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  1. Flamedancer
    Okay, I know I sound like a stupid n00b by saying this, but in Twilight Town, is it really sunset all the time? How does that work? And how does Roxas sleep with no curtains? I seriously can't comprehend it like in "Hunchback of Notre Dame" where you're never really sure if the gargoyles are really alive or just in Quasimodo's mind? Except, with this, you're never really sure whether the time ever changes? Is it up to the player to guess if it's ever nighttime? Sorry, but this has been bugging me for a really long time, and I need some answers.
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Jul 21, 2008, 36 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Flamedancer
    In your science notes, you crossed out the word "Science" and wrote "Death" over it

    Your friends didn't invite you to go see "Zohan" because your laugh creeps them out

    After that, you wrote all their names in your Science Death Note.

    When you get a chocolate bar, you begin to bite it, stop, wait five minutes, and then break a chocolate chunk off.

    After you were assigned an in-class essay, the person sitting next to you had bruises all over their arm from your extensively dramatic way of writing.

    Every time someone mentions the letter L, you automatically start screaming with joy.

    You fly back ten feet and yell, "DELETE!!" when you're erasing something.

    If you meet a girl named Kira, you do one of three things: 1) Scream "IMPOSTER!! 2) Scream "I SHALL BRING YOU TO JUSTICE!!" 3) Scream "GOD!!"

    When you were assigned "Hound of the Baskervilles", your essay said this: "L could have solved it faster."

    When you got an F, the teacher's name found their way into your Death Note.

    Whenever your mom comes home from the grocery store, you dig in the bag, pull out the Lay's and tear the bag open and say, "I'll take a potato chip...AND EAT IT!!!"

    You shoved a cigarette, goggles, and a Gameboy into your friend Matt's hands and said, "Don't ask questions. Just put them on."

    Every time your sister watches High School Musical, you scream at the TV, "I SHALL BRING YOU TO JUSTICE, KIRA!!!" whenever Zac Efron comes on.

    You didn't sleep for four days straight just so you could get bags under your eyes like L.

    It doesn't matter what your GPA says; you ARE the smartest student in your school.

    You wait for the FBI warning at the very end of a movie just so you can see INTERPOL.

    You watched Barbie in The Island Princess and screamed, "L!! TAKE OFF YOUR DISGUISE!!" when the Prince came on.

    Yeah, that's all I've got for now on Death Note.
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Jul 21, 2008, 62 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Flamedancer
    Okay, so I was watching Bleach and I was looking in the credits for Cathy Weseluck, who does the voice of Near in DN, because I thought I heard her. So I didn't find her, but I DID find Wally Wingert. Okay, so Wally Wingert was already cool in my book because he's done a lot of voices (i.e. Almighty Tallest Red, Rufus Shinra, etc.) Well, then I look him up and find out that he's Renji's voice on Bleach. I know everyone's going to be like "I already knew that! You're so stupid!!" but I just found that out and think it's really cool. So I go to his website and look up all the voice-overs he's done. IT'S FREAKING AMAZING!!! He's everywhere, and I totally didn't know it. So, he's added in my top VA's list, along with Tress MacNeille, Quinton Flynn, and Rob Paulsen, all of whom I deeply respect in the area of voice acting.

    And yes, if you haven't noticed, one of my dreams is to be a VA. It has been since I was a little girl, so, yeah...
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Jul 20, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Flamedancer
    We're five little items of an everyday can find us all in A Tennis Court...

    Can you figure it out?

    Thread by: Flamedancer, Jul 18, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Flamedancer
    Okay, so, this is something I've been thinking about lately. We know that Member XIV heavily influences Roxas to leave the Organization to find out about the Keyblade. it because she wants the Organization to come to an end, like Axel did after Roxas left, or is she more like Marluxia and Larxene, manipulating the Keyblade Master to gain control of the Organization? If you think about it, either one works. If she wants to gain control, then Roxas should learn about the Keyblade and, when he realizes his full potential, come back and fight against Xemnas. In a battle like that, it's a win-win: If Roxas kills Xemnas, he'll still side with Member XIV, because it's pretty much her doing that led him to his power (Of course, we could get into the whole thing about his new 'I'm more superior than you because I have the Keyblade and I rock' complex and then he kills her, but for the sake of simplicity, I'm sticking to my first idea.) And if Xemnas wins, the Keyblade, since it's so powerful, will have weakened him, and Member XIV can finish him off and then have no competition with Roxas.

    But, if she wants the Organization to end, then convincing Roxas to learn about the Keyblade will strengthen him (because if she's anti-Organization, she's probably about Axel-level on the friendship scale with Roxas) and he'll realize that he can take down the Superior and the rest of the Organization.

    And then, either way, it's easy to see why she's gone: because she's a traitor. With both reasons, she going against Xemnas, and that always ends in certain death (Look at CoM. Everyone going against the Organization died.). Reason #1 is for her own personal gain, and reason #2 is to abolish something she's already agreed to join.

    So, yeah. Those are my thoughts on Member XIV.
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Jul 15, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. Flamedancer
    Are they starting Death Note from the beginning again?
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Jul 8, 2008, 8 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  7. Flamedancer

    Christopher Robin creeps me out.
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Jul 8, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Flamedancer


    Okay, so we have a new air freshener thingy in our family room (which is where I am) and it smells like forty different flowers all over the place. I mean, I like it, it's just, I didn't know we had gotten it at first. So I think I was watching Death Note and all of a sudden I smell flowers. And, no joke, my first thought was, "Ho-ly crap, Marluxia's behind me and he's gonna steal my heart." So I was really creeped out for the rest of the night.

    Thread by: Flamedancer, Jul 8, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Flamedancer
    I'm not sure if this is in the right spot, because it's about an anime character...who was also a live-action movie character. Well, anyway, I was just wondering which Light people think is better. Personally, I like the live-action Light better. He was comparatively less psychotic, and, at times, he could be downright adorable. (Not as adorable as L, but still pretty close). The only part that really bugged me about him was *spoiler* when he killed his own girlfriend just to get into the NPA.

    Plus, he didn't have the infamous potato chip line.
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Jul 8, 2008, 31 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  10. Flamedancer
    I was experimenting on flash, and I ended up making a random little vampire rant. Yeah....I think it's pretty cool, because it was my first full movie on flash, so...yeah. And yeah, that's my voice doing the ranting.
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Jul 4, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Flamedancer

    Mello likes his chocolate
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Jul 3, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Flamedancer
    Okay, so I'm replaying KH1, and I just finished beating Shadow Sora. First of all, I forgot how creepy he was. Seriously, he creeped me out. But...he was just kinda there, then gone. There could have been so much more with that. Sora could have seen what he could become if he chose the same thing as Riku, plus there would be some foreshadowing and it would be amazing! Seriously, I think that Shadow Sora got jipped. Does anyone else think there should have been more to Shadow Sora?
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Jun 27, 2008, 33 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  13. Flamedancer
    Dude, I watched this today...not good. Not good at all. I seriously felt like I was torturing myself by watching it. It was bad...really bad. I really expected more from the JoBros, because I like them a lot. was mistaken. The dialogue sucked, the acting sucked, the characters sucked, there was never any rock...I won't even try to say how much I hated it.

    So? Has anyone else seen it?
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Jun 23, 2008, 32 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  14. Flamedancer
    Pretty much, all you gotta do is rhyme with the above line and think of another. Like this...

    Person A: I like pie, it's amazing and tasty

    Person B: But I absolutely hate it when it's crappy and pasty.
    I'd hate to have one made under a barber shop

    Person C: Because the meat inside is probably from a person who suffered a nasty headchop!


    So yeah. It can get as random as you guys want it to be. So, I'll start...

    There's nothing more satisfying than a pair of red Converse shoes
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Jun 5, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Flamedancer
    Pour un bizarre raison, j'ai parle francais pour un peu minutes. Je ne sais pas que c'est de form correcte, mais je suis tres ennuie. Est-ce que tu parle francais?

    J'ai vu "Prince Caspian" le prochaine week-end. C'etait tres bon. Et Ben Barnes est tres beau. J'aime bien.

    If you can translate that, you're a genius.
    Thread by: Flamedancer, May 26, 2008, 29 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Flamedancer


    I just saw the trailer for Twilight, and, I'm sorry, I just don't like the look of it. It angered me. I know it's just a teaser, but Robert Pattinson didn't strike me as "Wow, he really pulled off being Edward!". Kristen Stewert...I don't know yet, but Robert really let me down.

    Has anyone else seen the trailer?
    Thread by: Flamedancer, May 10, 2008, 20 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  17. Flamedancer
    Hey, has anyone on here heard of "Romeo et Juliette"? It's a French rock opera, and I heard a few of the songs in French class today. I love it. I do. So...does anyone know if it's on iTunes?
    Thread by: Flamedancer, May 9, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Flamedancer


    I just got a puppy!!! It's a really cute little beagle/dachshund mix, and I think we're gonna name her Wasabi...but I suggested Roxas, Sephiroth, Mello, and Rhapsody...(The rest of my family shot those down...especially Sephiroth...)
    Thread by: Flamedancer, May 8, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Flamedancer

    Um...yeah. So you know that when your favorite character in a story/manga/movie/video game dies, you sometimes make random theories that they're still alive somewhere in hiding? Okay, well, maybe YOU don't, but I do. So basically, list some of your theories on where those "dead" characters are now, such as:

    Demyx--currently working in Starbucks while trying to get a gig and become a rockstar (I did not come up with the Starbucks part, by the way.)

    L--at the moment, hiding in a Tim Burton movie. (I'm thinking he's in The Nightmare Before Christmas, somewhere...)
    Thread by: Flamedancer, May 2, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Flamedancer


    Dude! I completely forgot about this! Okay, so about a year ago, I told my friend, who loves (If you haven't been there yet, go now. It rocks!), that I would sew him a Trogdor the Burninator. Well, it took about two months but I did, and I took a picture before I gave it to him. I thought it came out pretty cool, but the glare makes it kinda hard to see.

    Thread by: Flamedancer, Apr 28, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone