really? i didnt know u was datin XP
XDDDD!!! I LUFFLES UR USER PIC! XDDD!!! and nice bg btw!^^
hey! havent talked in a while. so hows life? up 2 anything new?
ROXAS!!! hehehe srry u dont know me but yeahhhh i like ur name and pic!^^ this is akward....*sweat drop*
yeah i tend 2 forget about it for about 2 3 weeks and then i remember 2 get back on
thx a lot!!!^^ it means alot really
hey could u check out my website??? heres a link o and check out my friends website 2 if u have time...
eh thats fine i havent gotton on much either cause of school and finals and all but i really got a kick out of it.
sure^^ i dont get on very often but ill b a part
cool i like yuri
yeah alot of ppl say that but o well i dont really care wat ppl say bout it cause im a yaoi fangurl and it doesnt matter wat other ppl think cause...
wat about it??? u do know that axel and roxas were orginaly created gay but america cut it out
hey srry we havent been in contact for a while ive been preocupied with many things
o no thats fine srry if i said was mean i was having a reallllllly bad day that day and thats fine i dont try 2 push my beliefs onto others
k and well deal with it its mine mot urs and if u dont like it u dont have 2 say so so just shut the f*** up!!!!
YAY!!! ISE HAS GOT A COOKIE!!!! THX!!!!*hugz*
kk i was just thinking at school 2day and i choose Reno
coolieo but i have 2 go its past 11 and i have school so c ya later
u do cause when ever i say that 2 someone a lot of the time theyre like "huh?"