sorry if you don't mind me asking why do you do the dubs went the english is out??? is it a possible audition for somewhere else. Just wanna know
yea ill add them PS i need ppl to confirm a final version for the maluxia scythe stuff.
Could have happend before that. iN the trailer they do some stuff in the keyblade wars. it seems like it happens late. so vanitas is still possible to be somewhat like ven. dont put this theory to rest. ur statement doens't make total sense.
could have something to do with the multiplayer world. maybe the same is for the gameboard. they are not supposed to be the same colour because more than one person may be vat. Confirm?? Top left picture what is being said?
Cool cool. any translations like the text by vanitas in the top left corner
hey there can u change ur font colour cuz wenever i see ur post i have to highlight it to tell what ur saying. PLZZZZZZZ lol
How can you think that man, look at it like this, riku is wat like 5 years old at the time. I can understand if you say his father is vanitas or something. but riku cannot be vanitas.
OMG yes i was just about to recommend that. Also maybe atlantis, or treasure planet, EL DORADO (city of gold btw) , omg that would be awsome.
Just btw in the new trailers it shows MX joins erauqs, terra, aqua, and ven in well i dunno the place. He is what i believe the "keyblade master" the main one at least. erauqs says its an honour to have him here for something. I don't belive there is any relation by blood to MX and terra, but i do think that something happens between them insanely important. He turns terra bad (at least wat i think).
Hmmm I literally have never thought of that. Vanitas could be Apprentics Xehanort??? Well lets look at it. It does make a little bit of sense. I would like to see others expand on his theory. I personally think terra is apprentice xehanort butnow that you bring it up vanitas could be xehanort as well. Expand you theory as how vanitas connects with the rest of the plot of the story in kh2fm. If xehanort was vanitas. Maybe something to back this up is that MX had DS(vanitas) under his control as an apprentice and somwhere in bbs (maybe wen kh is shown) he loses the darkness controlling him where ansem finds him, ... and the plot continues as you know. Its much like the terra theory. TBH i don't think it's true. But we still have to speculate these things to show that they are important in finding the truth. I would like to hear more about this. Terra = apprentice xehanort FTW.
I'd say that the avatar voices are too childish for this game. The voices are pretty high. I personally dont' want any changes to the voices. I like the surprise of the new characters. But I wouldn't want Selena Gomez cuz her voice doesn't seem like aqua. Here voice is very devlish and kinda inocent/devious. Aqua is completely innocent by the looks of it. I can see her with a soft gentle voice.
Are these tested, anyone? I'll put them in front page after confirmation. Thanks
You know i have a feeling that coded will deal with mickey more as well. In bbs i think they will leave out a detail or two about mickey. member in the trailer with him on the wizard book in the swirl of water. Odd picture but i think his intentions will be clear in bbs and coded will explain exactly wat he does. If not can't wait for bbs. i think coded won't realease anything that important. Not an important game
LMFAO nice vid.... k but on topic, where would we be without those simple connections being stated. some people may actually never know if lets say riku and sora are family or not. it is annoying after a while but it has to be cleared up at least once. we have to watch our mouths cause soon i bet somone will be right. side note oooo just got a great idea. bbs theory contest and whoever gets the closest to the story of the actual game in january wins :)
Hmmm thats tough. Maybe its faulty and just wont work. all i can say is get an ar. they will work. or u can use no gba and do it from the pc. tough problem that i don't think will be solved.
Check if the the code id of the game is the same as the code id in the action replay. if theyre not the same thats the answer. maybe try entering the game manually. I just got an ar for the ds and some things screw up with the ar. i suggest manual input Good luck
Instead of Cavern of rememberance maybe its the room of awakening (or room of sleep) forget which one was the one they were searching for.
haha nice funny
nice nice. which kh game is ur favourite
ntm how about you