I revived my computer after it vomited my hard drive -.-' Anyone remember me? lollolol
Let's see...This took me three days to complete. I had to post it on Imeem because youtube just being it's wonderful self now has bots that delete the music automatically. Anyways, please. C&C http://www.imeem.com/roxie568khv/video/OfH6KPXC/roxie568hellkitten-aggressive-expainwolfs-rain-sho/ Anime:Wolf's Rain(OAV) Audio:Aggressive Expansion
I wonder if you pour a packet of Kool-Aid in the ocean, will the Earth's ocean gradually become Kool-Aid itself?
You people are pathetic to have never looked it up.
Well, last night I realized it has been over a month since my last artwork of crud and it resulted in this: STORY~Well, I was on MSN and we were talking about dogs and then the subject went to fangirling over Axel and this was the result. STORY~ Well, it all started last Monday. My friend brought up this, "BISONNNN!" Thing where you raise your fist to the sky and scream bison-it also screams out your anger. Flames are supposed to come up behind you-which we are still working on. But we are getting there. Anyways, last night my teacher gave us really difficult math she didn't explain well and my friend and I were screaming BISONNNN! Over MSN back and fourth and I started this picture. It was only to be finished today when I found out that the town soccer team I've really been looking forward to joining lowered the age limit. ...I missed the team by a month... NOTE:Yesh, that is supposed to be me. C&C I've only drawn a picture of a person like once before last year. So I'm new at this stuff.
Okay, so, I figured out new ways to use the effects on WMM and as this was the result: More: Okay, so this was my first Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron and also my first dedication video. I wasn't able to post the plot because well, youtube was being youtube and wouldn't let me. Just a short story with a turn of events, it's basically running through Spirit's good memories with Rain and the moments adding up before the waterfall and what he could have done to prevent it, and what he didn't do. In the end, he leaves just before Rain is dead for her own good and yadi-yadi-yada, she dies wishing for him to come back. If you haven't guessed I was trying to attempt a sad MV. xP C&C plz.
Okay, so I logged onto my computer two-three days ago and the task bar I had on my computer is changed back to default and I can't get back my visual effect thing-then firefox starts to shut down on me and when I went on firefox about 75 task managing windows start to f*cking pop up, and just now I turned on my Windows Movie Maker to find all my Lion King cliips were deleted. What the hell is going on?
I forgot what I was going to say to you ****... Oh, yeah, m fear of IT came back today. I need escape ideas just in case **** happens when I go to take a shower.
Oh my God! If you get Jose Cuervo margarita mix and water-it's like lemony explosion of awesomeness! I can't even describe it's awesomeness! Did that make sense?
Have you earned your beads yet?
There is always an episode called Temptation? Or a title that has to do with emotion or Seven Deadly Sins? >.> I'm not even kidding-like every show with a dramatic plot has at least one episode called Temptation.
I...Just...Give up...
Jesus Christ, about fucking time.
Getting made fun of because my voice is gone.
Yesterday, I came home and I was walking through the kitchen to my room and we actually have food now, I was like, "Oh my God! Yes! I can eat!" and I jumped around for a moment or two and then went into my room only to find new clothes, which are, hand-me-downs, but new clothes and shoes! I was so Holy shitted yesterday. New clothes and food. Man, now I feel really poor... Don't judge me. Seriously. Chuck Norris isn't pleased by it. Stop.
I heard this over the radio, they were talking about how teens are starting to send pornography pictures through their texts and one guy called up talking about how he had to take away his 13-year-old daughter's phone after finding pictures of herself on it, now that's just sad and pathetic. According to analyst Lisa Bloom it's a serious federal crime and can get you put in jail. In other words, about 20 percent of America's teens will be going to jail for this. Really? I think this is just sad, and really pathetic, I mean, a thirteen-year-old doing this? And my mom says I'm too young to even be learning about it. I think both sides are being ridiculous. One: the teen/child whoever is sending out the text is at risk of it getting in the wrong hands, and well, what else would a teen do if he/she got their hands on those pictures; show all their friends, correct? I think even just a small fine would just be good enough for this. Jail on the other hand seems a little over-the-top to me, unless it was an older adult that was taking these pictures of little kids or teenagers and sending them out, then I think jail would be the correct punishment. Then it's already illegal but either way I find this just sad and pathetic, now, thanks to this, those two years I waited for a new phone to finally be able to text, might not happen thanks to something as stupid as this. Your thoughts?
And so does wine. Bailey's is the shit. And so, I need some now. This fake-ass Sparkling Cyder, it's so fake I believed it was real, my dad got sucks.I hate being underage.
Here's the story all about how...
...............rofl.... "I'm think I'm gonna rape a puppy, I don't know what type yet, though." Replace those verbs. Make me laugh. winner gets a prize. gogogogogo!