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  1. Roxaslook-alike

    Anime RPG

    -Indy stands back up and notices a rubber kid entering the scene- "Well then, Straw hat Luffy is here, this should be interesting since he ate a cursed fruit."
    Post by: Roxaslook-alike, Dec 27, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Roxaslook-alike
    o.O That would actually be weird.
    Post by: Roxaslook-alike, Dec 27, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Roxaslook-alike
    OOC: Ok, then(course I kinda thought it was)

    "Hey Cwoud can I back you up? I heard Sephiroth is pretty strong."-Leon says as he walks up behind Cloud-
    Post by: Roxaslook-alike, Dec 27, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Roxaslook-alike
    I beat him in KH I but KH II version is waaaaaay harder. SPOILER WARNING UP AHEAD!!!! In KH I after you beat Sephiroth, he retreats in a beam of light. BTW Xigbar, if you're a female, how come you have a male char. name?
    Post by: Roxaslook-alike, Dec 27, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Roxaslook-alike
    I guess that would work. Do you mean by Queen cuz that would be cool too.
    Post by: Roxaslook-alike, Dec 27, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Roxaslook-alike
    ENOUGH WITH TEH ANNOYING SONGS!!! THEY MAKE MY HEAD HURT!!!! I don't mean to hurt ur feelings Mr.Bob
    Post by: Roxaslook-alike, Dec 27, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Roxaslook-alike
    That WOULD be ironic, cuz Jesse voices Roxas so LOL. What would be funnier is Sora sarinating "NUMA NUMA" to Kairi. Or Roxas to Namine. That would be FUUUNNNY!!!!
    Post by: Roxaslook-alike, Dec 27, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Roxaslook-alike

    Anime RPG

    -Indy's eyes then grow huge and he stumbles back as Inu-yasha uses Iron Reaver- "WOAH!! I'd rather risk my life for an artifact than to fight him.

    OOC: I always wear my copy of Indy's fedora as I go on this thread. If you dunno what a fedora is, it's a 1930's hat. LOL, I'm a huge Indy junkie. OH GOD I'M BEING RANDOM AGAIN!!
    Post by: Roxaslook-alike, Dec 27, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Roxaslook-alike
    OOC: Hey, Keybladewarrior who is Cloud facing??

    OOC: Ukali, did you do all that to be funny?
    Post by: Roxaslook-alike, Dec 27, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Roxaslook-alike
    -Axel teleports in front of Riku, and Riku stops in his tracks- "Well ,well haven't seen you for awhile" -Axel has a battle look on his face-

    OOC: What stlyle Riku is this?
    1. KH I
    2. Xemnas look-alike
    3. KH II

    Tell me which one.
    Post by: Roxaslook-alike, Dec 27, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Roxaslook-alike
    Nooooo! Get It Outta My Head!!! Get It Outta My Head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Post by: Roxaslook-alike, Dec 25, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Roxaslook-alike
    I was looking up Indy on Youtube and someone said he looks stupid wearing a Fedora whever he goes. I mean, there's a few reasons he wears it.

    1. To protecet him from weather.
    2. Sometimes it's for a special occasion
    3. It's like a treasure tohim.

    LOL, I just realized, when I read what that person typed I had an "Violent twitch"

    BTW, ppl also say he would be better played as Mel Gibson. I don't think so, besides they tried it and it didn't work out.
    Post by: Roxaslook-alike, Dec 25, 2006 in forum: Movies & Media
  13. Roxaslook-alike
    There's also "War Pigs" on #2.
    Post by: Roxaslook-alike, Dec 25, 2006 in forum: Music
  14. Roxaslook-alike
    It's all like:
    Kairi: "For those who have seen your face they run in fear. The Phantom of the Opera is here inside your mind."

    While Sora sings the Phantom's part in that. It could also work with Roxas and Namine.
    Post by: Roxaslook-alike, Dec 25, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Roxaslook-alike
    Why Did It Hafta Be Steve?!?!?! Why Not Me Instead?!?!?!?
    Post by: Roxaslook-alike, Dec 25, 2006 in forum: Movies & Media
  16. Roxaslook-alike
    Well, I guess we coulduse this thread as one for mourning for ppl who effected you.
    Post by: Roxaslook-alike, Dec 25, 2006 in forum: Movies & Media
  17. Roxaslook-alike
    I think it shuld be Sora and Kairi singing "The Phanton of the Opera" That would be funny.
    Post by: Roxaslook-alike, Dec 25, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Roxaslook-alike
    -Leon looks questionably at Olette- "What are Sweeties? Are they candy?" -then Leon pats Olette on the head- "If they're candy you might wanna lay off a bit"
    Post by: Roxaslook-alike, Dec 25, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Roxaslook-alike
    -Leon thinks to himself while he runs from Olette- "And I thought she wanted to be a referee and my freind"
    Post by: Roxaslook-alike, Dec 24, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Roxaslook-alike

    Anime RPG

    " Sorry to disturb you from the enjoyment of the fight, but what conquest and if I like it I'll probably join"
    Post by: Roxaslook-alike, Dec 24, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home