Look at the first page. It works fine. Roxas is duel wield during missions and is normal while in that room and in cutscenes. Dunno why it shouldn't work.
thanks for the rep some **** de repped me for helping a dude out with his emulator.
Ven and Terras armour arre the same ven is tarnished in secret ending but it is the same thing. as for aqua man that is a little weird. makes u think it was vens armour there. but it had aquas keyblade
Basically u went against the rules and since we cant give u a link. ill say this. ur rom is probably fine just get latest version of nogba it works fine that way pm me ill tell u more
Hey you guys I promised youtuber RenoReturns that I would put his theory up here. I looked it over and though some places are arguable its got some smart connections. Take a look at it and talk about what you thought about it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMpWCUhcQJQ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUpeiDqwA6M&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HwtztF7E1w4&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaNpsP2GI-I&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfkEhY6NAhc&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZAFthPMiZA&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owKmXCcB4zI&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8dEEvLJ-k8&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_B9a4UelCPs&feature=fvw Enjoy :)
Yes just look through the codes on first page u have to press select (i did it at main menu) and it works perfect for me.
no mastercode just id should do it.
I can confirm all these codes and yes they are all english. If you are haveing problems try downloading a different rom. If it's not working on your ds well that's a problem that I cannot fix. New codes will have to be made for those "mysterious" problems
It is said that he has a bigger role in this game. I dunno about him being ds tho..
TBH i have played this game in jap and us now and i found the game very annoying at a lot of points. I'd say great game for portable system but nowhere near as fun in story and missions as other games. I played this game merely for the story the only other part is the multiplayer. THAT IS WOW. but aside from that its decent
I have only tested a few of these but they should all work. Character mods work for sure as well as the R+up and R+down controlled limit break. If you guys don't get something ill make a vid on how to use it.
Wat dissapoints me is that the rom was released yesterday :( but i am a bit happy that i got to play it before it came out :)
nvm doesn't matter anymore.
goood analogy:)
I have posted some of the US codes for this game just looking for a coder to make a all panels code for us version
hmmm im guessing well see some ff toons but i believe they will have there own world. wat puts this theory to rest is the fact that nothing has been advertised which is leading me to belivee no ff toons are in this game.
Actually the real meaning is that roxas spent 358 days with his 2 best friends. xion and axel. tahts the actual meaning
Here is the link because I'm pretty sure the pic won't show. http://www.ffring.com/news/Birth-by-Sleep-la-jauge-D-Link-expliquee-bf5da02a7cfe.html
I'm sorry can u show a pic of the MW..... or is it jsut the DS....