Inuendo? Doesn't that have something to do with sex? -Nibbles on Pizza, dipped in Marinara sauce-
doesn't wish that posts in the Spamzone counted
But, "Them" represents all those who could not be heard before.
doesn't want to read my poetry
"I have a voice, I make a sound, I will be heard, I will be loud. Listen to my shouts of war, like you've never heard them before. Remaining deep in the worlds of old, skin becoming ever so cold. Something lost inside my soul, Comin' to surface, 'cause I am Bold. No one to tell me what to do or say. No one to tell me how to spend my day. Flowers, roses, tulips, violets. Remnants somewhere deep inside us. We can't help but be heard, our silence is roaring, causing constant disturbance. And something tells me that no matter how far you see, one thing, you'll never see comin', is me. You see all over the globe, millions of miles, but you can't see me, giving you a Chelsea Smile. Shaky hands holding a knife tight, pressed to your lips, are mine. Deep, passionate kiss, just before I uproar with silence. something alone, something bold. Something warm, something cold. Love me. Hate me. But, please.. Just look at me, for i will not be ignored." I will not be ignored- by DeathWaltz Roxas
hasn't thought about what Catch the Rain looks like nude.
I looooooove you moooooooore
Username: (Sorta hidden in Background) DeathWaltz Roxas Text: Dark kingdoms lie faithlessly Font: Starguides Subtext: Mandy+Russ Render: (Render = pic?) Style: Kinda sepia-ish, but still with colour~ If I didn't give something that was needed, or gave something wrong, please let me know. I'm new.. xD -PS:- Thanks, in advance.
god, im stupid.. x-x anyway.. I LOVE YUU
Finish one line of the lyrics! Keep it going to keep Cody happy! I-i-i know this pretty rave girl
Xaren..? Who be that? I see. .. I wish I could kiss my girlfriend.. ='[ we live in two different states... -Listens to Waking the Demon-
... your avvy... WHEN DID SORA AND KAIRI KISS?!?!?!?!?!?!?
I love you more than RJ loves food. -BTW to all readers: this thread may turn into a "I love you more than.." fest-
I know. Me, too. CtR took my Fanfic down without warning. >O .. Ello to you too.. Sure. You has yahoo?
What's to make you think my life is bad? Because of a depressing/dark poem?
Err-- Was that directed at me, or my girlfriend. ^^; Seeing as how My introduction and hers are kinda on the same thread, since she's almost a complete noob, and I don't think she knows where the introduction thread is, or how to make a new topic.. >>;
I love you too, honey. you are the sausage to my PB&J.
Sadly.. CtR took it down. Due to my own fault, of Sexual Content.
Why is it there is no pizza sauce in my cupcake?