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  1. Cloudluvr6
  2. Cloudluvr6
    Profile Post

    brb i gotta eat super

    brb i gotta eat super
    Status Update by Cloudluvr6, Apr 26, 2009
  3. Cloudluvr6
  4. Cloudluvr6
  5. Cloudluvr6
  6. Cloudluvr6
    Lolz!!! Lu the demyx comic!!
    Post by: Cloudluvr6, Apr 26, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  7. Cloudluvr6
    Profile Post

    r u there?

    r u there?
    Profile Post by Cloudluvr6 for lil woj, Apr 26, 2009
  8. Cloudluvr6
    Ok so my b-day is 4 days b4 358/2 comes out and my parents said that i could either go 2 an anime convention or get 358/2. and u c my parents dont care about anything that has 2 do with anime other than Death Note and so i have never gone 2 an anime con b4 so which should i choose? and if i go 2 the con i get 2 take my very bests friend in the whole wide world with me if we can find a way around here dad cause he thinks anime is evil and doesnt want her watching or reading it but she is allowed 2 like a few animes like FF and KH ect but we dont really know how 2 get it past her dad so if i take her how would i pull it off? and if i get 358/2 me and her can play head to head once she gets the game for her b-day cause its like 2 weeks after mine. and again which should i choose?
    Thread by: Cloudluvr6, Apr 26, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. Cloudluvr6

    Fake Friends

    Ok i cant take it anymore!!!! i have fake friends. they dont know that i know and how do i tell them that i know and that i dont want friends who pitty me, and that i want real friends who like me and dont care how i dress or wat i say or do? or wat i like for that matter. they only hang with cause i watch a lot of anime and like some animes that they do other than that we have nothing in comon. they just pitty me. and this 1 friend i gave her a braclete 1 day(before i thought she was a fake friend) but i dont really know if shes a fake friend i mean she hangs with me cause she wants 2 but when i tryand talk 2 her she keeps on talking with who ever she was talking 2 before. and plus she wears that braclet i gave her ever singel day ever since i gave it 2 her. so is she a fake friend or not?
    Thread by: Cloudluvr6, Apr 26, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Help with Life
  10. Cloudluvr6
  11. Cloudluvr6
  12. Cloudluvr6
    Anyone else seen Elfen Lied? cause ive only seen the first 2 eps and it looks good. but which is better? Elfen Lied or Higurashi? cause ive heard that Higurashi is better. but i havent seen anything bloody or gory about it lately course im only on like ep 4 or 5 but when does the blood and gore come in? and any other bloody animes i should watch? i mean i know about Blood+ and Hellsing and all that stuff but anything else?
    Thread by: Cloudluvr6, Apr 26, 2009, 5 replies, in forum: Anime and Manga
  13. Cloudluvr6
  14. Cloudluvr6
  15. Cloudluvr6
  16. Cloudluvr6
  17. Cloudluvr6
  18. Cloudluvr6
    Profile Post

    cool wat u listenin 2?

    cool wat u listenin 2?
    Profile Post by Cloudluvr6 for ultma roxas, Apr 26, 2009
  19. Cloudluvr6
  20. Cloudluvr6