I believe Nomura only said she had a special CONNECTION with Sora, but didn't say there was anything special about her birth.
This reminds me of when I knew nothing about KH so when I heard Organization XIII, I thought, this is a game with 13 different organizations? Must be some RTS....
Don't worry, there's one tiny thing hidden in Nomura's interviews stating she might come back. Along with the rest of the Organization.
Nomura said tragic, but he also said BRAVE and tragic. She'll probably sacrifice herself to save Axel/Roxas/Riku/Pluto. I'm betting on Pluto.
Hmmmm.... Roxas is a special nobody Xion is a special nobody a weird fact is that Namine is NOT a special nobody according to Axel/Namine(I forgot which)
Yeah, I believe at the very least, you'll see the (apprentice) organization member's somebodies throughout BBS in subtle places.
But Xigbar/Braig is one of the characters that SHOULD be in BBS, I mean, he knows a lot more about what happened than most of the organization, the original 5 apprentices, or even perhaps more than Xemnas, since Xigbar would remember both what happened during BBS directly AND whatever he eavesdropped from Xemnas.
He means how Roxas's keyblade was summoned with numbers circling around it while Terra's was with the shiny geometric pieces with the burst of light at the end.
Where'd Braig fit in? Because you know, ALL great BBS theories have to have Braig in them.
This is the trailer on the official website. The guy probably misunderstood, he saw the keyblades were the same, Xion uses it against Roxas, and Roxas was surprised. However, she did not steal his keyblade(at least in that trailer), and in another trailer/scan, Roxas goes, "you can wield the keyblade too?" when they're still in the org, so she probably had the blade by then.
An intersting thing is that on the trailer on the official website, when they get ranked, while Roxas and Xigbar are pissed that they lost, Saix is all "Oh wow, I won, what a surprise" and Axel is all "Oh wow, I lost, what a surprise"
http://yuukihikari.livejournal.com/672679.html#cutid3 "Friendly Fire" is on... ROFL. I think I did more damage to people in my 4 person party than any heartless (I couldn't figure out how to target lock until I played in single player mode XD;). I played as Marluxia, Jacqueline played as Axel. Org members 1-14 are playable (yes, 14) but in the demo only half are available. I don't know if that was deliberate for the demo or if it's a hint that you need to unlock them. Xigbar, Vexen, Axel, Marluxia, Larxene, Roxas were playabe... 1 more too but I've forgotten who. The game is completely button mashable. The control functions have been made available before, but here you go again: you control your camera with your thumb(s) on the lower screen, switch the D-Pad from directional to menue using X, Y is dodge roll, B is jump, A is attack, L1 is shortcut menue, R1 is camera reset, L1+R1 = target lock. They have friendly fire? O_o they must not like each other too much. Anyhow, it looks like they've finished Vexen, and the Xion is also playable. Looks to be a really interesting game. Anyhow, how do you guys think the game will be with friendly fire? We can finally have an Org member vs Org member.
He said KH2...
The thing is though, ORG member names are based off English names, like how Braig, Dilan, Even, Aeleus, and Ienzo were all supposed to be English names. I was thinking more of Ino, cause thats the closest you can get to an English name IMO.
Ooh, I had this theory too! And Nomura mentioned in his interview that one of the scenes in the trailer holds a vital clue for Aqua. I think the one where she jumps away from the ight, and then light from her heart floats away into the big light shows that she may be a princess of heart.
I think that Aqua plays like Master/Final Form, Terra plays like Limit Form, and Ven plays like anti/Valor form. No love for wisdom...
Guys, look! Xaldin's dodge rolling! Its at 1:26, he looks really funny!
Hey, look, Aqua has Master/Final Form's ability of the keyblade attacking by itself. Looks like she's at least a mid-game char, no master/final form ownage in the beginning... Also, they seem to have finished Marluxia and Lexaeus's char. Lexaeus is just like how Nomura said, but Marluxia seems to have a series of rapid, broad attacks. However, seems to have low defense seeing how he almost died once. Also, Marluxia had to use a potion, not cure. He also runs pretty fast.
On that scan, there are 3 things: Attack MAGIC Items Magic should be usable if its... you know, on the command menu...
Don't worry Roxaspartanti, they have invented this wonderful thing called Wifi :D Yeah, I was thinking it would be too laggy at first, but now I realize they have to get around that since otherwise, the 4 player max will never be reached by most people.