A.Because she was blind. No one saw that one coming, did they?
Next to KH-Vids.Net Form >What section your in > blah blah I just realized a few days ago they take you back a page...And all those times I really could've used it...
Remember when I made a thread a few months ago commemorating those damn things? In other news: I played WiiFit the other day. It was awesome.
Well, I started to do some graffiti the other day and started with writing Organization XIII's names and so far I've come out with this: And I used Sharpie to colour it, right now I'm working on Xaldin's name. CnC Go,go,go!
As some of you know, I started doing graffiti(on paper I assure you) and I need the right coloring tools. Ideas for what I should use? I want to get an airbrush but that'll be a little while yet. I'm not sure about Prismacolors, I don't really know what else xP Spill it.
I finally got to the dentist and they had to take off some of my gum in the back because it was growing over my teeth. My mouth has been hurting all day but I didn't care till I got a headache... >.> WHY DO I ONLY HAVE TYLENOL?! WHY IS THERE ONLY TYLENOL?! WHY DON'T I HAVE ADVIL?!
Let's just all use System of A Down songs from now on out-they won't want to bitch about claiming songs of a band that split up. Or any other band that split up. Whatever helps you sleep at night. 'Nuff said. GTFO.
Enough is enough. There's this kid in my class, Nicholas, and he will NOT just leave me alone and I'm really starting to want to just punish him. Whenever I say something he always try's to come up with a sly remark, that just piss me the fuck off! Then, he makes lies about it and acts like he's the shit. Which he isn't. He's overweight and only has one or two friends-I never even did anything to him and the other day he took my money(trying to be funny) but it just set me off and I almost cracked him in the face. It's not like it hurts me, it doesn't make me feel like I wanna cry it just makes me feel like I need to fight something. It gets me so frustrated. My friends don't really care when I talk about him-maybe because I'm the only girl out of five guys but now I'm just starting to loose it. Maybe because I haven't gone running in a long time or maybe because he's going to far. Ideas before he makes his final remark to me? Moving onto my next issue, I'm tried of being the only girl excluded from the groups-not so much that, I used to get along with them but I found better friends-real friends and I'm tried of being the one the girls turn to and how they act like you just have to be friends with them because they're popular and pretty. I really hate how they always act nice to me when they need me the most. AAAAAAAAND THE GRAND FINALE! I hate the way I look. I'm the ugliest girl out of every girl in the class I think. They all have other girl friends because they are pretty, and I'm not. I hate it. Everyone else has more money than me. Every other girl has more clothes than me. Every other girl doesn't have to work. Every other god damn girl isn't anything like me! They all have the perfect faces-and I don't! They act like you can help it! I can't! I can just cover it up with make-up! I hate everything about how I look, with the exception of my eyes, everything else-I just hate it! PS. How come a whole friggin' school will kill you over a effin' Oreo Cakester that isn't even enough to feed one person? My friend Joe has this problem, whenever he has them the girls won't stop asking for them and when he refuses they throw a bitch fit.
As we know, I hate little kids, so my friend(Zxeam) and I are heading down the stairs and on the first floor a little first grader and her friend start to open up the hallway door while my friend and I are walking by(I was saying something-I forgot what, anyway) I just pushed the door closed(barely any force) and hit the little girl in the face with the door and just kept talking to my friend and he starts laughing and I was like, "Oh Yeah," and we laughed about it for like an hour.
Damn'it all. Youtube ruined the quality. Anybody have a clue on how to get better quality? Please? I finally got WMM back up and running, I thank those who helped me here. I hope I can finish it xD C&C Please Besides the quality which youtube beat the living hell out of. kkthnxbai
See you guys tomorrow. I love you. I said that to my friend on the phone today and she was like, "Okay, I love you too." xD
You don't drink it. Same with Scotch. But I haven't had scotch, I just hear you don't drink it, and damn my throat is dry as Gin.
No, really? No threads? That's sad. Anyone else love/hate/don't care for these guys? I like them, I recently started listening to more of their music and my favorites(for a change) would probably be London Bridge or Straight to Video. Shut Me Up used to be my favorite for like four years. Your thoughts on 'em? Go, go, go, go, go!
HellKitten:It's not funny to joke about World War II like that. My grandfather died in a Concentration Camp Friend: Oh, what happened? HellKitten:He fell out of the guard tower. It's lolzy, amirite?
Windows Movie Maker. It still isn't working for me. I can re-download it, but I don't have the CD to completely re-download it and still-I can only get 7 clips on the line and then it will automatically just shut off. Anybody know any programs I can buy that don't cost me six-hundered effin' dollars? Or what package for Vista I should get for Windows Vista Movie Maker? Better yet, any free movie making programs?
So, let's just say that scientists are one hundred percent sure that this God fellow exists. Would you really want him to be here? It has just been a question I've been pondering on and my answer is: I wouldn't. Not after all that this guy has caused. All the fears he's put into people and all the hopes. Anything I do will send me to Hell. As much as I think Jesus would probably be awesome to hang out with, I wouldn't want him to exist after all that God has caused. I'd probably start behaving myself though. What about you?
Soooo, after like 3 hours of work I came out with this: She's one of my three OC's. I'm not completely happy with my work. I think I could have shown her facial expression to appear much more aggressive. Her eyes don't look as narrowed as they were in the layout. Her face markings were difficult to do since I had so many fur lines, they are kind of hard to see but they are there. About Xio: She's blind, I didn't really make her pupils as small as they normally are. She was a subject to animal experimenting when she was young, the only vision she remembers is seeing three people in white coats hold her down while e one put a substance in her eyes which is what blinded her. As for right now, this is for a role-play I'm running, .::.Build Your Cages.::.. She is part of Organization XIII and also has a human form, but let's face it, I suck at drawing people so I stuck with her dog form. About the picture: Just some work I put together, I wanted to orginally make her paw look like it was coming out of the paper. The words? Random shet. Some things she said in the role-play. As for, That's one of my quotes which I'm famous for. Just a small quote she uses when starting a battle. Male or female. Doesn't matter. She prefers to joke around. Like it? Hate it? C&C please. Steal and I eat you.
My dad is watchin' it right now ;D I remember at the movies I started crying when he started singing to his dog as she was dying.
Kicks. Ass. 'Nuff Said.