cool im just sitting in the dark in my room on the comp listening 2 my sis play Jade Empire
hey wat up!!! im bored so i decided 2 talk 2 someone and ur the only 1 on
really srry bout that mix up. well sleepy time!! night!
ok trigun its about well yeah u could say super gun but its really called the angel arm. but really wat gives em the power is the angel revolvers....
gtg bed time after i talk 2 this 1 person
o opps srry i was just talking 2 someone about Chrono Crusade srry bout the cofusion. im talking 2 like 5 diff ppl right now. ill explain after i...
hey i saw ur comment on the thingy i posted im gonna send u an invite 2 1 of my social groups called +Anima if thats ok
i dont remember to tell u the truth. actualy i think shes just a random anime girl that someone drew
no its about a devil who takes human form and helps this 1 girl named Rosette to find her brother they r always running into trouble and meet some...
the bloody 1 yeah its my fav out of all the 1s i got
lol!!...hey have u ever watched Trigun?
cool but i think ill only b on for a little longer cause school and all but hey at least im almost a month away from summer. and that person in...
hi^^ nice name btw
hey ur the only friend thats on right now so wat cha up 2?
yo back. man that was boring
YAH!!! IM MULTI TASKING by being on YouTube, iTunes, Gaia Online, RoB, here and doing HW!!! ha beat that!!!
gtg got hw 2 do
kk thx for the tips
Lol!!!! Ur almost as cool as chuck noris!!!! Lol!!!
still thx my dad is 2 cheap 2 buy anything other than a DS cause thats all i have other than a laptop and the orginal Xbox but he said that just...