I'm not sure if it's a problem with my computer or youtube itself but there is no sound on every video on youtube. It's all got this x problem. If it's an April Fools thing, it's a day late but if not what is wrong with youtube and how do I fix it?
She's... not very good.
I’m on a tight schedule so I’ve not got much to say, so here’s this week’s Top 5. 1. Kingdom Hearts First Date Submitted by: orlando. Song: First Date – Blink 182 Details: This was very well put together and timed. Great uses of scenes, more so towards the end. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=151 2. We are... Kingdom Hearts Submitted by: Ominous-Glory Song: (?) Details: This was very trailer-ific. It didn’t lose its pace as well. I do have to say, you should try getting your different video clips to be the same screen size on the timeline, it gives it a smoother feel. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=146 3. I Promise You Kingdom Hearts Submitted by: Keyblade_Smokey Song: (?) Details: This was very well put together. The main problem is that at first I thought it was soundless but after a moment I could hear it and had to turn up my speakers to a very, very high volume. Everything else about the video was pretty good. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=153 4. KH Savin’ Me Submitted by: H5485X Song: Savin’ Me by Nickelback Details: It starts off very well, has a pretty good middle but there is a lot of unnecessary flashes (the parts where it flashes inside the same scene once near the beginning and once in the middle) which overall take away from the flow. Its good but the flow fluctuates a lot. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=150 5. Kingdom Hearts: Marchin’ On Submitted by: allie.russell Song: (?) Details: There are some good scene choices but sometimes they drag on just that little bit too long which can get boring if you’re not lucky. Overall it’s good but it starts to lose its flow as time goes on. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=149 [Insert Fanfare here] If you haven’t gotten a pin before, you’ll be getting one now.
Is that woman on The Chase a man with a sex change?
I was going to make this a top 10 instead of a Top 5 but due to circumstances I’m gonna have to make this a Top 5 for the two weeks instead. Sorry for any inconveniences. Anywho, here’s the Top 5. 1. Kingdom Hearts - Shock Submitted by: kngdmhrts2 Song: Shock by Beast Details: I liked this, it has great flow and wasn’t over using anything. It works well with the music and the scene choices fit it well for the beat. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=124 2. How To Save A Life beta Submitted by: bluekingboy Song: How to Save a Life by The Fray Details: It was quite a slow video which is good, I’ve seen a lot of people over step the pace once the drums enter but you’ve done a good job keeping it at a good flow and with some good scene choices. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=135 3. Until the Day I Die Kingdom Hearts Submitted by: Swordmaker Song: Until the Day I Die by Story of the Year Details: This is pretty good for a first AMV. It kept up with the song and had good scene choices. You’ve nailed the timing but there were a few rough transitions and a few times a split second of another clip popped up. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=144 4. Kingdom Hearts GMV-His World-Zebrahead (Pitched) Submitted by: Mewtwo434 Song: His World by Zebrahead (pitched) Details: Not sure what’s with the pitching of the song but the editing was fast and didn’t really slow down heavily and there was some decent inclusion of gaming clips which isn’t all that well pulled off by a lot of people. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=122 5. Kingdom Hearts A Little Less Sixteen Candles Submitted by: orlando. Song: A Little Less Sixteen Candles by Fall-Out Boy Details: There is some interesting scene jumping transitions and use of scenes, but there was a lot of flashes which I had to get used to while watching it. It’s still not bad for something you say you didn’t really know what you were doing at the time. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=126 Let’s see what you could of won a speedboat. If you haven’t gotten a pin before, you’ll be getting one now. I'll probably stop with the Bull's Eye jokes and do something like the Generation Game next time.
Best thing I've seen on Comic Relief since I was a kid.
It's not your fault.
Click here to go to the RP. Rules 1. Follow the rules of site and section. 2. Power Rangers only, no Super Sentai. It’d just get confusing otherwise. 3. 3 characters per person. For now. 4. The Rangers and Villains don’t need to be the one’s from the show. You can just blame time distortions for the rangers being different people, but it doesn’t mean you have to make up a character. For instance, you can be the Green MMPR as Tommy Oliver while someone else is the White MMPR as Tommy Oliver while someone else is a made up character as the Black Dino Thunder Ranger. 5. The Psycho Rangers, and any other evil rangers, would be on the villain side. 6. Post all OCs in the OOC thread 7. I’ll add more rules as I need them. Ranger Form Username: Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Ranger: Ranger Appearance: Bio: Other: Villain Form Username: Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Human Disguise: (Optional) Bio: Other: Other Form Username: Name: Gender: Age: Appearance: Role: (What they do if they aren’t a Ranger or Villain) Bio: Other: Accepted Characters Rangers: Villains: Spoiler: Fayt-Harwkind Username: Fayt-Harkwind Name: Time Lord Zedd Gender: Male Age: Unknown Appearance: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/0/06/Zedd2.jpg/250px-Zedd2.jpg Human Disguise: N/A Bio: Lord Zedd was possessed by the being of time but because of his evil powers he maintained control causing the two to merge in mind and body, but with Zedd having a personality and greater willpower leaves the merged being mostly Zedd. Other: N/A Others: Spoiler: Fayt-Harwkind Username: Fayt-Harwkind Name: Zordon Gender: Male Age: Unknown Appearance: Role: Mentor and overseer of the Power Rangers Bio: Zordon was returned to life, oddly, he seemed to know everything that was going on and somehow summoned Rangers from different times and universes together. Other: Gotta play as Zordon, otherwise my plot won’t make sense.
Click here to go to the OOC Thread A new enemy arises. A being said to be born from time itself awakens from its slumber. Its existence causes time to fluctuate and the timelines of the infinite universes become one. With a simple thought it summons itself a body, a powerful master of darkness from the past of the universe and merges with it to become a mastermind of unbelievable power. The body it chose was that of Lord Zedd, a once powerful lord of evil. With time in the hands of Lord Zedd, who shares a body with the being of time, he summons the shattered legions of evil from the infinite timelines and together proposes to conquer the universe, starting with their most troublesome foe, Earth. With the villains being able to exist in the same universe, so do the Power Rangers. But something has changed; Zordon returned and along with Zedd, possesses the only knowledge of what has happened. As such he summons every Ranger he can locate in the twisted time to the Command Center and explains to them that Lord Zedd has returned as the ultimate threat. The Rangers begin their war against all of evil. Rules 1. Follow the rules of site and section. 2. Power Rangers only, no Super Sentai. It’d just get confusing otherwise. 3. 3 characters per person. For now. 4. The Rangers and Villains don’t need to be the one’s from the show. You can just blame time distortions for the rangers being different people, but it doesn’t mean you have to make up a character. For instance, you can be the Green MMPR as Tommy Oliver while someone else is the White MMPR as Tommy Oliver while someone else is a made up character as the Black Dino Thunder Ranger. But it might be easier to play as a character that is already defined for you. 5. Post all OCs in the OOC thread 6. I’ll add more rules as I need them. OC’s and accepted characters are in the OOC thread.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKN9VZG20Ng&feature=channel_video_title I like this one, so I thought I'd post it. Sure, it's not my best out of all my AMVs, but until I uploaded the rest of my videos, it's my best Kamen Rider one (well, kinda, it's tied with my Kamen Rider Sasword one). If you're gonna give me feedback, please don't tell me to use effects. I'm not a big fan of them unless it's something subtle or I go green/blue screen mad. Also, the part where Weather (the white monster who shoots rainbows) explodes, that's not my doing. It is a bad cut-out before the explosion that was actually in the show.
With a new Video Portal we’re back with the Top 5. It’s been a while since the last one because of a number of problems that popped up, but with everything out of the way and a new portal we can get back on with this. Anywho, here are this week’s Top 5. The date range is a little extended to fit with the video portal’s opening. 1. Kingdom Hearts: Birth by sleep- airplanes mash up Submitted by: Ienzo Song: Airplanes Mash Up – Paramore/B.O.B. Details: Everything is greatly in time. There is a good choice of scenes used, more so for the little popping up scenes over another. Overall, it was very good and had an interesting song choice that you managed to fit scenes to on the most part without them being along the lines of the lyric saying stars and showing stars on screen. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=20 2. Kingdom Hearts Bad Apple English Version Submitted by: Cloudrunner62 Song: Bad Apple – Not sure who it’s by Details: Holy crap, this was very fast. The pace of this video was quite rapid, but it worked with the song and the scene choices. It was pretty good, very entertaining but there were a few lacking parts and the screen ratios where everywhere with different scenes from different games. Regardless, it was a very entertaining video. It felt reminiscent of some old games I’ve played and the initial beat of the song reminded me of Tekken lol. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=104 3. Room of Angel Kingdom Hearts Submitted by: crazyotakuaiko105 Song: Room of Angel – No idea who it’s by Details: This was something I didn’t expect. It was a slowish song but with the scene choices and editing with great use of transitions you gave it a very dramatic feel. It got a little heavy with overlapping videos near the end for a few seconds in places but it was still very good and didn’t reduce from the flow as it was picked up again a second or two later. Overall it was very well edited with the right choices made. I’d give you a pat on the back but I don’t own any postmen. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=6 4. Kingdom hearts - Face down Submitted by: Marcell Song: Face Down – Red Jumpsuit Apparatus Details: Lots of flashes from the start, was a little blinding but kept in time with the beat. Maybe try softer flashes if possible. Anywho, there was lots of good editing all over the place and some interesting transition combinations and chains. Along with some well places scene choices it was very entertaining. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=103 5. Kingdom Hearts Rise Above This Submitted by: orlando Song: Rise Above This by Seether Details: I enjoyed watching this video. It started off wonderfully. It has lots of great transitions and effects with some great manipulation of multiple scenes woven together but it lost some pace and flow in the middle which threw me off a bit. It got better shortly after that but for a good 30 seconds I lost the flow. It was still a good video though. Link: http://www.kh-vids.net/media.php?do=details&mid=45 And now for Bully's special prize: If you haven’t gotten a pin before, you’ll be getting one now. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a giant trampoline to bounce on.
This could be either good, bad or as I predict, completely on it's own from the games but borrows frame for frame combat or imagery from the games most popular moments like the RE movies. Anywho, there's the small bit of information here. I hope they don't screw this up or turn it into another cash cow series which confuses the games even more than what Ninja Theory will probably do. http://www.jefusion.com/2011/03/devil-may-cry-live-action-movie.html
Yeah, I thought I only had to do 10 for the trophies and I would be done, but the win 50 online fights titles have proceeded to get in my way. It'll take me forever to do it, any help like online gameplay tips would be handy.
Males and females aren't allowed to look in the same direction.
And it had two human size bees, one male and one female complete with make up. They would talk about a current deal at a phone shop and one of them would try to enter the building through the window. Then the deal changed and so did the voices of the bees. Now the female bee has a man's voice.