That isn't extinct what would you be? Me? Eh... Wolf Or Wild Mustang because I would hate being stuck in a house...
What a fine example of integrated society.
And got this... rofl
Well, amirite?
Give me a MFing headache? srsly I'm trying to watch this and I get a freakin' headache out of no where Anyone else get a headache from him too?
Or did you just not shave today?
[G'night you guys] Is like having a dream where it doesn't make sense and you wake up and say "What the FUCK was I thinking?!"
Is like having a dream that doesn't make sense and when you wake up you go "What the FUCK was I on?"
Friend:Why Did The Little Boy Cross The Road? HellKitten:The little boy crossed the road because an arsonist set his house ablaze, causing his paraplegic family to die a slow painful, fiery death. Their death screams consequently drove the child to madness. A truck hit him, showering the pavement with his entrails. Plz?
Ah, I made a thread about this show a while ago, guess it was deleted. Anywho, I know that some of you ought to have seen this show. It is kind of like Robot Chicken to some extenet, short clips of random stuff. I find this show either completely funny or completely stupid and funny...And sometimes inappropriate. I am pretty sure they still show it on Fuse, I'm not too sure anymore, the last time I watched it on TV was sometime last year. So, who else has seen or watches this show? What do you think of it? Hate it? Love it? Don't know what it is? You can watch their skits on youtube. My personal favorites are Abe Lincoln, Saturday, Scarin' Babies, and I teached a whale... What about you?
F13.[Dibs whoever gets it first]
I was tellin' my dad just so he would know, but sayin' that made me feel so nerdy. Because I'm so white and nerdy!
He's mad at me for no reason, yesterday he was talking to me with attitude, and today he was being a complete butthole he was reprimanding me for not cleaning up the computer desk last night, even though, he was up while I was getting sick and had a low fever. Yeah, bad kid, aren't I?
"You look pretty!" "What? I couldn't hear you!" "I-I said You look shitty! Good night!"
I srsly forgot who made it for me. Who wuz it?
00002I want that shirt...
ftw stands for 'for the win' amirite? I want 2 knu itz anoyn me
Swear to God! Just like Vexen!
-sneaks through window and goes over to baby crib- Hi there little guy, how are you doin' today? *baby doesn't do anything* Did you know that by the time your 18 college tuition will be between 60 to 70 thousand dollars a year? *baby doesn't do anything* Or that scientists have predicted by the time your 15 the polar ice caps will completely melt and damage the entire world's ecosystem? *baby doesn't do anything* -looks up, thoughtfully- Oh! -yells at baby and barrel rolls out of the window while the baby starts screaming-