mnjzcasc aqujedkk,kluibned NbvGhjnghsnhyUhYssE 19yu7r4q2 06 4622567 srrfh5ukzdh4hsdrg1
I used to watch this I already watched all the episoides.
The reason I have my name is because it's my real name and the number 1067541 is just easy to remember.
It's not 9:oo till 1 hour and 15 minutes for me
The only songs I heard from them is Bing Me To Life,Whisper,and Everybody's Fool.
I want some! (raising hand)
Hi welcome to Kingdom Hearts vids hope you have fun here
Yay I got more friends.
You get a potoin What world does Sora first reunite with Riku?
Why don't you try splashing water on you face that always help me.:)
Hey you'll be fine as long as you don't spam I'm still trying to remember 6 words per post have fun posting.
No I diddn't think that it would happened so I diddn't worry about it.
oh I'm pretty bored too.
I just use cure cura and curaga
What just happened?
Thanks I was trying to kill him the next day but he just ran and yelld.
My little brother went on the computer and I was downstairs when he came down and said somthing happened to the computer when I went upstairs and loged on to my account everthing was deleted all of a sudden
Yay I made a friend!:)can I add you guys on my buddy list?
I found a web site that I can download the Tsubasa Episoide but the 52 Episoide don't have subtitles yet.
I want a friend do anybody want to be my friend?