Sponsors motoring on Dave so much that it has to say it 6 times in every advert break.
It's by James Cameron so it's guaranteed to be bland and boring, what a hit.
Pretty funny story, two guys made a toy of a Kamen Rider villain from another Kamen Rider villain toy, sold it and got arrested. http://www.jefusion.com/2011/01/custom-sic-utopia-dopant-seized.html
There is only one space left (for that limited edition version outfit which I won't be able to get) but there should be two spaces left for the Medici and Venetian capes but there isn't. Does this only apply to certain versions of the game or is it because of the update (since earlier screenshots don't show the Uplay outfits)? I know it requires me to play the Facebook game to get them, but I'm not trying to get them, I just want to know why there isn't gaps for the two capes.
The ghost of Christmas Copy Pasta. The ghost of Christmas Present Receipts. And the ghost of Christmas Future. Btw, I'm the ghost of Christmas Future. inb4noonegetsit
Don't get mad and ***** at me like usual, KHV. Take everything with a pinch of salt (considering how no KH game has stayed within the universal rules the first created). Btw, spoilers for those who ain't played BBS. So if Master Xehanort and Terra are continually battling for control while Xehanort was alive, when he was split into a Heartless and Nobody their minds/hearts/whatever the hell transfers nowadays since KH keeps rewriting it's universe's rules with every game. I was thinking about it since Ansem the Seeker of Darkness (The Heartless) has more qualities like MX while Xemnas has more qualities like Terra. It kinda makes sense since I've seen people say that Ven's heart was inside Roxas during Days, so I was thinking why couldn't it of happened to Terranort?
And for some reason the results for similar threads are Burning buildings in Current Events and A Hand Drawing A Hand in Traditional Art. That so very closely captures a similarity between a statement before a burning attack in the spam zone.
Lots of badass everywhere. I've totally got to get this game after my failure to emulate Climax Heroes W. It's basically one of those Bandai fighting games like Naruto Ultimate Ninja or any DBZ game but with Heisei Kamen Rider. My cup of tea. I also found it interesting that they are trying to get Americans more interested as they've added most of the Ryuki Riders which where used to make Kamen Rider Dragon Knight.
I've just got 3DS Max 2011 and I have to attach two models together, one is a base for a chess piece the other is a sphere for a pawn head. Only problem is I can't seem to figure out how to do it. I was shown it the other day but can't seem to find the right tools now and the model remains two separate objects. Any help is appreciated.
We’ve got a pretty good Top 5 again for you. I’ll just fly through this info. If you haven’t won this week keep trying each week and you might win, your amv isn’t necessarily bad but there is always room for improvement. Even for the best of editors. Keep trying and you may end up in the Top 5 some day. For any of you who have any problems with uploading for any reason feel free to drop me a message by VM or PM. Any other questions about the Top you can also ask the same way. I’ll keep this quote in to remind everyone: Much more uploads than last week but not as much as there usually was: 1. Leave the past in the past. <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Leave-the-past-in-the-past/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: FinalxMemories Song: When I’m Gone - Simple Plan Details: Very short but very good timing, choice of scenes, effects, transitions and other scene overlays or whatever you kids call them these days. It worked pretty well and the short snippet of song was perfect for the feel I think you where trying to get off. Nicely done. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Leave-the-past-in-the-past 2. Riku - My Boy! <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Riku-My-Boy/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: Bluelazor Song: My Boy! - Buono Details: Your test combination worked well. I can see where you went a bit lazy and what you mean by sloppy but it’s still very good. It managed to keep flow and effect use going quite well but I felt that some parts seemed to lack due to them being in between huge effects. It’s a very hard balance to maintain but still well done. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Riku-My-Boy 3. Tautology <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Tautology/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: Luminey Song: Tautology - Hatsune Miku Details: I’m not a big fan of Hatsune Miku or this whole synth voice thing that everyone seems to do these days but I totally didn’t notice that till the end of the video. I thought it was some old PS2 game soundtrack. Anywho, the use of black and white was oddly a good decision, it worked very well and with the light transitions throughout and the timing and sort of story like method of showing clips it worked greatly. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Tautology 4. Kingdom Hearts Tribute, Sanctuary <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Kingdom-Hearts-Tribute-Sanctuar/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: CrazyotakuAiko105 Song: Sanctuary - Utada Hikaru Details: It’s a solid amv, good use of some effects and transitions. Not much more I can say. The song works with the videos since it’s the KH opening itself therefore giving an audible KH feel to it and with the correct scenes you chose it also created a good visual feel. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Kingdom-Hearts-Tribute-Sanctuar 5. Listen to my voice <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Listen-to-my-voice/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: bunnies4ever Song: Move - Thousand Foot Krutch Details: It’s a good amv, it lacks a bit of flow around some parts but the effects and transitions are done nicely for the most part and the choices of scenes and timing was just as good. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Listen-to-my-voice
Well since only 5 videos where uploaded before midnight I only have five videos to give to you. Well, there was a sixth but it was removed from youtube. If you haven’t won this week keep trying each week and you might win, your amv isn’t necessarily bad but there is always room for improvement. Even for the best of editors. Keep trying and you may end up in the Top 5 some day. For any of you who have any problems with uploading for any reason feel free to drop me a message by VM or PM. Any other questions about the Top you can also ask the same way. I’ll keep this quote in to remind everyone: Anywho: 1. I’m sorry… <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Im-sorry/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: FinalxMemories Song: The Kind Band - Flyleaf Details: A fitting title to kick this weeks videos off. Almost as if your apologising for the small amount of videos. Of course that isn’t the case. It’s a well put together video, a good use of emotion for it though I’m sure it spoiled another part of BBS for me, ah well, spoilers come with this task lol. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Im-sorry 2. Make Up Break Up Part 2 "The Call" <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Make-Up-Break-Up-Part-2-The-Cal/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: Moonlight Wolf Song: I have no idea Details: It’s a decent video, follows the story you created for it well but I couldn’t help feel it was a bit jump from scene to scene. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Make-Up-Break-Up-Part-2-The-Cal 3. Kingdom Hearts - New Divide <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Kingdom-Hearts-New-Divide/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: costanza.dc Song: New Divide - Linkin Park Details: A fairly decent video, started off rather well but slightly lessen after it got to about a minute through. It felt like it was jumping from scene to scene. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Kingdom-Hearts-New-Divide 4. Kingdom Hearts Dammit <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Kingdom-Hearts-Dammit/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: Orlando217X Song: Details: Some good lip synching in here as well as visual representation of the song, but it’s too direct and just seems to be a visual version of the song with KH characters, it works well but it doesn’t flow for an AMV. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Kingdom-Hearts-Dammit 5. The Strangers [KH Style] <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/The-StrangersKH-Style/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: Anki-Higure Song: n/a Details: It’s a trailer for a film I barely remember I can tell that much, from what I remember of the trailer itself this video holds pretty well to it but with some scenes not really working or going on to long it felt kind of off, but the ending was good. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/The-StrangersKH-Style
What a good Top 5 we have this week. Let’s dive straight in. If you haven’t won this week keep trying each week and you might win, your amv isn’t necessarily bad but there is always room for improvement. Even for the best of editors. Keep trying and you may end up in the Top 5 some day. For any of you who have any problems with uploading for any reason feel free to drop me a message by VM or PM. Any other questions about the Top you can also ask the same way. I’ll keep this quote in to remind everyone: Anyway, let‘s get the list rolling: I consider the first three to be as good as one another, so in truth you’ve all gotten first place but I couldn’t all give you the same number xD 1. In A Flash / Birth By Sleep contest for KH-vids <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/In-A-Flash-Birth-By-Sleep-conte/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: rbh129 Song: TehJrn and JesuOtaku’s Fan-dub of the Digimon Savers theme Details: I really like this, it’s hard for me to notice when the scenes change which means it flows nicely. The song choice was great and worked well with your editing, effects, transitions and choice of footage. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/In-A-Flash-Birth-By-Sleep-conte 2. Falling Apart <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Falling-Apart/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: ajk515 Song: Falling Apart - Zebrahead Details: This is pretty good, the start made me jump as it suddenly started but the effects and editing was excellent. The text only editing at the start made me doubt what was going on at first then all the video editing showed up and worked well. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Falling-Apart 3. WHaT wOUld I T{T A K E} Venqua <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/WHaT-wOUld-I-TT-A-K-E-Venqua/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: Cat<3Sora Song: Apology (Acoustic Version) - Alesana Louder Than Thunder - The Devil Wears Prada Details: A nice use of continuous effects and different scenes from different games for your opening which was pretty cool. Then your BBS AMV was pretty well done with another continuous effect and overlay (I think that’s the name for it) as well as some good editing. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/WHaT-wOUld-I-TT-A-K-E-Venqua 4. The Darkness <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/The-Darkness/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: rosalia_4 Song: (I have no idea) Details: I like this. At first I thought “Oh crap, 7 minutes. I hope this is good†but you managed to keep me interested all the way through. I really liked this, it was a simple and nice video. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/The-Darkness 5. Deja vu..Again We Stray; <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Deja-vu-Again-We-Stray/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: xLifeIsOverratedx Song: Razor Red Noise- Ashes Details: This is a pretty well edited video, it works really well and was very entertaining. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Deja-vu-Again-We-Stray
Reposting this one too. Sorry I’m late with this. I have been rather busy lately. But better late than never anyway. There weren’t many uploads this week. Barely more than a page. Hopefully more uploads will appear next week. If you haven’t won this week keep trying each week and you might win, your amv isn’t necessarily bad but there is always room for improvement. Even for the best of editors. Keep trying and you may end up in the Top 5 some day. For any of you who have any problems with uploading for any reason feel free to drop me a message by VM or PM. Any other questions about the Top you can also ask the same way. I’ll keep this quote in to remind everyone: Anyway, on with the show I guess: 1. I don't know where you're going... <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/I-dont-know-where-youre-going/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: ajk515 Song: Listen to your heart - DHT Details: This is the type of music I really can’t stand, but the editing of the video was good. The multiple moving screens showing different clips progress has a very KH feel about it. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/I-dont-know-where-youre-going 2. Be M-Y {S . A . V . I . O . R} <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Be-M-Y-S-A-V-I-O-R/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: Cat<3Sora Song: Deathbed - There for Tomorrow Details: It’s very short, which is taken for a statement video, but it’s still very well edited. Although, the Namine voice clips sound like she’s on the verge of breaking the sound barrier. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Be-M-Y-S-A-V-I-O-R 3. Castle Oblivion: Another Way You Can Die <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Castle-Oblivion-Another-Way-You/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: TheRandomGain Song: Another Way You Can Die - Trans-Siberian Orchestra Details: I like this one, it’s well timed and has a theme throughout the video. You definitely kept with the beat and rhythm. 3:07 - 3:34 is no doubt my favourite part. It goes so well with the music and isn’t just normal footage being played but a mixture of sped up footage. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Castle-Oblivion-Another-Way-You 4. Burn It to the Ground Kingdom Hearts <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Burn-It-to-the-Ground-Kingdom-H/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: MasterXemnas Song: Burn It to the Ground - Nickelback Details: Like the last one, this definitely had a theme and kept to it. The lip synching was mostly spot on and the imagery is well done. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Burn-It-to-the-Ground-Kingdom-H 5. A Childhood Dream Achevied <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/A-Childhood-Dream-Achevied/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: Ragna Song: I forget the name but I know what the song is. Details: A lot of decent imagery is in this. The song goes surprisingly well with the clips you chose and it worked well enough. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/A-Childhood-Dream-Achevied
There won’t be a Top 5 this week due to the portal being deleted. Kidding. It’s still there. I’m a little late on this so UNLEASH THE COPY PASTA! Reposting this since it was deleted in the backdating. I guess I’ll get on with the usual. If you haven’t won this week keep trying each week and you might win, your amv isn’t necessarily bad but there is always room for improvement. Even for the best of editors. Keep trying and you may end up in the Top 5 some day. For any of you who have any problems with uploading for any reason feel free to drop me a message by VM or PM. Any other questions about the Top you can also ask the same way. I’d also like to point out something from last weeks Top 5 as well. Also, I will be deleting the oldest videos from the portal every time we run out of space, please notify me once you notice that you cannot upload videos. And as a last note, can people please not upload images to the User Portal, with the shortage on space it’s making it harder for uploaders to get things in before the space runs out. Anywho, without further ado. Here’s this week’s Top 5 1. Scream for You <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Scream-for-You/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: ajk515 Song: Scream for You - After Midnight Project Details: Pretty good, especially at the start. It had great flow and use of effects and transitions. I’ve been expecting some more stuff like this for a while. Also, you can sleep now. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Scream-for-You 2. Air Maker Videos Clan Worm <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Air-Maker-Videos-Clan-Worm/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: Ace Phoenix Song: Arg, thar be a few (why the hell am I a pirate?) Details: This is pretty good, I hate to say that the flow seems to decrease as the video goes along through each part. Each part is still pretty good and the first two link together well but I felt a total slice when it cut to Shadow Tags since you already linked the first two almost seamlessly. Either way, there’s some good editing from all participants in this. Good job. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Air-Maker-Videos-Clan-Worm 3. KH Who I Am Hates Who I've Been <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/KH-Who-I-Am-Hates-Who-Ive-Been/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: TheRandomGain Song: Who I am Hates who I've been - Relient K Details: Lots of flow. Lots of cutting about. Lots of nice. Probably should use real sentences but whatever. It explains it. Anywho, it’s nicely done. The timing is quite well. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/KH-Who-I-Am-Hates-Who-Ive-Been 4. Sora is Falling Inside The Black <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Sora-is-Falling-Inside-The-Blac/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: yushe101 Song: Falling Inside the Black - Skillet Details: I like a lot of this video, the black and white and the popping out transition thingy that I can’t remember the name of is quite good. Although, like you said, you abused the spinnies. I feel like if you had put them on a less super spin it might of worked a little better, still works but not as much as it could of. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Sora-is-Falling-Inside-The-Blac 5. Kingdom Hearts Lights and Sounds <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Kingdom-Hearts-Lights-and-Sound/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: Orlando217X Song: Lights and Sounds - Yellowcard Details: It’s quite nicely edited, the transitions are good but I feel like parts of it are out of time. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Kingdom-Hearts-Lights-and-Sound
Reposting the repost of the rules since the hacker attack deleted it. The rules may not be exactly the same as the first repost so please read them again. If you have any questions regarding the following rules please PM a member of staff assigned to the roleplaying section or a super moderator, presently, your best bet is me. - General Rules - 1) If an RP dies/is locked/ is deleted, you must seek permission of the section mod for that area (that would be me at the moment) or someone higher before you can restart it. Restarting locked/dead threads will result in a warning unless you have permission. 2) This is an open forum, friends/family only RPs will not be allowed and they will be locked. This is the same for all RPers. If you wish someone to be removed from a thread, then contact the staff about it so we can maybe resolve the issue. 3) Any thread that has gone for 30 days without a new post will be deleted, if you are going to be away for that length of time then please inform me so that I know to keep your thread running. 4) RPs created solely for the intention of violence will not be tolerated, this includes threads of the sort: "YEAH LETS GO KILL *insert name here*" Threads such as these will be closed immediately. I see this sort of thread often from a particular member, I will be issuing warnings. 5) Please watch your overall content, there are some RPs I have seen where the RPers have overstepped the mark regarding relationships or violence, remember there are younger members here too please. In addition, there is a 20-word minimum for all posts in this section, so kindly think before you post. 6) POLLS are not allowed in this section, post them and I will be editing them out unless there is a very good reason for them to be kept. 7) This rule is very important as it is the one that I see broken the most; RPers can only make 10 RPs at a time, anymore than 10 and they WILL be locked. Keep making them and I will give warnings. ONLY 10 ACTIVE THREADS ALLOWED FROM ANY ONE MEMBER AT ANY GIVEN TIME. 8) No flaming or bashing in your RP, if there is a problem contact a mod, flaming and fighting occuring in the thread will result in thread closure. 9) No more replies to threads saying things such as "Is anybody going to join?" or "Why aren't people joining?" or anything of that sort. It is useless and off topic and although posts don't count here posts such as that are certainly not necessary. Posts such as those will be deleted. Be patient, eventually someone is likely to come in to your RP. 10) Two person Roleplays are no longer tolerated. Two people can roleplay through visitor messages, personal messages or IM. An RP with two people for whatever reason, as in all the other members left and are not returning, you aren’t allowing members into the thread when there is only two of you, etc will be closed on sight and you may dispute it to myself or any Roleplaying Staff member. - Special Policies - I.) Regarding Retries: Retries will only be permitted under certain circumstances. You must PM a mod/admin if you wish to start over for it can be a waste of server space and clutters up the forum, annoying other members. After you've requested a retry - while also explaining your reasons as to why you think you should be allowed one - the mod/admin will decide whether your thread is worthy of a retry or not. They will then close the previous thread. A retry may be granted if: 1. The previous thread got out of hand. 2. Too many participants became unavailable. A retry may not be granted if: 1. People simply lost interest in the thread. 2. The previous thread gained no attention. If the retry still fails to achieve it's purpose, it may also be closed. II.) Regarding threads with 4,000 posts or more Due to recent events, (database errors, don't we all love them) it has been decided that all threads with 4,000 or more replies must be closed and a version 2 started in their place. Although throughout the rest of the forum the limit is 5,000, I've spoken with a few of the other staff and we've agreed that the limit should be a bit lower here just to be sure. Can't be bad to add some extra precaution. I've created a list of all RP's that this applies to. If you are the creator of one of these RP's, please follow the following steps: -Create a version 2 thread in the same section as the version one is currently in -PM me letting me know that you have done so and I will lock the old one. Hopefully this will help and the dbe errors will become less of an issue. C: III.) When and when not to post in the General RP Lobby Role-Playing Arena (Otherwise known as the General RP section or RP lobby): ~Summary: This is the general area of the RPA; Not a subsection, the main lobby. ~What to post here: KH themed RPs Other video game themed RPs ~Common instances of wrong threads being posted here: This is where I have seen most of the mistakes. Since this is the general area, lots of people overlook the subsections and post all types of threads here. I have also seen the mistake of having Crossover RP's in this section as well- remember that this section is for RP's with ONLY KH characters and OC's in REGULAR KH SETTINGS only- this means only places and such that occur or could occur in the KH universe. RP's about KH characters in shopping malls, amusement parks, etc. DO NOT belong here. Also I'm going to be making updates with new stickies and such in each of the sections, all of whom will be linked here once they're created. IV.) Regarding which members of staff to contact for RP related queries At first contact a Sectional Moderator assigned to the roleplay section, if they aren't online or do not get back to you within a few days (I'd say 3-5) contact a Super Moderator. If neither a Sectional Moderator or Super Moderator is online either leave a message to one or if the situation is dire contact an Administrator. Thanks for reading~ KH-Vids.net staff
[Except I didn't because it's the middle of the day.]
Iz eet suppossed 2 b confusen oar jus az a sily jk oar wat?
Alright, Top 5 time again. I guess I’ll get on with the usual. If you haven’t won this week keep trying each week and you might win, your amv isn’t necessarily bad but there is always room for improvement. Even for the best of editors. Keep trying and you may end up in the Top 5 some day. For any of you who have any problems with uploading for any reason feel free to drop me a message by VM or PM. Any other questions about the Top you can also ask the same way. I’d also like to point out something from last weeks Top 5 as well. Also, I will be deleting the oldest videos from the portal every time we run out of space, please notify me once you notice that you cannot upload videos. And as a last note, can people please not upload images to the User Portal, with the shortage on space it’s making it harder for uploaders to get things in before the space runs out. Anywho, without further ado. Here’s this week’s Top 5 1. KH Separate Ways Worlds Apart HD <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/KH-Separate-Ways-Worlds-Apart-H/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: CrazyotakuAiko105 Song: Separate Worlds Apart - Journey Details: This video was great, it had brilliant flow all the way through a good use of effects and transitions overall and the length was pretty good to be keeping the flow with. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/KH-Separate-Ways-Worlds-Apart-H 2. Kingdom Hearts Whisper <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Kingdom-Hearts-Whisper/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: CrazyotakuAiko105 (again) Song: Whispers - Evanescence Details: A well timed video with lots of great uses of effects and transitions. Almost bordering on overkill at some parts but very good. Keep it up. There where also some jumps in the sound that sounded like parts of the song where cut out. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Kingdom-Hearts-Whisper 3. I’m BAAACK :D <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Im-BAAACK-D/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: nami002 Song: Sanctuary - Utada Hikaru Details: A nice video, great effects timing and transitions and well as flow but it’s not really an amv, more of a statement. Still, got you 3rd place. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Im-BAAACK-D 4. New Fire by Sent By Ravens AMV <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/New-Fire-by-Sent-By-Ravens-AMV/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: KHLOVER4EVA Song: New Fire - Sent By Ravens Details: You’ve made me like this song, first time hearing it and it’s got a good video with it. You used your editing well with this song. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/New-Fire-by-Sent-By-Ravens-AMV 5. Dream in color <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Dream-in-color/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: ajk515 Song: Samantha the Great - Patent Pending Details: There’s some really good flow in this video, it goes well with the transitions you used as well. It was kinda short and the ending kinda lost the flow and was a bit iffy though. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Dream-in-color
It's a Kamen Rider Decade MV made using parts from Movie War 2010. It looks a lot better when I play it in media player but youtube somehow made the screen size and quality screw up and now it just doesn't feel right. Either way, here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aWtnU2yJZk And as a bit of an extra: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFEJ9My_Wo4
Top 5 time. It’s a little late this time but due to having a lot of things to do on and off site I got a little side tracked. Nether the less, I got it out today. I guess I’ll get on with the usual. If you haven’t won this week keep trying each week and you might win, your amv isn’t necessarily bad but there is always room for improvement. Even for the best of editors. Keep trying and you may end up in the Top 5 some day. For any of you who have any problems with uploading for any reason feel free to drop me a message by VM or PM. Any other questions about the Top you can also ask the same way. I’d also like to point out something from last weeks Top 5 as well. This will help reduce running out of space quickly and will also enable editors to enter for longer and hopefully increase the amount of videos uploaded by individuals instead of lots by one or two people. Anywho, without further ado. Here’s this week’s Top 5 1. KH Open Arms Lyrics <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/KH-Open-Arms-Lyrics/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: CrazyotakuAiko105 Song: Open Arms - Journey Details: A nice amv overall. The effects get a little overwhelming at times but it does manage to keep the flow except for a single point near the end which can throw people off a little but manages to bring them back on track. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/KH-Open-Arms-Lyrics 2. WORM Part <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/WORM-Part-2/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: Cat<3Sora Song: Misery Loves It's Company - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Details: It’s short, but it is a worm part, although, the editing and use of effects works well. Good job. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/WORM-Part-2 3. Kingdom Hearts- Breakaway <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Kingdom-Hearts-Breakaway-2/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: mpc1301 Song: (you’ll need to fill me in) - Kelly Clarkson Details: It’s a nicely put together amv with some good choices of scenes to be used. It lacks in transitions a little as the transitioning to the next clip goes very quickly, but considering the song it does work. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Kingdom-Hearts-Breakaway-2 4. Riku Worm Part 2 <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Riku-Worm-Part-2/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: Shadow Tag Song: (you’ll need to fill me in, though I should know this since I made an amv with this song before xD) Details: It’s nicely done, good use of transitions but the length (although it is for a worm) is lacking and it just lacks that feeling that other videos seemed to have this week. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Riku-Worm-Part-2 5. Torn a part {Find your love} <iframe src="http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Torn-a-part-Find-your-love/player?layout=" width="320" height="376" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe> Submitted by: FreeHeart Song: Find your Love - Drake Details: It’s nicely edited and timed with good uses of some effects and transitions but the sound quality was very low as in very quiet and the green tint was very off putting after a while. Link: http://kh-vidsportal.magnify.net/video/Torn-a-part-Find-your-love