If KH-Vids members met up one day. Oh shit. Didn't see that coming, did'ja?
What the fuck would I do if he got arrested? Way to go, dumbass.
I just laughed.
How the hell did I get arrested anyways? And who ever says that I would stay calm I'd probably tear off the other person freakin' wrist to run away. ._.' unless, Chuck Norris was there. Then it's a whole other story.
Thanksgiving colours. @m 1 d01n' it rite?
I asked my friend last night about this. I was sleeping over her house after a Halloween party and I asked her, "Would you be mad at me if I died? If I went after that guy who used to beat me, tore apart my family, and killed him and then myself?" You're probably wondering what I am even talking about. A long time ago, probably two years ago, they had the divorce. I'll start from the beginning. My mom divorced my dad for this guy, Don MacKay. He's over 50 now, 50 when I knew him. He taught martial arts to me when I was younger, nice guy and all. Well, I thought so anyway. Here, this guy, was teaching women on how to protect themselves but was probably raping these same women. He married my mom, no doubt, he hit her a few times. They always argued. I was just there. With my brother, Rob. Anyway, he made me call him 'Papa' and I didn't know what it meant at the time, he chased off my brother at some point I learned on my own. He punched my brother when he came home late one day and my mom claimed he was trying to "Protect me." from my own brother. He turned us against each other, my grandmother no longer talked to my mom, my dad was put down from this guy. All together, he took apart my family, including chasing off my brother, abused me if I did something wrong, I flinch now and then if someone raises there hand to me, and he hit my mom a few times. I just know so. Now, we were friends. We got along really well. Sometimes we would go hiking together, and he would always carry me on his shoulders when I was tired and was nice to me, but then I realized how bad he was once I moved with my dad to get away from all the screaming in that house. I turned against him silently and lately I've been having dreams that we would fight to the death. We both loose in a way. We always end up by the waters and I drown both of us. Anyway, last night I asked my friend that question: "Would you be mad at me if I died? If I went after that guy who used to beat me, tore apart my family, and killed him and then myself?" I'm scared of my own self now.
Some guy with shades pulled up near me when I was at the bus stop and he rolled down his window, looking at me, like pointing, as if he was directing to go attack like they would do in the Army when they are saying to go in. Two other friends had the same thing happen to them and the two days ago a guy with a hat on followed me into a store and asked if I go to Public or Private school, I was like, "QP." and he was like, "Oh, okay, never mind then." and then he left. How odd...
Let's go capture Sandy Claws :∫ Whose with me?
Crips,Bloods,Latin Kings. It was great except a lot of us didn't go because the gangs are rising up and a lot of us weren't allowed out of the house because a rumor was about that they killed 21 little girls and today was the boys turn. I went anyway, I was afraid they would shoot me but a lot of people were out so I figured they would get shot if anything.
I sat in the back as usual and there were two black guys sitting on either side of me and one of them suddenly said, "Haha! We're an Oreo!" and I tried not to laugh but started cracking up. Story of my life.
I'm excited to freakin' sleep tonight. See ya gaiz tomorrow. Amirite? Watch I won't be able to fall asleep like last night. I just...was awake for five hours...
Blew up the toilet bowl with a cherry bomb when he was 15. She told us today. I lol'd@it.
Family? Yes? No? U suck?
So old. So good. xD Too bad he's taking a dirt nap now.
[And all get laid in the next 10 minutes]
are used for feeding a woman's young.
Is just the bet. I'm eating it now. I just realized they are letters though. The odd thing is when I was looking at the can I was like "Alphabet spaghetti? Fucking awesome!" The guy that was walking by the aisle stopped and looked at me for a moment and then I shot a glare at him because it was getting kinda freaky and he got the hell outta there. Talk about food for thought.
With the help of my stepmother. Turns out the holes did start to seal up in less than 11 hours.
Since, they have been in for over 6 weeks(8 weeks). Woke up this morning and the fucking hole is all ready sealing over.