Possibly relies on a person's hatred? they seek: happiness! xDD;; reason they are after kingdom hearts: they want to find hearts that are filled with happiness! @ o @ What creatures make up: happiness! xDD;; it's a stupid idea, I suppose.
Brightdown -- Nami Tamaki
You Belong With Me -- Taylor Swift
Freedom -- Akon
You're awesome
cows chewed your right leg off
OC form- Username: Arixik Name: Imax Gender: Female Good or Evil: Evil~ Color: Green 8D Personality: Quiet, shy, and looks up to her siblings and parents. Never stands up for herself though, and is usually torn between agreeing with who. Is usually just a tag-along. Sometimes gathers up courage to fight in battle, but rarely.
made a black hole
So, two more characters then? -waits-
Vanessa glanced up at Jim before nodding. "My name is Vanessa." She said simply, shaking his hand.
Roxas' theme and One Winged Angel.
lol. yush he does.
NAME: Vannessa AGE: Sixteen DORM: Vellian Crowler APPEARANCE:http://i259.photobucket.com/albums/hh317/PalmTreeParadise2010/Picture159-1.jpg SEX: FEMALE DEAKS MAIN ATTRABUTE: Fire SKILLS: Mage
Painted toe nails pink
F My Life.
Welcome to KH-Vids! n o n I have no idea what to say besides 'follow the rules, don't spam, be nice, and have fun!' Yeah...I'm Arixik. I give out cakes. -hands some pixels- xD
I'll Make A Man Out of You - Mulan Kidnap the Sandy Claws (whatever the name is, its the one that the three ghouls sing...I think.) - Nightmare before Christmas I won't say I'm in love - Hercules
I'm going with both. I mean, the organization kicks butt and were the bosses in Kingdom Hearts II. But then, the Disney Organization thingy were in Kingdom Hearts II AND Kingdom Hearts I. I like Oogie Boogie from the Disney Organization, but I like Zexion as well. I like Hades, but I like Axel. But there are more people I hate from the Disney Organization then Organization XIII. I still like both though.
Dancing Queen -- ABBA
Hmm... I'll be Namine, I suppose.