http://youtube.com/watch?v=lbwCDMRllEs xemnas lv1 final mode that is my first one yeah also invincible to i have tried them all XP here is my second the deymx one http://youtube.com/watch?v=uNYIj5cSH7o deymx lv1 revisit hollow bastion impossible mode umm red sonic you got the url wrong the deymx one is http://youtube.com/watch?v=uNYIj5cSH7o and the other one is xemnas http://youtube.com/watch?v=lbwCDMRllEs
can i use one that is not on the list? Battle level impossible UB6E-KMPM-TH2EY 5CAW-HXDT-T273H cause i am doing refights of deymx and xaldin in this one at lv1 oh and btw royal and king have the same code
donald thunder 1033FF82 000000A7 no xp 1033FF82 00000194
no actually i used the prince mode/ final mode
2 new vids using redsonics codes for final mode XD kh2 impossible battles XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iACaUbM_YE Xemnas lv1 final mode i win XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbwCDMRllEs
First, activate this code Donald Thunder D67D-C0UY-W0BTB V8NV-T48R-14034 WG2J-P31B-JHQ4B then go to Sora's abilities and Equip the ability "Donald Thunder" save the game with it equipped (unpause the game after equipping it and then go back to the abilities menu to make sure it's equipped) then restart the armax and resume the game you just saved (do not have the donald thunder code on this time, as the next code conflicts with the next code and will freeze the game) No XP TQVQ-PERR-GE96K V8NV-T48R-14034 V6X5-691F-MT7M8 Donald thunder should be replaced with an ability called "No Experience" WARNING: AFTER ACTIVATING THE NO XP CODE YOU SHOULD SAVE THE GAME TO A DIFFERENT FILE, THE NO XP ABILITY CANNOT BE UNEQUIPPED (unless you use another code) this is jlhack7's code for no exp
2 new vids using redsonics codes for final mode XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iACaUbM_YE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lbwCDMRllEs
me too but in certain world like twtnw it really made bosses tough
converted to ar max T2K3-3EF1-9V2QH 6TX5-J4VT-8QBFE it just :censor2: up my camera
#1 just change it to ultima weapon 8JRQ-DGXU-CKUU1 Q9K8-K0H5-AJJW6 #2 idk myself but i do want that #3 check your magic it should be at the highest stage
8jrq-dgxu-ckuu1 Q9k8-k0h5-ajjw6
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Smpjt6yNzt4 yeah new vid also caution many flashing light pause the vid at first to read the description
it seemed like it is possible
hey evil_man i was wondering if there is an ability to restore hp when you hit an heartless/nobody/boss cause when you have chicken little out as a summon your hp restores a bit for each hit you make
well then is there a code to mod hp to max for opponents?
is there a very hard version of the battle lv code? not battle lv end game or deadly but some thing else
lol what lv did you fight him at
yes that is what i am doing for scan but what about the finishing plus? any codes for it
can someone give the code for an extra finishing plus? and scan? i am trying to do a lv1 kh2 challange