-pulls out gun- and you are mine -eyes glow darker >:D
-puts on the same dress and skips away with you 8D
-jumps up and down with you- >.<
-nods- yes :DDDD
lol XDDDD there has to be seriousness in a war :D
yeah!!!! lets go youre the leader D:>
lol ^_^U XDDDDDD
lol revenge? XDDD but the war bearly began XDDDDD
-people starts to stare as we hug our pokemon- rawr rawr rawr eevee- -uggles blastois and bites it- 8D
-turns on light- ok :D
lmao XDDDDD but eevee loves meh :D -eevee snuggles me- <3
-uses fly swater to kill the fly-
Red xddddddd
Kanji Tatsumi age- 17 Gun and any sturdy item electricity RED ARMY 8D
**** the whole trade thing -_-;;;;
lol so how do i add on to it???? i dont want there to be any confusion i mean im confused to begin with DX
ok ok then send me the link to the rp :D
lol i just post it and you respond? XDDD is there more peoples D:
uh sure but i havent done it in a forum i dont know how do we take turns????? D:
-pets blastoise 8D-