actually yes 1 more ???(G) YA2M-3XHA-3F931 089X-V6UU-8RFQR
lol you saw it here it is in action i used it
oh yeah those are all goofy slots too so do not put more than one at a time on ok
hostile program(G) F34X-1K1Q-RF5MM YBKN-ZVQG-AC2MJ grim reaper(G) YBJN-D9D1-UZ777 05RP-96E1-VH3KA hades(G) BCR6-E9VV-E8KQ7 7XHH-U22J-D5WH6 would someone please test these i want to know if hades and the grimreaper are attackable you can request them in another thread
roxas with final did not work and niether did the wisdom form the game just froze
drive into wisdom with this code on lol KDK3-U7WR-EET4Q 9GU1-3YZ4-NPB2Z
the roxas one did not work... so i tried a different form and still did not work K3PK-HTRB-6AEUZ QAK9-1H1K-VXYBU that is roxas wisdom form
triple diff boss battle 1st attempt (failed) 2nd attempt (won) rate and comment please
oh you are probably thinking of apuls i used the same strategy guard/ reflect - the new abilities and- glide also decisive pumkin powers up your finishing move also i posted this in the video warehouse
yeah i should try that next also it seems some times the game slows down yes but my game is pretty scratched up so when ever i drive it takes like 5 sec before i actually take that form mean while he is slashing me to see how much damage he does take a look at this vid
no cause i drived 8 times in a row vs luxord no anti form here do not drive next to sephy at lv1 instant death
well i had free drive on so that may have conflicted with it
hey the code will sometimes freeze the game agianst bosses so far it has happened with sephy and xemnas for me next i am going to try luxord
yeah i know i am subscribed to you i wont leak the code either oh btw i am nauskev2 on youtube
evilman is it ok if i use it in one of my vids?
this is for kh2 right? video is really blurry i was using my web cam and it looked fine on the preview screen; youtube has really bad quality
E2W2-3E4W-Z59NZ PG7K-EQRD-JTZMR DRK0-ZCG7-ER0NG here is the other one does any one have any good tactics for beating saix lv1 proud? no glide either
YQRD-N89D-FZD3R P78R-YY6J-GJ1BV HG3A-PAFJ-KX5DY here is what ever you wanted clontox