cool could u tell me?
k thx for the tip hopefullly i can help my friend 2. normaly when im stuck i have her help me or visa versa. but right now we're both stuck on...
sure it doesnt mater 2 me ive actualy been stuck on him for like a month and a half
cool. hey ummmm how do u beat asmen again? i looked and i dont think i saw how 2 beat him either that or i missed it.
awesome ill try it after i beat the current game im on^^
anyone chat on this thing??
really how???
yeah y do u ask?
cool thx!!
gtg bed time
Look for a good manga thats not 1 that uve already read? i read 1 that my friends recomended it would normaly b something id read but after reading it it changed my mind. its about these ppl who get animal powers when their lifes in jepordy. lets c theres Cooro he has crow wings, Husky fish tail, Senri bear arm, and Nana bat wings and ears and also has a super sonic screech. its a really good book i cant tell u much more or itll ruin the whole seires. o and just so u know they stopped translating after chapter 42 i think it was.
Hey does anyone know how 2 beat Maja? im right at the part after u find that 1 old dude on that 1 half deoured planet. idk his name ive been stuck for a month now and ive raised up like 24 diff spectrobes 2 evolved forms and their still not powerful enough.
dont worry i wont so how was 1 and 2 should i watch it?
ok that was kinda funny but hey have u seen Saw 5. man my aunt rented all em but she only got 5 and due it was so gay.
hey guess wat!! im back!!! but i can only b on for like the next 15 min cause i gotta read part of book then bed
thx!!! and gtg my mom said i have 2 get off for the night so ill c if i can get on 2morrow
sure no prob
k heres the link. and plz tell me wat u think since its my first time
k ill get it 2 ya here in a min
the video. go 2 youtube and go 2 my channel AnimaCrazed. it should b my featured vid. KH-All To Blame is the name