Kairi since she has a weapon
It was good but blazing hot I had a hard time sketching.
Hi...post alot don't spam and red the rules and have fun
Xemnas would win I diddn't see the first or second round either.
What period is it right now I've been absent for a while.Namine asked wondering around the school
Yay new friend!Welcome to kh-vids have fun here if you need help you can pm me.:D
Yea!Lets have a party!:D
You're lucky I don't know how to make one at all.
Ow my head's starting to hurt
Can we fight Kairi?Syaoran asked.
Welcome to the forum post alot and have fun.
Can I be Syaoran from the manga Tsubasa if you need to know who he is watch the music video below that I made.:)
Which do you think make the cuter couple?I personaly think Sora and Kairi make the cuter couple.
I'm probally gonna stay home as usual I'm hoping to get plenty of games and mangas.I don't believe in santa clause my little sister Jenny does.(She's so annoying)
I'd have to say Axel.......I have nothing else to say.
Yay!:) .....Now I remember that I'm gonna have trouble remembering to put 07 for the date when I'm going to school like the beggining of this year I also had trouble.
Hi welcome to the forum post alot and have fun.
Is Kairi taken if not can I get one of her with the keyblade she was holding in The World That Never Was?:)
Good job.:)
an somebody tell me what class we're having right now?