"I WANTED TO FIGHT SEPHIROTH, NOT YOU!!! -Leon then notices Cloud and Sephiroth and pulls Cloud in front of Sephiroth- "HAPPY BATTLING!!!" -Leon then runs off in fear of being beat to a pulp from Olette-
-Indy walks up next to Zeke and watches Sasuke throw the kunai- "Hmmmm." -Then he takes off his fedora and scratches his head, puts it back on then whispers to Zeke- "Who's the guy with the huge sword?"
I'm going with 2Foxxie4U, I always dreamed bout going to Australia, and meeting Steve and Teri, and hey, Darkness I'm going to kill you.
How many ppl here like Black Sabbath/ Ozzy(I mean his music) well, while you post check out what this guy can do on Guitar Hero I the song is Iron Man, IT'S ON EXPERT MODE!!!! http://youtube.com/watch?v=FJ1DXirxEs8
I'm kinda on both ur guys's opinions. I mostly go with Twilightsown though, cuz I read bout it and he was right. BTW here's a link to hear the full version of the Raider's March (his theme): http://youtube.com/watch?v=S2ZY4HP0z1o
OH, sorry we start whenever you guys are ready. And since Indiana Jones is in video games I changed my mind I'm gonna be him.
Her's some shots of my Fave. Scene, well they're links any way" 1. http://www.theindyexperience.com/screen_gallery/raiders_screen/94.jpg 2. http://www.theindyexperience.com/screen_gallery/raiders_screen/95.jpg 3. http://www.theindyexperience.com/screen_gallery/raiders_screen/96.jpg 4. http://www.theindyexperience.com/screen_gallery/raiders_screen/97.jpg 5. http://www.theindyexperience.com/screen_gallery/raiders_screen/98.jpg
-Leon noticed that Olette was hurt, and walked up behind her- "You know what? Forget that" -Leon then took out his branch and stood in his battle pose facing Sephiroth- "You wanted to be a refferee, right?" -His voice changed somehow, it got deeper by a LITTLE bit-
I'm gonna be my Were-Fox character "Reign" I don't have a weapon and my element is Darkness, I am a Male, and I am Evil.
-Leon looks at Olette like she's crazy- "WHAT?!?! He's going around tell evewone my weal name I don't cawe bout that fight wight now!"
-Axel then remembers something- "OH! I forgot" -Axel walks over to Roxas, and gives him a BIG bear hug- "ROXAAAAAAASSS!!!!!"
I forgot to mention that you can also choose characters from video games. So yes Ukali, you can be Lord Sephiroth from FF7(If you wanna join that is)
-Leon runs after Sephiroth- "GET BACK HEWE!!!! I'M GONNA GET YOU SEPHIWOTH!!!!"
Did anyone check out the other songs I posted? I like the Roxas one alot!!
"NOOOOOO DON'T TELL ANY ONE IT'S SQUALL, IT'S LEON!!!!!" -Leon just realized he yelled it out- "DOH!"
OOC: Good plan Ukali
PPl on Myspace are puting up things that piss me off BIG TIME!!!!! They put up avatars of Steve in a swim suit with his "WHOAA" face and the body is swimming away from a stingray. PISSES ME OOOOOOOOOOOOOOFFFF!!!!!!!!
-Leon looks over at Sephiroth and Cloud and runs over, then takes out a big stick of his own- "I'll help you Cwoud"
Age:19 Rank: Sniper Name: Reign Heartless or Nobody: Nobody
"YAAAY SEA-SALT ICE CREAM!!!!" -Axel rushes over to Xemnas and takes a bar of Sea-salt Ice cream- "Thanks Xemnas"