, throws the charged up Wolf lance to pierce through the enemy and after breaking through have the lance reconnect with the rest of the Wolf.
    Leo Buster, fires the Lion’s Mane Cannon by using the energy of the Megazord.

    Combination: Lion, Wolf, Armadillo.
    Megazord combined powers: Able to protect it’s entire body thanks to the defence of the Armadillo and the durability of the Lion, also is able to attack quickly thanks to the speed of the Wolf.
    Megazord weapon: Silver Wolf Twin Blades or Silver Wolf Blade Lance.
    Megazord finisher: End Process, slashes with a Lion charged up Wolf twin sword/lance to destroy the enemy.

    Internet Guardian
    Combination: All Zords.
    Ultimate Megazord powers: All the powers of the Megazords combined.
    Ultimate Megazord weapon: A combination of the Dragon Drill Sword and the Wolf Lance, and as a secondary method of attack, two giant digital laser twin swords that can combine into a dual-sword or connect to the Megazord’s shoulders to open up a chest mounted digital laser cannon and act as a power source and energy discharger.
    Ultimate Megazord finisher: Ctrl Alt Delete, fires the digital laser cannon that is powered by all the Zords (it can be seen with things like the elephants steam being dispersed and the Lion’s mane spinning faster than before) and shoots a rainbow like beam that can destroy anything it hits.

    Weapon Combinations:

    Virus Buster
    Combination: Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, Pink.
    A setup similar to the original Might Morphing combination weapon. The Axe serves as the base with the other weapons combining (with Blue’s staff separating in two then combining) on top of it to create a multiple barrelled weapon.
    Powers: Fires a multi-powered digital laser cannon blast.

    Rangers List

    DataRed - Fayt-Harkwind
    DataWhite - Coyote Starrk
    DataBlack - Ace Phoenix

    Villain List

    Viral - Fayt-Harkwind

    Civilian List

    S.O.U.R.C.E. - Fayt-Harkwind

    Program List

    1. Follow the rules of site and section.
    2. My will is law. Well, if you piss me off, break a rule or have a unwelcome history of rping I can deny you without argument.
    3. One Ranger per member. You can have limitless NPCs from either the real world or the internet (basically being programs and websites inside the internet) or even viruses.
    4. Keep in mind that viruses will eventually have to die, the small fry will do it quite often while the main enemy of the moment will put up a challenge and sometimes beat the Rangers but ultimately will have to loose sometime. The big bads on the other hand are a different matter.
    5. One big bad per member. These are like the Lord Zedd or Goldar of the RP. They don’t normally fight but when they do they are a match for the Rangers or worse. Though, they always manage to escape destruction.
    6. You cannot bring items from the internet to the real world or vice versa. Hence why you need Ranger powers to enter the internet.
    7. Bronze, Silver and Gold Rangers will act as the extra Rangers that appear later on. They can be chosen but your character will not become that Ranger until I say so. The other seven Rangers have to be chosen first before anyone can be the Bronze, Silver or Gold Rangers.
    8. When using the Zords each Ranger will control their own, but when they combine into a Megazord you have to abide to a revolving “lead†Ranger to control the Megazord (I.e. Red controls it first then Blue controls it next, so on and so forth). It can either be decided by who’s “enemy it is†or by a revolving command which goes in the same pattern each week (I.e. Red, Blue, Black, Yellow, Pink for the first Megazord, with the other Rangers being thrown into the mix with the other Megazord forms). Green, White, Bronze, Silver and Gold can only be in control of the Megazord on the rotation if they are part of that Megazord.
    9. I’ll be following the basis of the 5 man band to form the Ranger team. Your character must take one of the roles (see below).
    10. I reserve the right to add rules as I go.

    Five Man Band Roles (one per Ranger in most cases (there will be two of two options), except for Sixth Ranger):

    The Hero - Red
    The Lancer - Black/Blue/Green/White
    The Big Guy - Black/Yellow/White/Green
    The Smart Guy - Blue/Green/White/Black
    The Chick - Pink/Yellow/White/Blue
    Sixth Ranger - Bronze (as either a Smart Guy, Big Guy or Chick), Silver (as a Lancer to the Gold) & Gold (as a second Hero)

    OC Forms:


    Name: (Full name)
    Age: (nothing younger than 13 and nothing older than 21)
    Appearance: (try not to have weird ass pictures if you really have to use one. And have them in the same colour as your Ranger colour)
    History: (explain a little bit about the character, any skills that might be useful as a Ranger (I.e. computer wizardry, martial arts, etc)
    Personality: (every ranger needs a standing out one of these)
    Ranger: (the colour you want to be from the list above)
    Five Man Band Role:
    Other: (anything I’ve missed off you want to add?)

    Real World Human

    Name: (Full name)
    Age: (age isn’t too limited here but nothing stupid like a 1 year old with perfect vocabulary)
    Appearance: (try not to have weird ass pictures if you really have to use one)
    History: (explain a little bit about the character, any traits and the connection to the rangers. I.e. Runs the local juice bar or something)
    Personality: (even non-combat characters need this. Bulk and Skull anyone?)
    Other: (anything I’ve missed off you want to add?)

    Internet Program/Website

    Name: (Be as clever as you want with the site names, but don‘t use real websites or programs)
    Age: (What age they act like)
    Appearance: (they still need to have a human appearance but they aren‘t human)
    History: (explain a little bit about the character)
    Personality: (machines have personalities in this)
    Other: (anything I’ve missed off you want to add?)


    Name: (Wacky monster names HO! Unless they‘re a big bad)
    Age: (What age they act like)
    Appearance: (monsterish things)
    History: (explain a little bit about the character)
    Personality: (Even Virus‘ need personalities)
    Powers: (explain their abilities, be as wacky as you want)
    Other: (anything I’ve missed off you want to add?)


    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Leon Serif
    Age: 19
    Gender: Male
    History: Leon has had a troubled past, he has constantly gotten into fights with other kids in school. Growing up bullied, he decided to train himself in self defence. Seeing that martial arts classes would only teach him to fight against other martial artists he taught himself his own way to fight from mixing and matching different things. Now at the age of 17 he is untroubled by bullies and has become highly interested in computers.
    Personality: Polite and trustworthy, hates fighting but knows when he has to (usually self defence or virus killing) and is easily frustrated by his own mistakes.
    Ranger: Red
    Five Man Band Role: The Hero

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Unknown (goes by the name S.O.U.R.C.E.)
    Age: Unknown (appears to be mid 20’s)
    History: Has been known to the government and police as an infamous hacker who they have been trying to find for years, although, he’s never committed a crime and has even helped the police in secret.
    Personality: He’s the type who keeps secrets but finds out everyone else’s. He’s not trustworthy but he does good.
    Other: n/a

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Viral “The Spartanâ€
    Age: N/A
    History: The original virus, no one is sure where it came from but it goes by two names, the original term Viral and the nickname The Spartan. With it’s power and vast and great infection rating it spawned variants which have grown into their own viruses. This is what plagues the city of Angel Grove.
    Personality: Blood Knightish
    Powers: It’s powers are vast and many. It is capable of spawning viruses which can grow very quickly into different viruses, it can infect computers in mere moments and cause them to latterly attack their owners or explode. It can also use many different in battle abilities similar to the Rangers own powers but with a virus twist as opposed to data.
    Other: It’s the Big Bad. The main villain.
    Thread by: Fayt-Harkwind, Jul 21, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Fayt-Harkwind

    It seems it's real. They've got the star of Kamen Rider Den-O to play him (which is a good decision if you've ever seen him act, especially as Kintaros Possessing Ryoutaro). Thank god it's not another Hollywood massacre though.
    Thread by: Fayt-Harkwind, Jul 20, 2010, 7 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  4. Fayt-Harkwind

    It’s that time again. You don’t need to look at your clock since our times will all be different. It’s Top 5 time.
    This week was a little disappointing if I have to be honest. Not many people uploaded and there weren’t many videos to choose from. I know why though. A lot of people have been having the problem of running out of space on their account and for those people who uploaded many videos each week, that’ll be a problem as you’ll rapidly lower your chances of getting on the Top 5. I’ve got three solutions:
    1. Try not to upload too many videos each week, if you upload to many there’s a larger chance you’ll get on the Top 5 once but in the long run this means you’ll have less chances to enter if you upload a single, different video each week you’ll have a lesser chance of winning that week but you’ll be able to enter for longer and eventually you might get on the Top 5.
    2. Delete some of your oldest uploaded videos to make space. Now I’m not sure if that’s possible but it’s worth a shot. If it’s not doable please tell me.
    3. Get an account on youtube, veoh, etc since I’ve seen a few videos being on youtube or veoh players so I assume you can just view the video through the portal. I’m not sure if this takes up space on your portal account but if it does, ignore this idea but still tell me.
    Hopefully we’ll have more uploaders and variety next week.

    EDIT: There should be enough room now for a week or two's uploads. Try not to upload too many videos by yourself for both your chances of winning for more weeks and to lessen how much space you use.

    Anywho, onto the Top 5 shall we?
    You all should know by now that if you don’t make it on this weeks list, try and try again. So I’d like to see more of you trying by uploading videos. I know there are some really good editors out there who aren’t uploading, it’d be nice to see some of their work on the site again. But remember, it can only be Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy AMVs, trailers, fan edited videos, etc.

    Okay, time to reel off this weeks five man band after that massive block of text:

    1. ~Kingdom Hearts - Ready Set Go~
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: Lulus Moogle
    Song: Ready Set Go - Tokyo Hotel
    Details: Although you call it crappy, it’s not that bad. It’s pretty good, you did use a lot of videos-in-videos boxes or whatever you kids call them these days but overall it worked quite well. And if this is your old work, I’d like to see more of your new work.

    2. Worm Part
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: Ace Phoenix
    Song: You’ll have to fill me in on this
    Details: Although it’s an unfinished (?) worm segment it’s pretty good and quite long for something going in a worm if you ask me. Heck, I’d of thought this was a regular amv if it wasn’t for the title and description.

    3. tribute to axel/riku/sora/demyx -HERO-
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: Darkness13
    Song: Hero - Nickelback
    Details: It’s quite well edited in terms of flow. Not all that many transitions although there are a few video effects used that are hit or miss in the eye of the beholder (to my eyes they where fairly used) but it managed to keep me entertained none the less.

    4. Kingdom Hearts - Welcome To Oblivion
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: Axel The Flame Welder
    Song: Welcome To Oblivion - Madina Lake
    Details: It’s probably the best video from the batch you uploaded as it keeps it’s flow throughout most of the video. There’s not really much else I can say about it.

    5. Its Not Axel's Time
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: Axel The Flame Welder
    Song: It’s Not My Time - 3 Doors Down
    Details: Due to the sheer lack of videos uploaded this week another one of yours was picked. This being the next best video you uploaded after the one above. Unfortunately, this and a few other ones managed to loose flow about 40% of the way through, this managed to pick it up on and off afterwards though. It’s edited in a similar way to the above one but you tend to linger on scenes for too long around the middle. If you work on your flow keeping you could make some really good videos with a few effects and transitions, possibly from a tutorial or two. You’ve got timing and scene choosing down pretty good though which is the basis of it all. Just gotta add some glamour and glitter to it now and you’ll be rolling in it.
    Thread by: Fayt-Harkwind, Jul 19, 2010, 6 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  5. Fayt-Harkwind
    Okay, so, I've figured out how to find some of the Pokemon in the Safari Zone like Zangoose but I'm struggling to find Pokemon like Bagon. Bulbapedia didn't really make much sense to me about it, could someone perhaps explain how it works or at least explain the method for making the following Pokemon appear in the Safari Zone (mostly how do I use the right objects on the terrain):


    Thanks in advance.
    Thread by: Fayt-Harkwind, Jul 15, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Game Help
  6. Fayt-Harkwind

    Another Top 5? Fine. I’ll give you another one. Here's something hot and spicy (minus the hot and spicy).
    Remember, if your not on the Top 5 it doesn’t mean your video wasn’t good, it just means you’ve got to keep making them, improve your skills and eventually you’ll make it. I’d also like to see an increase in the uploaders, every week I have 3 pages of videos to go through and I’d like to at least make that 5 pages next week. So for those lazy people or those who don’t think they’ve got what it takes, upload anyway, you might be surprised at how good you really are or how quickly you can make a quality AMV.

    1. You Breath Into Me....
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: yushe101
    Song: Awake and Alive - Skillet
    Details: A good song and well kept in time with it. The effects and editing worked in great harmony with the music, but the sort of spinning (or bouncing from side to side giving the impression of spinning) near the beginning and end was a little over board, it worked but it still felt a bit strange. Also, the sudden ending was a bit off putting but it’s still a nice little video.

    2. Leave out all the rest {Reasons to be missed}
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: FreeHeart
    Song: Leave out all the rest - Linkin Park
    Details: A nicely edited and strangely tinted video with some image/pattern overlays. It’s pretty good and keeps flow while using numerous effects, cut outs and transitions. The text could do with a bit of work though, sometimes it just pops up before you realise it or lingers for too long.

    3. Roxas Is By Himself
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: Mage
    Song: By Myself - Linkin Park
    Details: Well, it’s certainly longer than the beta you had up before but it ends kinda sudden. That seems to be a running theme with entries from a handful of people lately xD Either way, it’s nicely edited but it kinda lacks that feeling in a way. A good video though.

    4. The Kill
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: Cat<3Sora
    Song: The Kill - 30 Seconds to Mars
    Details: Very short, but nicely edited. The sound quality for voice clips isn’t all that good but the editing and use of quick effects and transitions was good. Maybe try experimenting with different formats if your sound doesn’t sound so damaged in the program(s) you use to make videos.

    5. Isn't Someone Missing Me?
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: bunnies4ever
    Song: (you’ll have to fill me in on this one)
    Details: It’s got some good flow and the choices of scenes works well for the music but the flash is overused but works with the music (that whole snare drum thing). The voice over parts near the end are nicely lined up with the rhythm but there’s that one part where the BGM from the scene can be heard clearly and kinda threw me off. Overall it’s good but flashy (I made a funny).
    Thread by: Fayt-Harkwind, Jul 12, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  7. Fayt-Harkwind
    We should totally get 12 people to be the G12 :lolface:
    Thread by: Fayt-Harkwind, Jul 11, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  8. Fayt-Harkwind
  9. Fayt-Harkwind

    Onto the second month of the Top 5 already? How time flies. I’m kinda busy today so I’ve sort of rushed the details this time. Sorry about that.
    I noticed a lot of new players entered the game. Good. It’s making this a lot more interesting than before and the range in styles is starting to spread further again. But still, if your video didn’t make it into the Top 5 this week just keep making more and improve your skills but by no means does not being on the Top 5 mean your video was bad.

    1. RE: Crawling in the Dark
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: Doxyc
    Song: Crawling in the Dark - Hoobastank
    Details: A very well edited AMV, nice use of masking and pan & cropping. You kept most of your effects quick and not repetitive even if you used the same one a few times, which prevents most people from seeing any mistakes and keeps well with the flow of the song. Good job.

    2. Maybe Riku is Kairi's Mr. Right?
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: FreeHeart
    Song: (someone will have to fill me in on this one)
    Details: A very nice AMV using a lot of text. The editing is pretty good as well. The transitions and effects used on the text was also very interesting. There was also a continuous effect with through this and another one of your uploads which I’m still trying to figure out, but I liked it xD

    3. Kingdom Hearts - AMV - Falling Stars Sensation
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: NeoX
    Song: Lost Northern Star - Tarja
    Details: A very fluid and flowing video. I liked the editing of it and the feeling of the scenes with the music. Very well chosen clips for the song.

    4. Organization XIII - Lies
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: Demyx
    Song: (I’ll need filling in on this one as well)
    Details: A somewhat strange video, but effectively edited. A good tribute to the org. The scenes oddly go well with the music, which I found to be confusing and interesting. Good job.

    5. C A R E L E S S {W H I S P E R}
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: Cat<3Sora
    Song: Careless Whisper - Seether
    Details: Except for the sudden and loud beginning and the length, this is a great AMV. Unfortunately, the sound quality isn’t so good either but the editing and effects make up for that.
    Thread by: Fayt-Harkwind, Jul 5, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  10. Fayt-Harkwind
    Thread by: Fayt-Harkwind, Jul 3, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Fayt-Harkwind

    Hey again. It’s time for this weeks Top 5. Each week I watch all the videos on the portal and pick out the 5 I liked the most then give some comments on them. Don’t feel discouraged if your video isn’t in the Top 5, it doesn’t mean it was bad it just means you’ve got to keep trying and further your skills.

    There weren’t that many entries this time so it was harder for me to go about this thing, although, the entries where still entertaining. It’d be nice to see a lot more members getting involved, I know that there’s a lot of people still out there who could be entering. It’s also a nice opportunity to sharpen some skills you want to test out.

    1. Ready to Love
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: Phisoxa
    Song: Ready to Love - Bim
    Details: It’s a very nice concept with the story you made the AMV with, I can actually see the story in the video. It’s nicely edited and does it’s job.

    2. Awake and Alive
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: Keybearer232
    Song: Awake and Alive - Skillet
    Details: I like this song, this being my first time hearing it and you’ve managed to put some good scenes with some decent editing to make the song and clips mesh and feel right. From the looks of it you where editing with the guitar as the main rhythm and the drums as a bit of extra beat, that’s usually not done well in amvs I’ve seen but you’ve pulled it off.

    3. Roxas is By Himself
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: Mage
    Song: By Myself - Linkin Park
    Details: Very nicely edited with lots of effects that manage to not be overkill and work nicely. Unfortunately, it’s length was very, very short so it only manage to get to third.

    4. Whispers in The Dark
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: NocturnalMelodies
    Song: Whispers in the Dark - Skillet
    Details: The editing is good on this one and it keeps the flow going for a while but looses some in-between the middle and end but catches it up again for the finish. It’s a relatively overused song but it does make some good videos when done right, which you’ve done with this.

    5. What I’ve Done
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: Keybearer232 (again)
    Song: What I’ve Done - Linkin Park
    Details: Some fairly good editing with a bit of an iffy start. It looses flow at the odd point but overall manages to keep me entertained and there was some clever transition timing as well. I also only realised two of your videos are in the Top 5 this week as I came to write this one xD
    Thread by: Fayt-Harkwind, Jun 28, 2010, 2 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  12. Fayt-Harkwind
    And Steve Blum is everywhere.
    Thread by: Fayt-Harkwind, Jun 24, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Fayt-Harkwind

    Hello again. Another Top 5 for you guys. Don’t feel discouraged if you don’t make it into the Top 5, it doesn’t mean your entry wasn’t good it just means you’ve got to keep trying and one week you might find your name and video up in a thread. I'm glad to see a lot more people getting involved but I‘d like to see even more, it makes the range of videos quite different.

    1. Roxas & Riku Are Coming Undone
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: Mage
    Song: Coming Undone - Korn
    Details: A nicely made amv making good use of the lyrics with the scenes of KH with Roxas and Riku. I especially like the constant effect with the fuzzy sounding guitar and the few transitions with the clap. The border is also quite nice but too static for the feel of the music. Also, it cuts off at the end which completely through me off, especially since I do like this song. A good video, just let down by the sudden ending.

    2. Kingdom Hearts AMV: All The Right Moves
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: Shadow Tag
    Song: All the Right Moves - One Republic
    Details: A nicely edited video, unfortunately let down by it’s quality in both video and audio. It kinda looks like it’s been recorded. Either way it’s a nice video that uses transitions and video effects with the drum beat quite well. It’s entertaining if you can stand the fluttery quality noise.

    3. Innocence Akuroku
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: zexionfan123
    Song: Innocence - Avril Lavigne
    Details: There’s some really nice editing here but the theme of the video isn’t exactly my cup of tea, but it is nicely done. It’s a little bit short but gets it’s point across quite clearly.

    4. Flowers
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: karrin19
    Song: I’m not sure what the song is or who it’s by.
    Details: A very short video but very nice and has great flow, which is probably why it’s so short. Anywho, I’ve not played BBS but I think that’s using only very few scenes and works quite well for the song and the story you placed in the info box. Also gives me a nice little peak at BBS without spoiling anything I didn’t already know xD

    5. Kingdom Hearts ~ Inception
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: thepissedkatamari
    Audio: Inception trailer
    Details: I’m not usually a fan of amv trailers but you’ve uploaded quite and a few good ones and it was a real struggle to decide between them. I ended up going with this one. It’s pretty well edited, keeps the ideas of the movie intact and mostly has the same type of feeling as the trailer would give. I definitely felt like Sora was entering dreams in this.
    Thread by: Fayt-Harkwind, Jun 21, 2010, 5 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  14. Fayt-Harkwind
    Project Description: In the KHV RPG there's gonna be some mini-games and one of them is a Lottery mini-game but it requires some spoken lines.

    Project Deadline: There isn’t a deadline right now, but there will be eventually.

    Recording Information: Send me the file(s) through PM.

    Recording format: MIDI Sequence would be best, but if you can’t save in that format then send me them as a Wav.

    Saving Lines: Save them as you see fit, preferably a zip folder or rar folder.

    Naming Lines: name the numbers after each number E.g. the line “One” should be named “1”.
    For the line "Your numbers are" I'd like the file to be named "player_numbers".

    Contact Information: or you could just PM it me if possible.

    Characters: It’s not a character, more of a voice over. Though, if anyone can do a Donald Duck impression for their audition that’d be good (since the Mini-Game host is Donald Duck).

    Narrator/Donald Duck: Reads out the numbers when chosen in the Mini-Game.
    Gender: Either
    Age: Any
    Voice Type: Like a bingo number reader or Donald Duck's way of speaking (which you should be familiar with).
    Line 1: “One”
    Line 2: “Two”
    Line 3: “Three”
    Line 4: “Four”
    Line 5: “Five”
    Line 6: “Six”
    Line 7: “Seven”
    Line 8: “Eight”
    Line 9: “Nine”
    Line 10: “Your numbers are”

    Files received:

    Ask if you have any questions or if I've missed something.

    Thanks in advance.

    EDIT: Locking this due to the lottery mini-game being scrapped for unfixable errors.
    Thread by: Fayt-Harkwind, Jun 19, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Project Casting
  15. Fayt-Harkwind
    Thread by: Fayt-Harkwind, Jun 17, 2010, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Fayt-Harkwind
    Hey everyone, we’ll be restarting the Top 5 as you may have gathered already starting with entries from this last week. I’ve watched all the videos uploaded, enjoyed your efforts and would like to see more videos uploaded this week and beyond.

    Don’t feel discouraged if you don’t make it into the Top 5, it doesn’t mean your entry wasn’t good it just means you’ve got to keep trying and one week you might come out on top. I hope to see as many people involved and uploading videos as possible.

    I might as well start the Top 5 off then.

    1. ~Kingdom Hearts, Saix: Animal I have become
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: zexionfan123
    Song: Animal I have Become - Three Days Grace
    Details: A good song, although, it is somewhat overused in amvs in general but you made it work to your own method using parts of separate clips back to back with each other and using boss battle clips, something I haven’t seen be used in an amv in a while so it’s quite refreshing. The main fault with it is the lip-synching, sometimes it’s spot on and sometimes you can’t tell if it’s actually connecting without squinting really hard. Good job none the less.

    2. Kairi’s Last Night Away From Sora
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: Mage
    Song: The Last Night - Skillet
    Details: A nice amv with some good use of effects but the sound quality really lets it down. If it wasn’t for the sound this may have taken the number 1 spot this week. I do like the colourful bars though, I’ve only recently started doing something like that myself on Vegas. A last fault I noticed was that the three way split screen was not sized equally and the three videos looked squished and a second split screen part with Kairi and Sora in the cave is a little out of time with each other. Otherwise, a nice amv.

    3. Into The Ocean ♥
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: TheBuriedLife
    Song: Into the Ocean - Blue October
    Details: A nice amv, well timed and that song is somewhat hypnotic and catchy even though the lead singers voice is both alluring and annoying in a perfect blend which works really well with the chosen scenes.

    4. to feel // to lust | [an akuroku vid]
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: randomcrimes
    Song: Los Angeles - Sugarcult
    Details: The choice of scenes give me the feeling you’re a believer in RoXel, but either way it’s a pretty well done amv for WMM. The cutting to different scenes with the timing of the lyrics give a miniature story of it’s own in a way and actually work well in a homosexual feel, not sure if that’s what was expected but I got that feeling from it. Regardless it was well edited and timed.

    5. ~China Roses~
    <iframe src="" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
    Submitted by: Phisoxa
    Song: China Roses - Enya(?)
    Details: It is a beautiful song and the scenes fit nicely with it but it lacks some minor effects which could improve it and there are parts lacking a fade which just seems to harshly cut to the next scene. Other than this it is nicely done in terms of timing and flow.

    I’d also like to point out that non-KH fan made entertainment videos are not allowed as far as I know. I say this due to a few uploads that don’t have KH scenes or weren’t for entertainment.

    Anywho, this was a good week to kick off with some well timed videos. Hopefully, more of you will get involved next week.
    Thread by: Fayt-Harkwind, Jun 14, 2010, 7 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  17. Fayt-Harkwind
    Subtitled, The Secret of Orochi

    A sub-crossover with Okami as it uses it’s demons

    An ancient scroll states that when the Two Dragons clashed multiple forms of fire where seen. There have been few who could create these alternative fires and many remain forgotten. When an ancient Sun Warriors ruin’s markings are translated, it states a prophecy that seven powerful dragon gods will be reborn into this world when the sun meets with the mountain. The riddle baffled the current Fire Lord, Fire Lord Sozai and he sent the information to each of the highest royalty around the world.

    A few weeks later when the four great powers, the Fire Lord, the Earth King, the Selected Tribal Chief and the Selected Council Monk all meet for a global discussion they discuss the worlds situations and this prophecy. As the Avatar is still a toddler they would not be able to rely on his wisdom as of yet and soon realise that the mountain is the volcano in the Fire Nation’s capital. With the rest of the riddle becoming answered they uncover that the sun meeting the volcano in it’s alignment will be a month away. Taking no time to waste they begin attempting to block over the volcanoes open top with Earth Benders but the lava is too hot to keep the rocks from melting as they move, not even the Fire Lord could keep back the lava’s intensity.

    A month passed and on the day of the dragons prophesised arrival the Fire Nation prepared to defend themselves around the volcano. The moment the sun’s direct glow touched the volcanoes lava the heat became even more intense as the fire bubbles until the lava surface is covered in the sun’s glow. Once the glow covered the lava a rumble came from the ground as seven dragons burst through the fiery liquid and soared up to the sky masked in a coat of fire, each one of a different colour.

    The seven dragons landed before the Fire Lord and his army before telepathically communicating with them. The seven dragons told the present fire nation members that they are here as a sign that seven Fire Benders have been born with the powers of each dragon. Once the message was foretold the dragons’ flames faded and the now clearly spectral dragons faded too. Instantly, the Fire Lord commanded that these dragon god powered Fire Benders be found, as they may be a threat as a puppet of gods or heroes yet to be seen.

    The search begins.

    16 years later…

    The seven dragon powered Fire Benders have yet to be found officially and have become know as Dragon-Fire Benders. Although, secretly they have been kept hidden in society by they’re guardians and trained how to be a Fire Bender like everyone else but with the colour of they’re flames being so distinguishable they had trained in private, away from prying eyes.
    Meanwhile, the current Avatar had recently been told he was the Avatar and was on his way to master his second element having fully mastered the first one from they’re home nation.

    Although, no one could foresee the threat being brought onto this world. From the deepest region of the Spirit World an evil entity had awoken and was on the verge of entering our world while sending out it’s impish minions to prepare. The time will soon be at hand when Orochi, the eight headed serpent, would return to this world.


    The Avatar:
    The Avatar is an all powerful being reincarnated through history and is capable of using all four elements. The Avatar is also able to connect to the spirit world and is seen as a figure of great wisdom from being able to call upon past lives. The current Avatar only has mastered one element and will need to learn the other elements.

    The Seven Dragon-Fire Benders:
    The Dragon-Fire Benders are seven chosen individuals who have been gifted with the power of a ancient Sun Dragon God. Each dragon had a different coloured flame with different effects, two of which created common fire. Normal fire is Orange and Yellow combined but with less of each ones individual power.

    The Orange Fire is the Flames of Origin, it is a more powerful version of normal fire and is said to be the first form of fire.

    The Yellow Fire is the Flames of Breathing, without proper breathing a fire bender would have little to no power. The Yellow Fire is like normal fire but capable of becoming stronger with proper breathing techniques.

    The Blue Fire is the Flames of Intensity, as the fire is more intensely heated it is capable of concussive effects not seen in normal fire due to super heating the air around it as it strikes.

    The White Fire is the Flames of Combustion, similar to the normal fire ability of combustion except with a flame form instead of a stream of focused chi that explodes on impact. It travels in straight lines like light but with flames and is very explosive once the tip of the line hit’s a solid object.

    The Purple Fire is the Flames of Weakness, unlike normal fire bending the Purple Fire is stronger at night and on full moons, just like water bending.

    The Green Fire is the Flames of Energy, symbolising the heat and light of the sun that works with photosynthesis. This fire allows plant life to rapidly grow through photosynthesis effects and can even make plants suddenly burst into flames.

    The Red Fire is the Flames of Recreation, this is the most dangerous and mostly unstable of the seven types with it’s abilities being that of lava manipulation, a skill thought only the Avatar could posses but on a lesser scale.

    The seven Dragon-Fire Benders

    Pure Yellow Flames:
    Pure Orange Flames:
    Blue Flames:
    White Flames:
    Purple Flames:
    Green Flames:
    Red Flames:

    Avatar: Kilik (Fayt-Harkwind)

    Fire Lord Sozai (Fayt-Harkwind)




    1. Follow the rules of site and section.
    2. If you post out of the Avatar universe I will ask you to edit your post, if you post out of the universe to greatly I will remove you from the RP and write off your characters.
    3. No god modding or power playing, especially with these powers.
    4. Do not suddenly change times of day or time skip without my permission otherwise I will remove you from the RP instantly. (The moon will drop on you or the sun will burn you to a crisp)
    5. 3 characters max, 2 Benders max, 1 Dragon-Fire Bender max.
    6. Appearances must be in links and must work with the Avatar universe types of appearances if you use an image. It may be better to just write your appearance.
    7. Not everyone can use the special skills like Metal Bending, Healing, Lightning, etc. There will be a limit to who can use it and you may learn it in the RP itself within time with my permission.
    8. I’ll be the Avatar for plot reasons and to prevent god modding and enforce rule breaking in character.
    9. If you choose a dragon-fire bender then put “Dragon-Fire (*colour*)†in the bending option of the OC Form.

    OC Form:

    Nation: (Water, Earth, Fire or Air)
    Bending: (Water, Earth, Fire, Air or none)
    Bending specialty/additional techniques: (A special form of bending or skill or none if you’re character’s a regular Bender)
    Weapons: (3 max) (Must work with bending/nation and cannot be used to make things like flaming swords, they are only an extension of the body if used for bending)
    History: (nothing short, has to work within the Avatar universe)


    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Avatar Kilik
    Age: 16
    Nation: Water
    Bending: Water (will gain others later)
    Bending specialty/additional techniques: Avatar abilities.
    Weapons: A container for water on a sling around the hip, a water tribe machete.
    History: He was born and raised in the Northern Water Tribe where he was one of the poorest families. He had lived his life being taught how to fight with a weapon by his father who was a water tribe warrior and how to waterbend by the resident waterbending teacher with all the other students. He was discovered to be the Avatar at a young age but the government decided they must be wrong as someone so poor couldn’t possibly be the Avatar until he proved it with his rapidly increasing talent with water bending. At the age of 16 he was informed that he was the Avatar and left to train in the Earth Kingdom to learn Earth Bending.
    Other: Order to learn bending Water - Earth - Fire - Air

    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Fire Lord Sozai
    Age: 38
    Nation: Fire
    Bending: Fire
    Bending specialty/additional techniques: Lightning
    Weapons: None.
    History: The current firelord. He is noted to be one of the nicest men you could ever meet and also one of the most fearsome. Every few years he holds a firebending contest for the amusement of others and enters himself to which he usually ranks in the top 5, clearly holding back but still unleashing enough of his abilities to make an impression. Currently, he is trying to find the Dragon-Fire Benders and has sent soldiers all over the Fire Nation to find them.
    Other: n/a
    Thread by: Fayt-Harkwind, Jun 11, 2010, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Fayt-Harkwind
    This Monday I'll be restarting and judging the Top 5 and from each week afterwards till when ever, so I thought I'd just remind you AMV editors to get uploading in the user portal from today before Monday the 14th of June. Good luck and I hope to see many entries.
    Thread by: Fayt-Harkwind, Jun 8, 2010, 1 replies, in forum: Community News & Projects
  19. Fayt-Harkwind


    Thread by: Fayt-Harkwind, Jun 6, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Fayt-Harkwind
    (The name is from something else but it’s not actually based on it).

    This café lies in the middle of town. Its a quiet place but with regular customers who come each day for the famous coffee and tea that the quirky owner makes and sells. Although, recently, the owner is left all by himself to work as his previous waitresses and waiters have left to further their careers and now it is time to hire new people.

    You can either be a regular customer, a new customer or someone who is answering to the “Waiters/Waitresses Wanted†sign in the window.
    If you are a regular customer you must include the first time you came to the café and why you keep coming in your bio. This may include people who are attempting to get a job at the café who have been regular customers.


    1. Follow the rules of site and section.
    2. OOC Only with IC posts.
    3. No sexual BS, this site is PG/13 and we should keep it that way.
    4. No one line posts.
    5. Post appropriately to the way others do on this forum. No asterisks for actions, no theatre script type posts and for the love of god use correct punctuation.
    6. If your not going to post any more please tell me and have your character leave the RP with your post. The same goes for people who won't be around for a while, have your character go on holiday or something.
    7. Do not quote large posts.
    8. Do not argue with anyone for posts, if you have a problem tell me and I will sort it out.
    9. Break a single one of these rules and I will remove you from the RP instantly and will have a negative out look on you for your future RPing. So it’s better to read the rules and this entire post.

    OC Form:

    Name: (Full name with nicknames being in quotation marks. E.g. Robert “Bob“ Hoskins)
    Age: (Most will be accepted but children and certain ages of old must have a second character of an appropriate age with them as a carer/parent or guardian/family member)
    Job: (Something realistic, something that isn't too celebrity-like, put “Café Waiter/Waitress†if your going for a job at the café)
    Bio: (A bit of history that the owner or any local people might know about you, your first time at the café and why you keep coming back(if you're a regular) and any other relevant information you have such as how your character got their nickname)
    Appearance: (Use a description. If you struggle to make one yourself use this)
    Other: (Anything else)


    Username: Fayt-Harkwind
    Name: Kevin “Owner†Smith
    Age: 52
    Job: Café Owner
    Bio: The Owner opened up the café in his mid-twenties with his wife. He became famous for making a few new brands of coffee and tea during the early years but now not many people know of this. He gained the nickname “Owner†from how people who didn't know him would always address him as “Owner of this café†to which is commonly shortened to just Owner. He also has a pet Golden Retriever called Brian that lives in a indoor kennel in the café itself. Owner has trained Brian well enough to behave in doors.
    Appearance: This gentleman makes you think of a looming thundercloud. He has almond-shaped brown eyes that are like two tiger-eye gems. His fine, straight, yellow hair is worn in a style that reminds you of a fluttering flag. He is tall and has a masculine build. He has prominent ears and small hands. His wardrobe is classy and mysterious, with a lot of black.
    Other: N/A
    Thread by: Fayt-Harkwind, Jun 5, 2010, 3 replies, in forum: Retirement Home