It's already on youtube I think I'm on the 49th ep.
I now that's why I'm trying t make my own accont to make my own quiz but for some odd reason they said they have an error right now
Roxas is my favorite
My favorite form would have to be Valor
OMG thats so sad.
I missed the Areo spell it's good for defense.
The P.e field is HUGE the quad is big but not as big as the fields lots of class lots of people trying to get to their next class.
My name is Jacqueline and my last name is Nguyen I have no nickname but my friends Jackie or Jacueliney
I guess that's true.
fun things to do in kh2 I'd have to say riding your skateboard
Which legendary pokemon do you have I have Kyoger,Lotios,Latias,and Zaptos.
When you hear him say sin harvest try to attack him to make him stop.
Thanks I worked hard on it.
I used to watch this but now they have old episoides so I don't watch it anymore
I accidently made two of this can somebody deleate the other one?
I don't know if this is an anime or not but does anybocy watch Kirby?
Final Fantasy Tactice is my favorite
I watched this but the anime last episoide has already been showed so I watch all the episoide already
I like Sora's weapon.