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  1. Flamedancer
    you just lost the game!!!
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Sep 14, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Flamedancer

    Doctor Who :3

    Has the new season of Doctor Who started in the U.K. yet? I live in America, so I'm trying to guess when it's going to start again.
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Aug 23, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Movies & Media
  3. Flamedancer
    But how do those gem things work? Is it by rep or posts? I'm sorry, I should know this by now, but I'm really confused over it.
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Aug 17, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  4. Flamedancer
    ...five out of the ten were all written by Stephenie Meyer. That's, like, a new level of epic, I swear.

    Thread by: Flamedancer, Aug 17, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Flamedancer
    Okay, guys, I'm gonna be the greatest cartoon creator since Jhonen Vasquez thanks to the Greater Creator contest on Nickelodeon. (Yes, I'm a geek who watches cartoons! Deal with it!) So, this is my character Casey the Werewolf. He's a winner, and I'm proving to you guys that I actually created him before I get screwed by Nickelodeon and lose all rights to say that he's mine. Enjoy and cross your fingers!
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Aug 17, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Flamedancer





    Thread by: Flamedancer, Aug 8, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Flamedancer
    Yeah, that's what I kept calling it in my head 'til I got there.

    Anyway, I went to a Jesse McCartney concert last night, and it was friggin' AMAZING!!! And while I was watching him, three things went through my head:

    1. HOLY CRAP, IT'S JESSE FRIGGIN' MCCARTNEY!!! Breathe in...breathe out...oh, screw breathing, he's gorgeous!!!

    2. How the heck does he move like that?! (He can move VERY well...)

    3. Holy crap...I'm breathing the same air as the guy who did the voice of Roxas!!!!

    So, yeah...I also wondered if he had any info on KH3. Jeez...I'm such a dork...XD
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Aug 8, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Flamedancer


    Has anyone seen Howl's Moving Castle? I'm watching it right now again...and he looks better with his hair not cut all neat...yeah...except for that, he's in my top ten hottest anime guys.

    Just thought you should know that...
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Aug 7, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Flamedancer
    I need ideas for another drawing with my character Matteo

    See, I want to draw him again, but I don't know what to do...anyone have any ideas?

    By the way, just because the drawing is emo does not mean I'm emo...just making that clear...
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Aug 7, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Flamedancer
    ...and it looks like we're all still here. Unless everyone else is dead and now I've got to pull a whole "I am Legend" thing. That would suck...

    My paranoia was for nothing...CRAP!!!
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Aug 7, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Flamedancer
    I just uploaded, like, four pictures on deviantART today. Seriously. I'm like on a high right now.

    Here's my profile, if you're interested:My awesome dA profile!
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Aug 4, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Flamedancer
    I've never seen anything so freaky before...

    But I still watched every single episode...It's an addiction...

    Like nettles and rusty spoons...

    I'm so glad I didn't watch it at night...
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Aug 4, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Flamedancer
    Seriously, I never really learned. I always thought Pikachu was a guy, but you never know. Does anyone know? Is Pikachu a hermaphrodite?
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Aug 4, 2008, 33 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Flamedancer
    READ IF YOU DARE!!! And...if you've read Breaking Dawn yet...

    There is very few times when I ever doubt the gloriousness of Edward Cullen...but...every now and again...well, read the spoiler.

    Okay, so I'm reading Breaking Dawn cuz I just got it today, and Edward and Bella get married and have a baby. I do not like that, because Stephenie Meyer DISTINCTLY said that vampires cannot reproduce. PERIOD. Well, so Bella has her baby, and she says if it's a boy she'll name it Edward Jacob. Now, Edward Jacob Cullen is a very nice name. Personally, I find Edward Anthony Mason Cullen to be better, but, that's just me. And I thought, since Edward's from the early 1900's, he'd have a pretty name if they had a baby girl. Y'know, like Helena, Tatianna, Rachel, Laela, stuff that sounds absolutely beautiful with the surname Cullen. But, no, he goes for Bella's idea for naming their daughter...


    Renesmee...Renesmee...that is the most whacked-out name I have ever heard. It's supposed to be a combination of Rene and Esme...Renesmee! And then Carlie is Carlisle and Charlie put together. SERIOUSLY!!!
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Aug 3, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Flamedancer
    Okay, I don't know if this has already been posted, but I just got FFVII: DoC and it is freaking AWESOME so far!!! Seriously, I love it. Yeeahh...but did anyone else find the kid in the beginning that you had to protect a little annoying? I had to restart about five sucked...but everything else rocks.
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Jul 29, 2008, 17 replies, in forum: Gaming
  16. Flamedancer
    Flame is lame
    She's DN fangirl who's insane
    She uses quotes to gain some fame

    But you all just lost the game
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Jul 28, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Flamedancer

    I made the background all by myself!! ^_^
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Jul 27, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Flamedancer
    Has anyone posted this yet? Oh well, here's the link: Awesomeness!!

    Apparently, there are some rumors going around about a KH anime. All I can say is "HOLY CRAP, THAT'S GONNA BE KICK-@$$!!!"
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Jul 26, 2008, 64 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  19. Flamedancer

    Seriously!!! Look at them!!! As for why he doesn't sparkle...he's so smart he discovered a super-amazing sunblock that blocks it out. AAAANNNDD....this proves he didn't really die. He faked his death. EAT THAT, YAGAMI!!!

    Yeeah...for some very odd reason, I'm in super-hyper-Death-Note fangirl mode...
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Jul 21, 2008, 68 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Flamedancer
    I'm doing these now before I forget all my ideas

    No matter what game you're playing, if there is a charge-up of any kind, you yell, "BANKAI!!"

    You go to the candy store every few days and buy Pez dispensers, knowing that they really have gikongan inside.

    You repeatedly attempt to shove mentos into your little sister's teddy bear, claiming it's a mod soul.

    Somehow, someway, Axel is related to Renji.

    Whenever you see a redheaded guy, you run over to them and start bugging them about the size of their zanpakuto and, as a result, get the police called on you.

    If you see a guy wearing sandals and a bucket hat, you run over and ask him to teach you about being a soul reaper. (But, if you're a Kisuke Urahara fangirl, you glomp him first, screaming "HAT AN' CLOGS! HAT AN' CLOGS!!!")

    You routinely yell at your cat to change into a Soul Reaper.

    Last Halloween, you saw some guy dressed up as the grim reaper, so you ran over and began hitting him on the head, yelling, "EAT THAT, HOLLOW!!!"

    Not as many as Death Note, but those are pretty much all the good ones I can think of.
    Thread by: Flamedancer, Jul 21, 2008, 9 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone