cause a simple yep is too short
yep do not read this
i do not know but i will post avid of this on youtube in a while how do i do that?
come watch me XD click on one of the little pics below my pic
k done ...........
i cant find ya can you post alink too your page?
whats your name? on there
heres the link make sure your logged in
any one find the code for combo master? cause i found it while messing around with codes my live feeds up again and i am working on a combo master code XD
is there a code to set your mp to 120?
ok i am working on them but i have so much homework not to mention alot of times it freezes
my live feed is up again im gonna do some more kh2 battles
i think holy and the re:com stop raid live feed up again this time doing TA's of all org members my stickam account come watch me do ccm kh2 battles you have to be a member though sorry abit off topic my stickam account come watch me do ccm battle you have to be a member though
its my vid and this proves that you can hit xemnas before he does kneel/nil
same here d*** length limit
hmmm cause when ever i go open it i have to open the folder it is in by unzipping it