BBS -- Ven, Aqua, and Terra make the game pretty interesting. Along with the new worlds, (Cinderella, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty). And its in the past, so I'm pretty excited about this game. Days -- I've seen lots of updates about Days. The only thing that interests me is Xion and why Roxas betrayed the organization. That's pretty much it.
Hiiiiiiiii. Just a question: How can nightmares be sweet? xD
I like the last one. It's calm and pretty. xD
I didn't find him annoying. I would have preferred it if he didn't have false memories, just the actual attitude. His battles proved to be some-what challenging, and I didn't really care about Zexion's dying. -shot- His mind was manipulated by Axel, all he wanted to do was be real. I mean, the whole dying part was sad and tragic, but the whole murder crime was based on manipulations of the mind. Not the kind of way that Zexion should go, but I never really did like Zexion a lot. -shot again- Overall, I think that he's a cool bada-- character.
Luxord in Wonderland? I think the cards have just met their worst nightmare. xD Roxas will probably help Alice. I hope that we can fight the queen in this game.
If gintas didn't tell you to apologize, would you? If you have a problem with another member, just tell a mod. Don't create a thread asking to ban someone, it just looks noobish. =/ Thanks for apologizing anyways.
Zexion's hair, Roxas' eyes, Kairi's voice, Axel's tatoos, and Kairi's body. xD
Bound by Donna Jo Napoli. o.o;; It's really easy, but I felt bored and I picked it up and read it. It's a good story too.
McDonalds. "Super Size Me" changed my whole perspective about McDonalds. =/
KH I. Mostly because of the fact that you just had to really just press 'x' and you win.
I know. But a lot of people that I know like the series, and I'm just like, "WTF" to them because they like Twilight. I don't get why they like Twilight though...
... NONE. D8 I totally watch all the movies made by Disney. Seriously, I can't remem- Spongebob the movie! 8D
I don't really bother editing my Gummi Ship. If I was bored, I would, but then it would turn out something really ugly.
Neverland, it would be great to see Captain Hook again. Personally, I wouldn't mind having Deep Jungle, but I was kind of glad that they didn't put in in. I think that they replaced "End of the World" with "The World That Never Was". With the new plot, I don't think that it would be very logical to have "End of the World" again.
Pluto needs a keyblade. Kingdom Key, unless there's one that fits him more.
Reno! Having Zack in there would be sorta weird. Kadaj!
Any cutscene with Demyx in it is an instant win. Cloud V.S. Sephiroth was pretty cool too.
Saw the box art and loved it. Plus, I knew Square from Final Fantasy. So I was, "Why not?" Bought it and became obsessed with it. xD
Vexen's laugh in Japanese, always made me laugh. xD
-runs away and hides under a cardboard box-